Why is it OK for SOROS to use his billions to influence the election, but the KOCH brothers are bad?

So, if you think Soros is good, but Koch brothers are bad, or vice versa.....WHY?

That would be the reverse of your position. The mirror image.
Not really, Soros and the Koch brothers really cant be compared equally. Soros funds the overthrow of governments around the world, He is a first class socialist piece of crap. The day he dies will be a great day in world history.

Ah the Right Wing Nut Job point of view.

AKA a Trump voter.
They are 2 sides of the same coin to me. Billionaires looking to use their wealth to influence elections to support their social and political ideologies.

Either both are bad or both are good.

So, if you think Soros is good, but Koch brothers are bad, or vice versa.....WHY?

is there anyone out there who LOVES the koches but hates soros------or who Hates the koches but loves soros? This is
a new topic for me----
I don't have too much respect for either of them, however Koch brothers seem intent to sway the U.S in one direction while Soros has been paying to overthrow governments around the world for years. I think Soros is a bit more of a danger than the kock brothers.
So, if you think Soros is good, but Koch brothers are bad, or vice versa.....WHY?

That would be the reverse of your position. The mirror image.
Not really, Soros and the Koch brothers really cant be compared equally. Soros funds the overthrow of governments around the world, He is a first class socialist piece of crap. The day he dies will be a great day in world history.

Ah the Right Wing Nut Job point of view.

AKA a Trump voter.
Is that the approved response from the liberals handbook?
seems to me that both the Koch things and Soros thing is
in the imbecile nuisance range----but I cannot believe that either
does THAT much damage

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