Why is it important for a SCOTUS nominee to answer what is a woman?

That is the problem
Sexuality is not Binary…never has been
Simply put... a person either has a Y chromosome or they don’t. Therefore, gender... regardless of whether we 'feel' subjectively male or female... is biological (organic) and not a social construct.
Well if the bimbo couldn't answer the senators question because she's not a biologist, then she would have to recuse herself from any case before SCOTUS for the same reason. She admitted she's not qualified to make a judgement.


She's also disqualified herself from all manner of cases, if one follows the logic to the conclusion. Can she make rulings on environmental cases? She's not an environmental scientist. Can she make rulings on cases involving the US military? She's not a general. Healthcare cases are completely out, because she's not a doctor.
I'm going to repeat my question from the other thread.


That is after all, Ketanji's job, right? To interpret our Constitution? Especially in cases of conflict of rights?

So, our Constitution is written in plain simple English. What does it say?

This is exactly why the question of "Can you define a woman?" is important and relevant.

"What do laws mean if the words they are made of are meaningless? Or manipulated to fit a political agenda that has no place in Supreme Court decision-making . . . . Women are broadly and deeply embedded in the law. Abortion law, discrimination legislation and Title IX are just a few examples.

Jackson is supposed to be an expert in assessing the law through the language in which it is written. If she can't accurately define what a woman is, how can she be trusted not to make law from the bench?" Katie Pavlich
Not one of you clowns has yet made a case as to why trans people bother you SO FUCKING MUCH. It's creepy.

You're obsessed with trans people.

Because we don't like people imposing their demands for participation in their delusions on us. This actually has been explained to you, but you're both too stupid to comprehend it and too dishonest to admit that your "Gotcha!" has been answered.

YOU'RE obsessed with trans people, or you wouldn't be promoting them so fanatically, and then disingenuously demanding that WE ignore it.
it is sad that many dont realize that gender many times is not assigned at birth....

It is sad that many don't realize that simply declaring something to be true doesn't make it true. Oh, and that there's nothing "sad" about other people telling you to prove it or piss off.

"Look, there are people with birth defects! That proves that people who don't have those defects are somehow ambiguous, because . . . REASONS!"

You dumbasses can wave around the "birth defects prove gender is fluid" flag until your arms fall off. It isn't a winning argument now, it won't be then, and we'll just keep right on laughing at you as the uneducated useful idiots you are. We don't admire your willingness to look a fool in service of your masters' agenda.
Nobody said you change your chromosomes or genitalia
But the sexuality that you affiliate with will not match your chromosomes

This is nothing new, transgenders have existed as long as there have been humans

But Conservatives are hung up on genitalia
Hung up on fact not fiction and not wishes
Because we don't like people imposing their demands for participation in their delusions on us. This actually has been explained to you, but you're both too stupid to comprehend it and too dishonest to admit that your "Gotcha!" has been answered.

YOU'RE obsessed with trans people, or you wouldn't be promoting them so fanatically, and then disingenuously demanding that WE ignore it.

I’m not “promoting” trans people at all. I’m promoting respect for individuals and their rights.

Your position is that trans people are “delusional“. You will not allow any other opinion to exist. Trans people must simply accept the fact that they’re delusional because you say so.

You don’t see the hypocrisy of that?
I’m not “promoting” trans people at all. I’m promoting respect for individuals and their rights.

Your position is that trans people are “delusional“. You will not allow any other opinion to exist. Trans people must simply accept the fact that they’re delusional because you say so.

You don’t see the hypocrisy of that?
Nope. You are not advocating equality but rather forced fed adulation.
I’m not “promoting” trans people at all. I’m promoting respect for individuals and their rights.

Your position is that trans people are “delusional“. You will not allow any other opinion to exist. Trans people must simply accept the fact that they’re delusional because you say so.

You don’t see the hypocrisy of that?

Oh, my ass you aren't. Every single conversation that comes up on this topic, there you are making your half-assed "I don't need to think when I have such moral FEELINGS!" attempts at argument. I don't care any more about what you TELL me you're trying to do than I do about what you tell me is true about gender. And for the same reason: because you're a blithering idiot who's also criminally dishonest.
She did not answer the question because judges who know they have the votes to get confirmed can avoid any questions they choose…
They lost their battle against Homosexuality Bigly

Now they are saying, “If we can’t discriminate against the Fags, can’t we just discriminate against the Trannies?”
Oh c'mon RW... yeah.. only Republicans discriminated against gays... uh huh.
It is kind of sad and pathetic that the best argument a person can make is to pretend a narrative.
As well as the erroneous argument that to define a woman is discrimination against trans.
Binary thinking 101.
There is a lot of ambiguity, because not everyone just has XX of XY Chromosomes:

Nothing is EVER all black and white.

There is no ambiguity. There is a man and there is a woman. XX and XY.
She's also disqualified herself from all manner of cases, if one follows the logic to the conclusion. Can she make rulings on environmental cases? She's not an environmental scientist. Can she make rulings on cases involving the US military? She's not a general. Healthcare cases are completely out, because she's not a doctor.

Yep, she's proven she's not qualified to make a judgement on much of anything. I just hope the folks of WV light up Manchin's phones over the next week to tell him to vote no. Let's see if his career is more important than that one vote.


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