Why is every TV commercial still pushing "Stay safe, Stay home"?

It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
Just further proof that one should never listen to the MSM.
How about not listening to Trump, instead.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".

For me it doesn't matter as we're within a few weeks of summer hibernation when even 5:00AM dog walks are curtailed.

I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

We are well versed in how to be safe. America can and will be safe but it is time to stop scaring people and help restore confidence.

You can claim anything you want. The pictures I see tell a different story.

From the Michigan protests -


Texas -


North Carolina -


Massachusetts -

What I see is a bunch of Trump supporters walking around being macho. I hope they are not overly exposed to this virus while their mouths are getting in the way of their brains, even though they think that they are impervious to it. Trump has no empathy for people and will encourage them. He just wants to be reelected and will do anything to accomplish that.
Well we know you hate macho and our mouths don’t get in the way of our brains but your feelings do.
Those who can afford to stay home and want to should be applauded. The economy will do just fine as it opens up without their usual spending. Why are some offended by those who continue to stay home?
If you are at risk, then you absolutely should stay home and take every precaution. If you are one of the 99% who is not at risk, then you should live your life, do your job, and help get America back up off the deck.
I Just got take out from my favorite local Italian place. It looks like they are going to make it, they were very thankful for my patronage over the last couple months. Get out there and patronize your local businesses, they are literally on life support.
It's not my duty to help america get back on track. I know a few young people who are going to do alot less spending and will stay hunkered down as they work from home. The more people that do this the better for the nation.
I think there's a growing number of people who don't mind the working from home and staying away from others and shopping, etc. Perhaps this is part of the new normal.
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
At this point, I don't either. I'm hoping you were able to infect many.
what's it to you?
The sooner herd immunity is reached, the better for me.

How will you know?
It's not my duty to help america get back on track. I know a few young people who are going to do alot less spending and will stay hunkered down as they work from home. The more people that do this the better for the nation.
Hiding from a dying virus is not better for the nation. Our nation is flat on it's back and needs Americans to be Americans again.
Well there's going to be alot less people active in the economy than there was six months ago. That's ok with me it's their choice. The country will be just fine.
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
At this point, I don't either. I'm hoping you were able to infect many.
what's it to you?
The sooner herd immunity is reached, the better for me.

How will you know?
When the doctors and scientists say we have reached herd immunity.

I rely on their expertise because I am not a doctor or a scientist.
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
At this point, I don't either. I'm hoping you were able to infect many.
what's it to you?
The sooner herd immunity is reached, the better for me.

How will you know?
When the doctors and scientists say we have reached herd immunity.

I rely on their expertise because I am not a doctor or a scientist.
You don’t know yourself? Hmmm that’s called a baby
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
Or it goes away
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
At this point, I don't either. I'm hoping you were able to infect many.
what's it to you?
The sooner herd immunity is reached, the better for me.

How will you know?
When the doctors and scientists say we have reached herd immunity.

I rely on their expertise because I am not a doctor or a scientist.

Since that is determined by tests, which no one is taking unless they are sick, and no immunity is associated with COVID-19, how do you propose they tell you?
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
At this point, I don't either. I'm hoping you were able to infect many.
what's it to you?
The sooner herd immunity is reached, the better for me.

How will you know?
When the doctors and scientists say we have reached herd immunity.

I rely on their expertise because I am not a doctor or a scientist.

Since that is determined by tests, which no one is taking unless they are sick, and no immunity is associated with COVID-19, how do you propose they tell you?
Well one way I think I'll see progress is when a bunch of old, fat red state fuckers start keeling over.

But aside from that anecdotal evidence, I'll still be listening to the doctors scientists and following their advice. If you have questions about herd immunity, you should ask a doctor who specializes in immunology.

Alternatively, you are welcome to follow your own special voodoo devil magic. I'm sure it will protect you from everything.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.

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