Why is Christianity more pronounced in the U.S. than the rest of Western society?

Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's"

i'll wait around for a few so you can inform me when Jesus said it is the government's job, and not the job of the Church and individuals, to take care of the poor.

Really, you don't have a clue.

"What you do to the least of these my brothers, you do also to me"

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to get into heaven"

"Do not lay up your treasures on Earth, instead build your treasure in heaven"

And I'm an agnostic.

where is GOVERNMENT in this quote dummy?

try again
Christianity appeared and the Middle East and spread in Europe profoundly.
Taking into consideration the severe years of inquisition I may suppose that Europe should be far more "Christian" than the USA...
Americans tend to follow the traditions and the belief of Christianity a lot more than the rest of Western civilization. How can this be?

The civilizations in Europe are far older and more mature than the U.S. 75% of the people here are not educated. Ignorance lends itself to belief in a deity. Any deity.

The weird thing with kristianity in the U.S. is it has been bastardized to allow 'kristians' to accumulate wealth and spit on and ignore the poor. The exact opposite of what Jesus Christ is.

They are in fact anti-Christ.


oh how amusing; the arrogance of a loser denigrating 100 million people for having beliefs different than he has

I imagine you have no problem doing the same to 1.3 billion Muslims Newman. Or tens of millions of Hindus.

You can't refute arguments so you go to your old friend, ad hominem. Like an 8 year old, like Trump.

it isnt ad hominem you dullard; you just DID denigrate Christians

AD HOMINEM would be what you just did; assuming i insult Muslims and Hindus

see that is exactly what i'm talking about; you're too much of an ego-driven asshole to see your own hypocrisy

great job though!!


Thanks perfesser, how's Gilligan?
Christianity appeared and the Middle East and spread in Europe profoundly.
Taking into consideration the severe years of inquisition I may suppose that Europe should be far more "Christian" than the USA...
Americans tend to follow the traditions and the belief of Christianity a lot more than the rest of Western civilization. How can this be?

The civilizations in Europe are far older and more mature than the U.S. 75% of the people here are not educated. Ignorance lends itself to belief in a deity. Any deity.

The weird thing with kristianity in the U.S. is it has been bastardized to allow 'kristians' to accumulate wealth and spit on and ignore the poor. The exact opposite of what Jesus Christ is.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

you have absolutely nothing to back that up. but as is usual with your ilk, you're a self-impressed idiot too smug to see you're making a fool of yourself right now.

you have no idea what the rich give to the poor, you're only making that statement because we dont feel it is the government's job to do that; and neither did Jesus Christ

Your mind has a way of building mental scaffolding to allow you to belief opposites are the same.

Even a child understands Jesus helped the poor and cursed the rich. Well, in the Holy Bible anyway. Which Jesus you are talking about is anyone's guess. Probably fake kristianity Jesus.

i asked yo uto prove He wanted the government to do it

you missed this chance

try again

As I said, Christianity in the U.S. is bastardized by people that want to keep money, the opposite of Jesus Christ.

You and your cohorts have proven the point.

THANK YOU! :bye1:
Christianity appeared and the Middle East and spread in Europe profoundly.
Taking into consideration the severe years of inquisition I may suppose that Europe should be far more "Christian" than the USA...
Americans tend to follow the traditions and the belief of Christianity a lot more than the rest of Western civilization. How can this be?

The civilizations in Europe are far older and more mature than the U.S. 75% of the people here are not educated. Ignorance lends itself to belief in a deity. Any deity.

The weird thing with kristianity in the U.S. is it has been bastardized to allow 'kristians' to accumulate wealth and spit on and ignore the poor. The exact opposite of what Jesus Christ is.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

you have absolutely nothing to back that up. but as is usual with your ilk, you're a self-impressed idiot too smug to see you're making a fool of yourself right now.

you have no idea what the rich give to the poor, you're only making that statement because we dont feel it is the government's job to do that; and neither did Jesus Christ

Your mind has a way of building mental scaffolding to allow you to belief opposites are the same.

Even a child understands Jesus helped the poor and cursed the rich. Well, in the Holy Bible anyway. Which Jesus you are talking about is anyone's guess. Probably fake kristianity Jesus.

i asked yo uto prove He wanted the government to do it

you missed this chance

try again

As I said, Christianity in the U.S. is bastardized by people that want to keep money, the opposite of Jesus Christ.

You and your cohorts have proven the point.

THANK YOU! :bye1:

you made a fool of yourself

The civilizations in Europe are far older and more mature than the U.S. 75% of the people here are not educated. Ignorance lends itself to belief in a deity. Any deity.

The weird thing with kristianity in the U.S. is it has been bastardized to allow 'kristians' to accumulate wealth and spit on and ignore the poor. The exact opposite of what Jesus Christ is.

They are in fact anti-Christ.

you have absolutely nothing to back that up. but as is usual with your ilk, you're a self-impressed idiot too smug to see you're making a fool of yourself right now.

you have no idea what the rich give to the poor, you're only making that statement because we dont feel it is the government's job to do that; and neither did Jesus Christ

Your mind has a way of building mental scaffolding to allow you to belief opposites are the same.

Even a child understands Jesus helped the poor and cursed the rich. Well, in the Holy Bible anyway. Which Jesus you are talking about is anyone's guess. Probably fake kristianity Jesus.

i asked yo uto prove He wanted the government to do it

you missed this chance

try again

As I said, Christianity in the U.S. is bastardized by people that want to keep money, the opposite of Jesus Christ.

You and your cohorts have proven the point.

THANK YOU! :bye1:

you made a fool of yourself


Because you say so right! LOL

Ignorance relies on circular non-logic as you do. And when you can't refute something you simply declare yourself the 'winner'.

You get a cookie.
IT'S HILARIOUS, you cant make your point and embarrass yourself; but your butthurt Prog pride wont allow you to stop posting! ;)
Same reason why we have the lowest math and science scores in the industrialized world.

Americans are just piss ignorant.

Or, maybe because we are relatively the most kind, generous, and tolerant. To illustrate, would you rather be poor in Cuba vs. US or homosexual in Saudi Arabia vs. US? Would you rather be Black in Alabama or in some African nation where they still enslave Blacks?

Christianity and Capitalism are the basis for making US exceptional.
liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.
liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

you forgot you're a babbling loser lefty posting from Ireland, and nobody cares what you have to say.
silly left-wing nutjob; we arent saying dont help the poor, we ARE saying the Left's idea of "helping" the poor is to CREATE MORE OF THEM. and actual facts back that up leftard, at least in recent years, under obama
liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

you forgot you're a babbling loser lefty posting from Ireland, and nobody cares what you have to say.

So I am right but you don't care. I see no defense.
liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

you forgot you're a babbling loser lefty posting from Ireland, and nobody cares what you have to say.

So I am right but you don't care. I see no defense.

i would have to take you seriously to offer a defense. i dont, so i just make fun of you
you have absolutely nothing to back that up. but as is usual with your ilk, you're a self-impressed idiot too smug to see you're making a fool of yourself right now.

you have no idea what the rich give to the poor, you're only making that statement because we dont feel it is the government's job to do that; and neither did Jesus Christ

Your mind has a way of building mental scaffolding to allow you to belief opposites are the same.

Even a child understands Jesus helped the poor and cursed the rich. Well, in the Holy Bible anyway. Which Jesus you are talking about is anyone's guess. Probably fake kristianity Jesus.

i asked yo uto prove He wanted the government to do it

you missed this chance

try again

As I said, Christianity in the U.S. is bastardized by people that want to keep money, the opposite of Jesus Christ.

You and your cohorts have proven the point.

THANK YOU! :bye1:

you made a fool of yourself


Because you say so right! LOL

Ignorance relies on circular non-logic as you do. And when you can't refute something you simply declare yourself the 'winner'.

You get a cookie.

You see this is where you were wrong. View you take your myopic view of the world and then find anything in the Bible which might( if you close one eye) back you and use that to vindicate your life.

Look at bedowin here, he doesn't want to follow the Bible's teachings, he wants to manipulate the Bible to his views of the world. So being Rich is good(no matter what Jesus said) and only hatters would say different.

And look if he gets cornered, Just start into personal insults (Jesus is good with that too).
How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

you forgot you're a babbling loser lefty posting from Ireland, and nobody cares what you have to say.

So I am right but you don't care. I see no defense.

i would have to take you seriously to offer a defense. i dont, so i just make fun of you

Again no defense just more personal insults...
How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

Then why aren't all governors Democrats and all state legislatures Democrat.

awww you need things broken down for you right? there are enough "red people" to make the state red overall; doesnt mean the cities arent Blue.

You said liberals run the school systems in AMERICA.

Who are the liberals who run the school system in Texas?


how much do you want to bet in Texas cities where they've elected Dem Mayors the school systems are run by liberals there too?

You said AMERICA's schools are run by liberals. You didn't say, some schools in liberal areas of America are run by liberals.

You fucked up again, didn't you?

ONCE MORE, who are liberals who run the school system in Texas?
Christianity appeared and the Middle East and spread in Europe profoundly.
Taking into consideration the severe years of inquisition I may suppose that Europe should be far more "Christian" than the USA...
Americans tend to follow the traditions and the belief of Christianity a lot more than the rest of Western civilization. How can this be?

That's ridiculously stupid, only American leftists coiuld possibly think that and that's because they are idiots
liberals run the education system in America left-wing nutjob. if it's screwed up whose fault is that?
maybe if you spent more time on reading and math instead of thinking it's your job to read "Heather Has Two Mommies" to school children, or teaching them how to put on a condom.........................??? ijs

How can liberals run school systems in conservative states?
because even Red states have BLUE CITIES where most of the population is dummy.

I would like to thank bedowin as an example. He will tell you all day how he is a real American when he doesn't actually want to support the American society.
He is a hypocrite.
He will even try and say not supporting American Society is patriotic thing and I couldn't possibly understand (then we get the customary horseshit about 'Freedom').

Truth is he is a shite American who wants a weak American Society.

I don't understand the basis for claiming someone doesn't support American Society.

Does he work and produce goods or services that benefit American Society? Likely. Does he support values and beliefs that are fundamental to how this country was created? I wager so.

People who create wealth, people who create jobs, people who are productive, people who live a moral life, who teach their kids what life is really about..... those people support American Society, far more than any leftist who demands other people pay more and more taxes that really only supports government, which oppresses Americans.
Your mind has a way of building mental scaffolding to allow you to belief opposites are the same.

Even a child understands Jesus helped the poor and cursed the rich. Well, in the Holy Bible anyway. Which Jesus you are talking about is anyone's guess. Probably fake kristianity Jesus.

i asked yo uto prove He wanted the government to do it

you missed this chance

try again

As I said, Christianity in the U.S. is bastardized by people that want to keep money, the opposite of Jesus Christ.

You and your cohorts have proven the point.

THANK YOU! :bye1:

you made a fool of yourself


Because you say so right! LOL

Ignorance relies on circular non-logic as you do. And when you can't refute something you simply declare yourself the 'winner'.

You get a cookie.

You see this is where you were wrong. View you take your myopic view of the world and then find anything in the Bible which might( if you close one eye) back you and use that to vindicate your life.

Look at bedowin here, he doesn't want to follow the Bible's teachings, he wants to manipulate the Bible to his views of the world. So being Rich is good(no matter what Jesus said) and only hatters would say different.

And look if he gets cornered, Just start into personal insults (Jesus is good with that too).

Before you can talk about others not following the Bible, you need to do it yourself.

If you don't believe the Bible, then you have no business trying to tell others what something you don't believe, says.

You talk about hypocrisy, and yet you are modeling exactly what hypocrisy is.
Christianity appeared and the Middle East and spread in Europe profoundly.
Taking into consideration the severe years of inquisition I may suppose that Europe should be far more "Christian" than the USA...
Americans tend to follow the traditions and the belief of Christianity a lot more than the rest of Western civilization. How can this be?
Our American tradition, and indeed our laws permit a freedom of religion rather than religion and the state being attached at the hip. Americans enjoy a unique long standing tradition of practicing religion without constraints.

The rest of the Western World has had to endure the coupling of religion and state. That means heresy laws are state laws. This is the peril of allowing religion to interconnect itself with otherwise secular government.
Christianity appeared and the Middle East and spread in Europe profoundly.
Taking into consideration the severe years of inquisition I may suppose that Europe should be far more "Christian" than the USA...
Americans tend to follow the traditions and the belief of Christianity a lot more than the rest of Western civilization. How can this be?

That's ridiculously stupid, only American leftists coiuld possibly think that and that's because they are idiots
I didn't take the OP as leftist. Do you really believe that Western Europe is not more secularized than here? Religion has had much less influence in "stemming" tides in stuff like gay rights and stem cell research. Whether that's good or bad is simply one's personal belief.

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