Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

Either you're a liar, ignorant of recent history, willfully ignorant, or a pathetic combination of all three.

EVERY situation that you mention was covered by the press (TV, radio, print).... a simple google search will confirm what I say. What you didn't have in those cases were a police force that did a piss poor job of investigating a fatal shooting and a Jeb Bush local law that gave creeps like Zimmerman (with a record of being a 911 nusiance to the police AND a criminal record) credence to do what he did. And then you had this In 911 call, does George Zimmerman call Trayvon Martin a 'f***ing coon'? - The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur // Current TV

Fox Noise resident idiot Hannity try to play it all off as a "mistake"......yeah, after the 911 tape clearly has the cops telling Zimmerman that he does not have to follow Martin, and Zimmerman making all types of wild assumptions while observing a man in the rain at night!

So "hispanics" do not racially discriminate? Puh-leeze!
And Fox News is covering this story. They're just not in a Race-Baiting feeding frenzy like the Liberal Press is. They're actually being responsible journalists. As more evidence comes out, they will cover the story a bit more.

Then why did HANNITY say the shooting was an accident? Why did fox and friends say it was the victims fault because he wore a hoodie?

Please explain this?

Fox and Friends said that? Really? That was Geraldo Rivera, who, I am pretty sure, is a complete idiot, and a liberal.
What about the black teens who chased and beat white fairgoers in Wisconsin.
The media didn't touch this story. This was a HUUUGE event. For no apparent reason a group of black teenagers systematically started chasing and hitting white people.
Nothing in the media.
A group of blacks dressed in uniform and carrying clubs outside a voting precinct and the racist liberals excused it. I would have LOVED to see what would have happened if a group of white racist dressed in Aryan militaristic garb carrying clubs outside a voting precinct would have resulted in the media....it would have been headline news for weeks. Or imagine a group of white teens attacking blacks coming out of a church or other gathering....a nuclear bomb could go off and you wouldn't have known it for the wall to wall coverage.
Both the media and liberals act in overt racism on a regular basis and then we have people like MarcATL trying to point the finger the other direction.
What a tool.

the TWO self professed new black panthers that stood outside a polling station were investigated by the cops and it was found that they did NOT threaten or intimidate anyone nor did they belong to any true organization. Had neo-nazis/aryans showed up in a GROUP as you say, then that would have made news because those boys make it known they don't like black folk. The pseudo-panthers claimed they were there to prevent a re-enactment of the nonsense that went on in Florida in 2000.

And all one has to do is a simple google search to see that the Wisconsin incident was covered by TV, radio and print. So either YOU are poor liar or incredibly ignorant as to what's going on around you.

What you had in Florida with Zimmerman was a 911 tape like this In 911 call, does George Zimmerman call Trayvon Martin a 'f***ing coon'? - The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur // Current TV

A guy with a criminal record being told by the cops he doesn't have to follow the man, cops who do a piss poor job of crime scene investigation, the parents trying for 3 days to find out what happened to their kid, and a law that encourages assholes like Zimmerman. It's a perfect storm that subliminal sheet wearers like YOU don't like. TFB.
And Fox News is covering this story. They're just not in a Race-Baiting feeding frenzy like the Liberal Press is. They're actually being responsible journalists. As more evidence comes out, they will cover the story a bit more.

Then why did HANNITY say the shooting was an accident? Why did fox and friends say it was the victims fault because he wore a hoodie?

Please explain this?

Fox and Friends said that? Really? That was Geraldo Rivera, who, I am pretty sure, is a complete idiot, and a liberal.

Facts are not important
Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.
The FOXNEWS questions and covers the authenticity of President Obama's Presidency, citizenship and religion 1000 times more than they cover the Trayvon Martin killing.

You really need to learn to differentiate between 'news' and 'comment'. A substantial amount of FNC's programming is dedicated to comment programs. Currently, with this particular issue, there is nothing for commentators to really be discussing... other than to indulge in race baiting - like you are. Their news coverage has covered it... in sufficient detail as is available. The hysterical bullshit and speculation that you indulge in has no place in a 'news' program.

Now, try and use the limited intellect you possess to think logically and dispassionately - without regard to the victim's race about how much solid factually accurate information there is about this case... 10 minutes would seem generous to me.

Oh spare us all this nonsense you keep pulling out of your ass. Deal with reality:

Fox News Coverage of the Trayvon Martin Case Criticized - The Daily Beast
I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.


Academically minded? Really? You sit in front of one of mankind's greatest inventions. A method to find out information from anywhere in the world in seconds. From millions of different sources. With pictures and video. Yet, you call what you learn "fiction" and feel it's "stupid". Yet, there you are, pounding out nothing of value. But I get it. I really do. In the "binary" world of the right wing, it's either ALL lies or ALL gospel truth. There is no in-between. But there is "outside the box", which is where you are. We call that space "batshit crazy".

I keep telling you not to read those prophecy sites rdean, you are getting confused.

If what you said made sense, I could have a reply. But how can you reply to "batshit crazy"?
Academically minded? Really? You sit in front of one of mankind's greatest inventions. A method to find out information from anywhere in the world in seconds. From millions of different sources. With pictures and video. Yet, you call what you learn "fiction" and feel it's "stupid". Yet, there you are, pounding out nothing of value. But I get it. I really do. In the "binary" world of the right wing, it's either ALL lies or ALL gospel truth. There is no in-between. But there is "outside the box", which is where you are. We call that space "batshit crazy".

I keep telling you not to read those prophecy sites rdean, you are getting confused.

If what you said made sense, I could have a reply. But how can you reply to "batshit crazy"?

You don't remember this post?

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

Here is what comes up when I Google that phrase.

Bible Prophecy Tracker: October 2011

You reading biblical prophecy conspiracy sites again?
Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

A Mexican shooting a black kid is the "biggest, most powerful" news story?
How many Americans died in one of Obama's wars today?
Put a hoodie on and shut the fuck up, asswipe.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Maybe it's because FOX has the good sense to not go all half cocked before anyone knows what the facts are.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Maybe it's because FOX has the good sense to not go all half cocked before anyone knows what the facts are.
Who in the media's been going "half-cocked" and how did they do it?
Dumb White Liberals and Racist African American Democrats. That's the Liberal Press in a nutshell. They're in a state of Race-Baiting euphoria over this tragedy. They absolutely love it. CNN,ABC,NBC,CBS,NPR,PBS,NY Times, hope & pray this story never goes away. That's why you can count on them doing their very best to keep the hysterical Race-Baiting alive & well. It's just what the Liberal Media does. Fox News is fresh alternative. They're certainly not perfect, but they are a fresh alternative.
Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Candy Crowley on CNN, their chief political correspondent, this AM asked Gov Scott of Florida why it "took more than a month to react?"

Today is Sunday the 25th of March and the shooting took place on Sunday February 26th. That's 28 days ago which is now exactly a month ago, and the Gov appointed a special prosecutor and a task force to investigate on the 22nd. So why wasn't she able to report this factually, and based on that why should we believe her reporting?
Candy Crowley on CNN, their chief political correspondent, this AM asked Gov Scott of Florida why it "took more than a month to react?"

Did she have a bagel hanging off the outside of her fat face?

She should change her name from "Candy" to "Lard"
Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Candy Crowley on CNN, their chief political correspondent, this AM asked Gov Scott of Florida why it "took more than a month to react?"

Today is Sunday the 25th of March and the shooting took place on Sunday February 26th. That's 28 days ago which is now exactly a month ago, and the Gov appointed a special prosecutor and a task force to investigate on the 22nd. So why wasn't she able to report this factually, and based on that why should we believe her reporting?

CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS,NPR,PBS,NY Times = Dumb White Liberal/Racist African American Democrat propaganda. If you fall into one of those catergories, you will absolutely love CNN & NBC's wall-to-wall hysterical Race-Baiting coverage. It is sad, but this is what the Liberal Media is all about. At least Fox News provides an alternative to it.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Maybe it's because FOX has the good sense to not go all half cocked before anyone knows what the facts are.
Who in the media's been going "half-cocked" and how did they do it?

NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, by focussing on the very little known in this case and discussing police ineptitude, racism, and distorting some of the facts.
Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Candy Crowley on CNN, their chief political correspondent, this AM asked Gov Scott of Florida why it "took more than a month to react?"

Today is Sunday the 25th of March and the shooting took place on Sunday February 26th. That's 28 days ago which is now exactly a month ago, and the Gov appointed a special prosecutor and a task force to investigate on the 22nd. So why wasn't she able to report this factually, and based on that why should we believe her reporting?

Those idiots can only think of one answer to the question because anything else would spoinl their attempt to make this a race issue.

The reason that it took so long is that the Sanford Police investigated the incident and determined that Zimmerman's story checked out and they released him. That should have been it but the parents of the boy weren't satisfied and then ONLY because Treyvon is black and they thought Zimmerman was white, did it become a major story. Now that it is, Gov.Scott is placating the hysterical lynch mob by having someone look into it. the fact that after all that, Zimmerman is still a free man today makes me suspect that Zimmerman's story still checks out. Mind you, it is only speculation on my part.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Maybe it's because FOX has the good sense to not go all half cocked before anyone knows what the facts are.
Who in the media's been going "half-cocked" and how did they do it?

Every single person who is assuming Zimmerman should be in jail just because the kid he shot was black.

Come to think of it, that would include you, which might explain why you don't see it. The police report indicated that Zimmerman had a cut on his head, the girlfriend said she heard some type of struggle over the phone before the shots, and there is even a witness that claims he saw that fight. All of that proves that Zimmerman told the police the truth.

What the police have to find out now is if Zimmerman instigated the confrontation. If he did, he should face charges. If he was just following him to make sure he didn't break into a house somewhere in the neighborhood, and Martin actually initiated, and escalated, the confrontation, he shouldn't. Until I know the facts I won't make a decision.
The more it looks like Zimmerman acted in self defense, the less you will hear of this case.

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