Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.

They were lied to as were the American people. But yes, Congress shares the blame. The fact remains however, the war against al Qaeda should come before The Hunt For the Man Who Threatened Poppy. AND, Obama's claim he would end the war in Iraq in SIX MONTHS, I hold against him. Of course Rumsfield said it COULDN'T LAST SIX months, but he was just optimistic I guess.

Bill Clinton lied to us? Do you have proof?
Clinton lied in a deposition, about consensual sex, in a case that involved unwanted sexual advances. I was referencing BUSH'S WAR. No one died in The Monica Show, thousands have died in Bush's War.

Clinton said that the Iraqi's had weapons of mass destruction and was in agreement with Bush. So did Kerry and others that saw the evidence that was compiled by the Clinton and Bush administrations. Who cares about Monica, I don't but you seem to be still excited about it.
Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

You're of course referring to the Inquisitions, and I got news for you. That had little to do with religion and much to do with power and money.
Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.

Yes yes yes. But where in the Bible does it direct a Christian to do it?
Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.

Yes yes yes. But where in the Bible does it direct a Christian to do it?

Good question, where in the Bible does it tell the church to sell indulgences?

Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Typical apologist bullshit. You compare acts done centuries past when people were ignorant with modern day atrocities, and you try to justify those atrocities by acts done in an age of ignorance. Well get this. There were no Christians in America during the crusades. There were no Christians in the old testament. Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian, and neither was Eric Rudolph. That should take care of your next 4 stupid posts. They used modern technology in Egypt to start the riots. And now they will execute 19 innocent Americans. Go there and become one of them since you sympathize so much with them. But save your 'bu bu bu..Christians' bullshit for another day. We've read it all before. It isn't new coming from a newbie just because newbie just thought it up!~
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Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.


I can wire a house, doesn't make me an electrician, I'd never carry a gun, doesn't make me a liberal. Saying you are a Christian and living as one are two different things. You can claim to do things in God's name or Obama's name, doesn't make it so. The Bible describes the identifying marks of true Christians.
Explain please.


He is suggesting (I surmise) that the ONE true God, the God of Abraham, is the SAME God for all Muslims, Jews and Christians, even if we do not use the same Name of God.

Thanks, should have connected that.

I find it impossible to believe that the Muslim Allah is the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that I worship.


Is this the 'God' that you worship?...

"The Lord is a man of war; Yahweh is his name." – Exodus 15.3.

‘You shall annihilate them - Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites – as Yahweh your God commanded you.’

– Deuteronomy 20.11,18.

All cultures have anthropomorphized their gods into humanoid (if sometimes grotesque) form. Were the Jews the exception? Hardly. We know precisely what the Hebrew god looked like. We are, after all, fashioned in his own likeness! "Yahweh", in fact, is an abbreviation of the longer name, "Yahweh Sabaoth." It means, "He who musters armies." Thus Yahweh's name identifies the god primarily as the military leader of the tribe.

"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man by sleeping with him. But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves."
Numbers 31.17,18
Moses flies into a rage because his returning Israelite war party has slaughtered only the adult male Midianites!
The most disturbing aspect of Yahweh’s humanoid personality, however, is his blood-lust. The smell of burning flesh is a ‘sweet savour unto the lord’ – so sweet, in fact, that the phrase appears in the Old Testament no fewer than twenty-three times. The butchery demanded by god is truly monumental.
"God put Abraham to the test ... Abraham built an altar ... bound Isaac hand & foot ... took the slaughtering knife to kill his son ... But the angel of the Lord began calling ... 'Do not put out your hand against the boy .... for now I know that you fear the Lord ...' (Genesis 22.1,12)
The story of Isaac is NOT a condemnation of child sacrifice. Isaac was spared not because human sacrifice was seen to be wrong but because Isaac was the "child of promise" and needed to survive. The yarn requires the normality of human sacrifice. Abraham was praised for his willingness to appease Yahweh by killing his own son.
Historically the Bible has been interpreted to justify such evil practices , such as, slavery, the slaughter of prisoners of war, the sadistic murders of women believed to be witches, capital punishment for hundreds of offenses, polygamy, and cruelty to animals.It has been used to encourage belief in the grossest superstition and to discourage the free teaching of scientific truths.

"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of the siren, till she transforms us into beasts. "—Patrick Henry
Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.


And that justifies what? You, too, set out to justify modern day islamic atrocities against the civilized world by harking back centuries or millennia. There is is no comparison. This is the 21st century.
Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.


I can wire a house, doesn't make me an electrician, I'd never carry a gun, doesn't make me a liberal. Saying you are a Christian and living as one are two different things. You can claim to do things in God's name or Obama's name, doesn't make it so. The Bible describes the identifying marks of true Christians.


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Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.


And that justifies what? You, too, set out to justify modern day islamic atrocities against the civilized world by harking back centuries or millennia. There is is no comparison. This is the 21st century.

Hmmm, where am I attempting to justify anything?

The scary thing is that there were those who believed it did. I will remind you of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials as a few examples.

And that justifies what? You, too, set out to justify modern day islamic atrocities against the civilized world by harking back centuries or millennia. There is is no comparison. This is the 21st century.

Hmmm, where am I attempting to justify anything?


And that justifies what? You, too, set out to justify modern day islamic atrocities against the civilized world by harking back centuries or millennia. There is is no comparison. This is the 21st century.

Hmmm, where am I attempting to justify anything?


I don't think Immie was trying to justify anything. In my opinion I think he was using those as an example.
I don't think Immie was trying to justify anything. In my opinion I think he was using those as an example.

Yes, as an example to say that Christians are just as bad as muslims, thereby justifying all their modern day atrocities.

No I don't see it that way. He was using those as an example to try and answer my question. Which he didn't So I'll jut wait

He can't answer your question. There is no place the Bible tells Christians to do those things. But there is ALWAYS an excuse for islam. And that excuse is ALWAYS Christians. Around and around and around and around.
And that justifies what? You, too, set out to justify modern day islamic atrocities against the civilized world by harking back centuries or millennia. There is is no comparison. This is the 21st century.

Hmmm, where am I attempting to justify anything?



Wrong my dear. Only commenting on the fact that there have been Christians who beleived that the Bible authorized their murderous ways. No where have I approved of the murder committed by the muslims in this case.

Yes, as an example to say that Christians are just as bad as muslims, thereby justifying all their modern day atrocities.

No I don't see it that way. He was using those as an example to try and answer my question. Which he didn't So I'll jut wait

He can't answer your question. There is no place the Bible tells Christians to do those things. But there is ALWAYS an excuse for islam. And that excuse is ALWAYS Christians. Around and around and around and around.

And I never said there was either.


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