Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Do you truly understand who created the term "hispanic" and what it entails, you libertarian lunkhead?

And as the 911 tapes shows, it wasn't "liberals" that brought race into the issue, but Zimmerman himself!

Get your head out of Ron Paul's ass, will ya please.
Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Do you truly understand who created the term "hispanic" and what it entails, you libertarian lunkhead?

And as the 911 tapes shows, it wasn't "liberals" that brought race into the issue, but Zimmerman himself!

Get your head out of Ron Paul's ass, will ya please.

Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Candy Crowley on CNN, their chief political correspondent, this AM asked Gov Scott of Florida why it "took more than a month to react?"

Today is Sunday the 25th of March and the shooting took place on Sunday February 26th. That's 28 days ago which is now exactly a month ago, and the Gov appointed a special prosecutor and a task force to investigate on the 22nd. So why wasn't she able to report this factually, and based on that why should we believe her reporting?

Those idiots can only think of one answer to the question because anything else would spoinl their attempt to make this a race issue.

The reason that it took so long is that the Sanford Police investigated the incident and determined that Zimmerman's story checked out and they released him. That should have been it but the parents of the boy weren't satisfied and then ONLY because Treyvon is black and they thought Zimmerman was white, did it become a major story. Now that it is, Gov.Scott is placating the hysterical lynch mob by having someone look into it. the fact that after all that, Zimmerman is still a free man today makes me suspect that Zimmerman's story still checks out. Mind you, it is only speculation on my part.

Please stop treating your supposition and conjecture as fact.

It took the PARENT of Martin 2 days before they got the word from the local police dept. as to what happened to their missing kid. Zimmerman was NEVER taken down to a precinct for an OFFICIAL questioning DESPITE being involved in a fatal shooting. He still hasn't to this day.

No decent foresnics.

WTF is that all about?

If it were NOT for the due diligence of local black media (and then national black media) along with Progressive radio stations, the Main Stream Media would have kept this story on the back burner....hell, Fox News was STILL the last one to catch on with coverage AFTER the Big 3 started coverage.

Gov. Scott is involved because of the PRESSURE brought by the various groups and the (now) national media examination.

Try dealing with the FACTS instead of your wishful thinking.
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Maybe it's because FOX has the good sense to not go all half cocked before anyone knows what the facts are.
Who in the media's been going "half-cocked" and how did they do it?

Every single person who is assuming Zimmerman should be in jail just because the kid he shot was black.

Come to think of it, that would include you, which might explain why you don't see it. The police report indicated that Zimmerman had a cut on his head, the girlfriend said she heard some type of struggle over the phone before the shots, and there is even a witness that claims he saw that fight. All of that proves that Zimmerman told the police the truth.

What the police have to find out now is if Zimmerman instigated the confrontation. If he did, he should face charges. If he was just following him to make sure he didn't break into a house somewhere in the neighborhood, and Martin actually initiated, and escalated, the confrontation, he shouldn't. Until I know the facts I won't make a decision.


WTF are YOU babbling about?
Because they're not shameful Liberal Media Race-Baiters. They leave that pathetic shite to CNN & NBC. They still calling Zimmerman 'White?' Keep us updated.

Do you truly understand who created the term "hispanic" and what it entails, you libertarian lunkhead?

And as the 911 tapes shows, it wasn't "liberals" that brought race into the issue, but Zimmerman himself!

Get your head out of Ron Paul's ass, will ya please.


Just as I thought....another libertarian lunkhead parroting the neocon/teabagger rhetoric...and when confronted, you got NOTHING (here's where this libertarian lunkhead excerpts part of my response in an "I know you are, but what am I" retort).
Who in the media's been going "half-cocked" and how did they do it?

Every single person who is assuming Zimmerman should be in jail just because the kid he shot was black.

Come to think of it, that would include you, which might explain why you don't see it. The police report indicated that Zimmerman had a cut on his head, the girlfriend said she heard some type of struggle over the phone before the shots, and there is even a witness that claims he saw that fight. All of that proves that Zimmerman told the police the truth.

What the police have to find out now is if Zimmerman instigated the confrontation. If he did, he should face charges. If he was just following him to make sure he didn't break into a house somewhere in the neighborhood, and Martin actually initiated, and escalated, the confrontation, he shouldn't. Until I know the facts I won't make a decision.


WTF are YOU babbling about?

Why do you hate America so much? In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.
The more it looks like Zimmerman acted in self defense, the less you will hear of this case.


WTF are YOU babbling about?
Do you truly understand who created the term "hispanic" and what it entails, you libertarian lunkhead?

And as the 911 tapes shows, it wasn't "liberals" that brought race into the issue, but Zimmerman himself!

Get your head out of Ron Paul's ass, will ya please.


Just as I thought....another libertarian lunkhead parroting the neocon/teabagger rhetoric...and when confronted, you got NOTHING (here's where this libertarian lunkhead excerpts part of my response in an "I know you are, but what am I" retort).

Nah, you're just an average bigot. I can spot em a mile away.
Every single person who is assuming Zimmerman should be in jail just because the kid he shot was black.

Come to think of it, that would include you, which might explain why you don't see it. The police report indicated that Zimmerman had a cut on his head, the girlfriend said she heard some type of struggle over the phone before the shots, and there is even a witness that claims he saw that fight. All of that proves that Zimmerman told the police the truth.

What the police have to find out now is if Zimmerman instigated the confrontation. If he did, he should face charges. If he was just following him to make sure he didn't break into a house somewhere in the neighborhood, and Martin actually initiated, and escalated, the confrontation, he shouldn't. Until I know the facts I won't make a decision.


WTF are YOU babbling about?

Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.
Candy Crowley on CNN, their chief political correspondent, this AM asked Gov Scott of Florida why it "took more than a month to react?"

Today is Sunday the 25th of March and the shooting took place on Sunday February 26th. That's 28 days ago which is now exactly a month ago, and the Gov appointed a special prosecutor and a task force to investigate on the 22nd. So why wasn't she able to report this factually, and based on that why should we believe her reporting?

Those idiots can only think of one answer to the question because anything else would spoinl their attempt to make this a race issue.

The reason that it took so long is that the Sanford Police investigated the incident and determined that Zimmerman's story checked out and they released him. That should have been it but the parents of the boy weren't satisfied and then ONLY because Treyvon is black and they thought Zimmerman was white, did it become a major story. Now that it is, Gov.Scott is placating the hysterical lynch mob by having someone look into it. the fact that after all that, Zimmerman is still a free man today makes me suspect that Zimmerman's story still checks out. Mind you, it is only speculation on my part.

Please stop treating your supposition and conjecture as fact.

It took the PARENT of Martin 3 days before they got the word from the local police dept. as to what happened to their missing kid. Zimmerman was NEVER taken down to a precinct for an OFFICIAL questioning DESPITE being involved in a fatal shooting. He still hasn't to this day.

No decent foresnics.

WTF is that all about?

If it were NOT for the due diligence of local black media (and then national black media) along with Progressive radio stations, the Main Stream Media would have kept this story on the back burner....hell, Fox News was STILL the last one to catch on with coverage AFTER the Big 3 started coverage.

Gov. Scott is involved because of the PRESSURE brought by the various groups and the (now) national media examination.

Try dealing with the FACTS instead of your wishful thinking.

Zimmerman was taken into custody, and released after the police determined they had no probable cause.

As for the forensics, do you think the world works like CSI? Most of the crap they show is impossible half the rest is junk science, and half of the real stuff they show won't hold up in court. Most police departments can't do a fraction of the forensics that actually exists, so the police screwing it up is not part of some massive conspiracy.

Why don't you start dealing with the facts before you try lecturing others.

WTF are YOU babbling about?

Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.

You don't believe in Due Process? Man, you Socialists/Progressives really are lost. Maybe America isn't the place for you? May i suggest China or North Korea? Bon Voyage. :)

Just as I thought....another libertarian lunkhead parroting the neocon/teabagger rhetoric...and when confronted, you got NOTHING (here's where this libertarian lunkhead excerpts part of my response in an "I know you are, but what am I" retort).

Nah, you're just an average bigot. I can spot em a mile away.

The chronology of the posts has oft demonstrated your intellectual dishonesty and inability to deal with ALL relevent facts, as well as your insipid stubborness when it comes to facts that don't fit your beliefs. But hey, why not just keep trying to personally attack me (neocon/teabagger mocking usually comes out about now) instead of dealing with ALL the FACTS surrounding this case? That's about your speed, Libby. Carry on.
Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.

You don't believe in Due Process? Man, you Socialists/Progressives really are lost. Maybe America isn't the place for you? May i suggest China or North Korea? Bon Voyage. :)

Due Process begins with proper police procedure, you stupe. As it's evident, the cops in that area didn't even do that! A matter of history, a matter of fact that...which now requires scrutiny by other forces (state and possibly federal).

But do continue to babble like a good little neocon/teabagger/libertarian flunkie....it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Carry on.
Who in the media's been going "half-cocked" and how did they do it?

Every single person who is assuming Zimmerman should be in jail just because the kid he shot was black.

Come to think of it, that would include you, which might explain why you don't see it. The police report indicated that Zimmerman had a cut on his head, the girlfriend said she heard some type of struggle over the phone before the shots, and there is even a witness that claims he saw that fight. All of that proves that Zimmerman told the police the truth.

What the police have to find out now is if Zimmerman instigated the confrontation. If he did, he should face charges. If he was just following him to make sure he didn't break into a house somewhere in the neighborhood, and Martin actually initiated, and escalated, the confrontation, he shouldn't. Until I know the facts I won't make a decision.


WTF are YOU babbling about?

I am babbling about the facts, something that is strange to you.

The tape did not record his ideals, he didn't enunciate them to the operator. I have listened to the tapes, and the only slur it is possible to get out of the tape is ambiguous. Even if he said it, and was actually referring to Martin, it doesn't say anything about Zimmerman's ideals, it might. however, be indicative of state of mind.

What matters is who started the fight, not why it started. If Martin turned around and called Zimmerman a honky and Zimmerman attacked him Zimmerman over reacted. If Martin attacked Zimmerman because he was being followed, he over reacted. Simple statements of fact,

WTF are YOU babbling about?

Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.

The only person in this process whose due process rights are a concern are George Zimmerman's, are you trying to argue the police are railroading him? If not, stop talking about due process.
Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.

You don't believe in Due Process? Man, you Socialists/Progressives really are lost. Maybe America isn't the place for you? May i suggest China or North Korea? Bon Voyage. :)

Due Process begins with proper police procedure, you stupe. As it's evident, the cops in that area didn't even do that! A matter of history, a matter of fact that...which now requires scrutiny by other forces (state and possibly federal).

But do continue to babble like a good little neocon/teabagger/libertarian flunkie....it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Carry on.

:lol: You're dumb. Seriously, it's true.
Those idiots can only think of one answer to the question because anything else would spoinl their attempt to make this a race issue.

The reason that it took so long is that the Sanford Police investigated the incident and determined that Zimmerman's story checked out and they released him. That should have been it but the parents of the boy weren't satisfied and then ONLY because Treyvon is black and they thought Zimmerman was white, did it become a major story. Now that it is, Gov.Scott is placating the hysterical lynch mob by having someone look into it. the fact that after all that, Zimmerman is still a free man today makes me suspect that Zimmerman's story still checks out. Mind you, it is only speculation on my part.

Please stop treating your supposition and conjecture as fact.

It took the PARENT of Martin 3 days before they got the word from the local police dept. as to what happened to their missing kid. Zimmerman was NEVER taken down to a precinct for an OFFICIAL questioning DESPITE being involved in a fatal shooting. He still hasn't to this day.

No decent foresnics.

WTF is that all about?

If it were NOT for the due diligence of local black media (and then national black media) along with Progressive radio stations, the Main Stream Media would have kept this story on the back burner....hell, Fox News was STILL the last one to catch on with coverage AFTER the Big 3 started coverage.

Gov. Scott is involved because of the PRESSURE brought by the various groups and the (now) national media examination.

Try dealing with the FACTS instead of your wishful thinking.

Zimmerman was taken into custody, and released after the police determined they had no probable cause.

Really? Prove it! Because to date he was NOT given a blood alcohol test, foresnics as to the ballistics from his gun, nor was the 911 tape brought into question as to WHY did he pursue and confront Martin when he told not to. So beyond a quick Q&A, what the hell happened? Was his gun even confiscated? (and how the hell does a guy with a record get a CCWP?)

As for the forensics, do you think the world works like CSI? Most of the crap they show is impossible half the rest is junk science, and half of the real stuff they show won't hold up in court. Most police departments can't do a fraction of the forensics that actually exists, so the police screwing it up is not part of some massive conspiracy.

Who said anything about the CSI program, genius. Standard ballistic test to determine powder residue on victims and perps hands has been around for a LONG time, and is available to even the most remote precinct/station. If they don't have it on the premises, they can send it to a regional one that does.....and remember, it's was OVER A MONTH before the "main stream media" picked this up, which is MORE than enough time for proper police work to have taken place.

Why don't you start dealing with the facts before you try lecturing others.

Why don't you start thinking beyond the talking points that make you feel good?
Aw, Liberal cretins are just pissed because Zimmerman is actually Hispanic. It kinda throws a wrench in their 'Evil Whitey kills Black Kid' Race-Baiting hysteria. Liberal Media Outlets like CNN & NBC are absolutely befuddled as to how to proceed. First they called him 'White' and indicted the entire White Race. But now they're backpedaling and have become distraught. The Liberal Media is a joke. Period, end of story.
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Every single person who is assuming Zimmerman should be in jail just because the kid he shot was black.

Come to think of it, that would include you, which might explain why you don't see it. The police report indicated that Zimmerman had a cut on his head, the girlfriend said she heard some type of struggle over the phone before the shots, and there is even a witness that claims he saw that fight. All of that proves that Zimmerman told the police the truth.

What the police have to find out now is if Zimmerman instigated the confrontation. If he did, he should face charges. If he was just following him to make sure he didn't break into a house somewhere in the neighborhood, and Martin actually initiated, and escalated, the confrontation, he shouldn't. Until I know the facts I won't make a decision.


WTF are YOU babbling about?

I am babbling about the facts, something that is strange to you.

Sorry, but your history on these threads demonstrate time and again what a quantum neocon gasbag you are. let's see if you can do better here.

The tape did not record his ideals, he didn't enunciate them to the operator. I have listened to the tapes, and the only slur it is possible to get out of the tape is ambiguous. Even if he said it, and was actually referring to Martin, it doesn't say anything about Zimmerman's ideals, it might. however, be indicative of state of mind.

Are you fucking stupid or just insipidly stubborn? Here gasbag, BS & deny this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgR7gCxXQYg]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman makes all types of assumptions that DON'T coincide with additional information. Given his history of calls on "suspicious" black males that DID NOT PAN OUT, his state of mind is pretty evident....and he DID NOT have to pursue Martin.

What matters is who started the fight, not why it started. If Martin turned around and called Zimmerman a honky and Zimmerman attacked him Zimmerman over reacted. If Martin attacked Zimmerman because he was being followed, he over reacted. Simple statements of fact,

You're simple if you think your supposition and conjecture will pass the muster. Zimmerman INITIATED THE CONFRONTATION, as the tape clearly tells that he PURSUED Martin when it was NOT necessary or prompted by the cops. Referring to Martin as an "asshole" and a "fucking (coon?)" along with his generalize assumptions gives a clear indication of his mindset, whether YOU like it or not.
Why do you hate America so much?

Are you just being a stupid crank with this neocon/teabagger BS? Or are you truly just another libertarian lunkhead parroting your neocon/teabagger cousin's stupidity?

In America we have a thing called Due Process. We do not approve of Lynch-Mobs. I know that bothers you Socialists/Progressives, but that's the way it is. So get over it.

Hey genius, "due process" includes PROPER POLICE PROCEDURE....that means you DO NOT just let a man involved in a fatal shooting go scott free without so much as taking them to a precinct for questioning, drug/alcohol test. The call for justice is a call for Zimmerman to be arrested, not "lynched".

Intellectually dishonest libertarians/neocons/teabaggers are quick to distort and misrepresent anything that does not fit into your warped version of life....but the FACTS will always be your undoing. Carry on.

The only person in this process whose due process rights are a concern are George Zimmerman's, are you trying to argue the police are railroading him? If not, stop talking about due process.

Are you really this fucking dense or are you just being obstinate? Due process means exactly that.....the process of investingation before any charges are actually being done. You shoot someone in a public area when there is serious question as to motive and cause, you should be arrested and taken in for questioning, drug testing, foresnics, etc.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgR7gCxXQYg]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]

Deal with it.

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