Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.

Asshole first you must prove there has been corruption on the part of the Florida justice system. From what I have seen they have went by the letter of the law. You of the lynch mob have hung your hopes on a false reported information.
I think every hispanic/latino in America should let this be a lesson to them. Don't believe the garbage the left says about having your back. They will lynch you in a heartbeat if you are up against blacks.
Especially the racist libtard press.
The only people saying that Zimmerman might not be guilty are the conservatives.
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.
LOL!!!:lol: :lol:
The Infidel said:
Hi, you have received -560 reputation points from The Infidel.
Reputation was given for this post.

this entire thread is a joke and you should be ashamed for your lynchmob attitude.

The Infidel

Note: This is an automated message.
So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.
LOL!!!:lol: :lol:
The Infidel said:
Hi, you have received -560 reputation points from The Infidel.
Reputation was given for this post.

this entire thread is a joke and you should be ashamed for your lynchmob attitude.

The Infidel

Note: This is an automated message.

Imagine that? One racist asshole agreeing with another racist asshole? Who'd have thunk it?
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.

These "crimes" seem to be directly connected to the Zimmerman/Martin case. If there are cases where others do crimes because the press inflamed the tensions, please let me know.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

I watch Fox and it was covered. Basically, they gave the facts and said wait for the full investigation. However, I saw the clip of Zimmermen being led away to the station handcuffed after the incident on Fox and he certainly didn't look bloodied to me. Thought he was supposed to have a bloody or broken nose. They pointed it out on Fox, but the time stamp wasn't on it.
I think every hispanic/latino in America should let this be a lesson to them. Don't believe the garbage the left says about having your back. They will lynch you in a heartbeat if you are up against blacks.
Especially the racist libtard press.
The only people saying that Zimmerman might not be guilty are the conservatives.

Wipe the spittle off your screen, bubba. You cannot produce ONE quote from anyone that is advocating hatred against all hispanics/latino just because of Zimmerman.

The accusation of racism against Zimmerman is based on his own history and actions that night. Yes, the audio specialist say he muttered "fucking punks" instead of "fucking *******" or the like.....which does NOT erase his History of calls to 911 or his biased, undocumented description of Martin based on NOTHING but HIS personal opinion.

Determining if Zimmerman is guilty or not requires a proper arrest and investigation.....both denied by a road blocking chief of police and an interfering state attorney, both whom recused themselves afterward.

Zimmerman's lawyers are trying this case in public court, and they are LOSING as more and more evidence comes forth. Deal with it and stop sucking Limbaugh's ass with this "reverse racism" BS.
LOL!!!:lol: :lol:
The Infidel said:
Hi, you have received -560 reputation points from The Infidel.
Reputation was given for this post.

this entire thread is a joke and you should be ashamed for your lynchmob attitude.

The Infidel

Note: This is an automated message.

Imagine that? One racist asshole agreeing with another racist asshole? Who'd have thunk it?

And yet another jackass who can't debate worth a damn, but instead throws out insults and accusations that CANNOT BE PROVEN LOGICALLY ON THIS THREAD.

I'll dumb it down for you, bunky.....you're opinion isn't worth a damn, unless you can provide quotes from either Marc or myself that express "racism" towards someone or some group.

But we both know you can't, and will just follow up with yet another baseless accusation that avoids dealing with the FACTS of this case. Carry on.
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.

These "crimes" seem to be directly connected to the Zimmerman/Martin case. If there are cases where others do crimes because the press inflamed the tensions, please let me know.

"Seem" is the operative word, my would be genius. But if you need proof of black folk being victims of a crime inflamed by the press, you need look no further than the INCREASE in hate crimes against blacks an other minorities since the election of Obama...you know, after institutions like Fox News and such screamed "anti-American, secret muslim, racist, gonna take your guns" even AFTER the man was elected.

Hate crimes against blacks, religious groups rise - USATODAY.com

You're NOT going to shift the topic from the FACTS that keep tearing down the excuses Zimmerman's lawyers keep spit balling in the press....but I know insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant cusses with a grudge against "those people" like YOU will keep trying.

Carry on.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

I watch Fox and it was covered. Basically, they gave the facts and said wait for the full investigation. However, I saw the clip of Zimmermen being led away to the station handcuffed after the incident on Fox and he certainly didn't look bloodied to me. Thought he was supposed to have a bloody or broken nose. They pointed it out on Fox, but the time stamp wasn't on it.

there's a post on this thread that documents Fox New's marked lack of initial coverage of this case, and then subsequently questioning whether it was truly worth all the hoop-la in the first place.

Fox has a nasty habit of (purposely) being behind the curve in the news coverage of any topic that does NOT fit into a "conservative" cause.
Four people injured in two drive-by shootings in Sanford
78 year old man beat with a hammer by 6 black youths
Where are the calls for civility?

So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.

Asshole first you must prove there has been corruption on the part of the Florida justice system. From what I have seen they have went by the letter of the law. You of the lynch mob have hung your hopes on a false reported information.

Yup. It now looks like Zimmerman actually said "It's fuckin cold" and not "Fuckin Coons." The Liberal Press really blew this one. They should be ashamed of themselves for the way they've reported on this story. Fox News has been one of the very few Media Outlets which has handled this story with calm & reason.
So you're going to try and divert attention from the corruption in the Zimmerman/Martin case and it's ramifications regarding the "Stand Your Ground" law by listing every violent crime involving black people.

Yet, no white folk are doing the same crimes in your little world.

Tough donuts, bunky......this one isn't going away, and whatever fucked up little psychological affront you feel has been done to your inflated view of your racial pride is of NO consequence. Justice will be done when an arrest and proper investigation is done.

Carry on.

These "crimes" seem to be directly connected to the Zimmerman/Martin case. If there are cases where others do crimes because the press inflamed the tensions, please let me know.

"Seem" is the operative word, my would be genius. But if you need proof of black folk being victims of a crime inflamed by the press, you need look no further than the INCREASE in hate crimes against blacks an other minorities since the election of Obama...you know, after institutions like Fox News and such screamed "anti-American, secret muslim, racist, gonna take your guns" even AFTER the man was elected.

Hate crimes against blacks, religious groups rise - USATODAY.com

You're NOT going to shift the topic from the FACTS that keep tearing down the excuses Zimmerman's lawyers keep spit balling in the press....but I know insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant cusses with a grudge against "those people" like YOU will keep trying.

Carry on.

The six "youths" told the 78 year old man they were beating it was for "Trayvon", and you want to discuss "willfully ignorant"?
The "facts" are unknown. A terrible tragedy occurred. One person is dead. One person will have to live with the taking of a human life. Now here are some questions for you.
If you see a suspicious person, is it okay to investigate (from a distance)?
If you see a person acting different, is it okay to investigate (could be a medical problem)?
Do you have a right to beat someone because they "seem" to be following you?
How long of a distance should you walk before you confront someone walking the same direction as you?
How many times should you allow yourself to be hit, if you have the means to defend yourself?
At what point do you decide someone is hurting you (after they punch you/after they put you on the ground and don't stop/after they use concrete or pavement to pound your head/after your brains are spilling out of your broken skull)?
Do you have the right to defend yourself against someone that is smaller than you (some of the most wicked fighters are fairly small)?

Everyone, EVERYONE never wants to see an incident like this again (if it was a woman that had been raped, she would be told she should have known better than to dress that way, or be walking alone in that neighborhood). Instead of calling for a public lynching (something too many black community organizers are doing), we should be discussing how this could be avoided in the future.
If you are in an area where there is crime, you do not dress or act like a burglar.
If you are part of a neighborhood watch, pair up, and have reflective clothing that identifies you as something other than a thug.
You don't beat someone for following you.
You don't shoot someone that is walking "on the sidewalk".
If you choose to speak to someone on the street, do it respectfully, and with purpose.
Understand that people are terrified; they do not want to be victims of crime and will do a lot to avoid having their families hurt. Be considerate, and do not try to intimidate others.

In short, if either of these people had acted differently, this tradgedy would not have happened. Let's use it to educate and reduce the risk of it happening again.
The six "youths" told the 78 year old man they were beating it was for "Trayvon", and you want to discuss "willfully ignorant"?


Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated
Sergeant Toney said that, after the incident, the boys were "snatched up" so quickly there would not have been time for the youths to "get their story straight."

The youths told police -- with slight variations -- that Mr. Watts approached the boys and engaged them in conversation about their hooded sweatshirts and Trayvon Martin and allegedly used a racial slur.

One of the boys allegedly told the man to "keep walking" and another slapped Mr. Watts, causing him to fall.

One of the boys took the pork rinds that Mr. Watts had purchased, and the youths fled.
"Somewhere in the middle the truth is there," Sergeant Toney said.

Two youths were charged with robbery after the incident and on Monday were ordered to be held at the Lucas County Juvenile Justice Center.
Mr. Watts did not go to the hospital after the alleged assault, Sergeant Toney said.
Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated - Toledo Blade
The six "youths" told the 78 year old man they were beating it was for "Trayvon", and you want to discuss "willfully ignorant"?


Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated
Sergeant Toney said that, after the incident, the boys were "snatched up" so quickly there would not have been time for the youths to "get their story straight."

The youths told police -- with slight variations -- that Mr. Watts approached the boys and engaged them in conversation about their hooded sweatshirts and Trayvon Martin and allegedly used a racial slur.

One of the boys allegedly told the man to "keep walking" and another slapped Mr. Watts, causing him to fall.

One of the boys took the pork rinds that Mr. Watts had purchased, and the youths fled.
"Somewhere in the middle the truth is there," Sergeant Toney said.

Two youths were charged with robbery after the incident and on Monday were ordered to be held at the Lucas County Juvenile Justice Center.
Mr. Watts did not go to the hospital after the alleged assault, Sergeant Toney said.
Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated - Toledo Blade

Ah, Democrat Race-Baiters. So willing to believe this incident wasn't racially motivated, while at the same time calling for Zimmerman's head. What a surprise. And now it looks like Zimmerman actually said 'It's fuckin cold" and not 'Fuckin Coons." Such crushing news for the usual suspect USMB Race-Baiters like Marc and Ravi the Raving the Lunatic. How will they deal with it? It should be fun watching them try. :)
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The six "youths" told the 78 year old man they were beating it was for "Trayvon", and you want to discuss "willfully ignorant"?


Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated
Sergeant Toney said that, after the incident, the boys were "snatched up" so quickly there would not have been time for the youths to "get their story straight."

The youths told police -- with slight variations -- that Mr. Watts approached the boys and engaged them in conversation about their hooded sweatshirts and Trayvon Martin and allegedly used a racial slur.

One of the boys allegedly told the man to "keep walking" and another slapped Mr. Watts, causing him to fall.

One of the boys took the pork rinds that Mr. Watts had purchased, and the youths fled.
"Somewhere in the middle the truth is there," Sergeant Toney said.

Two youths were charged with robbery after the incident and on Monday were ordered to be held at the Lucas County Juvenile Justice Center.
Mr. Watts did not go to the hospital after the alleged assault, Sergeant Toney said.
Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated - Toledo Blade

Ah, Democrat Race-Baiters. So willing to believe this incident wasn't racially motivated, while at the same time calling for Zimmerman's head. What a surprise. And now it looks like Zimmerman actually said 'It's fuckin cold" and not 'Fuckin Coons." Such crushing news for the usual suspect USMB Race-Baiters like Marc and Ravi the Raving the Lunatic. How will they deal with it? It should be fun watching them try. :)
Said the guy who starts race-baiting threads...

Like this one for example:


Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated
Toledo police: Man's account of assault may be exaggerated - Toledo Blade

Ah, Democrat Race-Baiters. So willing to believe this incident wasn't racially motivated, while at the same time calling for Zimmerman's head. What a surprise. And now it looks like Zimmerman actually said 'It's fuckin cold" and not 'Fuckin Coons." Such crushing news for the usual suspect USMB Race-Baiters like Marc and Ravi the Raving the Lunatic. How will they deal with it? It should be fun watching them try. :)
Said the guy who starts race-baiting threads...

Like this one for example:


Pointing out heinous Democrat Race-Baiting hypocrisy is not Race-Baiting. But you know that. You're just being pissy because you're a Race-Baiting Democrat yourself. You,Marc, and Ravi the Raving Lunatic deserve each other.
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Well well, another day of freedom for George Zimmerman. Despite the enormous pressure to arrest him, despite the special prosecutor, despite the FBI, no arrest. Unless you think that everyone is racist and hates Martin, it is very likely that Zimmerman's story of the events checks out and that he acted in self-defense. The Grand Jury will convene in three days, if it even gets to a G.J, and he's not in custody. It isn't looking good for the lynch mob.

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