Why is Harris Supporting Certain “Insurrectionists” when Democrats Jail other “Insurrectionists”?

It's funny how you and your peeps consider the Black Lives Matter protests as worse than the January 6th befoulment, both literally & figuratively, of the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.
Of course the BLM rampage across America was worse than 1/6! Almost 30 people were murdered, hundreds If not thousands assaulted and injured, and property damage of $2 billion.
As long as you cannot discern the difference you will contain to be unhappy about how each was handled and continue using soft racism to complain about all of the things about Black people you take exception to. I literally thought of you today when I read the following article:

Ex-High School Coach Makes Racist Comment About Hanging Black People From Trees & Says "There Are Too Many Black People In Atlanta"​

That’s awful. No doubt there are individuals racist against blacks, just as there are individuals antisemitic against Jews. But quoting a disgusting ex-coach’s comment - as a parallel, I’ve heard people say they’re sorry Hitler didn’t finish the job - does NOT mean that the damage from the BLM rampage involving hundreds of thousands of people that went on for months was not as bad as the single 1/6 riot that lasted a few hours,
Of course the BLM rampage across America was worse than 1/6! Almost 30 people were murdered, hundreds If not thousands assaulted and injured, and property damage of $2 billion.

That’s awful. No doubt there are individuals racist against blacks, just as there are individuals antisemitic against Jews. But quoting a disgusting ex-coach’s comment - as a parallel, I’ve heard people say they’re sorry Hitler didn’t finish the job - does NOT mean that the damage from the BLM rampage involving hundreds of thousands of people that went on for months was not as bad as the single 1/6 riot that lasted a few hours,
Lisa the point is that they were two entirely different activities. The Black Lives Matter marches were 1st amendment protected activity, the fact that groups of criminals chose to use them as cover to riot and loot does not make them "the same". And the individuals who were caught and prosecuted were prosecuted under regular laws addressing property crimes with the exception of the instances of arson to the best of my knowledge.

What happened on January 6th may have begun as a protest although even that can be argued, but when it devolved to property and other crimes against law enforcement officers, members of Congress and the vice president of the United States, in an attempt to prevent the elected president of the U.S. from being certified, we were now in new territory. There was no precedence forhttps://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2014/12/15/over-1000-gun-owners-violate-washingtons-i594--in-front-of-police-n1931759 this and to be honest, a lot of the defendants got off pretty lightly in my opinion and we cannot say that it's not at all due to privilege. Compare that to what happened when the Black Panthers staged a protest in the California state house back in the 1960's. Although it scared the crap out of most everyone, no one was injured nor any property damaged (The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons)

The very first protest I ever attended was an armed protest on the lawn of the Washington's state capitol in Olympia. It was to protest a new control law that went into effect back in 2014 (Over 1,000 Gun Owners Violate Washington’s I-594 - In Front Of Police!).

One of the reasons I felt okay with being there is because it was held on a Saturday and our legislators would not be present. I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of a group that could be accused of willfully intimidating our lawmakers by being openly armed, but it worked out fine, however last I heard they're chipping away at our rights again with the latest gun control legislation having passed one of the two houses just Wednesday restrict certain semi-automatics firearms.

And just for the record, the reason I said the guy in that article reminded me of you is because he was complaining about "too many Black people...". And while I understand your response to what I stated, when your complaint involves "too many Black people" the implication is that Black people are in places where we don't belong at least to the minds of white racists. Soft racism or covert racism, just because it's not the type of racism that's in your face, is still racism.
Lisa the point is that they were two entirely different activities. The Black Lives Matter marches were 1st amendment protected activity, the fact that groups of criminals chose to use them as cover to riot and loot does not make them "the same". And the individuals who were caught and prosecuted were prosecuted under regular laws addressing property crimes with the exception of the instances of arson to the best of my knowledge.

What happened on January 6th may have begun as a protest although even that can be argued, but when it devolved to property and other crimes against law enforcement officers, members of Congress and the vice president of the United States, in an attempt to prevent the elected president of the U.S. from being certified, we were now in new territory. There was no precedence forhttps://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2014/12/15/over-1000-gun-owners-violate-washingtons-i594--in-front-of-police-n1931759 this and to be honest, a lot of the defendants got off pretty lightly in my opinion and we cannot say that it's not at all due to privilege. Compare that to what happened when the Black Panthers staged a protest in the California state house back in the 1960's. Although it scared the crap out of most everyone, no one was injured nor any property damaged (The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons)

The very first protest I ever attended was an armed protest on the lawn of the Washington's state capitol in Olympia. It was to protest a new control law that went into effect back in 2014 (Over 1,000 Gun Owners Violate Washington’s I-594 - In Front Of Police!).

One of the reasons I felt okay with being there is because it was held on a Saturday and our legislators would not be present. I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of a group that could be accused of willfully intimidating our lawmakers by being openly armed, but it worked out fine, however last I heard they're chipping away at our rights again with the latest gun control legislation having passed one of the two houses just Wednesday restrict certain semi-automatics firearms.

And just for the record, the reason I said the guy in that article reminded me of you is because he was complaining about "too many Black people...". And while I understand your response to what I stated, when your complaint involves "too many Black people" the implication is that Black people are in places where we don't belong at least to the minds of white racists. Soft racism or covert racism, just because it's not the type of racism that's in your face, is still racism.
I didn’t say “too many black people“ as an absolute. I have clearly explained, as you well know, that black people are featured and focused on in disproportionate percentages. No way should blacks be half, or even more, of all advertisements and commercials when they are barely 12% of the population.

For such favoritism to occur - by such a large margin - means that whites are being discriminated against. And that is where the racism exists. Sadly, you are OK with this, and should be the LAST person accusing others of being racist.

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