Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Fox isn't made up of a bunch of race hustling cocksuckers?.....
Repeatedly neg reppin me, bigreb, for factual posts like this, and calling me vile names in my inbox only shows me you're still the asshole bully you've always been.

You seem to have no problem negging people why bitch about it when it happens to you?
I neg you back asshole, yeah.
You've negged me several times in the past week and when I return the favor you announce it.
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Fox news is at least guilty of considering other events equally as important as this ginned up, race baiting controversy. If everyone doesn't cover their heads with dirt, scream in agony and rip their clothes they are racist. This is as bad as Kim Jong Il's death in North Korea!

The family is lying through their teeth, they are using the media to promote their lies as truth and that is hampering the investigation. State attorney 'outraged' by federal review request in Trayvon Martin case | News - Home

If a riot is what they want to start, get off the stick and do it already.
You seem to have no problem negging people why bitch about it when it happens to you?
I neg you back asshole, yeah.
You've negged me several times in the past week and when I return the favor you announce it.
That's a lie and you know it. I never negged you once. I only did in return yesterday

You got all pissy when I was posting facts on Sunday, and you sent me this:

"pay attention to this race bait whore"

Fucking liar. Get over your authoritarian complex, you bullshit artist.
I neg you back asshole, yeah.
You've negged me several times in the past week and when I return the favor you announce it.
That's a lie and you know it. I never negged you once. I only did in return yesterday

You got all pissy when I was posting facts on Sunday, and you sent me this:

"pay attention to this race bait whore"

Fucking liar. Get over your authoritarian complex, you bullshit artist.

You've negged me several times in the past week and when I return the favor you announce it.
That's a lie and you know it. I never negged you once. I only did in return yesterday

You got all pissy when I was posting facts on Sunday, and you sent me this:

"pay attention to this race bait whore"

Fucking liar. Get over your authoritarian complex, you bullshit artist.


you can post his neg reps and his comments..
That's a lie and you know it. I never negged you once. I only did in return yesterday

You got all pissy when I was posting facts on Sunday, and you sent me this:

"pay attention to this race bait whore"

Fucking liar. Get over your authoritarian complex, you bullshit artist.


you can post his neg reps and his comments..

I can't because I can only receive PM messages from my friends list. The only way I know I am negged or pos. repped is if I look on the notification page.
Why is it people seem to think that if they think news is important all other news should be ignored so talking heads can speak hours on end about their pet story?
Why is the past of Zimmerman being talked about Marc?
For one, he has a CRIMINAL record. Secondly, he has a HISTORY of violence. Thirdly, he has a HISTORY of calling the PD reporting "suspicious black males" that have ALL been bogus.

Shall I go on?

When will you stop with your racist nonsense?

Where exactly did you get the 'history of calling the PD reporting "suspicious black males" from?

ABC, NBC, CBS, Wall St. Journal, NY Times, Washington Post, McClatchy News, NY Daily News, NY Post, NPR, Pacifica Broadcasts .... I could go on, but I hope you stop being willfully ignorant and do some honest research before your fingers hit the keys next time.
And for our die hard neocons/teabaggers supporting Fox Noise, here's a reality check:

Fox News Watch  Fails Media Criticism 101 In Trayvon Martin Case | Media Matters for America

(Note: the formentioned group most like are either too cowardly, dishonest or dumb to actually READ the content of the link and discuss the points. Rather, they just squawk the party line that the very source is not worth discussing - - although they WILL condemn it without reading it.)
And for our die hard neocons/teabaggers supporting Fox Noise, here's a reality check:

Fox News Watch *Fails Media Criticism 101 In Trayvon Martin Case | Media Matters for America

(Note: the formentioned group most like are either too cowardly, dishonest or dumb to actually READ the content of the link and discuss the points. Rather, they just squawk the party line that the very source is not worth discussing - - although they WILL condemn it without reading it.)

Did I mention Zimmerman was a democrat

When you make it political I feel lead to remind you of this fact.
Fox news is at least guilty of considering other events equally as important as this ginned up, race baiting controversy. If everyone doesn't cover their heads with dirt, scream in agony and rip their clothes they are racist. This is as bad as Kim Jong Il's death in North Korea!

The family is lying through their teeth, they are using the media to promote their lies as truth and that is hampering the investigation. State attorney 'outraged' by federal review request in Trayvon Martin case | News - Home

If a riot is what they want to start, get off the stick and do it already.

Man, you are PRIME example of the proud willful ignorance and insipidly stubborn donkey's that think your supposition and conjecture passes for Facts. Here's the skinny on Fox Noise's attitude on this:

Fox News Watch  Fails Media Criticism 101 In Trayvon Martin Case | Media Matters for America

Fox Noise dares to say it's a news service that's "fair and objective". Puh leeze!

Oh, and Wolfinger can blow it out his ass, because he knows his credibility was compromised when he pulled rank to stop an arrest and investigation, and THEN recuse himself from the case. Maybe the little shit thinks that will shield him from the upcoming investigations, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Oh, and please DETAIL IN FACT just how the Martin family is "lying through their teeth". You neocon/teabagger blowhards are all big talk on accusations, but a bunch of intellectual wussies when challenged to PROVE your attacks.

Put up or shut up, Katzndogz....we're all waiting.
Fox News might be the only News Outlet who has handled this story with reason & journalistic integrity. The Liberal Press has hit new lows on this one. Shame on CNN & NBC especially.
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Why is it people seem to think that if they think news is important all other news should be ignored so talking heads can speak hours on end about their pet story?

You talk as if YOU are not guilty of the same trait?

But hey, there's an old saying in the newspaper game, "if it bleeds, it leads".

Remember the Central Park jogger case? National and international coverage.....yet a serial rapist of black women was taking place for over 2 weeks less than 3 blocks from the CP jogger attack/rape....and THAT BARELY got an inch coverage in the LOCAL newspapers!

See where I'm going with this, bunky? Because if you don't, I'll elaborate: within the last 5 years black public advocates/activist have been having national conferences and the like on the problem of high crime rate/violent crime in the black communities across the country. They got bare minimum coverage by the main stream media, but that was it.....a few moments on the day's events.

Now that the Trayvon Martin case goes national, people are accusing folk like Sharpton and Jackson and even the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of being "race hustlers" and exploiting the situation for political gain.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't
Why is it people seem to think that if they think news is important all other news should be ignored so talking heads can speak hours on end about their pet story?

You talk as if YOU are not guilty of the same trait?

But hey, there's an old saying in the newspaper game, "if it bleeds, it leads".

Remember the Central Park jogger case? National and international coverage.....yet a serial rapist of black women was taking place for over 2 weeks less than 3 blocks from the CP jogger attack/rape....and THAT BARELY got an inch coverage in the LOCAL newspapers!

See where I'm going with this, bunky? Because if you don't, I'll elaborate: within the last 5 years black public advocates/activist have been having national conferences and the like on the problem of high crime rate/violent crime in the black communities across the country. They got bare minimum coverage by the main stream media, but that was it.....a few moments on the day's events.

Now that the Trayvon Martin case goes national, people are accusing folk like Sharpton and Jackson and even the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of being "race hustlers" and exploiting the situation for political gain.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't
Marc why was Trayvon's body not claimed from the morgue until 12 hours after his death? Why didn't the father at least look out his window when all the shouting was taking place? Where was the father when the shot was fired not more than a 1000 feet away? The distance is my guesstamation but the fight wasn't far from where Trayvon's father lived. That is something news worthy. Title of the news story
Where was Trayvon's Father when his son needed him the most?

how is this relevant? Don't blame the father.

Fuck you and fuck marc race baiting son of a bitch. Where the fuck was the father who sons less than 1000 feet away was dying? Why did it take the father so long to report his son was missing?
After all his son had been suspended for 10 days from school. Marc seems to this there should be more news reporting about Trayvon don't bitch about it when someone ask these questions because the longer this goes with media attention the more Trayvon will not look like an angel but a child who did not have any parental guidance

It was just a question, because you are obviously so eager to deny blame to the one who did the murder, but instead are trying to make someone who wasn't even there, culpable. That is very childish to me, and very contradictory coming from a pub who's supposed credo involves personal responsibility, which is laughable in and of itself. don't be such a piece of shit if you are going to ask stupid questions.
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how is this relevant? Don't blame the father.

Fuck you and fuck marc race baiting son of a bitch. Where the fuck was the father who sons less than 1000 feet away was dying? Why did it take the father so long to report his son was missing?
After all his son had been suspended for 10 days from school. Marc seems to this there should be more news reporting about Trayvon don't bitch about it when someone ask these questions because the longer this goes with media attention the more Trayvon will not look like an angel but a child who did not have any parental guidance

It was just a question, because you are obviously so eager to deny blame to the one who did the murder, but instead are trying to make someone who wasn't even there, culpable. That is very childish to me, and very contradictory coming from a pub who's supposed credo involves personal responsibility, which is laughable in and of itself. don't be such a piece of shit if you are going to ask stupid questions.

Defending your life is not murder. Trayvon at 17 still responsible to his father.
Four more shootings have occurred in Sanford in the last few days. Where is the President calling for "civility"???????
Four more shootings have occurred in Sanford in the last few days. Where is the President calling for "civility"???????

Did the state attorney's office take a trip to interfere in the ivestigation? Did the chief of police do the same? Did both recuse themselves afterward? Were the shooters I.D,'ed but let go without a proper questioning?

If none of those things happened, then you have your answer.
The radical RWers with their false equivalency crap. Time, and time again.

LOL!!! :lol:


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