Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

They showed the video just like all the other news did yesterday and then said that the video was to grainy to make any judgment and people should wait until the medical reports about it come out.
They showed the video just like all the other news did yesterday and then said that the video was to grainy to make any judgment and people should wait until the medical reports about it come out.

Yes, they've got their talking point sorted out. Pretty much all the RWers were repeating that meme yesterday...."it's too grainy, so we should wait."

Of course they want to wait, that video is damning.

Thanks for your response though.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

The story is aimed at you, Marccy, the red meat in your racialist worldview.

The story is pumped by those who what a virtual race-war, who prosper when the races are at each other' throats.

Wise up.
Excuse me miss, but what does that word mean?

Racialist ....one to whom race is the determining factor in analyzing events and relationships.

ra·cial·ism (rsh-lzm)
a. An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.
b. Policy or practice based on racial considerations.

Think that is a wise basis for decisions?

Zora Neale Hurston was right, “All your skin folks ain’t your kin folks. And all your color ain’t your kind!”

Hurston was a Republican who was generally sympathetic to the Old Right and a fan of Booker T. Washington's self-help politics. She disagreed with the philosophies (including Communism and the New Deal) supported by many of her colleagues in the Harlem Renaissance.

You're being used, Marccy....
....the story is used to plant the seed that you must vote for the black candidate because of all those vicious white racists who are out to get you...

George Zimmerman...'white' Hispanic.....get it?
They showed the video just like all the other news did yesterday and then said that the video was to grainy to make any judgment and people should wait until the medical reports about it come out.

Yes, they've got their talking point sorted out. Pretty much all the RWers were repeating that meme yesterday...."it's too grainy, so we should wait."

Of course they want to wait, that video is damning.

Thanks for your response though.

It was Zimmerman's Attorney who said the video was grainy. Not Fox news. My Bad for how I wrote it.
U.S. News - Police video shows George Zimmerman shortly after Trayvon Martin shooting
But the Cop was looking at the back of his head.
Fox news comments were that everyone should wait until medical reports came out. That too many people on both sides are rushing to judgments before all the evidence comes to light.

Many people watch Fox news not just RWers
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The problem with investigative reporting is the kind of dirt that's dug up.

The libs are having a hard time portraying Zimmerman as a crazed racist.

In Trayvon Martin case, a complex portrait of shooter emerges - latimes.com

Problems with trying to say he got some sort of pass because his father was a retired judge too.

His father has a connection to the State Attny. that prevented the chief detective from doing his job, genius. You'd know that if you got your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and read something else besides Newsbusters and the WND.

Oh, and explain to us all why suddenly the State Attny. removes himself from the case AFTER he prevents Zimmerman from being arrested? This should be good.

There was no connection to the state attorney because Zimmerman's father was a retired judge from Virginia with no connection to Florida.

I stand corrected, as the only "connection" seems to be son George and the local police:

Trayvon Martin: The 5 Key Unanswered Questions | ThinkProgress

Sanford Police Chief Was Dean at College That Expelled George Zimmerman | Complex
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.

I'm curious Claudette, can you define this "typical race baiting" thing for me please?

I don't quite understand exactly what you mean or are referring to by it.


Race baiting is easy. You make an issue racial if it wasnt or you pour gasoline on an issue for your personal gain.

So are you saying Zimmerman shot him because he was black, he just doesnt like black people? Because that is what Sharpton and Jackson are implying. Funny how those two never appear when it's black on black crime, why is that? Oh they cant cry racism and get those donations flowing in, brotha gotta make living right?
I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.

I'm curious Claudette, can you define this "typical race baiting" thing for me please?

I don't quite understand exactly what you mean or are referring to by it.


Race baiting is easy. You make an issue racial if it wasnt or you pour gasoline on an issue for your personal gain.

So are you saying Zimmerman shot him because he was black, he just doesnt like black people? Because that is what Sharpton and Jackson are implying. Funny how those two never appear when it's black on black crime, why is that? Oh they cant cry racism and get those donations flowing in, brotha gotta make living right?

Zimmerman's DOCUMENTED history of 911 calls and the latest transcript bare witness to his preconceived notions regarding black men (yeah, he's got "black friends" making excuses for him....pity that doesn't change the record).

And where the hell have YOU been for the last 20 years, as both Sharpton and Jackson have REPEATEDLY HELD PUBLICIZED CONFERENCES AND SUCH ACROSS AMERICA REGARDING "BLACK ON BLACK CRIME"?

Try a little honest research beyond the WND, Newsbusters, NY Post and the Limbaugh like clowns of Fox News for a change.....you'll be shocked as to what's going on in the world.
The story is aimed at you, Marccy, the red meat in your racialist worldview.

The story is pumped by those who what a virtual race-war, who prosper when the races are at each other' throats.

Wise up.
Excuse me miss, but what does that word mean?

Racialist ....one to whom race is the determining factor in analyzing events and relationships.

ra·cial·ism (rsh-lzm)
a. An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.
b. Policy or practice based on racial considerations.

Think that is a wise basis for decisions?

Zora Neale Hurston was right, “All your skin folks ain’t your kin folks. And all your color ain’t your kind!”

Hurston was a Republican who was generally sympathetic to the Old Right and a fan of Booker T. Washington's self-help politics. She disagreed with the philosophies (including Communism and the New Deal) supported by many of her colleagues in the Harlem Renaissance.

You're being used, Marccy....
....the story is used to plant the seed that you must vote for the black candidate because of all those vicious white racists who are out to get you...

George Zimmerman...'white' Hispanic.....get it?

Zimmerman's documented history on 911 regarding repeated calls about black men and this current recording show his prejudicial attitude. And only a naive fool would think that a "hispanic" or "latino" cannot be racist with regards to black Americans.
Like I said in my OP, the FOXNEWS was NOT covering this story as they should have from the beginning...

All Major News Outlets Cover Trayvon Martin Tragedy, Except Fox News | ThinkProgress

They came in late and now many of their pundits are pushing an agenda to lessen the coverage by claiming that b/c "we" don't have all the facts all should wait before they pre-judge, unless of course, it's something or by someone that's defending Zimmerman.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

Two black men. One club. and not intimidating or bothering anyone usless black intimidating? :cuckoo:

Blacks and white teen systematically beat up each other. nothing news worthy. Aryan whites do beat up and kill blacks but when did the black panthers kill or beat up anyone.:eusa_boohoo:
Bush administration did not see anything illegal or unlawful by the new black panthers standing on the side walk and white people entering the polling station not afraid.:eusa_shifty:

Black man with a stick in intimidating but a white man with a gun is not?:confused:
White woman behind them don't seem to be intimidated?
Black panthers were being harassed by white man with big mouth.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly - YouTube[/ame]
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Southern blacks who tried to register to vote--and those who supported them--were typically jeered and harassed, beaten or killed. In 1963, the NAACP's Medgar Evers was gunned down in front of his wife and children in Jackson, Mississippi. Reverend George Lee of Belzoni, Mississippi, was murdered when he refused to remove his name from a list of registered voters, and farmer Herbert Lee of Liberty, Mississippi, was killed for having attended voter education classes. Three "Freedom Summer" field-workers--Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman--were shot down for their part in helping Mississippi blacks register and organize. Michael Schwerner, a social worker from Manhattan's Lower East Side, James Chaney, a local plasterer's apprentice, and Andrew Goodman, a Queens College anthropology student, disappeared in June 1964. Their bodies were discovered several months later in an earthen dam outside Philadelphia, Mississippi. Schwerner and Goodman had been shot once; Chaney, the lone African American, had been savagely beaten and shot three times.

We Shall Overcome -- The Cost
Southern blacks who tried to register to vote--and those who supported them--were typically jeered and harassed, beaten or killed. In 1963, the NAACP's Medgar Evers was gunned down in front of his wife and children in Jackson, Mississippi. Reverend George Lee of Belzoni, Mississippi, was murdered when he refused to remove his name from a list of registered voters, and farmer Herbert Lee of Liberty, Mississippi, was killed for having attended voter education classes. Three "Freedom Summer" field-workers--Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman--were shot down for their part in helping Mississippi blacks register and organize. Michael Schwerner, a social worker from Manhattan's Lower East Side, James Chaney, a local plasterer's apprentice, and Andrew Goodman, a Queens College anthropology student, disappeared in June 1964. Their bodies were discovered several months later in an earthen dam outside Philadelphia, Mississippi. Schwerner and Goodman had been shot once; Chaney, the lone African American, had been savagely beaten and shot three times.

We Shall Overcome -- The Cost
Sordid, sordid history America has with blacks, race and voting. Some folks would like to act as it if never happened and/or it doesn't or shouldn't matter.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

Two black men. One club. and not intimidating or bothering anyone usless black intimidating? :cuckoo:

Blacks and white teen systematically beat up each other. nothing news worthy. Aryan whites do beat up and kill blacks but when did the black panthers kill or beat up anyone.:eusa_boohoo:
Bush administration did not see anything illegal or unlawful by the new black panthers standing on the side walk and white people entering the polling station not afraid.:eusa_shifty:

Black man with a stick in intimidating but a white man with a gun is not?:confused:
White woman behind them don't seem to be intimidated?
Black panthers were being harassed by white man with big mouth.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly - YouTube[/ame]
There's still yapping and squeeling on and on and on about two anonymous black dudes with a stick playing dress up. As if it's supposed to be some big deal.

White racist MFers walking around brandishing armed guns....no big deal.

These racist RWers never cease to amaze me.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

Two black men. One club. and not intimidating or bothering anyone usless black intimidating? :cuckoo:

Blacks and white teen systematically beat up each other. nothing news worthy. Aryan whites do beat up and kill blacks but when did the black panthers kill or beat up anyone.:eusa_boohoo:
Bush administration did not see anything illegal or unlawful by the new black panthers standing on the side walk and white people entering the polling station not afraid.:eusa_shifty:

Black man with a stick in intimidating but a white man with a gun is not?:confused:
White woman behind them don't seem to be intimidated?
Black panthers were being harassed by white man with big mouth.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly - YouTube[/ame]
There's still yapping and squeeling on and on and on about two anonymous black dudes with a stick playing dress up. As if it's supposed to be some big deal.

White racist MFers walking around brandishing armed guns....no big deal.

These racist RWers never cease to amaze me.

It was on fox news Sunday.

However it's a non story other than for political opportunists.
I think the "bigger" story is, how many "leaders" that are for "racial equality" are demanding a lynching. I guess its okay if you are on the 'right' side of the rope?
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Why is this the biggest news story?
Of course Bill Kristol thinks that it's much to do about nothing. So he bashes the coverage. He doesn't get it.

Bill Kristol: Trayvon Martin Media Coverage Is 'Demagoguery' (VIDEO)

Although this guy does...
[quote="Bike Commuter, a posting pundit from the link above]

Kristol is partially correct, although probably not in the way he thinks.

The thing about this case that has turned it into such a big story is that it is something different to everyone. To some it about racial profiling. To some it is police sweeping it under the rug. To some it is about the SYG law. To some it is about concealed carry. And the list goes on. Some see it merely as a crime.

Those on the right who hold different views don't have just one view either. Take what Scarborough said just the other day. He claimed it was NOT about SYG. Kristol says the opposite.

What first made this a national case was that the police were not adequately investigating and were openly defending Zimmerman. The injustice of that drew everyone in. Kristol gets that part right.. Where he goes wrong is in his assessment of the continued coverage. It is far more complex than what he tries to claim.

Part of the continued attention is countering the kneejerk claims of people who defended Zimmerman. For example, the faIse photos of Martin became an entire subset of stories. The police station video became a big story because it countered all of the claims of Zimmerman being severeIy beaten. Another aspect of the continued coverage is due to the genuine puzzlement that Zimmerman still remains uncharged in a situation where most people would have been charged.

The slow trickling of information is another aspect that keeps this going. It took weeks to get the 911 calls and even longer to get the police station video. Various other information, such as police reports, came out at other times. Much of the information was due to independent investigation (that the police should have done) and thus came out as soon as it was available. All of this plays into the 24 hour news cycle.

So, what we have is an emotional case that means something different to everyone, and a situation (brought on mostly by the police) where information is discovered in a way that perpetuates the story.[/quote]
Wow I dont watch FoxNews all day, but I turned it there and they had the story on. Look just because Fox NEws doesnt bend over for democrats and Obama doesnt mean they are anywhere as right as the main media is left.
Stop with the talking points. Instead of bashing FoxNews, who doesnt edit 911 tape to change the story, light rockets under gas tanks to get trucks to explode, tout false documents as real, hire just democrats, fire john stossel just because he wasnt a liberal anymore. I could go on, but I think you get the point, those are some of the things off the top of my head that our "objective" media have done, funny how none of those "errors" favor the right, hmmmmmm
Of course Bill Kristol thinks that it's much to do about nothing. So he bashes the coverage. He doesn't get it.

Bill Kristol: Trayvon Martin Media Coverage Is 'Demagoguery' (VIDEO)

Although this guy does...
[quote="Bike Commuter, a posting pundit from the link above]

Kristol is partially correct, although probably not in the way he thinks.

The thing about this case that has turned it into such a big story is that it is something different to everyone. To some it about racial profiling. To some it is police sweeping it under the rug. To some it is about the SYG law. To some it is about concealed carry. And the list goes on. Some see it merely as a crime.

Those on the right who hold different views don't have just one view either. Take what Scarborough said just the other day. He claimed it was NOT about SYG. Kristol says the opposite.

What first made this a national case was that the police were not adequately investigating and were openly defending Zimmerman. The injustice of that drew everyone in. Kristol gets that part right.. Where he goes wrong is in his assessment of the continued coverage. It is far more complex than what he tries to claim.

Part of the continued attention is countering the kneejerk claims of people who defended Zimmerman. For example, the faIse photos of Martin became an entire subset of stories. The police station video became a big story because it countered all of the claims of Zimmerman being severeIy beaten. Another aspect of the continued coverage is due to the genuine puzzlement that Zimmerman still remains uncharged in a situation where most people would have been charged.

The slow trickling of information is another aspect that keeps this going. It took weeks to get the 911 calls and even longer to get the police station video. Various other information, such as police reports, came out at other times. Much of the information was due to independent investigation (that the police should have done) and thus came out as soon as it was available. All of this plays into the 24 hour news cycle.

So, what we have is an emotional case that means something different to everyone, and a situation (brought on mostly by the police) where information is discovered in a way that perpetuates the story.

No it's you who does not get it.

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