Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

2 of the premier RW circus barkers on TheFOXNEWS right now, beady eyed Hannity and Michelle 'IwoJAMAH' Barkman, ginning up hate for the left with their hatespeech victim propaganda.
The beady eyed one is a good lister. The homosapien, barely, has a knack for listing off things that bash Obama and his Administration. I'm sure the lapdogs and lemmings just lick it up, off the ground and all. He just prattled off a list of things/people that Obama blames for the gas prices. I've seen him do lists of all sorts of things like this. What a putz.

He must be doing something right... #1, he's pissing you off and #2, he's doing a lot better that Rachel madcow in the ratings.
So I guess you're double pissed.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The beady eyed trogledyete Hannity just said that the reason Obama wouldn't give back the million dollars to Maher is because he fears Maher and the base. This is the same President that scolded his base to toughen up and grow up not too long ago. Perhaps the very thing which caused them NOT to show up to his aid in 2010. That's who the beady eyed one is saying he's afraid of.

I mean these RWers on tv give a new meaning to stupid.
What does the left expect to gain out of this post? They must know it's a lie. Hannity devoted the better part of the last couple of his TV programs and radio show to the situation. Shep Smith had a story about a protest regarding the tragedy today. Clearly Fox has covered the story as well if not better than the liberal alphabet networks so what's the problem? Does the radical left believe what they are posting or is it wishful thinking or mental incompetence caused by intense hatred for fair and balanced news?

HAS Fox been covering this?

Past tense?

Or have they picked it up recently after catching flack for not covering it when the story broke and when it was first getting so much attention on other channels?
ZOMG!!! :eek:

The beady eyed trogledyete Hannity just said that the reason Obama wouldn't give back the million dollars to Maher is because he fears Maher and the base. This is the same President that scolded his base to toughen up and grow up not too long ago. Perhaps the very thing which caused them NOT to show up to his aid in 2010. That's who the beady eyed one is saying he's afraid of.

I mean these RWers on tv give a new meaning to stupid.

I'd say you're giving us a damned good example, yourself.
What does the left expect to gain out of this post? They must know it's a lie. Hannity devoted the better part of the last couple of his TV programs and radio show to the situation. Shep Smith had a story about a protest regarding the tragedy today. Clearly Fox has covered the story as well if not better than the liberal alphabet networks so what's the problem? Does the radical left believe what they are posting or is it wishful thinking or mental incompetence caused by intense hatred for fair and balanced news?

HAS Fox been covering this?

Past tense?

Or have they picked it up recently after catching flack for not covering it when the story broke and when it was first getting so much attention on other channels?
me thinks the latter.

Looks like I have one of my shows taping, and I don't wanna go out in the living room and watch the tv there, so I'll resume my FOXNEWS watch later with the 2nd showing of Greta and that will be that. Meantime...lemme see what Alan Colmes is saying on the radio.
Not 'busting' at all. I don't rate wiki, for the reasons I cited previously... it is too easy to abuse the editing system.

However, they are right... it is a 7% share. And, I know that other people find wiki acceptable... so I go with it.... you can wiggle and whine as much as you like but I proved the statement of 'the saudis run Fox News' to be utter bullshit. That is why you're pissed.

But... I am entertained that you trawled the site in a desperate need to 'prove' something that I would happily have conceded - had you just asked. idiot.

The reason it's a big deal is because with his 7%, he protects Rupert Murdoch from a hostile take over. Everyone knows that. What it does is give this man's seemingly small percentage huge power because Rupert wants to keep him happy. Everyone knows this. It's no secret.

How, precisely, does 'everyone know that'?

You create your own reality if that makes your life easier. I shall remain in the real one, where I cope exceptionally well.

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.
The reason it's a big deal is because with his 7%, he protects Rupert Murdoch from a hostile take over. Everyone knows that. What it does is give this man's seemingly small percentage huge power because Rupert wants to keep him happy. Everyone knows this. It's no secret.

How, precisely, does 'everyone know that'?

You create your own reality if that makes your life easier. I shall remain in the real one, where I cope exceptionally well.

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing.

You see, they are a bunch of morons. Its so simple really.
It's not a big story. It's only a big story to racist liberals. After all, the two black boys who poured gasoline and set a 13 year old white boy on fire wasn't exactly news to CNN or MSNBC. Black mobs beating up white fair goers at the Wisconsin State Fair never even got a mention. If Fox News doesn't go in for race baiting (and it's not even race since Zimmerman is hispanic), good for them.

I agree. If the dead teen had been white this story wouldn't be a blip on anyones radar.

Typical race baiting.

I did see a good segment on O'Reilly yesterday on it though. So it is getting coverage. Hell the local news down here in Florida was full of it the other day.

If it were a black guy shooting a 17 year old white unarmed kid, Fox would have set up a communication center there and broadcaster from there for three weeks until the black shooter was arrested and you know it.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing.

You see, they are a bunch of morons. Its so simple really.

I see that I just walked in on a Mensa Society meeting. You and the other race-baiters are trying to prove that with Fox not covering Trayvon (they are though), its viewers must be racist. The problem is, Fox has been covering the story and even the LW mouthpiece MSNBC has been covering other stories. You see, their viewers do not want the network to get off the "bash the Repubs and kiss Obama's ass" format. How's that for giving a damn about this kid?

Your statment, "Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing" is total bullshit as evidenced by the majority of the thousands of postings on this matter. All but the most EFF'd up people, regardless of ideology, feel that this was a bad shooting and Zimmerman must pay for what he did. There are many facts that have not come out yet and due process must be allowed to play out.
I was watching Joe Scarborough this morning and he is pissed that they haven't found any reason at all to arrest this guy. He is from Florida. Things are heating up down there over this, I wonder if Zimmerman is aware.

His lies about what happened that night aren't going to be quite so accepted as he envisioned when he was released.
I was watching Joe Scarborough this morning and he is pissed that they haven't found any reason at all to arrest this guy. He is from Florida. Things are heating up down there over this, I wonder if Zimmerman is aware.

His lies about what happened that night aren't going to be quite so accepted as he envisioned when he was released.

I bet Zimmerman is aware. It has been reported that his neighbors have asked him to move out but regardless, he is in a safehouse, whatever that means. Things are indeed heating up.
I'm not seeing any justification for the title of this thread. This story is very active on Fox.

I'm also glad that Hannity seems to be a thorn in your side.
The reason it's a big deal is because with his 7%, he protects Rupert Murdoch from a hostile take over. Everyone knows that. What it does is give this man's seemingly small percentage huge power because Rupert wants to keep him happy. Everyone knows this. It's no secret.

How, precisely, does 'everyone know that'?

You create your own reality if that makes your life easier. I shall remain in the real one, where I cope exceptionally well.

This is the wrong thread for this. But what I don't understand is how you can have such a strong opinion and know nothing?

Look, do a search using the phrase, "Prince Alwaleed bin Talal protects Murdoch against hostile takeover bids" and then pick which source you want to "learn from", because deary, you really need to learn. Rupert Murdoch only owns 30% of News Corp. A hostile bid is a lot easier going against 30% then 37%. And while you're at it, find out why Rupert is investing in the Prince's middle eastern network.

I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.

I was watching Joe Scarborough this morning and he is pissed that they haven't found any reason at all to arrest this guy. He is from Florida. Things are heating up down there over this, I wonder if Zimmerman is aware.

His lies about what happened that night aren't going to be quite so accepted as he envisioned when he was released.

We should be careful that we do not railroad LEOs to create charges for the sake of race relations. If there is evidence, great. If there is not, so be it.
So far the worst of the race baiters have been unable to come up with anything that says Zimmerman shot Martin because he was black. Not one thing.
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing.

You see, they are a bunch of morons. Its so simple really.
I believe you're spot on.

If it were a black guy shooting a 17 year old white unarmed kid, Fox would have set up a communication center there and broadcaster from there for three weeks until the black shooter was arrested and you know it.
You can bet your bottom dollar on that. The black dude would have been in jail the second the cops arrived on the scene. It would have never even gotten to the point where The FOXNEWS would have had to setup their communications center there. Excellent points Zoom.

I was watching Joe Scarborough this morning and he is pissed that they haven't found any reason at all to arrest this guy. He is from Florida. Things are heating up down there over this, I wonder if Zimmerman is aware.

His lies about what happened that night aren't going to be quite so accepted as he envisioned when he was released.
I'm watching that very part of MJ right now, I tape it daily so I can watch it later. Well, looks like Black Kid Hunter Zimmerman finally got what he always wanted, a kill under his belt. I hope he's happy w/himself.

I'm not seeing any justification for the title of this thread. This story is very active on Fox.

I'm also glad that Hannity seems to be a thorn in your side.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight....!!! :rolleyes:

I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.

Does your so-called intelligence cause you to hurl so many senseless insults there skippy?
It's the biggest, hottest news story in media.

Are they not a media company interesting in keeping the populate updated on the latest and greatest and hottest news?

Any of you wager to guess why such little coverage for the biggest, most powerful media organization on the world?

Its because their demographic thinks the shooter did the right thing.

You see, they are a bunch of morons. Its so simple really.
I believe you're spot on.

You can bet your bottom dollar on that. The black dude would have been in jail the second the cops arrived on the scene. It would have never even gotten to the point where The FOXNEWS would have had to setup their communications center there. Excellent points Zoom.

I'm watching that very part of MJ right now, I tape it daily so I can watch it later. Well, looks like Black Kid Hunter Zimmerman finally got what he always wanted, a kill under his belt. I hope he's happy w/himself.

I'm not seeing any justification for the title of this thread. This story is very active on Fox.

I'm also glad that Hannity seems to be a thorn in your side.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight....!!! :rolleyes:

I think we have very different standards of 'knowledge', dweebie. Some of us go with fact, you prefer fiction. Generally, I don't rely on google as a solid sole source for 'research'. But then, I am academically minded... it appears that, though you claim to value education - we must have very different understandings of what the word 'education' means also.

Does your so-called intelligence cause you to hurl so many senseless insults there skippy?

Since you seem to support mindless violence without the effort of due process, I view you as a race baiting asshole who cares more about creating hatred than promoting justice.

I don't engage with mindless 'hate' and those who promote violence as an answer when they don't get their way. Child.

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