Why is every TV commercial still pushing "Stay safe, Stay home"?

It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.
Dude stay fking home have no life. Stay at home was wrong.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.
It is your right as an American to hide under your bed and I will defend to the death your right to do that.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.
It is your right as an American to hide under your bed and I will defend to the death your right to do that.
Haha, thank you, bless your heart. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Tomorrow I'll come out from under the bed to the fine San Diego weather.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.
Come get them.
I think there's a growing number of people who don't mind the working from home and staying away from others and shopping, etc. Perhaps this is part of the new normal.
It’s a good way to hide and not have to face personal interaction
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

We are well versed in how to be safe. America can and will be safe but it is time to stop scaring people and help restore confidence.

You can claim anything you want. The pictures I see tell a different story.

From the Michigan protests -


Texas -


North Carolina -


Massachusetts -

What I see is a bunch of Trump supporters walking around being macho. I hope they are not overly exposed to this virus while their mouths are getting in the way of their brains, even though they think that they are impervious to it. Trump has no empathy for people and will encourage them. He just wants to be reelected and will do anything to accomplish that.
more silliness from you
we laugh at it
Of course you laugh at it, only because you haven't done your homework on the "real Donald Trump", are too dense,
or can't see the grifter and fraud that he is.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
Wearing a mask is like buying insurance. You hope you never need it.
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

We are well versed in how to be safe. America can and will be safe but it is time to stop scaring people and help restore confidence.

You can claim anything you want. The pictures I see tell a different story.

From the Michigan protests -


Texas -


North Carolina -


Massachusetts -

What I see is a bunch of Trump supporters walking around being macho. I hope they are not overly exposed to this virus while their mouths are getting in the way of their brains, even though they think that they are impervious to it. Trump has no empathy for people and will encourage them. He just wants to be reelected and will do anything to accomplish that.
Well we know you hate macho and our mouths don’t get in the way of our brains but your feelings do.
No, hotshot, I don't hate macho and there is a time and a place for everything and this is not the time or the place.
Do the macho thing at the bar with da fellas, or at the ball game but not when there is a deadly virus staring you in the face. Some joker blogged that he walks among the fools and he hasn't caught the virus so it must all be a phony
"democratic" induced "hoax". I am happy for him that he hasn't caught it-----yet. He can always get a shot of lysol
or take some of those pills that Trump says he is taking. I understand that the demand for those pills is soaring
and that people have ingested detergent--all trump supporters no doubt.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.
Come get them.
Come get what?

Hope you got some sleep Boomer. Looks like you were sundowning.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Because they are commie faggots that want this country to fail.
That just means you and the other Trump nutters better buy twice as much. You'll need to double and triple up on your spending to make up for the rest of us who don't want to go back into restaurants and inside the Walmarts.
Come get them.
Come get what?

Hope you got some sleep Boomer. Looks like you were sundowning.
What's it like to be a traitor, a pos and a liar?
Over the last 10 days, there were 230,000 new confirmed infections.

Since at least 80% are asymptomatic, or come with very mild symptoms, and are not tested, we know the real number of new infections is at least five times the confirmed, that is, about 1.12 million. We also know, those with the virus are contagious for about 10 days, on average. That means, about 900k are out and about and almost all of them do not know about their infection, and every day about 90k are newly added to that number (while a similar number defeat the virus).

90k PER DAY, even if identified, would be difficult to contact-trace - but that's definitely impossible if a large portion is out and about, socializing. That is to say, without staying at home as much as possible, it is perfectly impossible to curtail the spread, and to perform the contact-tracing part of the containment effort.

Stay at home. Or contribute to contact tracers being overwhelmed, and thus become a constituent part of the second wave. Only brain-dead blowhards would find that choice difficult.
Over the last 10 days, there were 230,000 new confirmed infections.

Since at least 80% are asymptomatic, or come with very mild symptoms, and are not tested, we know the real number of new infections is at least five times the confirmed, that is, about 1.12 million. We also know, those with the virus are contagious for about 10 days, on average. That means, about 900k are out and about and almost all of them do not know about their infection, and every day about 90k are newly added to that number (while a similar number defeat the virus).

90k PER DAY, even if identified, would be difficult to contact-trace - but that's definitely impossible if a large portion is out and about, socializing. That is to say, without staying at home as much as possible, it is perfectly impossible to curtail the spread, and to perform the contact-tracing part of the containment effort.

Stay at home. Or contribute to contact tracers being overwhelmed, and thus become a constituent part of the second wave. Only brain-dead blowhards would find that choice difficult.
Only media fed lemmings swallow it all without any proof whatsoever. You are stupid.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
Wearing a mask is like buying insurance. You hope you never need it.
Our oceans will soon start filling up with masks and gloves.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
Wearing a mask is like buying insurance. You hope you never need it.
Our oceans will soon start filling up with masks and gloves.
Wouldn't surprise me.
Because the MEDIA is just the Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party and it is in their best interest to extend the Lock Down and make it hurt as much as possible economically. They think it will get rid of Trump. It will do just the opposite.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.

Testing does no good.

I can take a COVID-19 test today and be negative, and take stroll through Walmart on the way home and test positive tomorrow. What did that accomplish? You would have to have continuous testing.
As soon as you test positive, you know to stop going to Walmart for a few weeks, this stopping to from spreading the disease to others.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
How do you know?
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
How do you know?
because I'm not dead
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
How do you know?
because I'm not dead
How can you be sure?
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The tv commercials have little effect on me and most people who use a little common sense. Right now, when this virus
is still very much in the picture, many have chosen not to put themselves at risk by mingling with the general population. Frankly, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't in my view. As a retired small business owner, I
don't know if I could have survived the present circumstances. If employees go back to work and there are not enough
buyers to help meet the overhead, lay-offs will surely follow. The fixed overhead of any business does not go down and the rent is still due. It is a mess that may well end in a major recession or depression. We are already in a recession
and sinking.
Those messages and the constant drone of the Media have a profound effect on the psyche of the country. I totally agree we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. IMO this is one of those awful situations when you must make decisions based on doing the greatest good for the greatest number knowing that there will be casualties on both sides of the equation.
Actually, this is about commercials and not the media. The media affects both sides of the totem pole. Fox news
affects Trump's supporters since they mirror Trump's actions and are affected by his verbiage, for example walking around, not wearing masks and taking that pill that Trump says he takes.
TDS for sure
I don't wear a mask and I'm still ALIVE
How do you know?
because I'm not dead
How can you be sure?
I am

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