Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

Marc why was Trayvon's body not claimed from the morgue until 12 hours after his death? Why didn't the father at least look out his window when all the shouting was taking place? Where was the father when the shot was fired not more than a 1000 feet away? The distance is my guesstamation but the fight wasn't far from where Trayvon's father lived. That is something news worthy. Title of the news story
Where was Trayvon's Father when his son needed him the most?

how is this relevant? Don't blame the father.

Fuck you and fuck marc race baiting son of a bitch. Where the fuck was the father who sons less than 1000 feet away was dying? Why did it take the father so long to report his son was missing?
After all his son had been suspended for 10 days from school. Marc seems to this there should be more news reporting about Trayvon don't bitch about it when someone ask these questions because the longer this goes with media attention the more Trayvon will not look like an angel but a child who did not have any parental guidance

Good questions. Where was poppa when his son was so obviously making bad life choices: gang-banger wanna-be, misbehavior in school, etc? Pops failed in many ways, how his failure contributed to this tragedy is a discussion that would demand an exploration and acknowledgement of the larger role of how the community has failed its youth. Don't wanna go their, though, that would be raaaacccciiiisssttt!
Who knows? thats a good question but the boy is dead now.

Which is a real shame that this family has had their son taken from them. What I find troubling is that acting thug is a survival instinct in the "hood". Many kids who aren't at all thugs feel that they have to at least act like one to survive. There is a chance that non-thug Trayvon went street rat on a man he assumed to be unarmed. Maybe it worked in the past.

In states that have these kinds of stand your ground laws, it is best to assume that everyone is armed and willing to use a weapon in the event of a threat. When "hello" becomes "declare your intent" we will be well on our way to sanity, just as it was in the very beginning when all men had swords and bows.

Well acting like a "thug" is not just something you see in the hood anymore, thanks to the world wide spread of hip hop culture you see people acting like that everywhere, I have seen white kids in Iowa wearing doo rags and sagging their pants, believe it or not I have seen Arab teenagers acting like this in Kuwait and using the word "nigga" to each other, this is hardly specific for just Blacks anymore, keep in mind people won't act the way they were as teenagers for ever, when I was 17 I listened to hip hop, I had braids in my junior year of high school, I had a 15 year old girlfriend with a 1 year old baby , and I went by the nick name "Lil Al Capone", why do you ask? Al Capone was my hero as a teen and I looked up to him, now fast forward 13 years later, I did 7 years in the US Military, was deployed twice to the Middle East, and I now have a good job working the government as a Civilian, I have a clean arrest sheet, I was only arrested once for punching a guy in the face who tried to go behind the bar and attack the female bartender, once the police reviewed the rapes I was released with no charge. The life I am living now is completely different than the one I had at 17.

Such widespread adoption of a specific "culture" clearly demonstrates the influence the entertainment industry has worldwide. The shame of it is, entertainers have decided to glorify the worst examples of human behavior.
Marc has openly declared his racism, yet is not "called" on it. Why? My observations are that there is a definite schism when it comes to who is permitted to demonstrate their racism and who is not. Blacks are permitted to be racist because of a history long-past, while whites are not permitted any legitimate response to the violence and hatred brought to bear by those blacks who celebrate their racism.
Marc has openly declared his racism, yet is not "called" on it. Why? My observations are that there is a definite schism when it comes to who is permitted to demonstrate their racism and who is not. Blacks are permitted to be racist because of a history long-past, while whites are not permitted any legitimate response to the violence and hatred brought to bear by those blacks who celebrate their racism.

You can't be a racist if people on a discussion assume you are black. So you are free to spout any bullshit you want to.
BigRebecca has stooped to a new low of racism.

WoW!!! :eek:


You STILL read/engage that dumb donkey? Jeez, after exposing BigReb for the proudly bigoted, willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn mouth breather that he is, I just IA'ed him. Anything else is like banging your head against a wall, because it feels so good when you stop!
Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman Tape Editing Prompts Internal Probe at NBC

The edited call, which aired on NBC's "Today Show" on March 27, featured Zimmerman talking to a 911 dispatcher.

"This guy looks like he's up to no good ... he looks black," Zimmerman said in the edited segment.

That, it turns out, appears to be only part of the exchange that took place on the night of February 26. The complete exchange went like this:

Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

Dispatcher: "OK, and this guy -- is he black, white or Hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."

Please provide the EXACT clip that backs up what you claim, because quite frankly you neocon/teabagger/gunner jokers have a serious myopia when it comes to research, and I just don't trust YOU.
Marc has openly declared his racism, yet is not "called" on it. Why? My observations are that there is a definite schism when it comes to who is permitted to demonstrate their racism and who is not. Blacks are permitted to be racist because of a history long-past, while whites are not permitted any legitimate response to the violence and hatred brought to bear by those blacks who celebrate their racism.
Present one, single, solitary post where I've "openly declared [my] racism."

If you can't you really should shut your clap trap.

Too easy. :D
BigRebecca has stooped to a new low of racism.

WoW!!! :eek:


You STILL read/engage that dumb donkey? Jeez, after exposing BigReb for the proudly bigoted, willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn mouth breather that he is, I just IA'ed him. Anything else is like banging your head against a wall, because it feels so good when you stop!
I had no idea she was a lost case. I assure you, I won't engage that animal any more.
Thank you, Paper
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”
Big mistake was going to bed not knowing where the hell his son was.

Yea, it probably was. And I have no doubt that it will haunt his poor father until he dies. I don't think it serves any purpose to criticize the man for it.
Why is the Zimmerman defense team grinding away at the deceased victim, Trayvon Martin, unleashing a smear campaign the likes that have never before been seen this century?

Why is the past of Zimmerman being talked about Marc?
For one, he has a CRIMINAL record. Secondly, he has a HISTORY of violence. Thirdly, he has a HISTORY of calling the PD reporting "suspicious black males" that have ALL been bogus.

Shall I go on?

When will you stop with your racist nonsense?

Where exactly did you get the 'history of calling the PD reporting "suspicious black males" from?
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?
because they report the news !!! and until the facts are in their will be no rush to judgement unlike the left wing racist race baiters !!!
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Big mistake was going to bed not knowing where the hell his son was.

Yea, it probably was. And I have no doubt that it will haunt his poor father until he dies. I don't think it serves any purpose to criticize the man for it.

As far as a discussion board sure, but the defense attorney will use every angle to show Trayvon was a kid with no parental guidance coming and going where he wanted too, hanging around the wrong people., they'll use those gang banger images that can make the kid look bad and able to kill someone.
Last edited:
W know, because for those who have followed the story, the father was out to dinner with his fiance.

When they arrived, they used the front entrance, and wouldn't have even seen any aftermath hours later (if there were any) in the common backyard.

He very likely just assumed his child was in bed, sleeping.

The very next morning was when he called in a missing persons report.

Thank you, Paper
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”
Repeatedly neg reppin me, bigreb, for factual posts like this, and calling me vile names in my inbox only shows me you're still the asshole bully you've always been.
Big mistake was going to bed not knowing where the hell his son was.

Yea, it probably was. And I have no doubt that it will haunt his poor father until he dies. I don't think it serves any purpose to criticize the man for it.

As far as a discussion board sure, but the defense attorney will use every angle to show Trayvon was a kid with no parental guidance coming and going where he wanted too, hanging around the wrong people., they'll use those gang banger images that can make the kid look bad and able to kill someone.

If it gets to trial, yea... a defense lawyer might make that part of the issue... I personally don't think it helps to vilify a victim... but that is a personal view. As a juror, it would impact negatively on me to vilify a 17 year old.... 17 year olds are, in the main, not the wisest of people. They do and say stuff that isn't really all that bright.... but they are still developing and trying to grow into adulthood.

The people who turn my stomach in this scenario are the ones who are race baiting. Those sick freaks - and we have a few on this board - they are a huge part of the problem in America.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?
Eyewitness accounts of the events leading up to the death show that the victim was harshly beating the shooter before he was shot.

FoxNews likely thinks it best not to further grieve his family with the unpleasant details, to their credit.

Leave the family alone until they can work through their grief. I'm glad they're not making a mockery of the situation by saying more than they think.
Thank you, Paper
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”
Repeatedly neg reppin me, bigreb, for factual posts like this, and calling me vile names in my inbox only shows me you're still the asshole bully you've always been.

You seem to have no problem negging people why bitch about it when it happens to you?
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

they give it all the coverage they need,, unlike a rival chanel news they don't send their commentators to the streets to pimp racial hatred. deal with it. Fox reports the facts as they arise.
I found this just now in a lengthy NY Times article. On the 7th page:
Repeatedly neg reppin me, bigreb, for factual posts like this, and calling me vile names in my inbox only shows me you're still the asshole bully you've always been.

You seem to have no problem negging people why bitch about it when it happens to you?
I neg you back asshole, yeah.

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