Why is it important for a SCOTUS nominee to answer what is a woman?

Yeah, whenever this topic comes up, CNM comes charging in like a bull with that stupid argument, like none of us are sharp enough to see through it.

Such a minuscule proportion of the population is born with that disability, it is NOT what we are talking about. It is like comparing a legitimate disability with this mental dysphoria.

Comparing the accommodation of those with a physical disability, with an entire political movement wanting to accommodate folks with mental disorders and their fad virtue signalers for political power, are two, completely different animals.


Many of the trans people we see today are simply fetishists or people with other disorders latching on to the current bon mot pity group of the day.
A six year old should think sex is icky … Children should learn things about sex at different stages and ages… Good decent moral people know this… You don’t?

Would you make up your mind, in on post you did not tell your kids it was icky and in the next you did. You cannot even keep your own lies straight.

There is no reason to teach any child that sex is icky. Parents with more than half a brain can teach children something is not appropriate for them without teaching them it is "icky".
I'm going to repeat my question from the other thread.


That is after all, Ketanji's job, right? To interpret our Constitution? Especially in cases of conflict of rights?

So, our Constitution is written in plain simple English. What does it say?

What you fail to understand is there is no conflict of rights. It's a matter of policy conflicting with reality.

Yes, good, thank you. Now we're getting somewhere.

Let's start one level higher, because it's essential context.

Our Constitution defines a Person (capital P) as someone who's been born. If you've been born, you're a Person in the eyes of the law.

And, our Constitution says, all Persons are required to be treated equally, in the eyes of the law. Mostly "the law" means the government, so one could paraphrase by saying the government can't discriminate against anyone.

But the law is more than that, yes? There is for example equal opportunity in employment, equal housing law, and laws pertaining to business offerings from private and public corporations.

The law though, says it's okay to have a blacks only or whites only PRIVATE club, as long as you advertise it that way and never advertise anything different. What you can NOT do is change the terms of the offer after the fact, so if you make a public offering and then deny someone because they're black or gay, that's illegal.

Our Constitution says that all People who are born have guaranteed political rights. It doesn't matter if they're weird or disgusting, they still have equal political rights and must be treated equally in the eyes of the law.

So, as a Supreme Court Justice, it is incumbent on Ms Ketanji to know exactly what constitutes a political Right

Equal treatment under the law is a guaranteed political right. Equal treatment by private institutions is not.

So in this case, we have a conflict of rights. We have an offer, and we also have offers to all the other women.

The question, legally, boils down to "what exactly does the offer say", and if it says "women's swimming", is there a reasonable expectation that this means woman by birth, or is this not a reasonable expectation.

We'll have the Supreme Court providing the answer, but really, my take is, the swimmers themselves should be the ones to answer. I'm sure there will be no end to the amicus briefs.
I would only question that the capital P “person” was presumed to necessarily have to have been born. Presaging Dr. Seuss, I would assume that the Founders and Framers understood that “a person’s a person no matter how small.”
Remember when the good people of America established and upheld a moral order…a standard among the citizenry?
@Golfing Gator do you remember those times?

Sure don't. It has not happened in your or my lifetime.
Hmmm…you don’t remember when the majority were religious AND guided by a biblical based value system?
Are you 22 years old?

Nope, I am 57 and this has not been the case in my lifetime.

In my younger days there were a lot of people that claimed to guided by a biblical based value system but their actions never matched their words. Those same people now are worshiping a man that is famous for his adultery.
In my younger days there were a lot of people that claimed to guided by a biblical based value system but their actions never matched their words.
You mean like EVERY household in the hoods of America?
Church on Sunday then abortion clinic or carjacking on Monday…right?

Those same people now are worshiping a man that is famous for his adultery.
Minorities are ”worshiping a man that is famous for his adultery”?
You mean like EVERY household in the hoods of America?
Church on Sunday then abortion clinic or carjacking on Monday…right?

Nope, I am talking about people like you.

Church on Sunday and Wednesday and then adultery , fornication, gluttony, greed and so much more during the times not sitting in the pew.

Minorities are ”worshiping a man that is famous for his adultery”?

Some might be, but people like you are the most prominent ones doing it
Not one of you clowns has yet made a case as to why trans people bother you SO FUCKING MUCH. It's creepy.

You're obsessed with trans people.

That would be like waiting for the left or any ordinary person to wait for someone to make an argument as to why cannibals or flat-Earthers or white supremacists/white nationalists bother folks. Normalizing sociopaths' behavior is not healthy for society. No one should have to explain that to you.

If they have to, you are part of a cult, and can't be simply be deprogrammed by normal means.
Nope, I am talking about people like you.

Church on Sunday and Wednesday and then adultery , fornication, gluttony, greed and so much more during the times not sitting in the pew.
Damn…you are one smart mother F’er. Share the numbers with us…what percentage of folks do this…how did you arrive at your hypothesis?

Some might be, but people like you are the most prominent ones doing it
Damn…you are one smart mother F’er. Share the numbers with us…what percentage of folks do this…how did you arrive at your hypothesis?
It's about the intellectual ability to acknowledge that DNA and not chemicals determines gender. Apparently the S.C. nominee isn't capable of making that point.
Damn…you are one smart mother F’er. Share the numbers with us…what percentage of folks do this…how did you arrive at your hypothesis?

Damn…you are one smart mother F’er. Share the numbers with us…what percentage of folks do this…how did you arrive at your hypothesis?

Most people sitting in the pews do some of those things. I arrive at my view by observation from having spent a good portion of my adult like in churches all around the country and the world.
... because the transgender/woman issues are going to come to a head in this country, and it will likely end up in the SCOTUS.
So, in fact, this nominee refuses to provide an answer to an extremely easy question that she would have to reside on.
Her refusal to answer is, of course, an answer itself. She will side with the trangenders. And that is what she won't answer because she knows the overwhelming majority of Americans do not.
Al of of folks haven't seen the whole questions about what is a woman, she not only refused to answer that, but refused to answer if there is a difference between a male and a female.
Why is it that every single liberal SCOTUS nominee's most common answer is... not to answer? We have seen this played out every time.
Yes. It is a fair question. We want to know how these people will vote on issues coming up in the future and there are bound to be a few cases down this road.
If she doesnt know what a woman is; how can she give an opinion on “womens rights” when they come through the court? The answer is “she can’t”. Which is a disqualifier straight out the gate.

Why is it important for a SCOTUS nominee to answer what is a woman?​

Because when said nominee refuses to answer that basic question, we know she/he/it is A FUCKING IDIOT OR A COMMUNIST TWAT ATTEMPTING TO ERODE THE VERY FOUNDATION OF WESTERN SOCIETY TO INSTALL MARXISM who has NO FUCKING BUSINESS ON THE COURT, much less walking around with her fucking head attached!!!

Does that about cover it?
Shows ability to discern and identify fact rather than playing the “whatever you want” game.

Hey, if you think smoking another man's joint is more to your liking than being with a woman, it is YOUR life, but people with so little masculinity that they are confused which gender they really are and mutilate themselves hideously is signs of real mental issues. I've yet to see one transsexual male come out looking BETTER than had they just left well enough alone.

I think I've seen ONE which didn't look half bad as a "girl."

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