Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?


Louis Farrakhan Tweets Curious Messages About Peace & Justice | Trayvon Martin | TheBlaze.com

How does this asshole get away with this kind of rhetoric?

Where is the outrage?
Disgusting. :evil:


Louis Farrakhan Tweets Curious Messages About Peace & Justice | Trayvon Martin | TheBlaze.com

How does this asshole get away with this kind of rhetoric?

Where is the outrage?

That sounds like incitement to violence to me.

MarcATL will defend it though...

Louis Farrakhan Tweets Curious Messages About Peace & Justice | Trayvon Martin | TheBlaze.com

How does this asshole get away with this kind of rhetoric?

Where is the outrage?

That sounds like incitement to violence to me.
Yup. Clear fighting words and not protected speech.

Especially with the heat over this case.
In a world where WWB results in death, WWZ will have its consequences too.

It's just common sense.
They leave the shameful Race-Baiting to CNN & NBC i guess. This is their Rodney King Redux. Their in Race-Baiting euphoria mode. And their regular programming are abominations. So they hope & pray this farce never ends. They wont be truly satisfied until the riots begin though. CNN & NBC are disgraces. Period, end of story.

Louis Farrakhan Tweets Curious Messages About Peace & Justice | Trayvon Martin | TheBlaze.com

How does this asshole get away with this kind of rhetoric?

Where is the outrage?
I think he means that he will sing Calypso in retaliation.

And Fox News is covering this story. They're just not in a Race-Baiting feeding frenzy like the Liberal Press is. They're actually being responsible journalists. As more evidence comes out, they will cover the story a bit more.

Louis Farrakhan Tweets Curious Messages About Peace & Justice | Trayvon Martin | TheBlaze.com

How does this asshole get away with this kind of rhetoric?

Where is the outrage?

That sounds like incitement to violence to me.
Yup. Clear fighting words and not protected speech.

Especially with the heat over this case.

A lot of that going on right now.
The reason it's a big deal is because with his 7%, he protects Rupert Murdoch from a hostile take over. Everyone knows that. What it does is give this man's seemingly small percentage huge power because Rupert wants to keep him happy. Everyone knows this. It's no secret.

How, precisely, does 'everyone know that'?

You create your own reality if that makes your life easier. I shall remain in the real one, where I cope exceptionally well.

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

Here is what comes up when I Google that phrase.

Bible Prophecy Tracker: October 2011

You reading biblical prophecy conspiracy sites again?
How, precisely, does 'everyone know that'?

You create your own reality if that makes your life easier. I shall remain in the real one, where I cope exceptionally well.

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.


Everyone has a different standard of knowledge than rdean.
I just learned that yesterday was the first day Sean Hannity covered the Trayvon Martin story...yesterday.


I just learned that today was the first day Obama said anything about the Trayvon Martin story.


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I just learned that yesterday was the first day Sean Hannity covered the Trayvon Martin story...yesterday.


Can you back that up?

It should be of interest to you, but I doubt that you understand the difference (because on all the liberal media there is little to no distinction) that hannity's show is not a news program. It is an opinion program.

He certainly has brought it up on his radio program, which I know for a fact because I listen to it 3-hours each day. And he has deliberately held back there, from doing what the show's format is for: giving opinion on the tragedy. What he's done is get a person on each potential side (evidentiary and racial) that might emerge, and have them discuss the issues while he maintains order.

In that way he has remained above getting involved in controversy coming out of it. His stand his been about one aspect; that the police in the 911 call asked the shooter if he was following the kid, telling him that they didnt want him doing that. That's been his only focus.

On the other hand your agenda is racial division along party lines with no higher ostensible purpose than that, while pinning your hopes on the Republicans stepping in it. This motivation will not benefit the left because it always overreaches because of the false image of approval it gets from its allies in the media.

The presidents only remarks on this were divisive when viewed from the perspective of those who hoped he would be a post racial president and a uniter. He can't unite because he habitually points out divisions.

I doubt very much that yesterday was the first day it came up on his one hour tv segment. I would hope that the MSM would report on it, as it should be, without racial overtones but I doubt they have met that small test for reporting news rather than reporting opinion.
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It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing.

You see, they are a bunch of morons. Its so simple really.

I see that I just walked in on a Mensa Society meeting. You and the other race-baiters are trying to prove that with Fox not covering Trayvon (they are though), its viewers must be racist. The problem is, Fox has been covering the story and even the LW mouthpiece MSNBC has been covering other stories. You see, their viewers do not want the network to get off the "bash the Repubs and kiss Obama's ass" format. How's that for giving a damn about this kid?

Your statment, "Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing" is total bullshit as evidenced by the majority of the thousands of postings on this matter. All but the most EFF'd up people, regardless of ideology, feel that this was a bad shooting and Zimmerman must pay for what he did. There are many facts that have not come out yet and due process must be allowed to play out.

Yeah, and on fox on Hannity, this fucking idiot said perhaps the shooting was an accident. Seriously, he fucking said this.

The other mensa members at fox and friends said he was killed because he was wearing a hoodie, so its his fault.

Fucking fox and fox fans are beyond belief. They really are and I am speaking to you directly.
How, precisely, does 'everyone know that'?

You create your own reality if that makes your life easier. I shall remain in the real one, where I cope exceptionally well.

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.


Academically minded? Really? You sit in front of one of mankind's greatest inventions. A method to find out information from anywhere in the world in seconds. From millions of different sources. With pictures and video. Yet, you call what you learn "fiction" and feel it's "stupid". Yet, there you are, pounding out nothing of value. But I get it. I really do. In the "binary" world of the right wing, it's either ALL lies or ALL gospel truth. There is no in-between. But there is "outside the box", which is where you are. We call that space "batshit crazy".
This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.


Academically minded? Really? You sit in front of one of mankind's greatest inventions. A method to find out information from anywhere in the world in seconds. From millions of different sources. With pictures and video. Yet, you call what you learn "fiction" and feel it's "stupid". Yet, there you are, pounding out nothing of value. But I get it. I really do. In the "binary" world of the right wing, it's either ALL lies or ALL gospel truth. There is no in-between. But there is "outside the box", which is where you are. We call that space "batshit crazy".

I keep telling you not to read those prophecy sites rdean, you are getting confused.
And Fox News is covering this story. They're just not in a Race-Baiting feeding frenzy like the Liberal Press is. They're actually being responsible journalists. As more evidence comes out, they will cover the story a bit more.

Then why did HANNITY say the shooting was an accident? Why did fox and friends say it was the victims fault because he wore a hoodie?

Please explain this?
And Fox News is covering this story. They're just not in a Race-Baiting feeding frenzy like the Liberal Press is. They're actually being responsible journalists. As more evidence comes out, they will cover the story a bit more.

Then why did HANNITY say the shooting was an accident? Why did fox and friends say it was the victims fault because he wore a hoodie?

Please explain this?

I actually listened to Hannity's radio show today and he said nothing of the sort.

In fact he is all for getting to the bottom of this as quickly as possible... your assertion that Hannity is soft on this is WAY OFF Bud... way off.

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