Why is every TV commercial still pushing "Stay safe, Stay home"?

It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
I suspect that pretty much all the people supporting stay at home are getting a check from the government one way or another
Meaning you for instance?
Meaning me and a whole lot of other people.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.
..like someone said, you would have to test every one every day = impossible
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The Press has done an excellent job of scaring the crap out of everyone
..they've been doing that stupid shit for a long time...I posted a thread this morning on the MSM crap
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
And all of those commercials play music that sounds like the funeral march.
My sister and I don't watch TV, we cut our cable over five years ago and we don't miss TV one bit. We HAVE a TV, but without cable we get only a few channels that come in, with a lot of snow in the picture. So we don't watch any TV at home. I DO see TV when I go to my local Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant, but of course there are no live sports games right now, so I pay very little attention to what's on the screens. I get ALL of my news from this site and others on the Internet. And I have Ad Blocker and Ad Blocker Plus on this computer, so I never see annoying ads.
When these negative commercials come on I hit the mute button. You should think about getting a smart tv with an internet connection. I turn on YouTube for hours watching music performances and old sports events. My choice.
I do to..you don't even need a smart TV--get a ROKU for $30..I have both
...I watch a lot of YouTube Documentaries
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
And all of those commercials play music that sounds like the funeral march.
My sister and I don't watch TV, we cut our cable over five years ago and we don't miss TV one bit. We HAVE a TV, but without cable we get only a few channels that come in, with a lot of snow in the picture. So we don't watch any TV at home. I DO see TV when I go to my local Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant, but of course there are no live sports games right now, so I pay very little attention to what's on the screens. I get ALL of my news from this site and others on the Internet. And I have Ad Blocker and Ad Blocker Plus on this computer, so I never see annoying ads.
get a Roku for $30....there are THOUSANDS of channels/YouTube/etc
free old TV classics/free movies/every genre/etc
..I do pay $10 a month for Hulu--but there are a lot of free channels on Roku
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
So what is the big deal if some people stay home. What does it hurt? They are free to do so. I encourage those that want to stay home to stay home. And those that want to go out should go out. Nobody loses.
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
....4 out of 5 people who get it barely notice they have it..I've linked this on other threads
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.
You need to stop telling 20 somethings they're gonna die or they're gonna do a Cuomo and kill granny!
You guys are inciting fear and panic. We blame you entirely
If you refuse to wear a mask, you just might kill Granny!
Granny is already gone. Glad she isnt around to see this.

There is some evidence to suggest the masks can help prevent hand-to-mouth transmissions, but virologists are sceptical about their effectiveness against airborne viruses.

Surgical masks were first introduced into hospitals in the late 18th Century but did not make the transition into public use until the Spanish flu outbreak in 1919 that went on to kill over 50 million people.

Dr Chris Smith, consultant virologist at Cambridge University, told RNZ people should not buy them and instead save their money.

"Go and spend it on something useful that you enjoy doing, like having a beer. Those face masks are absolute rubbish and they do nothing."

"Those face masks are absolute rubbish and they do nothing" - consultant virologist Dr Chris Smith

..YouTube has some good movies sometimes...I've watched some classics on it
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.
You need to stop telling 20 somethings they're gonna die or they're gonna do a Cuomo and kill granny!
You guys are inciting fear and panic. We blame you entirely
If you refuse to wear a mask, you just might kill Granny!
Granny is already gone. Glad she isnt around to see this.

There is some evidence to suggest the masks can help prevent hand-to-mouth transmissions, but virologists are sceptical about their effectiveness against airborne viruses.

Surgical masks were first introduced into hospitals in the late 18th Century but did not make the transition into public use until the Spanish flu outbreak in 1919 that went on to kill over 50 million people.

Dr Chris Smith, consultant virologist at Cambridge University, told RNZ people should not buy them and instead save their money.

"Go and spend it on something useful that you enjoy doing, like having a beer. Those face masks are absolute rubbish and they do nothing."

"Those face masks are absolute rubbish and they do nothing" - consultant virologist Dr Chris Smith

New Zealand? :abgg2q.jpg:

The country where the men are men and the sheep are nervous!
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

I had C19 ---it wasn't much
I'm not obese..get sleep..water..exercise
I hope you were able to pass it to the other brave souls out there looking to be exposed.
I don't care
At this point, I don't either. I'm hoping you were able to infect many.
Jeremy Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development who led the US government’s response to international disasters between 2013 and 2017, said that stark contrasts in outcomes between different countries in terms of illness and death have been determined not by Covid-19 itself, but by how seriously each government took the risk and how early they acted.

“On that score we failed badly,” he said. “You can have the best system in the world, but if you give the virus an eight-week head start it will eat you alive.”
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.
you must be a puss
Yes, I am a puss.

But you clearly are not. So please, go ahead and expose yourself. Share a drink with a stranger. Prove what a man you are. Go get a tattoo and beat your chest!

We are well versed in how to be safe. America can and will be safe but it is time to stop scaring people and help restore confidence.
I tend to note who sides with the marxist agenda and steer my business elsewhere. Haven't watched an NBA tree hockey game in decades, and never missed it. Burned all my nike apparel in my outdoor fireplace. And never missed it. NFL? Meh, don't need it.

As you see one of these kumbaya "we're with you" spectacles, ask yourself why aren't they concerned about the domestic abuse, suicides, overdoses, child abuse and everything else associated with unemployment and poverty. They literally don't care.
The hypocritical part is that it takes a little army of highly paid technicians (working together) to produce a commercial recommending everybody else to stay home without a paycheck.

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