Why is climate science political?

Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000
Here's a fact: Nobody can quantify ho much CO2 is natural and how much is anthropologically generated...And all the lists of scientific societies and politicians who buy into the hoax can't change this fact.

What a dumb fuck you are to state such a thing. Prior to the industrial revolution, the CO2 was about 280 ppm for thousands of years. Now it is at 395 ppm. Did you ever take a science class in high school?

Since when does correlation equal causation? And you claim to have attended college. What a farce.

And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard
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Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Amazing that a supposedly thinking person would believe such nonsense. Let's review shall we? In 1915 the North American continent had around 1,500 weather stations. All through the intervening decades they were added to till there were over 6,500 weather stations. They kept a very accurate record of the temperatures for the most part. Then in the 1980's and '90's something changed. No longer were rural weather stations being read, instead Hansen and Co. concentrated on weather stations in urban areas exclusively. Now, NOAA uses only around 1,500 of the available weather stations and none in rural areas.

I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be to aid their fiction of ever increasing temperatures? Nahhh, it couldn't be that simple could it? And how about that proclamation. They stated that the temperature was hundredths of a degree warmer than back in the 1930's. Hundredths of a degree! Care to show me a thermometer that is capable of reading that accurately.

And you fools just lap that crap up. And you claim to be a thinking person. Your beliefs and actions tell us otherwise.
What a dumb fuck you are to state such a thing. Prior to the industrial revolution, the CO2 was about 280 ppm for thousands of years. Now it is at 395 ppm. Did you ever take a science class in high school?

Since when does correlation equal causation? And you claim to have attended college. What a farce.

And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard

Prove it schmuck.
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Amazing that a supposedly thinking person would believe such nonsense. Let's review shall we? In 1915 the North American continent had around 1,500 weather stations. All through the intervening decades they were added to till there were over 6,500 weather stations. They kept a very accurate record of the temperatures for the most part. Then in the 1980's and '90's something changed. No longer were rural weather stations being read, instead Hansen and Co. concentrated on weather stations in urban areas exclusively. Now, NOAA uses only around 1,500 of the available weather stations and none in rural areas.

I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be to aid their fiction of ever increasing temperatures? Nahhh, it couldn't be that simple could it? And how about that proclamation. They stated that the temperature was hundredths of a degree warmer than back in the 1930's. Hundredths of a degree! Care to show me a thermometer that is capable of reading that accurately.

And you fools just lap that crap up. And you claim to be a thinking person. Your beliefs and actions tell us otherwise.

Jesus amazing how you think 1915 was 20 years ago. Perhaps that's the problem is that you are so stupid you think as if the year was 1915, meaning you still think ciggarets are good for you.
Furthermore dumbass a change in temperature at one recording station has no reflection ol another polling state and there is also sate-light/ice core data.
I wonder why it is that every organization that records temperate/whether related data, every scientific organization every climatologist and every scientists agree with me and not you.
Since when does correlation equal causation? And you claim to have attended college. What a farce.

And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard

Prove it schmuck.
Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?
Global Volcanism Program | Frequently Asked Questions | Has volcanic activity been increasing?
Earth is twice as dusty as in 19th century, research shows

So next time remember that I am not a lying dumbass like you so what I post is going to be accurate
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Amazing that a supposedly thinking person would believe such nonsense. Let's review shall we? In 1915 the North American continent had around 1,500 weather stations. All through the intervening decades they were added to till there were over 6,500 weather stations. They kept a very accurate record of the temperatures for the most part. Then in the 1980's and '90's something changed. No longer were rural weather stations being read, instead Hansen and Co. concentrated on weather stations in urban areas exclusively. Now, NOAA uses only around 1,500 of the available weather stations and none in rural areas.

I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be to aid their fiction of ever increasing temperatures? Nahhh, it couldn't be that simple could it? And how about that proclamation. They stated that the temperature was hundredths of a degree warmer than back in the 1930's. Hundredths of a degree! Care to show me a thermometer that is capable of reading that accurately.

And you fools just lap that crap up. And you claim to be a thinking person. Your beliefs and actions tell us otherwise.

Amazing that there are satellites that would immediatly tell us if the data of the ground stations were being fudged. Amazing that they also state the same as the ground stations. Even Dr. Spencer's graph shows the increase in temperatures for the last ten years.

The AGU, GSA, and Royal Society all state that the temperatures have been increasing over the last 150 years. But you know differant, right? Now who is the non-thinking person?
What a dumb fuck you are to state such a thing. Prior to the industrial revolution, the CO2 was about 280 ppm for thousands of years. Now it is at 395 ppm. Did you ever take a science class in high school?

Since when does correlation equal causation? And you claim to have attended college. What a farce.

And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard

And yet the globe has cooled across the last 10 years. Is this Union CO2 that only works when it feels like working?

2011 August 15 « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change
And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard

Prove it schmuck.
Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?
Global Volcanism Program | Frequently Asked Questions | Has volcanic activity been increasing?
Earth is twice as dusty as in 19th century, research shows

So next time remember that I am not a lying dumbass like you so what I post is going to be accurate

The rise and fall of temperature is not mirrored by the rise and rise of CO2.

To a far greater degree, the rise and fall of temperature is mirrored by the rise and fall of solar radiation.

Note how the conversation descended immediatly into flap-yap and invectutive on the part of the 'sceptics' when real science was cited. Not a single peer reviewed paper to support their bullshit opinions. Just lies and nonsense. "It's getting colder" In spite of the fact that even by Dr. Spencers graph the low of this double La Nina was higher then the average highs prior to 1998. "CO2 doesn't really increase heat retention". Even Dr. Lindzen, when he is not busy defending tobacco, has to admit that CO2 is a GHG. Fourier did the math for the albedo of the Earth in the early 1820's, and stated that there had to be something in the atmosphere that was absorbing the outgoing heat, because by the figures, the oceans should be frozen to the equator. Tyndall, in 1859, published a paper that described the absorbtion spectra of most GHGs. Arrhenius, in 1896, did a study on the effects of GHGs in the atmosphere, and, given the knowledge of the time, came surprisingly close to the numbers we have today for the affects of the increase in GHGs. Yet the numbskulls here still insist there is no proof or scientifically rigiorous papers concerning the properties of GHGs that increase the heat in the atmosphere and ocean.

And we are already seeing the effects of the increase in the heat in the atmosphere and the ocean. In fact, the predictions of the people like Dr. Hansen, have been far to conservative. Not nearly alarmist enough. The Arctic Ice is now where the predictions said it would be in 2050. The Storms of our Grandchildren are already occuring. Given that at the very end of a double La Nina, the global temperature for the month of April was higher than any temperature prior to 1998, and the bottom of the average for this downturn is higher than the high point for any high point in the averages prior to 1998, one can only wonder what the high point will be in the next El Nino.

UAH Global Temperature Update for April 2012: +0.30°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

You still don't seem to grasp the concept that it is cooling from 2001 to now. Cooling means cooler than it was at a specified point in time. A comparison of temperatures over time.

Here's a power point that might help.

In terms of geologic time, out instrumental record is just about equal to nothing. That said, the warming of 30 years or 10 years are equally specious to hold up as examples. The fact remains, though, that the most recent decade has cooed in real-world actual temperatures. That is, until they are revised upward by the Hockey Team.

http://www.quadrant.org.au/Steffen-...ce - March 2011- QO commentary - 5z (NXP).ppt

SLIDE 21 – Global surface temperature anomalies for 2001-2011 as recorded by the Hadley Centre.

Note that global temperature has declined slightly over the last ten years, at a rate of -0.4o C/century by ordinary least squares analysis (blue line, OLS) or -0.06o C/century if temperature is corrected for ENSO variations (gold line; MEI = Multivariate ENSO Index-corrected). In comparison, IPCC’s GCM models project a warming (red line) at a rate of +2.0o C/century.

The HadCRUT3 dataset uses a 1961-1990 baseline for temperature anomaly calculation. As plotted here, the data has been adjusted to a 1980-1999 average temperature baseline.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The importance of this graph is not, per se, that it can be used to make the statement that “temperature has cooled over the last 10 years”. Though that statement is true, the criticism of it that 10 years is far too short a time over which to observe climate change is (in conventional weather/climate terms) also true. But beware then the critic who goes on to say that “of course, if you look at temperature since 1979, it has undeniably warmed”. Again, a true statement, and, again, 32 years is far too short a period to be of climatic significance - representing, as it does, just one climate data point.

Instead, the importance of the data shown in this slide is that, combined with our knowledge of increasing carbon dioxide levels, it comprises a test of the hypothesis that “human carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming”. Given that carbon dioxide levels increased from 371 ppm in 2001 to ~390 ppm in 2011, an increase of ~5%, the hypothesis is clearly invalidated by this test. Equally, the test also invalidates the GCM models used by the IPCC of having predictive, as opposed to heuristic, value.

Graphic: Liljegren, Lucia, 2011 (Feb. 19). HadCrut January Anomaly: 0.194C. The Blackboard. http://rankexploits.com/musings/2011/hadcrut-january-anomaly-0-194c/.

LOL. What a dumb ass statement! Cooling from 2001 to today? What are you smoking tonight, Code?

UAH Global Temperature Update for April 2012: +0.30°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

The running average for 2010 equaled the running average for 1998. A double La Nina and the bottom of the running average is higher than the high points for the running average prior to 1998.

When we get the next inevitable El Nino, we will get some real eye popping temperatures.

No, no cooling, just a lot of hot lies from the energy corperations.
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Amazing that a supposedly thinking person would believe such nonsense. Let's review shall we? In 1915 the North American continent had around 1,500 weather stations. All through the intervening decades they were added to till there were over 6,500 weather stations. They kept a very accurate record of the temperatures for the most part. Then in the 1980's and '90's something changed. No longer were rural weather stations being read, instead Hansen and Co. concentrated on weather stations in urban areas exclusively. Now, NOAA uses only around 1,500 of the available weather stations and none in rural areas.

I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be to aid their fiction of ever increasing temperatures? Nahhh, it couldn't be that simple could it? And how about that proclamation. They stated that the temperature was hundredths of a degree warmer than back in the 1930's. Hundredths of a degree! Care to show me a thermometer that is capable of reading that accurately.

And you fools just lap that crap up. And you claim to be a thinking person. Your beliefs and actions tell us otherwise.

Amazing that there are satellites that would immediatly tell us if the data of the ground stations were being fudged. Amazing that they also state the same as the ground stations. Even Dr. Spencer's graph shows the increase in temperatures for the last ten years.

The AGU, GSA, and Royal Society all state that the temperatures have been increasing over the last 150 years. But you know differant, right? Now who is the non-thinking person?

RSS, GISS, Hadley and NOAA all have a decrease over the last ten years.

Do you have a link that shows an increase over the last ten years?

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Note how the conversation descended immediatly into flap-yap and invectutive on the part of the 'sceptics' when real science was cited. Not a single peer reviewed paper to support their bullshit opinions. Just lies and nonsense. "It's getting colder" In spite of the fact that even by Dr. Spencers graph the low of this double La Nina was higher then the average highs prior to 1998. "CO2 doesn't really increase heat retention". Even Dr. Lindzen, when he is not busy defending tobacco, has to admit that CO2 is a GHG. Fourier did the math for the albedo of the Earth in the early 1820's, and stated that there had to be something in the atmosphere that was absorbing the outgoing heat, because by the figures, the oceans should be frozen to the equator. Tyndall, in 1859, published a paper that described the absorbtion spectra of most GHGs. Arrhenius, in 1896, did a study on the effects of GHGs in the atmosphere, and, given the knowledge of the time, came surprisingly close to the numbers we have today for the affects of the increase in GHGs. Yet the numbskulls here still insist there is no proof or scientifically rigiorous papers concerning the properties of GHGs that increase the heat in the atmosphere and ocean.

And we are already seeing the effects of the increase in the heat in the atmosphere and the ocean. In fact, the predictions of the people like Dr. Hansen, have been far to conservative. Not nearly alarmist enough. The Arctic Ice is now where the predictions said it would be in 2050. The Storms of our Grandchildren are already occuring. Given that at the very end of a double La Nina, the global temperature for the month of April was higher than any temperature prior to 1998, and the bottom of the average for this downturn is higher than the high point for any high point in the averages prior to 1998, one can only wonder what the high point will be in the next El Nino.

UAH Global Temperature Update for April 2012: +0.30°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

You still don't seem to grasp the concept that it is cooling from 2001 to now. Cooling means cooler than it was at a specified point in time. A comparison of temperatures over time.

Here's a power point that might help.

In terms of geologic time, out instrumental record is just about equal to nothing. That said, the warming of 30 years or 10 years are equally specious to hold up as examples. The fact remains, though, that the most recent decade has cooed in real-world actual temperatures. That is, until they are revised upward by the Hockey Team.

http://www.quadrant.org.au/Steffen-...ce - March 2011- QO commentary - 5z (NXP).ppt

SLIDE 21 &#8211; Global surface temperature anomalies for 2001-2011 as recorded by the Hadley Centre.

Note that global temperature has declined slightly over the last ten years, at a rate of -0.4o C/century by ordinary least squares analysis (blue line, OLS) or -0.06o C/century if temperature is corrected for ENSO variations (gold line; MEI = Multivariate ENSO Index-corrected). In comparison, IPCC&#8217;s GCM models project a warming (red line) at a rate of +2.0o C/century.

The HadCRUT3 dataset uses a 1961-1990 baseline for temperature anomaly calculation. As plotted here, the data has been adjusted to a 1980-1999 average temperature baseline.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The importance of this graph is not, per se, that it can be used to make the statement that &#8220;temperature has cooled over the last 10 years&#8221;. Though that statement is true, the criticism of it that 10 years is far too short a time over which to observe climate change is (in conventional weather/climate terms) also true. But beware then the critic who goes on to say that &#8220;of course, if you look at temperature since 1979, it has undeniably warmed&#8221;. Again, a true statement, and, again, 32 years is far too short a period to be of climatic significance - representing, as it does, just one climate data point.

Instead, the importance of the data shown in this slide is that, combined with our knowledge of increasing carbon dioxide levels, it comprises a test of the hypothesis that &#8220;human carbon dioxide emissions are causing dangerous global warming&#8221;. Given that carbon dioxide levels increased from 371 ppm in 2001 to ~390 ppm in 2011, an increase of ~5%, the hypothesis is clearly invalidated by this test. Equally, the test also invalidates the GCM models used by the IPCC of having predictive, as opposed to heuristic, value.

Graphic: Liljegren, Lucia, 2011 (Feb. 19). HadCrut January Anomaly: 0.194C. The Blackboard. http://rankexploits.com/musings/2011/hadcrut-january-anomaly-0-194c/.

LOL. What a dumb ass statement! Cooling from 2001 to today? What are you smoking tonight, Code?

UAH Global Temperature Update for April 2012: +0.30°C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

The running average for 2010 equaled the running average for 1998. A double La Nina and the bottom of the running average is higher than the high points for the running average prior to 1998.

When we get the next inevitable El Nino, we will get some real eye popping temperatures.

No, no cooling, just a lot of hot lies from the energy corperations.

Not to put too fine a point on this, but the trend line in the graph on your link shows cooling over the last ten years.
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Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Conservatives like the ones at RSS, GISS, NOAA and Hadley?

Save up and buy a fact.

2011 August 15 « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

LOL. And when we add 2012 into that graph for the lower 48, we are going to see the line on the upward tilt again.

And why the continued lying, Code. Star said the earth, you gave us information concerning less than 2% of the earth's surface. And did not state so in your post.

You are beginning to post like Frankie Boy.
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Conservatives like the ones at RSS, GISS, NOAA and Hadley?

Save up and buy a fact.

2011 August 15 « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

LOL. And when we add 2012 into that graph for the lower 48, we are going to see the line on the upward tilt again.

And why the continued lying, Code. Star said the earth, you gave us information concerning less than 2% of the earth's surface. And did not state so in your post.

You are beginning to post like Frankie Boy.

RSS and Hadcrut work only in the USA?

Get RSS on the phone and let them know they need to shoot down their satellites.

Still drinking and posting?
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they're in a time warp with Zergboi's statement? He's so pre climategate, when the veneer of truth flaked off AGW.

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