Why is it important for a SCOTUS nominee to answer what is a woman?

oh dear God

Science has no problem defining WOMAN----ADULT FEMALE of the species with Ovaries and Uterus.
... because the transgender/woman issues are going to come to a head in this country, and it will likely end up in the SCOTUS.
So, in fact, this nominee refuses to provide an answer to an extremely easy question that she would have to reside on.
Her refusal to answer is, of course, an answer itself. She will side with the trangenders. And that is what she won't answer because she knows the overwhelming majority of Americans do not.
Al of of folks haven't seen the whole questions about what is a woman, she not only refused to answer that, but refused to answer if there is a difference between a male and a female.
Why is it that every single liberal SCOTUS nominee's most common answer is... not to answer? We have seen this played out every time.

Surely a Supreme Court justice should follow the CONSTITUTION, not "public opinion".
Her refusal to answer is, of course, an answer itself.
In her hyper-agenda driven political way of dodging the question, she gave a Freudian slip of what she REALLY thought about the answer, even though I don't think she would rule that way. . .

. . . she said, "I am not a biologist."

IOW? A woman is biologically based. It is down to the chromosomes, the hormones and bones' structures. Even the brain structures of men and women are different. You are either born a woman, or born a man.

Anthropologists and archeologists digging up remains of humans thousands of years in the past, may not know what "gender they identified," as. . . but they can tell from their skeletal structure remains, whether they were women or men.

The fact that leftists on this site deny reality? Is absolutely absurd.
In her hyper-agenda driven political way of dodging the question, she gave a Freudian slip of what she REALLY thought about the answer, even though I don't think she would rule that way. . .

. . . she said, "I am not a biologist."

IOW? A woman is biologically based. It is down to the chromosomes, the hormones and bones' structures. Even the brain structures of men and women are different. You are either born a woman, or born a man.

Anthropologists and archeologists digging up remains of humans thousands of years in the past, may not know what "gender they identified," as. . . but they can tell from their skeletal structure remains, whether they were women or men.

The fact that leftists on this site deny reality? Is absolutely absurd.
But that's only the biology of it.

I asked the more relevant question, the Constitutional question. I find it noteworthy (and somewhat dismaying) that no one has been able to answer yet.

No one - neither left nor right. Maybe the righties don't know and the lefties don't care?
Wait. Judge. If you can’t tell us what a woman is, and President Brandon claims he wanted a black WOMAN to ge the next SCOTUS Justice, then are you saying you don’t know whether you met his minimal qualifications for the position?

I mean, you know you’re black, don’t you?

But you’re not quite sure if you are a woman?
I'm going to repeat my question from the other thread.


That is after all, Ketanji's job, right? To interpret our Constitution? Especially in cases of conflict of rights?

So, our Constitution is written in plain simple English. What does it say?
I don't think the Constitution mentions anything on the definition of "woman." To the founders it was. . . well. . . self-evident. Don't you think? In fact, the founders didn't even think women were political entities at the time the Constitution was written. It wasn't till the passage of the 19th Amendment that Women were even recognized under federal law.

And the ERA has not been passed yet.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Institutional requirements​

Athletic equality requirements were later set by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights.[when?] In order to meet the requirements, schools must pass at least one of three tests measuring gender equality among athletics the school offers.[29] These tests consist of proportional numbers of males and females participating, whether or not the school is making an effort to increase the number of the unrepresented sex, if the school has a certain history of one specific sex dominating the numbers of athletes in a given sport, and whether or not the school is showing an effort to expand the program to the other sex.[29]
Wait. Judge. If you can’t tell us what a woman is, and President Brandon claims he wanted a black WOMAN to ge the next SCOTUS Justice, then are you saying you don’t know whether you met his minimal qualifications for the position?

I mean, you know you’re black, don’t you?

But you’re not quite sure if you are a woman?
well. . . she's only black if she is positive she voted for him. . . .

depends on the genitals they present, or maybe they fall in that less than 1% whole hermaphrodite thing.

Are you saying most of todays transgenders are not XX or XY?
Yeah, whenever this topic comes up, CNM comes charging in like a bull with that stupid argument, like none of us are sharp enough to see through it.

Such a minuscule proportion of the population is born with that disability, it is NOT what we are talking about. It is like comparing a legitimate disability with this mental dysphoria.

Comparing the accommodation of those with a physical disability, with an entire political movement wanting to accommodate folks with mental disorders and their fad virtue signalers for political power, are two, completely different animals.


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