Why Is It Nobody In Washington Wants To Punish Obama For What He Did And Is Still Doing?

I think Trump will go after Obama after he gets reelected.

Right now he doesn't want to make a martyr out of the sonofabitch that would get the Darkies all rilled up.

Besides, there are rumors Obama will be going back to Africa to flee prosecution .

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You should send this post to Trump so he knows how his supporters feel
How many times was Hillary investigated between Whitewater, Vance, Benghazi, and emails? I don't recall what crimes she was accused of (aside from some email classification issues) but that never stopped Trump from his 'lock her up' mantra. Face it, you're just a pawn.
You really must have a short memory because everyone else remembers what Hillary was caught doing.
Please refresh my memory then, what exactly was Hillary caught doing?
Obstruction, espionage, destruction of evidence, perjury to name a few.

The funny thing is.....everyone who investigates her ends up dead from suicide or lead poisoning.
I presume the 'obstruction' and 'destruction of evidence' refer to the missing emails and that is possibly criminal except Comey looked into it and found nothing criminal.

On the other hand espionage, perjury and that 'everyone who investigates her ends up dead from suicide or lead poisoning', those I don't remember hearing about. Details? Comey is certainly still alive.
Obama has committed terrible crimes against this country.....yet nobody in Washington wants to even investigate him, much less charge him with a crime.
There has to be a price to pay for any Democrat who wants to be president. Democrats have already investigated Trump for ordering two scoops instead of one....but no Democrat has to answer for their obvious criminality. He or she should have to pay a price for spying on Americans. They should have to pay a price for the damage they do to this country.
They now have proof that Obama directed a criminal conspiracy against our current president...and the charges include treason, sedition, invasion of privacy, misuse of government agencies for political gain, perjury, conspiracy to commit murder, destruction of evidence, bribery, blackmail, espionage, and genocide. But if you ask anyone....they feel that indicting Obama is out of the question. Why is this?

The primary reason they give is they don't want to set a bad precedent. The problem with that is Obama set a terrible precedent by spying on his political opponents and he needs to be brought to justice because of it. He was our first communist president and he needs to be our last communist president. Communists have no respect for the law....and Obama showed that every single day he was president.
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Communists hate America.....and Obama proved he felt this way with his actions. Saturday during a commencement address, Obama decided to trash Trump by claiming Trump was using Obamagate as a defection from the pandemic. This classless statement simply repeats what the press has been saying for a couple of weeks. It makes one wonder where this false belief originated from. Did Obama tell the press to repeat this lie, or is Obama simply parroting the media's false talking-points? Well....unlike Obama...Trump has a job to do....and he also can do more than one thing at a time.

What are Former President Obama's crimes? (isn't it odd how orange cultists jump to when their lard and master comes up with the term "Obamagate"?)
the charges include treason, sedition, invasion of privacy, misuse of government agencies for political gain, perjury, conspiracy to commit murder, destruction of evidence, bribery, blackmail, espionage, and genocide.

Wow, quite a lineup

Have any examples of what Obama actually did?
That's the short list.
Democrats in Washington are all-in on it....and are currently adding more crimes to the list daily.

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It's a con-spiracy!!!!!
The crime Obama and Washington Democrats are most guilty of is fraud.
They have created one hoax after another to ruin the economy and destroy Capitalism.
We can see who ruined the economy......and all trumpanzees can do is cry.
Obama has committed terrible crimes against this country.....yet nobody in Washington wants to even investigate him, much less charge him with a crime.
There has to be a price to pay for any Democrat who wants to be president. Democrats have already investigated Trump for ordering two scoops instead of one....but no Democrat has to answer for their obvious criminality. He or she should have to pay a price for spying on Americans. They should have to pay a price for the damage they do to this country.
They now have proof that Obama directed a criminal conspiracy against our current president...and the charges include treason, sedition, invasion of privacy, misuse of government agencies for political gain, perjury, conspiracy to commit murder, destruction of evidence, bribery, blackmail, espionage, and genocide. But if you ask anyone....they feel that indicting Obama is out of the question. Why is this?

The primary reason they give is they don't want to set a bad precedent. The problem with that is Obama set a terrible precedent by spying on his political opponents and he needs to be brought to justice because of it. He was our first communist president and he needs to be our last communist president. Communists have no respect for the law....and Obama showed that every single day he was president.
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Communists hate America.....and Obama proved he felt this way with his actions. Saturday during a commencement address, Obama decided to trash Trump by claiming Trump was using Obamagate as a defection from the pandemic. This classless statement simply repeats what the press has been saying for a couple of weeks. It makes one wonder where this false belief originated from. Did Obama tell the press to repeat this lie, or is Obama simply parroting the media's false talking-points? Well....unlike Obama...Trump has a job to do....and he also can do more than one thing at a time.

By "nobody in washington" I assume you mean Trump. I guess he is too busy trying to lock up Hillary as he promised. I'm sure he'll get to Obama eventually but I'd guess that after Hillary he'll go after Biden since the Ukranians dropped that ball.
Any day now...I heard they are assigning a Special Counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton....any day now. Ruh Roooooh!
Name the specifics of his alleged treasonous acts.
I'll name one in particular.....giving Aide And Comfort To Enemies.... Iran and China.

Obama gave a buttload of cash to both of them. One of them was in the form of pallets of cash on a US aircraft.
Oh that bullshit again. Of course.
/——/ Oh, so Iran never got the cash?
How many times was Hillary investigated between Whitewater, Vance, Benghazi, and emails? I don't recall what crimes she was accused of (aside from some email classification issues) but that never stopped Trump from his 'lock her up' mantra. Face it, you're just a pawn.
You really must have a short memory because everyone else remembers what Hillary was caught doing.
Please refresh my memory then, what exactly was Hillary caught doing?
Obstruction, espionage, destruction of evidence, perjury to name a few.

The funny thing is.....everyone who investigates her ends up dead from suicide or lead poisoning.
I presume the 'obstruction' and 'destruction of evidence' refer to the missing emails and that is possibly criminal except Comey looked into it and found nothing criminal.

On the other hand espionage, perjury and that 'everyone who investigates her ends up dead from suicide or lead poisoning', those I don't remember hearing about. Details? Comey is certainly still alive.
And yet....the Trump/Barr run Federal Prison system suicided trump's old BFF Jeffery Epstein.
Name the specifics of his alleged treasonous acts.
I'll name one in particular.....giving Aide And Comfort To Enemies.... Iran and China.

Obama gave a buttload of cash to both of them. One of them was in the form of pallets of cash on a US aircraft.
Oh that bullshit again. Of course.
/——/ Oh, so Iran never got the cash?
Who's cash was it?
Name the specifics of his alleged treasonous acts.
I'll name one in particular.....giving Aide And Comfort To Enemies.... Iran and China.

Obama gave a buttload of cash to both of them. One of them was in the form of pallets of cash on a US aircraft.
Oh that bullshit again. Of course.
/——/ Oh, so Iran never got the cash?
Who's cash was it?
/——/ It was the prior government’s money not the terror states who got it to use for more terrorist acts.
Name the specifics of his alleged treasonous acts.
I'll name one in particular.....giving Aide And Comfort To Enemies.... Iran and China.

Obama gave a buttload of cash to both of them. One of them was in the form of pallets of cash on a US aircraft.
Oh that bullshit again. Of course.
It's all documented and on the record.
Are you about to lie and say Obama never gave them money......because I would love you to try taking that path so I can crush you like a bug.
Crimes committed by Presidents, all Presidents, merit investigation and prosecution if substantiated.
All Presidents.
the charges include treason, sedition, invasion of privacy, misuse of government agencies for political gain, perjury, conspiracy to commit murder, destruction of evidence, bribery, blackmail, espionage, and genocide.

Wow, quite a lineup

Have any examples of what Obama actually did?


Now fuck off troll and let the adults talk.

Like selling military aid for personal favors?
Funny, the only reason you think that is because Adam Schiff-face floated that conspiracy.....but then was forced to walk it back immediately when called on it. You know Adam Schiff......the idiot who claimed he had direct proof Trump colluded with Russia but after last week's document release proved he was lying and never had even a smidgen of proof.....much less direct proof.
Same reason hitlery will never be prosecuted. They have dirt on the whole city and drag everyone down with them. Same reason why the media continues to ignore Epstein and we will never find out about everyone who has skull fucked little girls with him.
Name the specifics of his alleged treasonous acts.
I'll name one in particular.....giving Aide And Comfort To Enemies.... Iran and China.

Obama gave a buttload of cash to both of them. One of them was in the form of pallets of cash on a US aircraft.
Oh that bullshit again. Of course.
/——/ Oh, so Iran never got the cash?
Who's cash was it?
Congress spent Iran's cash 20years ago. They borrowed it from us to pay Iran and China and we got stuck with the interest payments off the loan.
Wow, quite a lineup
Have any examples of what Obama actually did?
It doesn't matter.

When Trump is criticized or accused of something, it's TDS Deep State Commie Fake News. When Obama is criticized or accused of something, it's Da Troof.

At this point, all one can do is observe. Attempts at soliciting explanations, particularly online, are pointless.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mental illness that affects you leftists

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