why is it OK for Biden to have Classified documents in his... well, all over the place but Trump.. forget it

All of this was all over the media - MSM included - while it was happening.

You just needed to watch, pay attention.
what i meant was: Why is there no story about prosecuting Bidim's stealing documents..

(sorry I didn't say what I meant clearly)
what i meant was: Why is there no story about prosecuting Bidim's stealing documents..

(sorry I didn't say what I meant clearly)

No worries ... the leftist, fake news, Democrat-defending, truth-censoring MSM have always covered for the Democrats.
No worries ... the leftist, fake news, Democrat-defending, truth-censoring MSM have always covered for the Democrats.
I know but where are the Comers of the world RE this bidim-Classified theft issue?

We need someone like "We are not messing around" Comer


(don't know why I find that so funny but I do... Comer has the right attitude, to be sure:) )

hmmm... jis don't get it.. jis don't..
The rule is this:

If someone finds a classified, or other government document in their possession at their homes, or elsewhere as in a bathroom by Olivia Troye, that document is to be returned. No charges will happen.

If there are documents and the person does not care to return them, as it happened in August 2022, then it become obstruction.

If one receives a subpoena to return the documents and does not, it is obstruction.

If one moves the documents around, so that they will not be found, that is obstruction.

This has been explained again and again on tv, online, etc.
You're a vast geyser of bullshit.
We trust Biden. Trump on the other hand, is an insurrectionist piece of shit who would sell this country out in a heart beat. Trump for sure held on to those documents for a long time.. Wouldn't be surprised if he's already given or sold them to the likes of Putin.

Bidens documents were fom his time as a senator, and vice president,

who had them longer?

And some of them were handled by people with no security clearance while some were shipped around by regular courier services.

Some were held in a place where the CCP has donated millions of dollars.

This was dealt with.

Biden and Pence returned the documents right away.

Trump took them from the WH, never letting know he had them.

When asked for them, returned only 15 Boxes full of documents.

Then, decided to play games with the ones he wanted to keep. Or in exchange for money. All of that is illegal.

THEN, he obstructed the law by not answering the subpoena to return them.

THEN, he had his employees move the boxes before the FBI came to retrieve them.

Nah, I won't go on. It is all known about his endless obstruction to return government documents to NARA.
So prosecute him.
And some of them were handled by people with no security clearance while some were shipped around by regular courier services.

Some were held in a place where the CCP has donated millions of dollars.

STOLE classified documents.

Illegally transported / moved them.

Illegally stored them.

Stored them in an office provided by the CCP.

Failed to control access to the material.

Missing' according to records, for almost a year

No access safeguards

No records of who accessed the classified info

Although known about prior to the midterms, the FBI allowed them to remain unsecured, unprotected, until AFTER the midterm elections.

....as opposed to Trump's data being stored in an FBI-authorized/approved SCIF, access legally safeguarded and compleyely recorded.

Oh yeah,Trump's situation is SO much worse that Hillary's and Biden's...

It's funny how one side can acknowledge Biden had documents for years but the other side can't acknowledge Trump obstructed the return of documents he had.

Former Presidents are covered by the PRA and nothing in the PRA authorizes DoJ involvement in disputes between former Presidents and the National Archive.
again, it is only wrong when Trump or some MAGA person does it

Leftists always say the opposite of what they really mean...

example: Comey says "no one is above the law"

Clinton has said the same thing ad nauseum

Translation: no one but the Ds is above the law

Yep. When Øbama was found to have classified documents his team and the Archive negotiated a settlement, which is per the PRA. And Trump's team was in negotiations with the Archive when the DoJ stuck its nose into the issue.
hmm... is that kind of like catching a murderer in the act and he says

"I didn't mean to kill the bast... I mean that poor dude.. I never intended to kill him! My finger just pulled the trigger somehow..."

No, but maybe it is a bad tactic to steal something, know you stole it, and refuse to give it back and even hide it from the Federal Government when they are coming to get it.

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