Why is Christianity so Hated?

hylandrdet said:
:lalala: + :alco:= This.

I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough space to break down this bullshit. I'm just going to keep this simple. Liberals are good Christians because their love is unconditional; their only flaw lies within the fact that their compassion for others is too extreme. It needs to be controlled.

Conservatives are,"all men are created equal, except gays, blacks, jews, muslims, hispanics, asaians, indians, democrats, liberals, martians, hollywood, the medias, Ashley Simpson, Paris Hilton, the pope, the ACLU, David Letterman, OJ Simpson, Terrell Owens, Cat Stevens and anybody that resembles Bill Clinton.

You can't call yourself a good christian when pass negative judgment upon others. That GOD's job. Your attack on the liberal contradicts the very point you're trying to make about being a good christian.


If this is what you really think conservatives are all about, you're pretty much beyond hope. Don't talk to me any more.
Hobbit said:

If this is what you really think conservatives are all about, you're pretty much beyond hope. Don't talk to me any more.

Especially the first paragraph. Too effin funny!
hylandrdet said:
:lalala: + :alco:= This.

...You can't call yourself a good christian when pass negative judgment upon others. That GOD's job. Your attack on the liberal contradicts the very point you're trying to make about being a good christian.

What bull.

Paul writing to the local church in Corinth:

11 "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one not to eat."

The point is that any sin that is practiced openly and unrepentantly by a believer should call for our separation from that person. Sounds like a judgment to me.

Which dovetails nicely with Jesus' own words to the woman caught in adultery. Ironically, probably the most favored verse by the "do not judge" crowd.

John 7: 53 - 8: 11
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her..."
"Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."

Jesus did not say, "No one has a right to judge you, so go on and live your life however you want to." He said, "Go and sin no more". At the same time, he showed the Pharisees that their motives for judging this woman were improper; they were using the letter of the law and this woman's actions to try to trick Jesus into saying something that would get Him in trouble with the Roman governor. Jesus is letting them know that the way they judge will be applied to them as well. They knew they were as guilty as the adulteress. He never said Adultery is okay, or that no one can find fault with it. He did, however, forgive the woman ("Neither do I condemn thee").

It is not smart or logical to take your (mis)interpretation of the Bible and try to use it against Christians.
Powerman said:
I don't hate Christianity and I'm not a liberal either..
Yet oddly enough, someone has copied statements you have made to the contrary.

Powerman said:
But what I do hate is people that do stupid things in the name of Christianity. Ya know...the things that you chose to leave off limits to the conversation...Funny how you don't grant that same amount of wiggle room to Muslims. I'm pretty sure that most terrorist actions violate the laws of Islam. So those people are in effect using their religion for evil the same way Christians have in the past..
But the mainstream muslims are not coming out and roundly condemning the terorists. When an aboriton clinic is bombed, all the leading Christians and organizations condemned it.

Powerman said:
There really isn't anything wrong with Christianity but some negatives do come out of it. Christians in general do not like Gays and want to deny them the right to marry. .
We dont deny gays the right to marry.

Powerman said:
Hate to break it to you but marriage isn't exclusive to Christians. Also I've pointed out several times that Christians tend to have a disdain for science when it conflicts with the bible and want to make a big fuss about things and hinder education and truth. But other than that Christianity is pretty good.
"1. Christianity, as I'm sure you know, calls homosexuality a sin. Unfortunately, some Christians seem to think that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin. And there is a good reason that Christians oppose gay marriage: marriage is a God-ordained institution that is specifically designed to be between a man and a woman."

Really? So 2 atheists can't get married by a justice of the peace? That's news to me. Legally speaking Marriage isn't God ordained. It is God ordained if you choose to go about it that way but the law doesn't care whether or not you chose to do such a thing.
Powerman said:
"1. Christianity, as I'm sure you know, calls homosexuality a sin. Unfortunately, some Christians seem to think that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin. And there is a good reason that Christians oppose gay marriage: marriage is a God-ordained institution that is specifically designed to be between a man and a woman."

Really? So 2 atheists can't get married by a justice of the peace? That's news to me. Legally speaking Marriage isn't God ordained. It is God ordained if you choose to go about it that way but the law doesn't care whether or not you chose to do such a thing.

But what is the historical origin of the government recognized institution.

A dog is a chair. That sounds right. Yeah.
hylandrdet said:
:lalala: + :alco:= This.

I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough space to break down this bullshit. I'm just going to keep this simple. Liberals are good Christians because their love is unconditional; their only flaw lies within the fact that their compassion for others is too extreme. It needs to be controlled.

Conservatives are,"all men are created equal, except gays, blacks, jews, muslims, hispanics, asaians, indians, democrats, liberals, martians, hollywood, the medias, Ashley Simpson, Paris Hilton, the pope, the ACLU, David Letterman, OJ Simpson, Terrell Owens, Cat Stevens and anybody that resembles Bill Clinton.

You can't call yourself a good christian when pass negative judgment upon others. That GOD's job. Your attack on the liberal contradicts the very point you're trying to make about being a good christian.

I remember having a modicum of respect for you at one time. Now I see you're just a hate-filled, lying, buffoon.

Liberals are bad christians because the only form of charity they espouse is governmental theft through income redistritbution. That's not jesus's way. That's Stalin's.
Powerman said:
Tells me you are making things too simple. There are some verses in the Koran that say to slaughter the infidels and what not but they also have rules of how they engage in war. They are not taught to use the type of tactics they use from the Koran. The Koran would condemn the actions of the terrorists. I can promise you that.

Where are the imams condemning terrorism then? And I don't mean the posers meant for western consumption only.
rtwngAvngr said:
But what is the historical origin of the government recognized institution.

A dog is a chair. That sounds right. Yeah.

The historical origin of something is not the same as what the current legal interpretation of it is. That much should be obvious. And marriage isn't exlusive to any particular religion. They all have their own ceremonial practices.
Powerman said:
The historical origin of something is not the same as what the current legal interpretation of it is. That much should be obvious. And marriage isn't exlusive to any particular religion. They all have their own ceremonial practices.

Your logic is off. You're saying anything recognized by the government cannot be religious. You can try to change the meaning of words if you want, but you look foolish.
rtwngAvngr said:
Your logic is off. You're saying anything recognized by the government cannot be religious. You can try to change the meaning of words if you want, but you look foolish.

I don't need to change any words. The govt. recognizes religous marriages but as far as the govt. is concerned they are no different legally than non religous marriages. So you can have a religous marriage or you can have a non religous marriage. Both have legal implications and one has a spiritual implication. I don't know how much simpler it can be. If the govt. was worried about keeping marriages sacred then they wouldn't have a problem honoring polygamy where the religion allows it.
Oh yes. The legal interpretation of it. Judges and lawyers are on crack and just hallucinate whatever they want into law.
hylandrdet said:
:lalala: + :alco:= This.

I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough space to break down this bullshit. I'm just going to keep this simple. Liberals are good Christians because their love is unconditional; their only flaw lies within the fact that their compassion for others is too extreme. It needs to be controlled.

Conservatives are,"all men are created equal, except gays, blacks, jews, muslims, hispanics, asaians, indians, democrats, liberals, martians, hollywood, the medias, Ashley Simpson, Paris Hilton, the pope, the ACLU, David Letterman, OJ Simpson, Terrell Owens, Cat Stevens and anybody that resembles Bill Clinton.

You can't call yourself a good christian when pass negative judgment upon others. That GOD's job. Your attack on the liberal contradicts the very point you're trying to make about being a good christian.

Powerman said:
I don't need to change any words. The govt. recognizes religous marriages but as far as the govt. is concerned they are no different legally than non religous marriages. So you can have a religous marriage or you can have a non religous marriage. Both have legal implications and one has a spiritual implication. I don't know how much simpler it can be. If the govt. was worried about keeping marriages sacred then they wouldn't have a problem honoring polygamy where the religion allows it.

First of all, religious marriage is redundant, and non religious marriage is like dry water, kind of stupid to even say.

You need to change your overall attitude and approach is what you need to change.
You never did indicate if you were a jew or not. I asked nicely. We're all forthcoming here about ourselves. Open up, love.
rtwngAvngr said:
You never did indicate if you were a jew or not. I asked nicely. We're all forthcoming here about ourselves. Open up, love.

You must have missed it. I'm agnostic and now Jewish. I was raised Catholic if that helps you any. I'm ok to opening up to people.

I'm still trying to figure out why you think that all marriages are religous. Last I checked there isn't a law stating that they have to be.
Powerman said:
You must have missed it. I'm agnostic and now Jewish. I was raised Catholic if that helps you any. I'm ok to opening up to people.

I'm still trying to figure out why you think that all marriages are religous. Last I checked there isn't a law stating that they have to be.

I think you meant NOT jewish. We had a guy on here who was conservative in most ways but had a big boner for christian bashing.

It's a sacrament from the church. You can forget that if you want. The government can pretend too, if they wish. Barney the purple dinosaur might be real too.
rtwngAvngr said:
I think you meant NOT jewish. We had a guy on here who was conservative in most ways but had a big boner for christian bashing.

It's a sacrament from the church. You can forget that if you want. The government can pretend too, if they wish. Barney the purple dinosaur might be real too.

I know it's a sacrament from the Church. My brother got married yesterday and I was his best man. But you also have to sign a legal document in Mass making it a legal binding as well. The state recognizes marriages whether or not they are religous in nature. Why are you even arguing such a simple fact?
hylandrdet said:
:lalala: + :alco:= This.

I'm sorry, but I don't even have enough space to break down this bullshit.

Conservatives are,"all men are created equal, except gays, blacks, jews, muslims, hispanics, asaians, indians, democrats, liberals, martians, hollywood, the medias, Ashley Simpson, Paris Hilton, the pope, the ACLU, David Letterman, OJ Simpson, Terrell Owens, Cat Stevens and anybody that resembles Bill Clinton.

You can't call yourself a good christian when pass negative judgment upon others. That GOD's job. Your attack on the liberal contradicts the very point you're trying to make about being a good christian.

SPeaking of bullshit, didnt you just pass negative judgement on conservatives?
(incorrect neg. judgement I might add)
LuvRPgrl said:
SPeaking of bullshit, didnt you just pass negative judgement on conservatives?
(incorrect neg. judgement I might add)

Must be some of that "unconditional love and compassion" they have too much of. :D

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