Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

Who knows? thats a good question but the boy is dead now.
W know, because for those who have followed the story, the father was out to dinner with his fiance.

When they arrived, they used the front entrance, and wouldn't have even seen any aftermath hours later (if there were any) in the common backyard.

He very likely just assumed his child was in bed, sleeping.

The very next morning was when he called in a missing persons report.

Thank you, Paper
You're welcome.
For those who need to see how the layout was, and where Trayvon's fiance's house was in relation to the shooting, here:

Why was Trayvons body laying 12 hours in the Morgue? Why didn't his father report him missing before he did? Where was Trayvons Father when Trayvon needed him the most less than 1000 feet away.
These are all questions that the Sanford PD will have to answer and account for. There's no excuse why they bungled this up so horribly. I know of only one reason how this could have happened.

how is this relevant? Don't blame the father.

Fuck you and fuck marc race baiting son of a bitch. Where the fuck was the father who sons less than 1000 feet away was dying? Why did it take the father so long to report his son was missing?
After all his son had been suspended for 10 days from school. Marc seems to this there should be more news reporting about Trayvon don't bitch about it when someone ask these questions because the longer this goes with media attention the more Trayvon will not look like an angel but a child who did not have any parental guidance
Not only are you coming apart at the seams and falling off the deep end, but you're showing how openly racist you are.

Again, good luck with that blaming-the-father-of-the-murdered-victim path that you're on. Carry on.
These are all questions that the Sanford PD will have to answer and account for.
There's no excuse why they bungled this up so horribly. I know of only one reason how this could have happened.
Trayvon being in the morgue for 12 hours is not the fault of Sanford PD. Trayvon did not have an ID. So why didn't the father call the PD and report his son was missing? Did he allow Trayvon to stay out as long as Trayvon wanted too?
Why is CNN grinding away at Zimmerman? They are clearly pushing an agenda.

Why is the Zimmerman defense team grinding away at the deceased victim, Trayvon Martin, unleashing a smear campaign the likes that have never before been seen this century?

More media attention, and more media, period. More TV channels, internet, mobile phones, etc. etc.
For those who need to see how the layout was, and where Trayvon's fiance's house was in relation to the shooting, here:


Here’s an estimate of Trayvon’s route back to Brandy Green’s townhouse with 911 call times included
A – The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B – Community mailboxes.
C – Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D – Brandy Green’s Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E – Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F – The fight and shooting took place in this area.
G – Eyewitness “John’s” townhouse.

Time notation are for the video
0:15 – The best address I can give you is the clubhouse. [A]
0:45 – He’s just staring at the houses. Now he’s staring at me.
1:00 – He’s coming towards me.
1:20 – He’s coming to check me out.
2:08 – Shit, he’s running.
2:14 – Sound of truck door being closed. [C]
2:20 – He’s heading towards the back entrance. [referring to E]
2:25 – Are you following him? Yep.
2:45 – He ran… Zimmerman stops and completes the 911 call. [E]
4:05 – Call ends.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgR7gCxXQYg&feature=player_embedded]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]
Trayvon's father doesn't deserve any blame at all. Why didn't Trayvon call his father and say "get out here and take this yahoo off my ass" instead of calling his girlfriend.

Who knows? thats a good question but the boy is dead now.
W know, because for those who have followed the story, the father was out to dinner with his fiance.

When they arrived, they used the front entrance, and wouldn't have even seen any aftermath hours later (if there were any) in the common backyard.

He very likely just assumed his child was in bed, sleeping.

The very next morning was when he called in a missing persons report.

The idiot bigfatrebel is still blowing copious amounts of shit out of his ass.

Not as much as you are bitch. Not much of a father who doesn't say good night to his son or at least checks to make sure he's there.
Who knows? thats a good question but the boy is dead now.

Which is a real shame that this family has had their son taken from them. What I find troubling is that acting thug is a survival instinct in the "hood". Many kids who aren't at all thugs feel that they have to at least act like one to survive. There is a chance that non-thug Trayvon went street rat on a man he assumed to be unarmed. Maybe it worked in the past.

In states that have these kinds of stand your ground laws, it is best to assume that everyone is armed and willing to use a weapon in the event of a threat. When "hello" becomes "declare your intent" we will be well on our way to sanity, just as it was in the very beginning when all men had swords and bows.

Well acting like a "thug" is not just something you see in the hood anymore, thanks to the world wide spread of hip hop culture you see people acting like that everywhere, I have seen white kids in Iowa wearing doo rags and sagging their pants, believe it or not I have seen Arab teenagers acting like this in Kuwait and using the word "nigga" to each other, this is hardly specific for just Blacks anymore, keep in mind people won't act the way they were as teenagers for ever, when I was 17 I listened to hip hop, I had braids in my junior year of high school, I had a 15 year old girlfriend with a 1 year old baby , and I went by the nick name "Lil Al Capone", why do you ask? Al Capone was my hero as a teen and I looked up to him, now fast forward 13 years later, I did 7 years in the US Military, was deployed twice to the Middle East, and I now have a good job working the government as a Civilian, I have a clean arrest sheet, I was only arrested once for punching a guy in the face who tried to go behind the bar and attack the female bartender, once the police reviewed the rapes I was released with no charge. The life I am living now is completely different than the one I had at 17.

I didn't mean looking like a thug. I meant acting like a thug and trying to use thuggishness to intimidate Zimmerman. There is an allegation that Trayvon used this intimidating technique before, on a bus driver. It was successful. It only needs to be unsuccessful once.

Many of us have a past. When I was a teen, I was living in Oakland hanging out with the Hells Angeles so you aren't so different. I went around with enough knives and razors to qualify as a porcupine. While I was never arrested, I was taken into custody on a daily basis and drove my parents crazy.

Today, compared to obama, Al Capone qualifies as a pretty nice guy. No matter how hard they tried, the feds were unable to charge him with a single crime. Not once. I assume you know he died in Alcatraz of syphillis after having been convicted of income tax evasion.
Why is CNN grinding away at Zimmerman? They are clearly pushing an agenda.

Why is the Zimmerman defense team grinding away at the deceased victim, Trayvon Martin, unleashing a smear campaign the likes that have never before been seen this century?

Why is the past of Zimmerman being talked about Marc?
Why is CNN grinding away at Zimmerman? They are clearly pushing an agenda.

Why is the Zimmerman defense team grinding away at the deceased victim, Trayvon Martin, unleashing a smear campaign the likes that have never before been seen this century?

Oh no, not at all. The smear campaign against victim Jamile Shaw that the City of Los Angeles did was much MUCH worse. That was done to protect the illegal alien murderer who killed Shaw mere hours after getting out of prison.

Wanting to get at facts is not a smear campaign.
Why is CNN grinding away at Zimmerman? They are clearly pushing an agenda.

Why is the Zimmerman defense team grinding away at the deceased victim, Trayvon Martin, unleashing a smear campaign the likes that have never before been seen this century?

Why is the past of Zimmerman being talked about Marc?
For one, he has a CRIMINAL record. Secondly, he has a HISTORY of violence. Thirdly, he has a HISTORY of calling the PD reporting "suspicious black males" that have ALL been bogus.

Shall I go on?

When will you stop with your racist nonsense?
Observation: One of the saddest and suckiest people in the world to be right now: Zimmerman's wife.
Why is the Zimmerman defense team grinding away at the deceased victim, Trayvon Martin, unleashing a smear campaign the likes that have never before been seen this century?

Why is the past of Zimmerman being talked about Marc?
For one, he has a CRIMINAL record. Secondly, he has a HISTORY of violence. Thirdly, he has a HISTORY of calling the PD reporting "suspicious black males" that have ALL been bogus.

Shall I go on?

When will you stop with your racist nonsense?

And Trayvon was beginning to look like a criminal. You want the news media attention and the more this stay's in the media light the less favorable looking the father and mother will be and if it goes to trail a defense attorney will use every angle to show that Trayvon would have been able to start a fight an attack someone to take their gun and get some street cred while doing it. You don't like it but you do want the attention, but hate what might be dug up or talked about.
Last edited:
Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman Tape Editing Prompts Internal Probe at NBC

The edited call, which aired on NBC's "Today Show" on March 27, featured Zimmerman talking to a 911 dispatcher.

"This guy looks like he's up to no good ... he looks black," Zimmerman said in the edited segment.

That, it turns out, appears to be only part of the exchange that took place on the night of February 26. The complete exchange went like this:

Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

Dispatcher: "OK, and this guy -- is he black, white or Hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."
Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman Tape Editing Prompts Internal Probe at NBC

The edited call, which aired on NBC's "Today Show" on March 27, featured Zimmerman talking to a 911 dispatcher.

"This guy looks like he's up to no good ... he looks black," Zimmerman said in the edited segment.

That, it turns out, appears to be only part of the exchange that took place on the night of February 26. The complete exchange went like this:

Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

Dispatcher: "OK, and this guy -- is he black, white or Hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."

Careful Marc will call you a racist for using facts.
Who knows? thats a good question but the boy is dead now.
W know, because for those who have followed the story, the father was out to dinner with his fiance.

When they arrived, they used the front entrance, and wouldn't have even seen any aftermath hours later (if there were any) in the common backyard.

He very likely just assumed his child was in bed, sleeping.

The very next morning was when he called in a missing persons report.

Thank you, Paper
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”
W know, because for those who have followed the story, the father was out to dinner with his fiance.

When they arrived, they used the front entrance, and wouldn't have even seen any aftermath hours later (if there were any) in the common backyard.

He very likely just assumed his child was in bed, sleeping.

The very next morning was when he called in a missing persons report.

Thank you, Paper
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”

Thank you again. I remember the same blanket coverage about JonBenet Ramsey..............
W know, because for those who have followed the story, the father was out to dinner with his fiance.

When they arrived, they used the front entrance, and wouldn't have even seen any aftermath hours later (if there were any) in the common backyard.

He very likely just assumed his child was in bed, sleeping.

The very next morning was when he called in a missing persons report.

Thank you, Paper
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”
Big mistake was going to bed not knowing where the hell his son was.

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