Why is impeaching Trump a Top Priority?

Why is it a priority to impeach Trump

  • He has committed actual crimes and is detrimental to the US population

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Bed wetters will lose politically if Trump is allowed to succeed

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No fucking mangoes?

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Bed wetters are strongly encouraged to respond, with a serious case and a logical argument. I am not going to spare you any vitriol or go out of my way to debate you, there are people more apt and have the time to do so. I would like a serious answer generated from whatever sphincter functions as your "mind", that is when you're forced to make decisions on your own in the real world.

For instance....

Assuming you're not kept in a basement and actually have the semi-normal life I have witnessed some bed wetters enjoy experience (I've never seen you tools enjoy anything outside of recreation. In regular life you're always miserable) and you find yourself at a soft drink dispenser at a retail establishment and there is no stimulus beyond the fact you want to drink something because you're truly thirsty.


Explain why in your best effort exactly what has happened to this country as a result of anything he has done, wants to do, or even has been accused of doing that warrants IMPEACHMENT.

I'd bet deep down some of the asshats who program some of the posting bots wish Clinton had been impeached for perjury now, since that moral step is lost to them. Not only that, but they were stuck with hitlery. The concept of her in the WH is ridiculous. That's why an empty suit dumbo looking agitator pushed through law school and decorated with more bullshit certifications than an admiral's son was able to defeat her first attempt at the office, and now the world's richest professional clown defeated what is hopefully the hag's last attempt.

I digress. Please share with us your deep plagiarized "thoughts" about the current events and choices facing most Americans (not just you) and how Trump's governing has been a detriment to ordinary citizens achieving a better standard of living.

As far as I'm concerned the leadership of the left is the enemy of humanity like the bolsheviks. My opinion is that because Trump is actually being effective at fixing regressive "solutions" to problems caused by their interference, they're going straight for the jugular at the risk of their own existence. If it comes down to illegal voters being deported and dead voters being reburied due to ID laws, the DNC ist kaputt. They're pulling all the stops. The desperation is way too intense. Let us defeat them at the ballot box this November with a silent fury.
1. Nixon was never Impeached..........he resigned ............from a SEIGE.......they hope the same tactic works.

2. If it doesn't work..........they tie up Trump in a Mickey Mouse Court........to try and stop his agenda..........and protect the criminals from their side and the deep state................

3. It is a trial they can't win......It's not about winning it..............it's about politics and stopping the opposition anyway they can............and causing HATE and DISCONTENT in this country........which isn't hard to do...........The Divide is great already.
“Why is impeaching Trump a Top Priority?”

It’s not.

Voting Trump out of office in 2020 is the top priority.

Replacing Trump with Pence doesn’t solve the problem; indeed, Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

The goal is to rid the country of Trump’s failed, corrupt ‘administration.’

Impeachment is, of course, perfectly appropriate, as Trump has committed several misdemeanors that justify his impeachment, conviction in the Senate, and removal from office pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process – a president may be removed from office via that process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of a president.

And in Trump’s case, his incessant lying, contempt for the rule of law, hostility toward our democratic institutions, and the fact that he is unfit to be president are all misdemeanors (bad acts and conduct) that merit his removal from office.
Trump not only represents pretty much everything the Left hates - which is enough.

But worse, his win was not supposed to happen. After Obama's wins, demographics were going to take over and the battle was won. His shocking win essentially caused a political PTSD on the Left, and we've seen how it has manifested: With hatred and mania and words and actions that no one could have anticipated.

The impeachment stuff is the least of it.
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The election blew 100 years of "progressive" strategy. They were convinced a Clinton win was a given.

They don't know what to do now.
“Why is impeaching Trump a Top Priority?”

It’s not.

Voting Trump out of office in 2020 is the top priority.

Replacing Trump with Pence doesn’t solve the problem; indeed, Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

The goal is to rid the country of Trump’s failed, corrupt ‘administration.’

Impeachment is, of course, perfectly appropriate, as Trump has committed several misdemeanors that justify his impeachment, conviction in the Senate, and removal from office pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process – a president may be removed from office via that process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of a president.

And in Trump’s case, his incessant lying, contempt for the rule of law, hostility toward our democratic institutions, and the fact that he is unfit to be president are all misdemeanors (bad acts and conduct) that merit his removal from office.

In your scenario it is definitely a political 'process' with no legal teeth,

Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure

Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure - FindLaw
“Why is impeaching Trump a Top Priority?”

It’s not.

Voting Trump out of office in 2020 is the top priority.

Replacing Trump with Pence doesn’t solve the problem; indeed, Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

The goal is to rid the country of Trump’s failed, corrupt ‘administration.’

Impeachment is, of course, perfectly appropriate, as Trump has committed several misdemeanors that justify his impeachment, conviction in the Senate, and removal from office pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process – a president may be removed from office via that process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of a president.

And in Trump’s case, his incessant lying, contempt for the rule of law, hostility toward our democratic institutions, and the fact that he is unfit to be president are all misdemeanors (bad acts and conduct) that merit his removal from office.
well, many Americans thought Obama, Carter, etc were not fit to be POTUS
just because you think he's not fit, doesn't make it so
please provide proof
the majority of the United States think he is fit
“Why is impeaching Trump a Top Priority?”

It’s not.

Voting Trump out of office in 2020 is the top priority.

Replacing Trump with Pence doesn’t solve the problem; indeed, Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

The goal is to rid the country of Trump’s failed, corrupt ‘administration.’

Impeachment is, of course, perfectly appropriate, as Trump has committed several misdemeanors that justify his impeachment, conviction in the Senate, and removal from office pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political, not legal, process – a president may be removed from office via that process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of a president.

And in Trump’s case, his incessant lying, contempt for the rule of law, hostility toward our democratic institutions, and the fact that he is unfit to be president are all misdemeanors (bad acts and conduct) that merit his removal from office.
.... the libs/dems/blacks went berserk before the election and right after the election--BEFORE any of his policies/etc
..so it is NOT because of his policies/being ''unfit'' for POTUS/etc
Trump not only represents pretty much everything the Left hates - which is enough.

But worse, his win was not supposed to happen. After Obama's wins, demographics were going to take over and the battle was won. His shocking win essentially caused a political PTSD on the Left, and we've seen how it has manifested: With hatred and mania and words and actions that no one could have anticipated.

The impeachment stuff is the least of it.

yes, Stormy, it's because our feeling were hurt, not because he's promoting a dangerous agenda.

When we complain about kids in Concentration Camps, it's because of our "hatred", not because OH MY FUCKING GOD WE HAVE KIDS IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!!!
Trump not only represents pretty much everything the Left hates - which is enough.

But worse, his win was not supposed to happen. After Obama's wins, demographics were going to take over and the battle was won. His shocking win essentially caused a political PTSD on the Left, and we've seen how it has manifested: With hatred and mania and words and actions that no one could have anticipated.

The impeachment stuff is the least of it.

yes, Stormy, it's because our feeling were hurt, not because he's promoting a dangerous agenda.

When we complain about kids in Concentration Camps, it's because of our "hatred", not because OH MY FUCKING GOD WE HAVE KIDS IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!!!
there are no kids in concentration camps --
Trump not only represents pretty much everything the Left hates - which is enough.

But worse, his win was not supposed to happen. After Obama's wins, demographics were going to take over and the battle was won. His shocking win essentially caused a political PTSD on the Left, and we've seen how it has manifested: With hatred and mania and words and actions that no one could have anticipated.

The impeachment stuff is the least of it.

yes, Stormy, it's because our feeling were hurt, not because he's promoting a dangerous agenda.

When we complain about kids in Concentration Camps, it's because of our "hatred", not because OH MY FUCKING GOD WE HAVE KIDS IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!!!
EXACTLY like Trump says -FAKE news---pure bullshit
Trump not only represents pretty much everything the Left hates - which is enough.

But worse, his win was not supposed to happen. After Obama's wins, demographics were going to take over and the battle was won. His shocking win essentially caused a political PTSD on the Left, and we've seen how it has manifested: With hatred and mania and words and actions that no one could have anticipated.

The impeachment stuff is the least of it.

yes, Stormy, it's because our feeling were hurt, not because he's promoting a dangerous agenda.

When we complain about kids in Concentration Camps, it's because of our "hatred", not because OH MY FUCKING GOD WE HAVE KIDS IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!!!
this is a concentration camp


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