why is it OK for Biden to have Classified documents in his... well, all over the place but Trump.. forget it

The bigger question is: Why did Biden have things he was NEVER authorized to have in the 1st place before being sworn in as

yes, that is what many forget... He was not president then andtherefore did not have privileges a president like Trump has.

another great point that shows just how AWFUL leftists are in their hypocrisy and lunacy
Why is it OK that Tater stole top secret documents while Senator and VP and keeping them in his garage, office, and homes?
Absence of malice of intent and willingness to report and return? Sounds fine to me. I'll let you worry and whine about it.
This was dealt with.

Biden and Pence returned the documents right away.

Trump took them from the WH, never letting know he had them.

When asked for them, returned only 15 Boxes full of documents.

Then, decided to play games with the ones he wanted to keep. Or in exchange for money. All of that is illegal.

THEN, he obstructed the law by not answering the subpoena to return them.

THEN, he had his employees move the boxes before the FBI came to retrieve them.

Nah, I won't go on. It is all known about his endless obstruction to return government documents to NARA.
The beautiful thing being Don will be a convicted felon because of what he did, and for the obstruction of justice involving what he did.

hmmm... jis don't get it.. jis don't..
we once didn't have political parties running the media. those days are long gone. Money buys it all, and evil is spending.
The beautiful thing being Don will be a convicted felon because of what he did, and for the obstruction of justice involving what he did.
naw, you're hard for Don will be for your pleasure only!!!
Maybe you think illegally transporting TS/SCI to and storing them in an unapproved, unauthorized, unsecured location provided / funded by the Chinese or placing them in an unauthorized, unsecured garage - next to his Corvette - in a house he rented to his son who was working for / with Chinese, Russians, Ukranians, etc... was just STUPID AS HELL AND CRIMINAL but don't consider it as Joe 'HIDING' the classified documents....?

Biden cooperated, and most importantly, didn't lie and try to hide them.
It truly is comical watching the far left twist themselves into pretzels, trying to make what Biden did with classified documents "no big deal". They will say"Biden gave them back after he got busted". or "we trust Biden and we know orange man bad". Yet all the knowns FACTS prove that Biden was in possession of documents that he obtained illegally and stored in areas that were accessed by our nations enemies. It's as if they are saying "The sky is green and grass is blue"...and they actually expect Americans to believe them.
It truly is comical watching the far left twist themselves into pretzels, trying to make what Biden did with classified documents "no big deal". They will say"Biden gave them back after he got busted". or "we trust Biden and we know orange man bad". Yet all the knowns FACTS prove that Biden was in possession of documents that he obtained illegally and stored in areas that were accessed by our nations enemies. It's as if they are saying "The sky is green and grass is blue"...and they actually expect Americans to believe them.
after he had them for fking five years or more. Yep now...............................he gave them back. hilarious hypocrites in here huh?
Biden cooperated...

When exactly was that?

When he turned over the classified he stole as a Senator?

When he turned over the classified he stole as a VP?

When he realized the TS/SCI material he stole and illegally transported, stored illegally in the unauthorized, unsecured office was easily accessible by the Chinese who paid for and gave him his office?

Was it when his lawyers told tbe FBI 'that's all of it' after the 1st batch of classified they found & turned in?

Was it when his lawyers told tbe FBI 'that's all of it' after the 2nd batch of classified they found & turned in?

Was it when his lawyers told tbe FBI 'that's all of it' after the 3rd batch of classified they found & turned in, at which point the FBI finally searched for classified themselves?

Was it before or after the FBI and Bidens HID Joe's classified document scandal from the American people until AFTER the midterm elections?
When exactly was that?

When he turned over the classified he stole as a Senator?

When he turned over the classified he stole as a VP?

When he realized the TS/SCI material he stole and illegally transported, stored illegally in the unauthorized, unsecured office was easily accessible by the Chinese who paid for and gave him his office?

Was it when his lawyers told tbe FBI 'that's all of it' after the 1st batch of classified they found & turned in?

Was it when his lawyers told tbe FBI 'that's all of it' after the 2nd batch of classified they found & turned in?

Was it when his lawyers told tbe FBI 'that's all of it' after the 3rd batch of classified they found & turned in, at which point the FBI finally searched for classified themselves?

Was it before or after the FBI and Bidens HID Joe's classified document scandal from the American people until AFTER the midterm elections?
Biden cooperated all the way through. Trump didn't. Quit whining.

Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything.

The recording indicates Trump understood he retained classified material after leaving the White House, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. On the recording, Trump’s comments suggest he would like to share the information but he’s aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records, two of the sources said.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House

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Unlike Hillary who illegally transmitted / sent and received TS/SVMCI focuments on unauthorized, unsecure, unencrypted devices ... resultibg in FBI Director Comey tesyifying before Congress about all of her crimes and stating publicly Hillary had committed crimes to include espionage...?!

Absence of malice of intent and willingness to report and return? Sounds fine to me. I'll let you worry and whine about it.
hmm... is that kind of like catching a murderer in the act and he says

"I didn't mean to kill the bast... I mean that poor dude.. I never intended to kill him! My finger just pulled the trigger somehow..."

When exactly was that?

When he turned over the classified he stole as a Senator?

When he turned over the classified he stole as a VP?

How come there are no stories... haven't heard one on Fox even.. about this?

We need Comer on this.. "We're not messing around"


hmmm... jis don't get it.. jis don't..
Not hard

I suppose after the Trump mess first broke Biden sent his attorneys to do a search of his properties and when the classified materials were found they notified the proper authorities as per procedure.

Trump on the other hand refused to turn over the documents in response to a valid subpoena, hid the documents when the property was searched and reportedly showed the documents to uncleared people.

The fuss here shouldn't be over Trump or Biden but over the government's loss of control over sensitive materials. We've not fixed this despite Bradley/Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden exposed the problem.

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