Why is it important for a SCOTUS nominee to answer what is a woman?

I don't think the Constitution mentions anything on the definition of "woman." To the founders it was. . . well. . . self-evident. Don't you think? In fact, the founders didn't even think women were political entities at the time the Constitution was written. It wasn't till the passage of the 19th Amendment that Women were even recognized under federal law.

And the ERA has not been passed yet.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Institutional requirements​

Athletic equality requirements were later set by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights.[when?] In order to meet the requirements, schools must pass at least one of three tests measuring gender equality among athletics the school offers.[29] These tests consist of proportional numbers of males and females participating, whether or not the school is making an effort to increase the number of the unrepresented sex, if the school has a certain history of one specific sex dominating the numbers of athletes in a given sport, and whether or not the school is showing an effort to expand the program to the other sex.[29]
Yes, good, thank you. Now we're getting somewhere.

Let's start one level higher, because it's essential context.

Our Constitution defines a Person (capital P) as someone who's been born. If you've been born, you're a Person in the eyes of the law.

And, our Constitution says, all Persons are required to be treated equally, in the eyes of the law. Mostly "the law" means the government, so one could paraphrase by saying the government can't discriminate against anyone.

But the law is more than that, yes? There is for example equal opportunity in employment, equal housing law, and laws pertaining to business offerings from private and public corporations.

The law though, says it's okay to have a blacks only or whites only PRIVATE club, as long as you advertise it that way and never advertise anything different. What you can NOT do is change the terms of the offer after the fact, so if you make a public offering and then deny someone because they're black or gay, that's illegal.

Our Constitution says that all People who are born have guaranteed political rights. It doesn't matter if they're weird or disgusting, they still have equal political rights and must be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

So, as a Supreme Court Justice, it is incumbent on Ms Ketanji to know exactly what constitutes a political Right

Equal treatment under the law is a guaranteed political right. Equal treatment by private institutions is not.

So in this case, we have a conflict of rights. We have an offer, and we also have offers to all the other women.

The question, legally, boils down to "what exactly does the offer say", and if it says "women's swimming", is there a reasonable expectation that this means woman by birth, or is this not a reasonable expectation.

We'll have the Supreme Court providing the answer, but really, my take is, the swimmers themselves should be the ones to answer. I'm sure there will be no end to the amicus briefs.
Why do Conservatives struggle so much with sexuality?

They don't.

And this has nothing to do with sexuality. Sexuality has to do with sexual feelings, thoughts and attractions towards other people.

But here's why it's important (well, one of the reasons): If a case were to ever come up before her, having to do with, say, gender discrimination, she would have to recuse herself, for the simple fact that, apparently, she can't define either gender and therefore could not make an informed ruling...
See post # 120.

Can you answer?

The Constitution doesn't say much at all.

"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. "

As vague as it comes. People were unsure as to the role of the Supreme Court at the beginning, but the Supreme Court NOW has a very defined role based on this "judicial Power" clause.
In all honesty, if that ridiculous monster's weave was removed and the little fro thing was up and kicking, she could pass for a Black dude which according to Corry Booker, looks like his Mama. :dunno:


The Constitution doesn't say much at all.

"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. "

As vague as it comes. People were unsure as to the role of the Supreme Court at the beginning, but the Supreme Court NOW has a very defined role based on this "judicial Power" clause.

The Supreme Court has no power at all, except what the other two branches are willing to give them.

Like President Jackson said, "they made the decision, now let's see them enforce it".

At the moment, our Congress completely ignores Constitutional boundaries. They pass lots and lots of unconstitutional legislation, then they wait for the SCOTUS to tell them it's no good. And meanwhile people suffer.
Lia Thomas doesn't have ambiguous genitalia. Ask anyone. He's a man.
I take that back.

He's NOT EVEN a man.

If he were a REAL man, even a transgender one, he wouldn't compete against women AT ALL.

That guy must have some serious mental issues.
it is sad that many dont realize that gender many times is not assigned at birth....
Prove it.

That's an unsubstantiated statement. You are making nonsense arguments based on what used to be clinically diagnosed mental condition. You can't force people to accept your epistemology.

It is like claiming extraterrestrials exist, because you feel like it. There is no scientific evidence to back up your feelings on this.



"is a rare condition"

Now you want to substitute in a physiological provable medical disability which we can make accommodations for under the ADA, for transgenders and a complete reordering of society to suit a particular political partisan viewpoint?


We don't reorder all of established society for thousands of years over a mental health issue, and normalize that. . .

We instead, keep the definition of what a man and a woman are, and treat the mentally ill, or accommodate them when necessary. We don't turn all of civilization on its head to reorder the political-economic structures of society to suit the ruling elites needs.

The Supreme Court has no power at all, except what the other two branches are willing to give them.

Like President Jackson said, "they made the decision, now let's see them enforce it".

At the moment, our Congress completely ignores Constitutional boundaries. They pass lots and lots of unconstitutional legislation, then they wait for the SCOTUS to tell them it's no good. And meanwhile people suffer.

Well, that depends really.

The Supreme Court can take power if it can. The same as the Presidency and Congress.

Congress can literally make the Presidency defunct by not giving the Presidency any money.

So you could say the president doesn't have any power other than what Congress is willing to give it. Or the Supreme Court could stop Congress from every introducing any new laws. They could prevent them putting new justices in place and the like.

That's why it's the separation of powers, each part needs the other two parts.

Well, Congress can do this because it's in their power. If the voters bothered to be informed.....

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