why is it OK for Biden to have Classified documents in his... well, all over the place but Trump.. forget it

This was dealt with.

Biden and Pence returned the documents right away.

Trump took them from the WH, never letting know he had them.

When asked for them, returned only 15 Boxes full of documents.

Then, decided to play games with the ones he wanted to keep. Or in exchange for money. All of that is illegal.

THEN, he obstructed the law by not answering the subpoena to return them.

THEN, he had his employees move the boxes before the FBI came to retrieve them.

Nah, I won't go on. It is all known about his endless obstruction to return government documents to NARA.
dude, biden didnt return shit right away....he had those documents for many YEARS

hmmm... jis don't get it.. jis don't..
All things become clear once you recognize we have no DOJ or FBI anymore. They are Democratic Party "Assets".
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dude, biden didnt return shit right away....he had those documents for many YEARS
It's funny how one side can acknowledge Biden had documents for years but the other side can't acknowledge Trump obstructed the return of documents he had.
It's funny how one side can acknowledge Biden had documents for years but the other side can't acknowledge Trump obstructed the return of documents he had.
It's funny how one side can acknowledge Biden had documents for years
and the other side says, "SO WHAT"

but the other side can't acknowledge Trump obstructed the return of documents he had.

Since he can't be impeached again, HANG HIM.

hmmm... jis don't get it.. jis don't..

Criminal in the WH.
Criminals run the DOJ.
Criminal DOJ protecting the criminal in the WH.


It's funny how one side can acknowledge Biden had documents for years but the other side can't acknowledge Trump obstructed the return of documents he had.

If he had 'obstructed justice' he would have been arrested.

Its amazing how the left can deny the criminal political persecution of Trump that's been going on for 7 years and deny the existence of the Democrats' corrupt, criminal socialist 3rd world country 2-tiered justice system.

Compared to Hillary's and Joe's espionage Trump's handling of classified is a 'nothing burger'.
The rule is this:

If someone finds a classified, or other government document in their possession at their homes, or elsewhere as in a bathroom by Olivia Troye, that document is to be returned. No charges will happen.


The incident is investigated and criminal charges can be filed if found appropriate.

Hillary should still be in jail.
Joe and his family should probably be in jail.
When one of our own hide and lie about doccuments, I'll criticize the hell out of them.


also shows you either didn't watch the videos provided or

(most likely)

couldn't care less because libs live by the rule of Win at all costs, even if it means losing your soul

so there's that...
If he had 'obstructed justice' he would have been arrested.

Its amazing how the left can deny the criminal political persecution of Trump that's been going on for 7 years and deny the existence of the Democrats' corrupt, criminal socialist 3rd world country 2-tiered justice system.

Compared to Hillary's and Joe's espionage Trump's handling of classified is a 'nothing burger'.

i wasgoing to say no one will vote for them (leftists) but that's already the case and the reason why they "had to" steal it last time...

They are a pernicious, malignant, terminal cancer on the USA
When one of our own hide and lie about doccuments, I'll criticize the hell out of them.

Maybe you think illegally transporting TS/SCI to and storing them in an unapproved, unauthorized, unsecured location provided / funded by the Chinese or placing them in an unauthorized, unsecured garage - next to his Corvette - in a house he rented to his son who was working for / with Chinese, Russians, Ukranians, etc... was just STUPID AS HELL AND CRIMINAL but don't consider it as Joe 'HIDING' the classified documents....?

Maybe you think illegally transporting TS/SCI to and storing them in an unapproved, unauthorized, unsecured location provided / funded by the Chinese or placing them in an unauthorized, unsecured garage - next to his Corvette - in a house he rented to his son who was working for / with Chinese, Russians, Ukranians, etc... was just STUPID AS HELL AND CRIMINAL but don't consider it as Joe 'HIDING' the classified documents....?


again, it is only wrong when Trump or some MAGA person does it

Leftists always say the opposite of what they really mean...

example: Comey says "no one is above the law"

Clinton has said the same thing ad nauseum

Translation: no one but the Ds is above the law
If you didn't want an answer, why would you make the question the title [why is it OK for Biden to have Classified documents in his... well, all over the place but Trump.. forget it] Useless rhetoric?
Why is it OK that Tater stole top secret documents while Senator and VP and keeping them in his garage, office, and homes?
The rule is this:

If someone finds a classified, or other government document in their possession at their homes, or elsewhere as in a bathroom by Olivia Troye, that document is to be returned. No charges will happen.

If there are documents and the person does not care to return them, as it happened in August 2022, then it become obstruction.

If one receives a subpoena to return the documents and does not, it is obstruction.

If one moves the documents around, so that they will not be found, that is obstruction.

This has been explained again and again on tv, online, etc.
So you think the "rule" is that you can steal top secret documents and keep them in your garage, and when caught if you just return them there is no crime?
All things become clear once you recognize we have no DOJ or FBI anymore. They are Democratic Party "Assets".
i saw that as of many moons ago

sad thing... the loss of a great country.. I blame Pence


he could have called for an audit... could have told the states who questioned their own electors to go backand get ONE slate of them.. but NOOOOOO....

weany alert

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