Why is Harris Supporting Certain “Insurrectionists” when Democrats Jail other “Insurrectionists”?

Once again, hypocrisy is not a strong enough word.

The 1/6 protestors are languishing in jail over the charge that they impeded an official proceeding, which is exactly what the Tennessee protestors did. Yet our incompetent idiot of a VP was down there railing against “censorship” in the latter case - when she rightly should have been with the families of the victims of the trans-monster - while supporting the arrest and imprisonment of the 1/6 protestors who did the same.

1) Why is impeding an official proceeding to be defended when it’s by leftists, yet charged as a crime and punished by jail when it’s by righties?

2) Can anyone think of a stronger word than “hypocrite’?

You are very much the hypocrite.

They are not languishing in jail over impeding a official proceeding. They are there because they committed violent crimes against police officers. The Tennessee legislators did no such thing. They were trying to get the Republican legislature do its job and quit making it easier for the wrong people to get their hands on guns. Harris is the smart one and you are the animals who have no problem with children being killed by guns. The fact is that most of these shootings have been committed by right wing fascists that you support.

1) The Democrats were not impeding any official proceeding. They were trying to get the Republicans in the state legislature to do their job.

2) Republicans are child killers. Is that strong enough for you animals?
1) The Grandma undergoing chemo who was put in jail was peacefully protesting too, as were the others. But SHE was an opponent of the current Regime,

2) The TN Dems still halted an official proceeding….still Guilty.

They did not impede a official proceeding. They are not guilty of anything except trying to protect children.
The Dems are political first. It is their only priority. They have decided to become pure fascists in order to keep power. Trump winning scared the shit out of them, so now they are full Nazi.

We are living in Germany in the 1930s.

That is what the Republicans are trying to do. Republicans are the Nazis who want to turn this country into Nazi Germany. You Nazis are the ones threatening this country.
It was a violation of the Law of Tennessee, and the violators weren't dealt with by Majority Vote.

Do you have a problem with democracy or something?

They're misunderstanding of Democracy is Mobocracy!!

The concept of a representative Republic that we are, is not in their vocabulary.
It was a violation of the Law of Tennessee, and the violators weren't dealt with by Majority Vote.

Do you have a problem with democracy or something?

It was not a violation of any laws in Tennessee. When Republicans in Tennessee break the law, Republicans look the other way.

The protest and subsequent expulsion over decorum rules took place in a chamber where a GOP member, for years, rang a cowbell every day of session as a raucous, attention-grabbing substitute for applause.

When I covered the Tennessee Capitol from 2018 to 2021, the family-values espousing Republican House speaker had to explain why his text message trail included discussions of pole-dancing women and his chief of staff’s sexual encounters in the bathroom of a hot chicken restaurant.

After a Republican lawmaker was accused of sexually assaulting 15- and 16-year-old girls he had taught and coached, he was made chairman of the House education committee.

Republicans don't care about pedophiles when it is one of their own. The Republican party is corrupt and evil.
An attempt is being made in the NY legal system to deprive tens of millions of people of selecting their preferred president. That is extremely anti-Democratic.

You are a lying [piece of shit. Trump is not above the law as you think he is.
Before I even began to read your post, I KNEW you would interject race into this.

And to answer your question, I am more concerned with a leftist DA who promises to “get” the Biden Administration’s primary and most likely opponent - and doing so with some convoluted indictment that attempts to turn an expired misdemeanor into a felony based on a crime Trump was not even prosecuted for. If that doesn’t doesn‘t screech North Korea, I don’t know what does.

It was a crime which has not been investigated before.
Why are you arguing with ONLY me? Pick on a non-Jew for a change. I notice other Republicans arguing the same point as me, but no….you zoom in on the….what have you been calling me? Oh, yeah….PRINCESS.
You are the OP, Princess (your outrage at that term seems rather sporadic). You can’t address the points?
Before I even began to read your post, I KNEW you would interject race into this.
Race IS part of what occurred in TN. It is rather hard to ignore.

And to answer your question, I am more concerned with a leftist DA who promises to “get” the Biden Administration’s primary and most likely opponent - and doing so with some convoluted indictment that attempts to turn an expired misdemeanor into a felony based on a crime Trump was not even prosecuted for. If that doesn’t doesn‘t screech North Korea, I don’t know what does.

Interesting. So I gather you were quite incensed when Trump abused his power to try and extort the Ukrainian president into “finding some dirt” on his chief political rival in the 2024 election?
Race IS part of what occurred in TN. It is rather hard to ignore.

Sure, puppy. :spam:

Interesting. So I gather you were quite incensed when Trump abused his power to try and extort the Ukrainian president into “finding some dirt” on his chief political rival in the 2024 election?

Not particularly. Since Hillary had just paid a FOREIGN SPY to do the same thing.
Before I even began to read your post, I KNEW you would interject race into this.

And to answer your question, I am more concerned with a leftist DA who promises to “get” the Biden Administration’s primary and most likely opponent - and doing so with some convoluted indictment that attempts to turn an expired misdemeanor into a felony based on a crime Trump was not even prosecuted for. If that doesn’t doesn‘t screech North Korea, I don’t know what does.
But Cohen WAS prosecuted for the underlying crime. The misdemeanor gets bumped up to a felony because that was the crime that Trump was covering up, being named in Cohen's indictment as "Individual A". So while the feds didn't prosecute Trump, the did open the door for the state to.

Why are you arguing with ONLY me? Pick on a non-Jew for a change. I notice other Republicans arguing the same point as me, but no….you zoom in on the….what have you been calling me? Oh, yeah….PRINCESS.
You really do have a persecution complex, don't you?
I know how complicated this will be, but here goes:

The fact that two events may be SIMILAR do not make them the SAME in importance or priority.

Some crimes are worse than others, and are enforced that way. Some wars are worse than others, and are considered that way. Some diseases are worse than others, and are treated that way.

I hope that helps, but I very much doubt it.
So some crimes are worse than others, you say? Then why is Bragg going after Trump for using his own money for an NDA (not a crime at all) and putting the payment on the wrong line (a misdemeanor) while he is actively working to reduce felony charges of dangerous thugs to misdemeanors?
Sure, puppy. :spam:
Yup! These leftists make everything about race. If the 1/6 protestors were Black and thrown in jail for a year without a trial, they’d be screaming bloody murder. But whitey? Eh.
Not particularly. Since Hillary had just paid a FOREIGN SPY to do the same thing.
Again yup. These Dems condemn the other side for that which they do, but even worse.
Race IS part of what occurred in TN. It is rather hard to ignore.

Interesting. So I gather you were quite incensed when Trump abused his power to try and extort the Ukrainian president into “finding some dirt” on his chief political rival in the 2024 election?
The color of the insurrectionists were of the African race. Nothing else. They were criminals as per Prog standards of approaching government buildings that produce legislation.
The color of the insurrectionists were of the African race. Nothing else. They were criminals as per Prog standards of approaching government buildings that produce legislation.
Her bringing race into it when it has no bearing just shows how libs will forgive - no, defend! - unacceptable action if the perpetrator is black. Whities? Eh. This is the type of double standard and anti-white racism that will continue to sweep the nation unless we stop it.
Horrible example of a mod.
Yup. And you notice how she targets only ME for her attacks?

BTW, since you might not know the background, she was the one who first called me “princess.” Another poster pointed out that it is an antisemitic slur (JAP), but that only encouraged her and she doubled down.

She is a perfect example of the Jew-hating left who pretends to care about prejudice and bigotry. Bigger hypocrites you could never find.
So some crimes are worse than others, you say? Then why is Bragg going after Trump for using his own money for an NDA (not a crime at all) and putting the payment on the wrong line (a misdemeanor) while he is actively working to reduce felony charges of dangerous thugs to misdemeanors?
I don't know. I don't know what else he has, if anything. Neither do you. You're the one making assumptions, not me.

I've said I don't like this indictment. But I know better than to make assumptions and draw conclusions out of ignorance.
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It was not a violation of any laws in Tennessee. When Republicans in Tennessee break the law, Republicans look the other way.

The protest and subsequent expulsion over decorum rules took place in a chamber where a GOP member, for years, rang a cowbell every day of session as a raucous, attention-grabbing substitute for applause.

When I covered the Tennessee Capitol from 2018 to 2021, the family-values espousing Republican House speaker had to explain why his text message trail included discussions of pole-dancing women and his chief of staff’s sexual encounters in the bathroom of a hot chicken restaurant.

After a Republican lawmaker was accused of sexually assaulting 15- and 16-year-old girls he had taught and coached, he was made chairman of the House education committee.

Republicans don't care about pedophiles when it is one of their own. The Republican party is corrupt and evil.

The facts in the case of the expulsion of these legislators aren't disputed. Whether some GOP lawmaker was accused of paedophilia is just that- an accusation. In this country , people aren't punished before they are found guilty.

BTW, they had a VOTE on the expulsion, and the libs LOST. Time for you to accept the democratic process. The vote wasn't rigged, there was no fraud.
House rules never over ride the Constitution. I've already covered this.

Are you really this fucking stupid? ARE YOU REALLY THIS FUCKING STUPID??? No, it's called the constitution never overrides the law.

  • Your rights are strongest in what are known as “traditional public forums,” such as streets, sidewalks, and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the property was designed for.
Yes you are that fucking stupid.
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