Why is Harris Supporting Certain “Insurrectionists” when Democrats Jail other “Insurrectionists”?

Sec 27. Any member of either House of the general Assembly, shall have liberty to dissent from, and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.

Tennessee Constitution.
Hmmmm, apparently you don't understand what responsibility comes with rights. I'm guessing you're a lefty.
Hmmmm, apparently you don't understand what responsibility comes with rights. I'm guessing you're a lefty.

We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
used more sophisticated and dangerous tactics than did the Capitol rioters, and in some cases weapons of greater lethality
Over 10,000 citizens were arrested during the Floyd murder protests throughout our the country....40 million protested worldwide and 24 million in America.
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Again, inconsistency in what your side defines what is a peaceful protest and what is not. Go back to the Minneapolis George Floyd riots and you will see people jailed for burning, looting, and beating in what CNN called mostly peaceful and where Harris set up a bail fund for those arrested and had the audacity to threaten more.
Apropos of nothing

well things might of went very different for the dembot insurrectionist had they not taken over the well of the State House with blow horns while the general assembly was trying to operate.
They entered the Capitol through open doors, passed through security, and were present legally in the building.

Contrast that with January 6ers who beat officers with a baseball bat and threw a fire extinguisher at their head, just to name two of hundreds of assaults.
They entered the Capitol through open doors, passed through security, and were present legally in the building.

Contrast that with January 6ers who beat officers with a baseball bat and threw a fire extinguisher at their head, just to name two of hundreds of assaults.
video shows many Jan 6th folks were let in and given tours by Cap Police officers

just because the Tenn State Police did a much better job then nancy P’s storm troopers doesn’t change the intent of the insurrectionist lead by the members of the general assembly
video shows many Jan 6th folks were let in and given tours by Cap Police officers

just because the Tenn State Police did a much better job then nancy P’s storm troopers doesn’t change the intent of the insurrectionist lead by the members of the general assembly
The only people that got into the Capitol on January 6th did so by violence.

It’s a fact.
Once again, hypocrisy is not a strong enough word.

The 1/6 protestors are languishing in jail over the charge that they impeded an official proceeding, which is exactly what the Tennessee protestors did. Yet our incompetent idiot of a VP was down there railing against “censorship” in the latter case - when she rightly should have been with the families of the victims of the trans-monster - while supporting the arrest and imprisonment of the 1/6 protestors who did the same.

1) Why is impeding an official proceeding to be defended when it’s by leftists, yet charged as a crime and punished by jail when it’s by righties?

2) Can anyone think of a stronger word than “hypocrite’?

You guys have redefined everything from woke to insurrectionists until the tems mean nothing. Now, you claim every dispute is ansurrection.

Attempting to violently overturn an election, and a riot injuring 130 police, some severely, and causing millions in damage is not the same as a protest by some of the legislature, within the legislature.

The term you are struggling to utilize isn’t “hypocrisy” it is “false moral equivalency”, something the right is quite good at.

Don’t you find it odd that two freshman lawmakers, who happen to be black, are expelled (not censured, removed from committees but expelled) on a party line vote? By a legislative party that DID NOT consider pissing on another members chair a violation of decorum and who did not consider child molestation or domestic abuse worthy of expulsion?

And you aren’t the least bit concerned about the precedent this anti-democratic move makes? All you can is make faulty comparisons to Jan 6? You people are pathetic, anti-American and anti-democracy. Seriously Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
She was part of a riot which makes her a rioter. She is prosecuted for her actions.

All of it matters. You just want to ignore facts that don’t serve your purposes. January 6th was a violent riot.

You stupid leftard asswipes rioted ALL SUMMER LONG,

You shut down entire cities. Shut down the freeways, shut down the shopping centers, shut down the government facilities.

You dumbass leftards don't have a leg to stand on. You're HIDING behind the law and ABUSING it.

The only way you fucktards get ahead is by abusing others. Lying, cheating, stealing, and even outright killing.

Leftards suck. Listen up, dumbass leftard, if you threaten MY family (which you do, when you riot) I ain't gonna give a hoot about any elected morons - it's YOU I'm gonna care about. You leftards are dangerous, unpredictable, VIOLENT asswipes and you'll be treated accordingly.

Don't like it? Don't be it.
The Federal Government Under Democrat Control: The country will imprison whites who peacefully protest, but will defend blacks who do the same.
Something else the right has redefined: peacefully protesting.

THESE are the “peaceful protesters” arrested and charged and in some cases given prison sentences.
That makes no sense. NY is not and cannot stop Trump from running for president.

On the other hand, Trump did try to deprive tens of millions of Americans of their votes.
EVERY WORD out of your rotten leftard mouth is a lie.
No one violently broke in, no one beat up 140 police officers, no one violently bashed in doors and windows, no one crapped in the hallway and no one invaded legislators offices, no one stole anything, no one bashed up revered paintings or busts, no one invaded the Speakers chambers, no crowd shouted to hang any legislator, no protester used gallons of pepper spray on the cops!

Why are y'all so mindlessly and easily fooled by your lying leaders and right wing media?

What is wrong with you? For goodness sake!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh look, another TOTAL FUCKING LIAR.

Leftards are fucked up.
You keep insulting all the 140 officers who were endlessly assaulted, for hours, during 1/6/21.

You keep insulting the TENS OF THOUSANDS of families whose children were scare shitless by a bunch of screaming leftards.

You insult all the Congress members, staff and families who were there on that day and had to run for their lives and hide in places hoping they would not be found.

FUCK the whiny little Congress pissers.

It's about damn time they got a taste of the real world.

You insult Mike Pence who had a noose raised to be used on him.

Fuck Mike Pence too. He signed his name to a corrupt abomination.

The videos on both cases speak for themselves and no Trump Mega QUANON fan is going to ever be able to change the videos, the confessions, all of those who were arrested and found guilty gave.

The CNN video speaks for itself too. "Mostly peaceful protest". They're lying right in your face. And you don't care.

If one can fictionalize anything because one does not like the end results of it, one can continue to say that the Holocaust did not kill as many people as it did, that the land Israel does not belong to the Jews, that the Earth is flat, and many other falsehoods like that.

You are continuing to publicize a falsehood.

It is never, ever, going to be anything else but a falsehood.
And YOU will never be anything but a leftard liar.

How does it feel when no one believes you?

How does it feel to have ZERO credibility?
Over 10,000 citizens were arrested during the Floyd murder protests



Look here: Whatever happened to the hundreds of people arrested during Denver’s 2020 George Floyd protests?

And here:

And here: One year later, few charges for the arson and destruction - Minnesota Reformer

throughout our the country....40 million protested worldwide and 24 million in America.
I care about MY family.

I care about screaming lunatics threatening MY children.

Don't talk to me about foreigners, shit for brains.
You guys have redefined everything from woke to insurrectionists until the tems mean nothing. Now, you claim every dispute is ansurrection.

Attempting to violently overturn an election, and a riot injuring 130 police, some severely, and causing millions in damage is not the same as a protest by some of the legislature, within the legislature.

The term you are struggling to utilize isn’t “hypocrisy” it is “false moral equivalency”, something the right is quite good at.

Don’t you find it odd that two freshman lawmakers, who happen to be black, are expelled (not censured, removed from committees but expelled) on a party line vote? By a legislative party that DID NOT consider pissing on another members chair a violation of decorum and who did not consider child molestation or domestic abuse worthy of expulsion?

And you aren’t the least bit concerned about the precedent this anti-democratic move makes? All you can is make faulty comparisons to Jan 6? You people are pathetic, anti-American and anti-democracy. Seriously Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
Before I even began to read your post, I KNEW you would interject race into this.

And to answer your question, I am more concerned with a leftist DA who promises to “get” the Biden Administration’s primary and most likely opponent - and doing so with some convoluted indictment that attempts to turn an expired misdemeanor into a felony based on a crime Trump was not even prosecuted for. If that doesn’t doesn‘t screech North Korea, I don’t know what does.
Something else the right has redefined: peacefully protesting.

THESE are the “peaceful protesters” arrested and charged and in some cases given prison sentences.
Why are you arguing with ONLY me? Pick on a non-Jew for a change. I notice other Republicans arguing the same point as me, but no….you zoom in on the….what have you been calling me? Oh, yeah….PRINCESS.

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