Why is climate science political?

Yes, I do. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of a geology degree. Along with chemistry and higher mathematics. You see dear person, the climatologists claim that only climatologists can understand what they do (hence my continual referral to the high priest relating the WORD OF GOD to the peasants) but what's funny is I can teach any graduate level class they have in a program.

On the other hand, there is not a single graduate level class that a PhD climatologist can teach in any geology program I know of. They would be so far out of their depth as to be ludicrous. A 2nd year geology student would have to teach them what was what.

Guess what? I know quite a number of Phd Geologists that would blow you right out of the water with your idiotic pronouncements, Walleyes.

Both the American Geophyisical Union and the Geological Society of America unequivocally state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. Since you claim to be a member of the former, when are you going to present your papers disproving AGW? I would like to know, so I can be present.

The temperatures during this interglacial were warmest about 8000 years ago and have been decreasing as a general trend ever since.

During this whole interglacial, we have vacillated within about a 2 degree range of temperature and are currently dead in the middle of that range. When we are on the cool end of the range, we find global famine, pestilence and plague. On the warm end, we find times of plenty, the advance of civilization and prosperity.

What's my point?

8000 years ago pre-dates the Industrial Revolution. Why was it so warm back then?

If it does warm into the levels of comfort for us hairless apes, what's the problem?

As a side note regarding Interglacials in general, Interglacials always end when CO2 is at the peak of the atmospheric concentration during that interglacial. If CO2 is the prime driver of climate, how can this happen?

If something else is dictating the direction of climate, how can CO2 be called the "Prime Driver" of our climate?

Im sure you already said this before but it is worth repeating. the temperature during the present interglacial has been steadily decreasing while the CO2 levels have been going up. why is an 8000 year trend ignored for a <100 year trend?
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Amazing that a supposedly thinking person would believe such nonsense. Let's review shall we? In 1915 the North American continent had around 1,500 weather stations. All through the intervening decades they were added to till there were over 6,500 weather stations. They kept a very accurate record of the temperatures for the most part. Then in the 1980's and '90's something changed. No longer were rural weather stations being read, instead Hansen and Co. concentrated on weather stations in urban areas exclusively. Now, NOAA uses only around 1,500 of the available weather stations and none in rural areas.

I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be to aid their fiction of ever increasing temperatures? Nahhh, it couldn't be that simple could it? And how about that proclamation. They stated that the temperature was hundredths of a degree warmer than back in the 1930's. Hundredths of a degree! Care to show me a thermometer that is capable of reading that accurately.

And you fools just lap that crap up. And you claim to be a thinking person. Your beliefs and actions tell us otherwise.

Amazing that there are satellites that would immediatly tell us if the data of the ground stations were being fudged. Amazing that they also state the same as the ground stations. Even Dr. Spencer's graph shows the increase in temperatures for the last ten years.

The AGU, GSA, and Royal Society all state that the temperatures have been increasing over the last 150 years. But you know differant, right? Now who is the non-thinking person?

You mean those satellites that were found to be reading as much as 600 degrees too hot? Those satellites? You have the memory of a gnat don't you. Of course it helps your religion so you will accept whatever scripture they give you. Religious fanatics are like that.
Guess what? I know quite a number of Phd Geologists that would blow you right out of the water with your idiotic pronouncements, Walleyes.

Both the American Geophyisical Union and the Geological Society of America unequivocally state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. Since you claim to be a member of the former, when are you going to present your papers disproving AGW? I would like to know, so I can be present.

The temperatures during this interglacial were warmest about 8000 years ago and have been decreasing as a general trend ever since.

During this whole interglacial, we have vacillated within about a 2 degree range of temperature and are currently dead in the middle of that range. When we are on the cool end of the range, we find global famine, pestilence and plague. On the warm end, we find times of plenty, the advance of civilization and prosperity.

What's my point?

8000 years ago pre-dates the Industrial Revolution. Why was it so warm back then?

If it does warm into the levels of comfort for us hairless apes, what's the problem?

As a side note regarding Interglacials in general, Interglacials always end when CO2 is at the peak of the atmospheric concentration during that interglacial. If CO2 is the prime driver of climate, how can this happen?

If something else is dictating the direction of climate, how can CO2 be called the "Prime Driver" of our climate?

Im sure you already said this before but it is worth repeating. the temperature during the present interglacial has been steadily decreasing while the CO2 levels have been going up. why is an 8000 year trend ignored for a <100 year trend?

Because it fits their scripture. History doesn't count. You see history proves their religion to be a lie.
Amazing the 10 hottest years on record occurred after the year 2000 and Conservatives claim the earth has cooled after the year 2000

Conservatives like the ones at RSS, GISS, NOAA and Hadley?

Save up and buy a fact.

2011 August 15 « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

LOL. And when we add 2012 into that graph for the lower 48, we are going to see the line on the upward tilt again.

And why the continued lying, Code. Star said the earth, you gave us information concerning less than 2% of the earth's surface. And did not state so in your post.

You are beginning to post like Frankie Boy.

Old Rocks- you bring up an interesting point. the continental US is only a small part of the earth but it is the best measured. one of the reasons the global temp has gone up is because areas like the Arctic and Africa have a prominent component even though they have very poor coverage. the precision and accuracy we imagine is in place because of the measurements in much of the western world simply dont exist in many other areas.

we know for certain that there has been little warming in the conUS, but that portion of the global dataset is dwarved by the African continent component that has very little data and what little there is just happens to be pathetically incomplete and racked with unproven adjustments.

for a glimpse of how wretched temperature records are in Africa read this article based on official measurements. GISS Inventing Temperatures In Africa « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT and GISS Inventing Temperatures In Africa&ndash;Part II « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

perhaps the strangest part of climate science is how they treat significant figures. we all learned in high school that when you combine figures of different degrees of precision that your answer can only be expressed with as much precision as the least precise figure used. in world temp datasets it seems like every bit of data gets expressed as precisely as the most precise bit of data. it is a monstrous joke that temperature data is given to three decimal places when realistically it is a stretch to be certain to the nearest whole number.
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Conservatives like the ones at RSS, GISS, NOAA and Hadley?

Save up and buy a fact.

2011 August 15 « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

LOL. And when we add 2012 into that graph for the lower 48, we are going to see the line on the upward tilt again.

And why the continued lying, Code. Star said the earth, you gave us information concerning less than 2% of the earth's surface. And did not state so in your post.

You are beginning to post like Frankie Boy.

Old Rocks- you bring up an interesting point. the continental US is only a small part of the earth but it is the best measured. one of the reasons the global temp has gone up is because areas like the Arctic and Africa have a prominent component even though they have very poor coverage. the precision and accuracy we imagine is in place because of the measurements in much of the western world simply dont exist in many other areas.

we know for certain that there has been little warming in the conUS, but that portion of the global dataset is dwarved by the African continent component that has very little data and what little there is just happens to be pathetically incomplete and racked with unproven adjustments.

for a glimpse of how wretched temperature records are in Africa read this article based on official measurements. GISS Inventing Temperatures In Africa « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT and GISS Inventing Temperatures In Africa&ndash;Part II « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

perhaps the strangest part of climate science is how they treat significant figures. we all learned in high school that when you combine figures of different degrees of precision that your answer can only be expressed with as much precision as the least precise figure used. in world temp datasets it seems like every bit of data gets expressed as precisely as the most precise bit of data. it is a monstrous joke that temperature data is given to three decimal places when realistically it is a stretch to be certain to the nearest whole number.

Ian with the post of epiC PWN!!!!. Brilliant!!!

The environmental crowd has become incredibly astute at being able to manipulate data to perpetuate this hoax.............indeed, they've made a science of it. Pretty slick if you ask me.

Thankfully, we have brilliant minds like Ian, West, wirebender, et. al. to make some sense of it all, and I get a kick out of how their contributions cause total mental meltdowns amongst the climate radicals. When they get publically humiliated, they explode.........and nothing makes me laugh harder. Priceless entertainment. Ive always noticed that its the constant MO with the left.............when the ruse gets blown to shit, they lose their minds!!:D:D
I don't see science as being a political issue.

Good governance should be about acting on accurate scientific data - not about distorting the truth, hiding from it, or pretending the facts are not what they are.

While I think the use of nuclear vs renewables is a political issue around the world, only in the US (and to a lesser extent, Australia) does climate change seem to be political.

The Conservative parties of the UK, France, Germany, Finland, Denmark, New Zealand and host of others ALL accept that human acitivty may be playing a role in climate change, and have developed policies to suit.

In many cases, this means nuclear.

But why do some Americans seem to think climate change is left wing conspiracy, when most conservatives around the world are saying the opposite?

it's political because government wants to use climate change as a means to impose more controls on the people.
Amazing that a supposedly thinking person would believe such nonsense. Let's review shall we? In 1915 the North American continent had around 1,500 weather stations. All through the intervening decades they were added to till there were over 6,500 weather stations. They kept a very accurate record of the temperatures for the most part. Then in the 1980's and '90's something changed. No longer were rural weather stations being read, instead Hansen and Co. concentrated on weather stations in urban areas exclusively. Now, NOAA uses only around 1,500 of the available weather stations and none in rural areas.

I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be to aid their fiction of ever increasing temperatures? Nahhh, it couldn't be that simple could it? And how about that proclamation. They stated that the temperature was hundredths of a degree warmer than back in the 1930's. Hundredths of a degree! Care to show me a thermometer that is capable of reading that accurately.

And you fools just lap that crap up. And you claim to be a thinking person. Your beliefs and actions tell us otherwise.

Amazing that there are satellites that would immediatly tell us if the data of the ground stations were being fudged. Amazing that they also state the same as the ground stations. Even Dr. Spencer's graph shows the increase in temperatures for the last ten years.

The AGU, GSA, and Royal Society all state that the temperatures have been increasing over the last 150 years. But you know differant, right? Now who is the non-thinking person?

You mean those satellites that were found to be reading as much as 600 degrees too hot? Those satellites? You have the memory of a gnat don't you. Of course it helps your religion so you will accept whatever scripture they give you. Religious fanatics are like that.

Why is it that when confronted with reality your response it up make shit up and lie?
And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.

And yet, a PhD in physics can't describe a mechanism by which it happens without violating the laws of physics. Care to prove me wrong?

If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?

CO2 has not been proven to warm anything.
What a dumb fuck you are to state such a thing. Prior to the industrial revolution, the CO2 was about 280 ppm for thousands of years. Now it is at 395 ppm. Did you ever take a science class in high school?

Since when does correlation equal causation? And you claim to have attended college. What a farce.

And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard
And by 8th grade Earth Science, you learn how little CO2 exists in the atmosphere and is vastly overshadowed by Water Vapor by a magnitude of 1000-2000 times. That's when you learn about atmospheric composition.
Since when does correlation equal causation? And you claim to have attended college. What a farce.

And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard
And by 8th grade Earth Science, you learn how little CO2 exists in the atmosphere and is vastly overshadowed by Water Vapor by a magnitude of 1000-2000 times. That's when you learn about atmospheric composition.

See this is the prolbem you you think "the amount of CO2 compared to other chemicals" is the same thing as the effects of CO2
So go back to 3rd grade English learn to read then come back here
Amazing that there are satellites that would immediatly tell us if the data of the ground stations were being fudged. Amazing that they also state the same as the ground stations. Even Dr. Spencer's graph shows the increase in temperatures for the last ten years.

The AGU, GSA, and Royal Society all state that the temperatures have been increasing over the last 150 years. But you know differant, right? Now who is the non-thinking person?

You mean those satellites that were found to be reading as much as 600 degrees too hot? Those satellites? You have the memory of a gnat don't you. Of course it helps your religion so you will accept whatever scripture they give you. Religious fanatics are like that.

Why is it that when confronted with reality your response it up make shit up and lie?

Why is it you too have the memory of a gnat? I don't need to lie schmuck...you guys make this all too easy for us. Why lie when you fools give us all the ammo we need to shoot you down.

Tim Blair

Wednesday, August 11, 2010(11:50am)

600°F in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin!

Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, really got cooking this July 4th around 9:59AM, according to NOAA and Coast Watch. It was there, at the bottom left row of the temperature data points, that the records reveal on that day a phenomenally furnace-like 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Further analysis of the web pages shows that the incredibly wide temperature swings were occurring in remarkably short 10-hour periods - and sometimes in less than 5 hours. Strangely, none of the 250 citizens or the 78 families living in the village appeared to notice this apocalyptic heatwave during their holiday festivities.

Also noted: 430 degrees Fahrenheit at Lake Michigan. The planet has a fever!

BOILED EGG | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
And a 4th grade education would tell you that Carbon in the atmosphere warsm teh earth.
If its not human caused activities such as emitting CO2 of which is proven to warm the earth what is warming the earth?
Could it be an increase in energy coming from the sun? Nope because there has been a decrease in that.
Could it be a decrease in dust levels that cool the earth? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
Could it be a decrease in volcano eruptions? Nope because there has been an increase in those.
So plz come up with a response that doesn't make you look like a retard
And by 8th grade Earth Science, you learn how little CO2 exists in the atmosphere and is vastly overshadowed by Water Vapor by a magnitude of 1000-2000 times. That's when you learn about atmospheric composition.

See this is the prolbem you you think "the amount of CO2 compared to other chemicals" is the same thing as the effects of CO2
So go back to 3rd grade English learn to read then come back here
So... it is a known fact that Water Vapor is THE primary greenhouse gas. It is present in atmosphere between 4-8% depending on location and weather.

CO2 composes 0.04% of the atmosphere and is a relatively mild greenhouse gas. Measured in PPM.

Methane is even less and although stronger than CO2, is measured in PPB rendering it neglegible.

Mankind produces only 0.06% of all CO2. This means that mankind is only responsible for 0.0024% of all atmospheric volume change. This is not even measurable in a global scale.

But yet, it's destroying the climate.

The fact a single moderate volcanic eruption produces similar chemicals to human industrialization throughout it's entire history means it is LESS powerful than mankind?

So, knowing all of this, either Mankind must produce magic CO2, or something else could be the cause that has NOTHING to do with the activity of man.

You just need the first 45 seconds to get the point of your position.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfdLQuaC1nA&feature=relmfu]Good Morning Vietnam -p12/17 - YouTube[/ame]
You mean those satellites that were found to be reading as much as 600 degrees too hot? Those satellites? You have the memory of a gnat don't you. Of course it helps your religion so you will accept whatever scripture they give you. Religious fanatics are like that.

Why is it that when confronted with reality your response it up make shit up and lie?

Why is it you too have the memory of a gnat? I don't need to lie schmuck...you guys make this all too easy for us. Why lie when you fools give us all the ammo we need to shoot you down.

Tim Blair

Wednesday, August 11, 2010(11:50am)

600°F in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin!

Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, really got cooking this July 4th around 9:59AM, according to NOAA and Coast Watch. It was there, at the bottom left row of the temperature data points, that the records reveal on that day a phenomenally furnace-like 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Further analysis of the web pages shows that the incredibly wide temperature swings were occurring in remarkably short 10-hour periods - and sometimes in less than 5 hours. Strangely, none of the 250 citizens or the 78 families living in the village appeared to notice this apocalyptic heatwave during their holiday festivities.

Also noted: 430 degrees Fahrenheit at Lake Michigan. The planet has a fever!

BOILED EGG | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
You'd think, living within 50 miles of there, I'd have felt something. A warm breeze perhaps? I know that the Lattes at the Chocolate Chicken don't run THAT hot.
Why is it that when confronted with reality your response it up make shit up and lie?

Why is it you too have the memory of a gnat? I don't need to lie schmuck...you guys make this all too easy for us. Why lie when you fools give us all the ammo we need to shoot you down.

Tim Blair

Wednesday, August 11, 2010(11:50am)

600°F in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin!

Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, really got cooking this July 4th around 9:59AM, according to NOAA and Coast Watch. It was there, at the bottom left row of the temperature data points, that the records reveal on that day a phenomenally furnace-like 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Further analysis of the web pages shows that the incredibly wide temperature swings were occurring in remarkably short 10-hour periods - and sometimes in less than 5 hours. Strangely, none of the 250 citizens or the 78 families living in the village appeared to notice this apocalyptic heatwave during their holiday festivities.

Also noted: 430 degrees Fahrenheit at Lake Michigan. The planet has a fever!

BOILED EGG | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
You'd think, living within 50 miles of there, I'd have felt something. A warm breeze perhaps? I know that the Lattes at the Chocolate Chicken don't run THAT hot.

Well, it was just global warming heat so it is really dry:lol:
Why is it you too have the memory of a gnat? I don't need to lie schmuck...you guys make this all too easy for us. Why lie when you fools give us all the ammo we need to shoot you down.

Tim Blair

Wednesday, August 11, 2010(11:50am)

600°F in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin!

Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, really got cooking this July 4th around 9:59AM, according to NOAA and Coast Watch. It was there, at the bottom left row of the temperature data points, that the records reveal on that day a phenomenally furnace-like 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Further analysis of the web pages shows that the incredibly wide temperature swings were occurring in remarkably short 10-hour periods - and sometimes in less than 5 hours. Strangely, none of the 250 citizens or the 78 families living in the village appeared to notice this apocalyptic heatwave during their holiday festivities.

Also noted: 430 degrees Fahrenheit at Lake Michigan. The planet has a fever!

BOILED EGG | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
You'd think, living within 50 miles of there, I'd have felt something. A warm breeze perhaps? I know that the Lattes at the Chocolate Chicken don't run THAT hot.

Well, it was just global warming heat so it is really dry:lol:
How can steamed milk be dry? LOL Dammit, now I'm craving one of their Fudge Drumsticks.... okay.. not really. I couldn't eat only one.

Maybe I should phone to see if Ray's Cherry Hut still exists or if the frozen cherries kept them safe?
You'd think, living within 50 miles of there, I'd have felt something. A warm breeze perhaps? I know that the Lattes at the Chocolate Chicken don't run THAT hot.

Well, it was just global warming heat so it is really dry:lol:
How can steamed milk be dry? LOL Dammit, now I'm craving one of their Fudge Drumsticks.... okay.. not really. I couldn't eat only one.

Maybe I should phone to see if Ray's Cherry Hut still exists or if the frozen cherries kept them safe?

I dunno, it would take a shitload of cherries to counter that much heat. i don't know if there are enough frozen cherries on the planet to do that!
Well, it was just global warming heat so it is really dry:lol:
How can steamed milk be dry? LOL Dammit, now I'm craving one of their Fudge Drumsticks.... okay.. not really. I couldn't eat only one.

Maybe I should phone to see if Ray's Cherry Hut still exists or if the frozen cherries kept them safe?

I dunno, it would take a shitload of cherries to counter that much heat. i don't know if there are enough frozen cherries on the planet to do that!
but but but... frozen in sugar water!!!! that makes all the difference cause they're so sweet, right? Cuteness and tasty counteract physics right?


As an aside, is a 'shitload' more than a peck or bushel?
For the lefty dolts who think this is all about the science.....................as naive as naive gets s0ns..........

Our Team &mdash; American Carbon Registry

Winrock International - Clean Energy - Links

fucking dolts.........they think the opportunistic greedy are only in fossil fuels.:gay:

Ive always been fascinated by that............this profound level of naive amongst the environmental radicals. These people missed some meetings in the formative years.

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