Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

You don't believe in Due Process? Man, you Socialists/Progressives really are lost. Maybe America isn't the place for you? May i suggest China or North Korea? Bon Voyage. :)

Due Process begins with proper police procedure, you stupe. As it's evident, the cops in that area didn't even do that! A matter of history, a matter of fact that...which now requires scrutiny by other forces (state and possibly federal).

But do continue to babble like a good little neocon/teabagger/libertarian flunkie....it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Carry on.

:lol: You're dumb. Seriously, it's true.

Thanks for proving my point, Pauly. Have the last word, if it makes you feel better. You're dismissed!
Due Process begins with proper police procedure, you stupe. As it's evident, the cops in that area didn't even do that! A matter of history, a matter of fact that...which now requires scrutiny by other forces (state and possibly federal).

But do continue to babble like a good little neocon/teabagger/libertarian flunkie....it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Carry on.

:lol: You're dumb. Seriously, it's true.

Thanks for proving my point, Pauly. Have the last word, if it makes you feel better. You're dismissed!

Ok. You're also an angry bigot. See ya. :)
Aw, Liberal cretins are just pissed because Zimmerman is actually Hispanic. It kinda throws a wrench in their 'Evil Whitey kills Black Kid' Race-Baiting hysteria. Liberal Media Outlets like CNN & NBC are absolutely befuddled as to how to proceed. First they called him 'White' and indicted the entire White Race. But now they're backpedaling and have become distraught. The Liberal Media is a joke. Period, end of story.

Pauly is STILL babbling in his ignorance regarding the true origin and definition of the word "hispanic".

Zimmerman's own history of calls to the cops and the following set his mindset regarding racial prejudice

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgR7gCxXQYg]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]

Pauly is just another stupid libertarian/neocon/teabagger crank. Ignore him.

WTF are YOU babbling about?

Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.
My brother, I implore you, do not engage with circus barkers...for you just stoop to their deplorable level. They are to be laughed at or pitied from afar, but certainly not fed.
Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.
My brother, I implore you, do not engage with circus barkers...for you just stoop to their deplorable level. They are to be laughed at or pitied from afar, but certainly not fed.

It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Don't start that because it is total bs. This issue is being discussed nonstop on Fox as well just like the others, going on and on about what is and isn't known and rehashing every aspect and every permutation. Are you going to comment about the Black Panthers are offering $10000 for Zimmerman dead or alive? Essentially offering money to anyone who murders Zimmerman. Would you be ok with that if the races of everyone involved and those inserting themselves into the story in order to inflame passions were reversed? You ok if the KKK offered $10000 to anyone who "captured" a black Zimmerman DEAD OR ALIVE? You really want to live in a country where hot-headed thugs think they are justified to act as judge, jury and executioner? There is a reason juries are instructed to put their feelings, passions and emotions aside and base their verdict on the facts of the case. What is going on now with that race-baiting hate monger Al Sharpton and Black Panther thugs inserting themselves into it for the specific purpose of inflaming passion means the odds of a just outcome for anyone just took a sharp nosedive.

This was a terrible and unnecessary event but I've had enough of the unfounded assumption Zimmerman only killed him because he was black. I am not convinced that is true at all. There really is evidence it was Zimmerman who was yelling for help after all as he claimed, as well as witnesses insisting it Zimmerman screaming for help and getting beaten. Not so cut and dried after all although the entire thing could have been avoided. Inflaming passions means an increased likelihood of a violent response and more unnecessary injuries and death unless the inflamed crowds get what they want for an outcome -NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE REALLY IS. Inflamed crowds don't care about the truth or the facts or justice -and THAT is the whole point for the race baiters and why they are doing it. It is about inflaming passions in case real justice would result in Zimmerman walking -which they will not accept no matter what the full evidence is.

But if you were Zimmerman now, how much faith would you have that you are going to get a fair hearing at all? This is NOT an issue that can be decided by media hype or demonstrations, threats of violence and the black KKK calling for Zimmerman's murder. It IS being impartially investigated but you better be prepared for the very real possibility he doesn't get charged with a crime. Regardless of those deliberately trying to inflame crowds so they will be more likely to erupt in violence if that is the result -he really may end up not being charged. Again.

Even if he is charged, this is now poisoning the jury pool where he stands much less chance of a fair trial. Just as Sharpton and The black KKZk want. Every jury would likely fear the violent reaction if the crowds Sharpton and the black KKK are deliberately inflaming if they bring back anything but a guilty verdict. Again, would that work for you if the races of everyone involved were reversed?

But suppose a jury acquits him after hearing ALL the evidence -hearing all the evidence is something none of us will be doing because the media not only isn't interested in a fair airing of all the facts, it isn't in possession of all the facts. All they know is the races, the fact Zimmerman mistakenly believed he was up to no good, who had a gun and who ended up dead. All the media care about are ratings and focusing on the difference in skin color to the exclusion of all else plays better, pretending Zimmerman only killed him because he was black plays better. But if Zimmerman ends up murdered as a result of the media hype intent on portraying this -WITHOUT ALL THE FACTS-as some kind of cold-blooded racial killing when it looks less and less to be the case, yet resulting in the black KKK offering anyone $10000 to murder Zimmerman -than a far worse crime will have happened and justice defeated.

In the meantime in my city a 6 year old black girl was shot dead in a senseless drive-by a couple of weeks ago as she walked down the street also minding her own business. The media doesn't give a flying fuck about it and Obama isn't going to mention how she looks like his daughter. Because her murderer was black and apparently the public, the media and blacks themselves just don't find that to be much of a big deal at all. You know when I see blacks out in the streets protesting the extremely high rate of black on black crime and start demanding a stop to it because they deserve better fom their own and their children deserve better and that it isn't business as usual -then maybe the media as well as the black KKK will treat the unconscionable and senseless murder of that beautiful, innocent 6 year old child as the very big deal it is as well and not as if a black child getting murdered by a black person in an even far more senseless manner than this - is nothing but a big yawn. The double standard and cold blooded hypocrisy is no doubt a real comfort to that child's mother, don't you think?
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WTF are YOU babbling about?

I am babbling about the facts, something that is strange to you.

Sorry, but your history on these threads demonstrate time and again what a quantum neocon gasbag you are. let's see if you can do better here.

The tape did not record his ideals, he didn't enunciate them to the operator. I have listened to the tapes, and the only slur it is possible to get out of the tape is ambiguous. Even if he said it, and was actually referring to Martin, it doesn't say anything about Zimmerman's ideals, it might. however, be indicative of state of mind.

Are you fucking stupid or just insipidly stubborn? Here gasbag, BS & deny this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgR7gCxXQYg]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman makes all types of assumptions that DON'T coincide with additional information. Given his history of calls on "suspicious" black males that DID NOT PAN OUT, his state of mind is pretty evident....and he DID NOT have to pursue Martin.

What matters is who started the fight, not why it started. If Martin turned around and called Zimmerman a honky and Zimmerman attacked him Zimmerman over reacted. If Martin attacked Zimmerman because he was being followed, he over reacted. Simple statements of fact,

You're simple if you think your supposition and conjecture will pass the muster. Zimmerman INITIATED THE CONFRONTATION, as the tape clearly tells that he PURSUED Martin when it was NOT necessary or prompted by the cops. Referring to Martin as an "asshole" and a "fucking (coon?)" along with his generalize assumptions gives a clear indication of his mindset, whether YOU like it or not.

Did you listen to the audio for any reason other than to find recriminating words by Zimmerman? Notice if you will, that you can clearly hear Zim beginning to follow Miller (you can hear his breathing and friction of his trousers/footfalls) and when the 911 operator says "we don't want you to do that," Zim hesitates and about the same time passes as when he first walked and then he stops. I conclude from that that he had returned to where he started from, at his SUV. There is no indication from the sounds and his breathing that he actually pursued Miller longer than about 10-12 seconds and only at a walking speed.

The police department had access to all this information, as well as the exact times, including even the time of the firing of the pistol, and Zim's screaming; all of it. They know much more than we do, and there is no reason at all that they would let an actual murder/manslaughter suspect go other than that they had a real understanding of the events surrounding the situation.
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It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Don't start that because it is total bs. This issue is being discussed nonstop on Fox as well just like the others, going on and on about what is and isn't known and rehashing every aspect and every permutation. Are you going to comment about the Black Panthers are offering $10000 for Zimmerman dead or alive? Essentially offering money to anyone who murders Zimmerman. Would you be ok with that if the races of everyone involved and those inserting themselves into the story in order to inflame passions were reversed? You ok if the KKK offered $10000 to anyone who "captured" a black Zimmerman DEAD OR ALIVE? You really want to live in a country where hot-headed thugs think they are justified to act as judge, jury and executioner? There is a reason juries are instructed to put their feelings, passions and emotions aside and base their verdict on the facts of the case. What is going on now with that race-baiting hate monger Al Sharpton and Black Panther thugs inserting themselves into it for the specific purpose of inflaming passion means the odds of a just outcome for anyone just took a sharp nosedive.

This was a terrible and unnecessary event but I've had enough of the unfounded assumption Zimmerman only killed him because he was black. I am not convinced that is true at all. There really is evidence it was Zimmerman who was yelling for help after all as he claimed, as well as witnesses insisting it Zimmerman screaming for help and getting beaten. Not so cut and dried after all although the entire thing could have been avoided. Inflaming passions means an increased likelihood of a violent response and more unnecessary injuries and death unless the inflamed crowds get what they want for an outcome -NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE REALLY IS. Inflamed crowds don't care about the truth or the facts or justice -and THAT is the whole point for the race baiters and why they are doing it. It is about inflaming passions in case real justice would result in Zimmerman walking -which they will not accept no matter what the full evidence is.

But if you were Zimmerman now, how much faith would you have that you are going to get a fair hearing at all? This is NOT an issue that can be decided by media hype or demonstrations, threats of violence and the black KKK calling for Zimmerman's murder. It IS being impartially investigated but you better be prepared for the very real possibility he doesn't get charged with a crime. Regardless of those deliberately trying to inflame crowds so they will be more likely to erupt in violence if that is the result -he really may end up not being charged. Again.

Even if he is charged, this is now poisoning the jury pool where he stands much less chance of a fair trial. Just as Sharpton and The black KKZk want. Every jury would likely fear the violent reaction if the crowds Sharpton and the black KKK are deliberately inflaming if they bring back anything but a guilty verdict. Again, would that work for you if the races of everyone involved were reversed?

But suppose a jury acquits him after hearing ALL the evidence -hearing all the evidence is something none of us will be doing because the media not only isn't interested in a fair airing of all the facts, it isn't in possession of all the facts. All they know is the races, the fact Zimmerman mistakenly believed he was up to no good, who had a gun and who ended up dead. All the media care about are ratings and focusing on the difference in skin color to the exclusion of all else plays better, pretending Zimmerman only killed him because he was black plays better. But if Zimmerman ends up murdered as a result of the media hype intent on portraying this -WITHOUT ALL THE FACTS-as some kind of cold-blooded racial killing when it looks less and less to be the case, yet resulting in the black KKK offering anyone $10000 to murder Zimmerman -than a far worse crime will have happened and justice defeated.

In the meantime in my city a 6 year old black girl was shot dead in a senseless drive-by a couple of weeks ago as she walked down the street also minding her own business. The media doesn't give a flying fuck about it and Obama isn't going to mention how she looks like his daughter. Because her murderer was black and apparently the public, the media and blacks themselves just don't find that to be much of a big deal at all. You know when I see blacks out in the streets protesting the extremely high rate of black on black crime and start demanding a stop to it because they deserve better fom their own and their children deserve better and that it isn't business as usual -then maybe the media as well as the black KKK will treat the unconscionable and senseless murder of that beautiful, innocent 6 year old child as the very big deal it is as well and not as if a black child getting murdered by a black person in an even far more senseless manner than this - is nothing but a big yawn. The double standard and cold blooded hypocrisy is no doubt a real comfort to that child's mother, don't you think?
Who's calling for Zimmerman's murder?

The fact that you use the name "Black Panthers" referring to "The New Black Panthers" tells me that you're lumping the two together. The original Black Panthers doesn't have anything to do with The New Black Panthers. They don't recognize them, neither does any mainstream leader of the black community. Only The FOXNEWS is going on and on and on about The New Black Panthers and their importance in society.

Furthermore the fact that you lump Al Sharpton with a group like The New Black Panthers tells me all I need to know about you and your position.

Carry on.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

LOL Dopey. I don't think you watched fox news lately. Hannity and O'Reilly have been talking about this story to nausea! Look on the foxnews.com webpage, at least one story has been at the top for about two weeks now!
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

LOL Dopey. I don't think you watched fox news lately. Hannity and O'Reilly have been talking about this story to nausea! Look on the foxnews.com webpage, at least one story has been at the top for about two weeks now!
FOX has covered this for about a maximum of one week now.

The rest of the media between 2 - 3.5 weeks, depending on the host.

Mainstream media has covered this for about 2 - 3 weeks now.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Tragic as it is, most likely because there are more important things to cover?
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

LOL Dopey. I don't think you watched fox news lately. Hannity and O'Reilly have been talking about this story to nausea! Look on the foxnews.com webpage, at least one story has been at the top for about two weeks now!
FOX has covered this for about a maximum of one week now.

The rest of the media between 2 - 3.5 weeks, depending on the host.

Mainstream media has covered this for about 2 - 3 weeks now.

That explains the hysterical over reaction of fools who blindly accept their media diet of bullshit.
I am babbling about the facts, something that is strange to you.

Sorry, but your history on these threads demonstrate time and again what a quantum neocon gasbag you are. let's see if you can do better here.

The tape did not record his ideals, he didn't enunciate them to the operator. I have listened to the tapes, and the only slur it is possible to get out of the tape is ambiguous. Even if he said it, and was actually referring to Martin, it doesn't say anything about Zimmerman's ideals, it might. however, be indicative of state of mind.

Are you fucking stupid or just insipidly stubborn? Here gasbag, BS & deny this:

ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube

Zimmerman makes all types of assumptions that DON'T coincide with additional information. Given his history of calls on "suspicious" black males that DID NOT PAN OUT, his state of mind is pretty evident....and he DID NOT have to pursue Martin.

What matters is who started the fight, not why it started. If Martin turned around and called Zimmerman a honky and Zimmerman attacked him Zimmerman over reacted. If Martin attacked Zimmerman because he was being followed, he over reacted. Simple statements of fact,

You're simple if you think your supposition and conjecture will pass the muster. Zimmerman INITIATED THE CONFRONTATION, as the tape clearly tells that he PURSUED Martin when it was NOT necessary or prompted by the cops. Referring to Martin as an "asshole" and a "fucking (coon?)" along with his generalize assumptions gives a clear indication of his mindset, whether YOU like it or not.

Did you listen to the audio for any reason other than to find recriminating words by Zimmerman?

I listened to this audio to get INFORMATION...FACTS regarding this case. Too bad if YOU don't like the implications of that information.

Notice if you will, that you can clearly hear Zim beginning to follow Miller (you can hear his breathing and friction of his trousers/footfalls) and when the 911 operator says "we don't want you to do that," Zim hesitates and about the same time passes as when he first walked and then he stops.

Are you shitting me? The LAST thing that is established is that Zimmerman states that Martin is running away from him. After which he starts jabbering with the cops about his location, etc., etc. The "trousers/footfalls" you hear are happening AFTER the cops tell him "you don't have to do that" as well.

I conclude from that that he had returned to where he started from, at his SUV. There is no indication from the sounds and his breathing that he actually pursued Miller longer than about 10-12 seconds and only at a walking speed.

Your "conclusions" are pure supposition and conjecture based on a total misreading of the information provided. The initial noise could just as well been Zimmerman moving around in the seat of his car. And there is "noise" after the cops put a kibosh on Zimmerman's surveillance offer, as well as AFTER Zimmerman says that Martin is running away from him. Sorry pal, but Nancy Drew you ain't.

The police department had access to all this information, as well as the exact times, including even the time of the firing of the pistol, and Zim's screaming; all of it. They know much more than we do, and there is no reason at all that they would let an actual murder/manslaughter suspect go other than that they had a real understanding of the events surrounding the situation.

More supposition and conjecture from you that contradicts the FACTS....one of which is that the cops DID NOT initially release the tapes, which by law they are obligated to do (911 being public property and all). Also, since when do Neighborhood Watch folk carry guns? And how does a guy with an arrest record get a CCWP? Where's the foresnic examination of the crime scene (I am assuming Zimmerman's gun was confiscated.), the detailed questioning of a civilian outside of his domain involved in a fatal shooting? (I am assuming Zimmerman's gun was confiscated.) That Zimmerman wasn't at LEAST detained 24 hours for questioning speaks volumes to the slip shod work by the local cops. Zimmerman's own words and attitude speaks volumes as to his motivation that lead to a fatal shooting of an innocent young man. Hell, even the Murdoch owned NY POST journalist had to cop to the FACT that if Al Sharpton and local black journalist had not pushed this, NO ONE OUTSIDE THE AREA WOULD BE AWARE OF THIS, and Zimmerman and the local cops would be without proper scrutiny.

Fox Noise speaks for itself....behind the curve on this one, and taking an immediate "blame the victim" attitude from it's punditry. 'Nuff said.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

LOL Dopey. I don't think you watched fox news lately. Hannity and O'Reilly have been talking about this story to nausea! Look on the foxnews.com webpage, at least one story has been at the top for about two weeks now!

Newsflash chuckles, the key word to your inane response was "lately"......and "lately" Fox Noise and the two shills you mentioned have been alluding to "blame the victim" to coincide with Zimmerman's defense. That Fox Noise was slow and reluctant to pick up this story in the first place speaks volumes.

Oh, and you are correct when you claimed "I don't think". I suggest you do before your fingers hit the keys in the future...and that requires an examination of ALL the information involved. Carry on.
Fox didn't jump on the mob bandwagon. They covered the story, just not with the appropriate amount of vitriol.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Because Fox news is racist and doesn't know how to sincerely cover a story about racism without revealing that, so they try to steer clear, but even the little bit that they did shed on this story revealed their stunted emotional growth, such as when Geraldo made the ridiculous assertion that it was the hoodie's fault. Typical from fox. Using a scapegoat to undermine what was a racist act, pure and simple.
Have you heard the statements by the parents? Did you notice the subtle change in the allegations of racism. It's off the table. It's now racial profiling because not every black kid who dresses like a thug and acts like a thug really is a thug.
This case is very disturbing...

They have put a bounty out on that poor man, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Spike Lee posts the wrong address for Zimmerman, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Al Sharpton stirring up racist hatred, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

I am shocked at where we are going as a nation.


This case is very disturbing...

They have put a bounty out on that poor man, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Spike Lee posts the wrong address for Zimmerman, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

Al Sharpton stirring up racist hatred, and not a word from DOJ or Obama...

I am shocked at where we are going as a nation.


Not only are you lumping the wrong people together...you're outright wrong.

No one is "race-baiting" anything.

If anything the made up term "Race-baiting" is being conducted by the authorities of Sanford, FL and the Zimmerman defense team.
Not that anybody with an above room temperature IQ doesn't already know this, but the American Media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the dimocrap party. Has been for the last thirty-five years.

The Major networks play it close to the vest but their satellites like this..? No worries. They don't even try to hide their disgusting nature --

MSNBC Omits Crucial Words From 911 Call To Paint Zimmerman As A Racist…


Alternate headline: MSNBC hits new low, keeps digging…

Here’s how MSNBC framed the call:

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good. . . he looks black,” Zimmerman told a police dispatcher from his car.

What he really said:

ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

911 DISPATCHER: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?

ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.

As you can see, Zimmerman only mentioned Martin’s race after being asked by the dispatcher.


dimocraps and their minions lie. It's what they do. It's all they do.

Dogs bark, pigs oink, ducks quack --

dimocraps lie.

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