Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

I grew up in the construction business. I've spent as much time with shovels as you have with keyboards. You just aren't making any sense with your cryptic posts.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

I grew up in the construction business. I've spent as much time with shovels as you have with keyboards. You just aren't making any sense with your cryptic posts.
If you have any understanding of the construction business you probably understand congress's problem with the Trump the wall. Suppose you went to the bank and asked for 5 billion dollars to start building a wall somewhere along the US border with the location not yet determined, the type of wall undetermined, time frame to complete the wall undetermined, environmental impact undetermined, the total cost of the wall undetermined, additional personnel to support the wall undetermined undetermined, and the plan for boarder security where there is no wall undetermined. Obliviously, you would have no chance of getting funding. However, this being goverment the president believes he can get his big beautiful wall by just asking for a slush fund for a wall and border security.

If Trump actually presented congress with a real plan for better border security covering the barrier to used on all 2000 miles of border, the total estimated cost and completion time, then congress could actually evaluate the request. The total lack of details means any decision will not be based on quality of the plan but on party ideology. So congress and the nation would be stuck with whatever Trump decides. That's absolutely unacceptable.

More cheap excuses. You people never seem to run out of them.

It doesn't matter what Trump does or doesn't do. As far as the Democrats are concerned, no wall for any reason. It has nothing to do with blueprints, plans, locations. It has to do with the Democrats fighting to the death something they can't easily remove or reverse. That's the problem.

We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?

Tell me prosecuting these criminals is a net positive for my State along with all the things they cost us on. This is just 7 years of stats.
According to DHS status indicators, over 273,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, of which over 184,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, these 184,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 288,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 538 homicide charges; 32,005 assault charges; 5,622 burglary charges; 36,346 drug charges; 392 kidnapping charges; 15,674 theft charges; 23,222 obstructing police charges; 1,634 robbery charges; 3,381 sexual assault charges; 2,124 sexual offense charges; and 2,898 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 118,000 convictions including 236 homicide convictions; 13,347 assault convictions; 3,111 burglary convictions; 17,618 drug convictions; 169 kidnapping convictions; 6,994 theft convictions; 11,160 obstructing police convictions; 995 robbery convictions; 1,671 sexual assault convictions; 1,134 sexual offense convictions; and 1,259 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data


Ooooh. That looks legit!

Wow I bet you had to work hard on that moronic response. It's from the TX Dept Of Public Safety. Of course you don't care about 538 dead Americans.

If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?

Tell me prosecuting these criminals is a net positive for my State along with all the things they cost us on. This is just 7 years of stats.
According to DHS status indicators, over 273,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, of which over 184,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, these 184,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 288,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 538 homicide charges; 32,005 assault charges; 5,622 burglary charges; 36,346 drug charges; 392 kidnapping charges; 15,674 theft charges; 23,222 obstructing police charges; 1,634 robbery charges; 3,381 sexual assault charges; 2,124 sexual offense charges; and 2,898 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 118,000 convictions including 236 homicide convictions; 13,347 assault convictions; 3,111 burglary convictions; 17,618 drug convictions; 169 kidnapping convictions; 6,994 theft convictions; 11,160 obstructing police convictions; 995 robbery convictions; 1,671 sexual assault convictions; 1,134 sexual offense convictions; and 1,259 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data


Ooooh. That looks legit!

If you took Texas and put it in the middle east (which it basically resembles with it’s pollution, miles of nothingness, terrible politics, religion based policies etc…), Trump ass kissers would ban immigration from there.

You're bigger fucking liar than you claim Trump to be. Go to hell.

[OMG, at the expense of posting literally walls of text I've answered EVERY question I've been asked. So that is a lie. Otherwise, you would have quoted some question that has not been addressed.

Except mine. Once again, tell me where any walls are built that have totally failed in their design goal to either keep people by and large in or others out. Right now, all it takes to cross the border are two good feet or a pair of wire snips. How is it that Israel can built a wall that keeps 99% of all but the most extreme, organized and determined out (who eventually get detected and stopped anyway) but the USA can't?

If walls don't work, why is every jail surrounded by one, every secure facility surrounded by one, the Vatican surrounded by one, every castle surrounded by one, every gated community surrounded by one and every Hollywood actor's home who opposes the wall, SURROUNDED BY ONE?
Walls do not keep people out. They simple delay intrusion. It is those that guard the walls that prevent intrusion.

Israel success is due primarily to several factors that do not exist in the US. First, the length of border is one fifth that on the US border and intrusion attempts are estimated at 12,000 to 16,000 a year less than a tenth of what we seen in the US. Israel law requires a 3 year sentence for any one attempting an illegal entry. In the US, there is no mandatory sentence and in fact few ever spend anytime in jail. Unlike US border security, the Israel wall was designed to repel terrorists and military invasions, not families seeking a better life which is why guards are authorized to shoot to kill to stop intruders. Lastly the Israel military works on both sides of the border unlike the US.
Correct, this is a barrier free country, and that's why we have over 20 million illegals here. If you don't think 20 million people here illegally is an issue, over 70,000 Americans dying from overdoses every year is an issue, Americans losing work and working for lower pay because of foreigners is an issue, Americans getting murdered by these foreigners is an issue, then what is an issue to you?

I don't like that we spend 70 billion a year on food stamps either; especially when I see the kind of people using them at my grocery store, but hey......... we keep spending it anyway.

A wall that we originally wanted is less than half of that, and it's one time only, not an annual thing.
The majority of those 20 million came in to the country legally, then wound up not reporting to the INS when their visas ran out. They take jobs Americans don't want. And you have a bigger chance getting murdered by the alt right, than you do someone whose in the country illegally.

This is a non-issue. Only 10% of the most whacked out part of our population wants this wall.

Sure, if you believe biased polling that wants to convince people of something that's not true.

Trump won the presidential election because of the wall. Last midterms broke records for turnouts on both sides. If nobody wanted the wall, the Republican turnout would have been pathetic.
If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?

Tell me prosecuting these criminals is a net positive for my State along with all the things they cost us on. This is just 7 years of stats.
According to DHS status indicators, over 273,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, of which over 184,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, these 184,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 288,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 538 homicide charges; 32,005 assault charges; 5,622 burglary charges; 36,346 drug charges; 392 kidnapping charges; 15,674 theft charges; 23,222 obstructing police charges; 1,634 robbery charges; 3,381 sexual assault charges; 2,124 sexual offense charges; and 2,898 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 118,000 convictions including 236 homicide convictions; 13,347 assault convictions; 3,111 burglary convictions; 17,618 drug convictions; 169 kidnapping convictions; 6,994 theft convictions; 11,160 obstructing police convictions; 995 robbery convictions; 1,671 sexual assault convictions; 1,134 sexual offense convictions; and 1,259 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data


Ooooh. That looks legit!

If you took Texas and put it in the middle east (which it basically resembles with it’s pollution, miles of nothingness, terrible politics, religion based policies etc…), Trump ass kissers would ban immigration from there.

You're bigger fucking liar than you claim Trump to be. Go to hell.


You mad bro?
We spend 18.5 billion a year for illegals health care.
The cost of illegal narcotics such as meth coke and herion and fentanyl is 192 billion a year.

Add in other cost and lost productivity and jobs to Americans and yoir talking a easy 300 to 350 billion a year..

Then you have the crime generated by illegals drug dealers and death by overdose.
I want one democrat here to honestly tell me it not worth reducing these costs.

Now I know full well that the above issues can not be stopped completely but if a wall reduced this all by say 10 percent to 20 percent your talking about a savings of 40 to 80 billion a year.

No look at that over 10 to 20 years 1.6 trillion or more in 20 years.
And your aginst that . your saying were all for illegals crime drug use supporting gangs.

What makes you think Trump's border wall, an example of Medieval technology, will stop any of that?

Trump thinks so. He says it all the time. But you are brighter than Trump.

Our 21st century border patrol says they are 95% effective, they are the experts I count on. FOOL.


You will accept the decision of the Border Patrol regarding the need for a wall?

They already been very insistent that they want it. Of course you'll deny that, it doesn't fit your propaganda.


If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?

Tell me prosecuting these criminals is a net positive for my State along with all the things they cost us on. This is just 7 years of stats.
According to DHS status indicators, over 273,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, of which over 184,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, these 184,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 288,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 538 homicide charges; 32,005 assault charges; 5,622 burglary charges; 36,346 drug charges; 392 kidnapping charges; 15,674 theft charges; 23,222 obstructing police charges; 1,634 robbery charges; 3,381 sexual assault charges; 2,124 sexual offense charges; and 2,898 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 118,000 convictions including 236 homicide convictions; 13,347 assault convictions; 3,111 burglary convictions; 17,618 drug convictions; 169 kidnapping convictions; 6,994 theft convictions; 11,160 obstructing police convictions; 995 robbery convictions; 1,671 sexual assault convictions; 1,134 sexual offense convictions; and 1,259 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data


Ooooh. That looks legit!

Wow I bet you had to work hard on that moronic response. It's from the TX Dept Of Public Safety. Of course you don't care about 538 dead Americans.


What's the corresponding data for US citizens?
If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

I grew up in the construction business. I've spent as much time with shovels as you have with keyboards. You just aren't making any sense with your cryptic posts.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.
If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

I grew up in the construction business. I've spent as much time with shovels as you have with keyboards. You just aren't making any sense with your cryptic posts.
If you have any understanding of the construction business you probably understand congress's problem with the Trump the wall. Suppose you went to the bank and asked for 5 billion dollars to start building a wall somewhere along the US border with the location not yet determined, the type of wall undetermined, time frame to complete the wall undetermined, environmental impact undetermined, the total cost of the wall undetermined, additional personnel to support the wall undetermined undetermined, and the plan for boarder security where there is no wall undetermined. Obliviously, you would have no chance of getting funding. However, this being goverment the president believes he can get his big beautiful wall by just asking for a slush fund for a wall and border security.

If Trump actually presented congress with a real plan for better border security covering the barrier to used on all 2000 miles of border, the total estimated cost and completion time, then congress could actually evaluate the request. The total lack of details means any decision will not be based on quality of the plan but on party ideology. So congress and the nation would be stuck with whatever Trump decides. That's absolutely unacceptable.

More cheap excuses. You people never seem to run out of them.

It doesn't matter what Trump does or doesn't do. As far as the Democrats are concerned, no wall for any reason. It has nothing to do with blueprints, plans, locations. It has to do with the Democrats fighting to the death something they can't easily remove or reverse. That's the problem.

We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.
Trump has reduce the wall debate to a ideological battle because he has never presented a detailed plan to congress for border security. Since he has not specified where he will build border wall(s), a real estimate of cost, the design for the wall, border security for segments not protected by a wall, monitoring, and personnel requirements. He has simply asked congress for a 5 billion dollars slush fund for a wall and border security which allows him to build whatever he wants wherever he wants.
Correct, this is a barrier free country, and that's why we have over 20 million illegals here. If you don't think 20 million people here illegally is an issue, over 70,000 Americans dying from overdoses every year is an issue, Americans losing work and working for lower pay because of foreigners is an issue, Americans getting murdered by these foreigners is an issue, then what is an issue to you?

I don't like that we spend 70 billion a year on food stamps either; especially when I see the kind of people using them at my grocery store, but hey......... we keep spending it anyway.

A wall that we originally wanted is less than half of that, and it's one time only, not an annual thing.
The majority of those 20 million came in to the country legally, then wound up not reporting to the INS when their visas ran out. They take jobs Americans don't want. And you have a bigger chance getting murdered by the alt right, than you do someone whose in the country illegally.

This is a non-issue. Only 10% of the most whacked out part of our population wants this wall.

Sure, if you believe biased polling that wants to convince people of something that's not true.

Trump won the presidential election because of the wall. Last midterms broke records for turnouts on both sides. If nobody wanted the wall, the Republican turnout would have been pathetic.
Of course someone wants a big beautiful wall. However, a lot more people want to know that it will really work, how much will it cost, how long will it take to build it, what parts of the border will have a wall, what is the environmental impact, and what will be done with the rest of the border. Trump tweets one thing today and something entirely different tomorrow. That is not a plan.
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Yes I agree someone posting here is stupid and unaware of the fact.

Many illegals travel in so called waste land as do those who have been deported in the past with criminal records and those carrying narcotics.

Now as for a nothern wall.
At some time we will probally need one.
But as it we dont have a lot of Canadian citizens trying to sneek into America.
Perhaps some.
Next not a of ms13 or other ganbangers comming from canada .
Next while marajuana is comming across the northern boarders im not aware of any drug cartels producing meth in super labs smuggling it into our northern boarders or of cocaine or herion being produced in canada or Fentanyl labs.

So yes there is a differance between the 2 boarders that any moron can plainly see.
Of course those with a lower Iq than a moron would naturally fail to be able to see the differances sadly.
Do you ever put an ounce of thought into your dumb ideas ?

Walls in the mid of nowhere are not worth the cost.

Populated areas . Fine . Clear across mountains and wasteland ? Stupid .

Y’all are falling for typical scapegoating . Where’s the Canadian wall?? Oh, they are white peoples !
Who’s the illegal in your family?

Mine came over legally .

Just because I don’t want to waste money on a white elephant doesn’t mean I’m against border patrol .

Have y’all sat down and thought of the logistics of this thing ? And it’s realky about trumps ego.
Walls do not keep people out. They simple delay intrusion. It is those that guard the walls that prevent intrusion.

Israel success is due primarily to several factors that do not exist in the US. First, the length of border is one fifth that on the US border and intrusion attempts are estimated at 12,000 to 16,000 a year less than a tenth of what we seen in the US. Israel law requires a 3 year sentence for any one attempting an illegal entry. In the US, there is no mandatory sentence and in fact few ever spend anytime in jail. Unlike US border security, the Israel wall was designed to repel terrorists and military invasions, not families seeking a better life which is why guards are authorized to shoot to kill to stop intruders. Lastly the Israel military works on both sides of the border unlike the US.

Oh Flip-Flopper, walls DO keep people out and people in.Just because one cannot be 100% effective and only 99% effective is a BULLSHIT excuse not to build one. Second, about time we include a 3 year sentence for anyone attempting to come in, why do you think they keep trying? Lock 'em up, put them to HARD LABOR doing work for us, then throw them out. Third, we too need to repel terrorists, and any one of these people could be an unknown drug dealer or terrorist. What are you going to say when we get hit with another 9/11 and it is shown they came up through the border?

Forth, anyone climbing or one the wall, shoot them on sight. If these people want to come here illegally, they are alien invaders. We need to make this an avoid-avoid situation. If they want a better life, run for office or seek it back home where you came from. I don't need my life made worse just because you don't like how your own country is run.
I forgot to adress your comment that they are white people.

First so you know im not white.

Second when we start having the same problem with the northern boarder I would call for the same action.
It seems your the real racist here as race has nothing to do with it.
I dont care if your white black red brown or yellow if your a ILLEGAL ALIEN YOUR ILLEGAL.

If everyone in south America was white and we were experiencing the same problems with illegals and drugs and related crime I would feel the same way. It seems your the one who has a problem with race not me.
If undocumented immigrants represented a net positive for the US economy, would the OP have a change of heart?

Tell me prosecuting these criminals is a net positive for my State along with all the things they cost us on. This is just 7 years of stats.
According to DHS status indicators, over 273,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, of which over 184,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, these 184,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 288,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 538 homicide charges; 32,005 assault charges; 5,622 burglary charges; 36,346 drug charges; 392 kidnapping charges; 15,674 theft charges; 23,222 obstructing police charges; 1,634 robbery charges; 3,381 sexual assault charges; 2,124 sexual offense charges; and 2,898 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 118,000 convictions including 236 homicide convictions; 13,347 assault convictions; 3,111 burglary convictions; 17,618 drug convictions; 169 kidnapping convictions; 6,994 theft convictions; 11,160 obstructing police convictions; 995 robbery convictions; 1,671 sexual assault convictions; 1,134 sexual offense convictions; and 1,259 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data


Ooooh. That looks legit!

If you took Texas and put it in the middle east (which it basically resembles with it’s pollution, miles of nothingness, terrible politics, religion based policies etc…), Trump ass kissers would ban immigration from there.

You're bigger fucking liar than you claim Trump to be. Go to hell.


You mad bro?

Sickened by commies is more like it. I guess you don't care about the people victimized all over this country, by people that shouldn't even be here. Hopefully you'll get a lesson first hand how it feels to lose someone close at the hands of illegal. Then you might understand their reality and won't be so flippant.


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