Why is Harris Supporting Certain “Insurrectionists” when Democrats Jail other “Insurrectionists”?

You are supportive of different applications of the law: a DA who works to reduce felonies of dangerous criminals to misdemeanors while twisting himself into a pretzel to “get” Trump by some convoluted scheme to make a misdemeanor, expired at that, into a felony.
That was quite a road to a place where we were not.

The Long and Winding Road.....

McConnel knows:

That was quite a road to a place where we were not.

The Long and Winding Road.....

McConnel knows:

So a RINO called an insurrection? Big whoop.

I’m far more concerned with Democrats trying to normalize violent crime and get repeat offenders back on the streets to assault their next victim.
Why is impeding an official proceeding
Did the crowd strong arm it's way passed the police and troopers using blunt force instruments. Did they do something like what Trump-n-fans did to make the lawmakers evacuate the building because their lives were in danger from a rioting MAGAMOB?
Did the crowd strong arm it's way passed the police and troopers using blunt force instruments. Did they do something like what Trump-n-fans did to make the lawmakers evacuate the building because their lives were in danger from a rioting MAGAMOB?
That doesn’t matter. Their ”crime” for which they languish in jail was impeding an official proceeding. Same thing the TN leftists did.

But thankfully, neither violation was as violent as the BLM savages - burning, looting, and murdering their way across America for months on end. A peaceful protest, my ass.

There is NO way to support jailing Grandma with cancer for walking into the Capitol and simultaneously make excuses for people on your side breaking the rules.
That doesn’t matter. Their ”crime” for which they languish in jail was impeding an official proceeding. Same thing the TN leftists did.

But thankfully, neither violation was as violent as the BLM savages - burning, looting, and murdering their way across America for months on end. A peaceful protest, my ass.

There is NO way to support jailing Grandma with cancer for walking into the Capitol and simultaneously make excuses for people on your side breaking the rules.
The Tennessee Capitol was not closed to the public. For the Joint Session of Congress on Jan 6th the Capitol building was closed.

"More than a 1,000 peaceful protestors rallied around Tennessee’s state Capitol on March 30 calling for more restrictive gun laws. Many made their way into the Capitol in a demonstration top Republican lawmakers have likened to “an insurrection.”

No demonstrators broke into the Capitol, no one was arrested or injured, and no property was damaged.

But legislative business in the House was brought to a halt when three elected Democratic representatives stood at the podium with a bullhorn to lead protestors in the galleries in calls for gun reform."

Got that? The demonstrators in Tennessee did not riot like the Jan 6th MAGAMOB did.
You just aren't too bright are you? I didn't quote you, that's why there were no quotations around the statement. I was merely making that you don't really know what you're saying and that you waffle from day to day.
You're free to point out examples. I won't hold my breath. I haven't changed on any issues.

"You said", followed by a dishonest statement based on something I've never said, is pretty clear. You're a liar. I'm used to that here.

In fairness, it's possible you people don't even know when you're lying at this point.
You're free to point out examples. I won't hold my breath. I haven't changed on any issues.

"You said", followed by a dishonest statement based on something I've never said, is pretty clear. You're a liar. I'm used to that here.

In fairness, it's possible you people don't even know when you're lying at this point.

Here is what I said...

. You are the guy that says he used to be indecisive, but he‘s not so sure any more.

Let's add the word "like" in there, which is what I meant.

You are like the guy that says he used to be indecisive, but he's not so sure anymore.

I'll give you this, you are consistently obtuse to anything supported by Trump or his supporters, even if it aligns to your own professed beliefs. Your posts align with the dictionary definition of TDS, yet ironically, you honestly believe that it is Republicans and Trump(policy) supporters that have a problem. It is people like you that are in need of a psychiatric evaluation, not us.
This is why people should know what they're legally getting into when one of their friends or associates suggests that it's a good idea to descend on the seat of American government while Congress has convened to certify national election results.

You most certainly CAN be arrested for what others do or have done if you are a part of a mob, such as the mob that broke into areas of the U.S. Capitol that were locked and or barricaded in some other manner.

Assault or Battery by Mob §18.2-42​

When a group of people gathers together in protest, tensions can rise. If an act of violence occurs during the gathering, any of the individuals gathered together may be charged with assault or battery by mob. In certain instances, this means an innocent person could be criminally charged for violence committed by someone else.​

Assault and Battery by Mob Charges​

Under Virginia Code § 18.2-42, “any and every person composing a mob which shall commit a simple assault or battery shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.”​
A “mob” is defined as any collection of people, assembled for the purpose and with the intention of committing an assault or a battery upon any person or an act of violence without authority of law. Virginia Code § 18.2-38.​
Groups of people may not initially get together with the clear intent to assault someone. However, when a group of people gathered together intend to use force or violence against a person, the group may be considered a “mob” according to Virginia law.​
It is also important to understand that “assault” or “battery” does not need to cause injury. Any willful and unlawful touching can be considered battery, even spitting on another person may be battery.​
Continued here:​
Every one of the BLM protesters should have been strung up by the nads.

Why weren't they?
So when it’s pointed out that you fuckers are anti democratic your response is “so what”?

Yea… that’s what the GOP has become
Not GOP, you stupid tard.

You:ve been told a dozen times already, but it doesn't sink in cause you're THAT stupid.
The "assholes"????? These were well educated, well spoken young men who were elected by their constituents.

The only "assholes" were the white men who called them "Boy" and voted to expel them. And people like Y0U who back up their racism and the hate.
No you liar. One of those assholes called a member of the Tennessee Legislature of Indian descent “brown face”, “a face of White supremacy”, and claimed he’s Republican because he’s “confused”. That asshole should have been expelled for that alone. They are certainly NOT well educated, well spoken, or well behaved. They were racist asshole thugs who got what was coming to them.
Not GOP, you stupid tard.

You:ve been told a dozen times already, but it doesn't sink in cause you're THAT stupid.
Not GOP? Disparaging and denying democracy is just a MAGArat thing?
That’s a leftist for you. Because the assholes were black, they jump to defend them. If they were white, they’d want to see them indicted and jailed.
So how come the white assholes did not get expelled?
So how come the white assholes did not get expelled?

Oh lookie who‘s home from work? And how was your dat?

To answer your question, there was just one, and she stayed back.

Stop trying to make everything about race. Just because someone is black doesn’t mean they can’t be held accountable for poor behavior.
I’d like to know that she actually exists and the story actually is as represented.
Are you kidding? It was all over the news - the Grandma on chemo who walked into the Capitol after the cop opened the door for her. Guess the leftist news you follow didn’t report that because they want useful idiots thinking this was all about scary and violent “domestic terrorists.”

Then we SHOULD have arrested the hundreds of thousands of people participating in the BLM riots. But because it was for a “black cause,” which was based on a lie, Kamala Harris cheered on a big fundraising campaign to get them released.

The damage with the BLM savages resulted in dozens of murders and billions of dollars of property damage. But you leftists chalk most of it to “peaceful protests.” Yet when a WHITE grandmother with cancer is thrown in jail for months, you cite why she deserves it.

The fact that the two reps in TN were black is no excuse for their behavior.
It's funny how you and your peeps consider the Black Lives Matter protests as worse than the January 6th befoulment, both literally & figuratively, of the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

As long as you cannot discern the difference you will contain to be unhappy about how each was handled and continue using soft racism to complain about all of the things about Black people you take exception to. I literally thought of you today when I read the following article:

Ex-High School Coach Makes Racist Comment About Hanging Black People From Trees & Says "There Are Too Many Black People In Atlanta"​

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