Why is Harris Supporting Certain “Insurrectionists” when Democrats Jail other “Insurrectionists”?

Were they in recess, which means business had stopped, or not?

Nobody on the right said they were in recess. It was reported that BECAUSE OF THE PROTEST and stopping of gov't business, the proceedings THEN went into recess. The recess was CAUSED by the democrats actions, not the other way around. The democrats loud protest and bullhorn bullshit caused the recess.

That's like saying a defendant in court who misbehaves and causes the judge to put the trial into recess was perfectly fine because the trial was in recess. Um no. The trial was going on just fine UNTIL the defendant acted up.
And how many are in jail? Remember, our idiot VP lobbied for bail to release them. In the meantime, those on the other side of the political spectrum who happened to even be in the vicinity of a protest are in jail.

Yes, that's what happens when you listen to a flim-flam man and engage in a half-assed coup.

I should also point out, PLENTY of people involved in the BLM Riots went to prison for their actions.

An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.

The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.

But President Joe Biden’s Justice Department has continued the vast majority of the racial injustice protest cases brought across the U.S. under Trump and has often pushed for lengthy prison time for people convicted of serious crimes. Since Biden took office in January, federal prosecutors have brought some new cases stemming from last year’s protests.

Only a handful of the nearly 600 people who’ve been charged in the insurrection have received their punishments so far, and just three people have been sentenced to time behind bars. The vast majority of the most serious cases — involving those accused of assaulting police officers or conspiring to block the certification of Biden’s victory — remain unresolved.
It was a peaceful protest.
Again, inconsistency in what your side defines what is a peaceful protest and what is not. Go back to the Minneapolis George Floyd riots and you will see people jailed for burning, looting, and beating in what CNN called mostly peaceful and where Harris set up a bail fund for those arrested and had the audacity to threaten more.
Nobody on the right said they were in recess. It was reported that BECAUSE OF THE PROTEST and stopping of gov't business, the proceedings THEN went into recess. The recess was CAUSED by the democrats actions, not the other way around. The democrats loud protest and bullhorn bullshit caused the recess.

That's like saying a defendant in court who misbehaves and causes the judge to put the trial into recess was perfectly fine because the trial was in recess. Um no. The trial was going on just fine UNTIL the defendant acted up.
I am just trying to clarify what happened, when it happened.
The crime here is the double standards that apply depending on whether you are part of the Regime, or a dissenter from it.

That is why Hillary was allowed to pay a fine for falsifying records in connection with her payments to a law firm for fabricating the Russia hoax against Trump, and Trump is having made-up felony charges against him for paying a slut not to talk about their consensual sex.
Trump's DOJ could have gone after her. Blame them, not those who do chase down crimes.

Break a law, pay a price. That has NOTHING to do with someone ELSE breaking a law.
Again, inconsistency in what your side defines what is a peaceful protest and what is not. Go back to the Minneapolis George Floyd riots and you will see people jailed for burning, looting, and beating in what CNN called mostly peaceful and where Harris set up a bail fund for those arrested and had the audacity to threaten more.
The thread is about what is, and what is not an insurrection.
Trump's DOJ could have gone after her. Blame them, not those who do chase down crimes.

Break a law, pay a price. That has NOTHING to do with someone ELSE breaking a law.
You’re so deluded I don’t want to waste any more time.
Again, inconsistency in what your side defines what is a peaceful protest and what is not. Go back to the Minneapolis George Floyd riots and you will see people jailed for burning, looting, and beating in what CNN called mostly peaceful and where Harris set up a bail fund for those arrested and had the audacity to threaten more.
If Dems do it, all is forgiven!
and they were free to do that not on the floor of the general assembly where the people’s representatives were trying to conduct the business of the state

once they did that they crossed the rubicon
No they didn't.
Only in your mind.

Do you now understand what is an insurrection and what is not, or are you still calling what happened in Tennessee an insurrection ?
Neither was an insurrection. Both interrupted official proceedings, and only those on the right were jailed for it. The ones on the left are being defended by the VP.
Neither was an insurrection. Both interrupted official proceedings, and only those on the right were jailed for it. The ones on the left are being defended by the VP.
You learned nothing!!!!


  • 1.a violent uprising against an authority or government:"the insurrection was savagely put down"

Why are Republicans calling it an insurrection?

Sexton, the House speaker, and several other Republicans have compared the protests Thursday to events at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, after several conservative media outlets suggested protestors attempted to "take over" or storm the Tennessee Capitol.

On Monday, Sexton walked back some of his remarks, saying his "intent" was misrepresented and he meant to differentiate between the protest and the three Democratic lawmakers.

I don’t know if you heard what happened today, but there were three Democratic lawmakers, one from Knoxville, who basically tried to take over the House floor and cause an insurrection on the House floor today," Sexton said in his radio comments.

“So we were in between bills, and Rep. Justin Jones, Rep. Justin Pearson, and Rep. Gloria Johnson came to the well. We had protestors that had been vocal in the balcony. We had given them warnings. They were out in front of the chamber, being very vocal, yelling and screaming, which we are used to, at one point during session, to come up out of order and try to take over the House floor. Started pulling out a megaphone and shouting at members, and incite riots or violence. You had people outside the chamber who rushed the state troopers to try and get inside the chamber. They weren’t successful. So now we have multiple violations by those three.”Sexton released a social media statement on Monday after receiving public pushback about the characterization.

"My comments on Thursday were not directed toward the peaceful protestors; they were solely directed toward the actions of three Democrat lawmakers who rushed the well and those who led a protest on the House floor with a bullhorn," Sexton said.

"There were a lot of protestors and the vast majority of protestors were peaceful, they were there with their parents, they were there with their other classmates. They were peaceful," Sexton later said. "There were videos that showed that in some instances, a few may have acted out. Unfortunately, some people will take that to be representative of the whole when it's not."

What are Democrats saying?

Democrats clashed with the three lawmakers on the floor of the House as leadership decided how to respond to the unprecedented situation.

Veteran Democrats were seen loudly arguing with Jones before they all went into an antechamber. House Minority Leader Karen Camper, D-Memphis, later said the trio was making "good trouble" and said sometimes different lawmakers approach situations differently due to their backgrounds, referring to both Pearson and Jones' rise through advocacy circles.

"I want to apologize to the mothers, the fathers and the children who came to our state Capitol yesterday to speak and demand action. You had parents take their kids out of school — a lot of schools let their students out — they came up here, they took time out of their schedules to come up to the Capitol to make their voices heard," state Rep. John Ray Clemmons, D-Nashville, told reporters a day later. "And less than 24 hours later, members of this body, members of the supermajority Republican Party are referring to those families as insurrectionists."

(full article online)

You learned nothing!!!!


  • 1.a violent uprising against an authority or government:"the insurrection was savagely put down"
And that wasn’t the charge because it didn’t meet the definition - and furthermore, the violence - to the limited extent there was any - was perpetuated by the other side.

The 1/6 political opponents are in jail for for impeding an official proceeding. This is the same thing the TN protestors did, but then again, they’re Democrats.
"Protest". If you can regulate how one protests, you are restricting their right to protest. I note all of this not even supporting the positions of those protesting but that is irrelevant to their right to protest.
Of course you can regulate "how one protests". As is always true, your rights end when someone else's start.

And TN legislators are just not allowed to obstruct proceedings during legislative sessions. Can you imagine what it would be like in there if every time legislation was passed and the opposing party grabbed bull horns (after inviting a couple hundred of their supporters in) and started leading the gallery in chants and slogans?

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