Why is it primarily Democrats that can't vote in person with a free voter ID? Why don't Republicans have the same difficulty?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.
Expect rural red counties to have MILLIONS of mail-in votes from now on.

And when they bitch....


Voter participation was at a record level. Hopefully that continues.

Whats more disturbing is that the same lazy assed people who voted because a ballot was mailed to them wouldn't have voted otherwise.

You're asked to muster the gumption to vote like twice every 2 years...and you're too damn lazy to show up? Disgraceful.
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.

Many registered Republicans voted by mail. Many voted in person. And the Republican Governors backed the mail in voting because it was the State Law. Yes, they followed the laws of the State. What a novel concept. Hope it's catching.
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.

Because many Democrats are criminals or are hiding from the law. They don't want anyone to know who they are.

That's all I got.
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.

Because many Democrats are criminals or are hiding from the law. They don't want anyone to know who they are.

That's all I got.

And the Post Office won't deliver to caves in the hills so Republicans HAVE to vote in person.

That's all I got as well. Makes about as much sense. Time for lunch.
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.
The thread premise is a lie and fails as a strawman fallacy.

‘Take Arizona, where polls show Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden after he carried the state narrowly in 2016. Republicans pioneered Arizona’s mail-in balloting system, which now accounts for about 80 percent of the state’s vote. “It’s been remarkably successful,” Chuck Coughlin, a longtime GOP operative and a onetime aide to the late Senator John McCain, told me. “There’s been minimal to no fraud for a long period of time.”

Republicans say the same in Florida, the quadrennial swing state where voting by mail has become more and more popular in recent years, especially with older GOP voters. (One of the older GOP voters who uses the system is Trump himself.) “Yes, Florida Republicans over the last two decades have dominated absentees,” Joe Gruters, the state’s party chairman, told me.’

With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.

Voter-ID is a problem for Democrats. It would mean their lazy welfare voters would have to put some effort into voting, and if that's the case, they'd say to hell with it and just stay home. It's why the Democrats are pushing for mail-in across the country. The more people who won't put any effort into voting and mail-in instead, the more politically ignorant voters you get, and politically ignorant voters mostly vote Democrat. You know, the Obama money and Obama phone people. And of course, look how this past election turned out.
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.

Because many Democrats are criminals or are hiding from the law. They don't want anyone to know who they are.

That's all I got.

And the Post Office won't deliver to caves in the hills so Republicans HAVE to vote in person.

That's all I got as well. Makes about as much sense. Time for lunch.
does your lunch consist of valium? it should
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.
Democrats love to cite Europeans as forward thinkers, but not on this issue. They are far ahead of us on tightening up Democrats opportunities for election fraud. They dont allow any of the nonsense our Democrats have gotten away with
Democrats are more willing to believe there is a pandemic about ... and that this year, voting by mail is safer ...

Republicans don't believe there's a pandemic ... so voting in person is as safe as any ...
Democrats are more willing to believe there is a pandemic about ... and that this year, voting by mail is safer ...

Republicans don't believe there's a pandemic ... so voting in person is as safe as any ...
And yet they find reasons to shop at Walmart, the liquor store and gather in mass violent protests against Trump.

So, no, they really dont believe in a "pandemic" either.
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.
I think absentee voting is fine, as long as you have to prove identity and proactively request a ballot.

You are right about mail-in voting being the deciding factor in the 2020 presidential election. I posted this back on September 3rd...

With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.
I think absentee voting is fine, as long as you have to prove identity and proactively request a ballot.

You are right about mail-in voting being the deciding factor in the 2020 presidential election. I posted this back on September 3rd...

All reasons Democrat governors pushed this thru without the legislature, which is 100% unconstitutional. We get no recourse thru the courts. Revolution seems to be the only option left. If not that, the country becomes a one party country. Thomas Jefferson would be ashamed that we allowed the Democrats such power

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