Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

I'm still unclear what an atheist may have done to upset The Light or any of the other christians on here. What activity was undertaken that by any stretch could be called "evangelizing"? The debate so far seems to center on science (and presumably sex ed) class in public schools. Surely you all know, science does not support the religious POV on creation or evolution?

It sure does seem to me the complaint is, from time to time you are made aware not everyone shares your religion and that infuriates you. (BTW, there are more such people. Agnostics. People who are religious but not christian. There's even me, whatever I am. Deist, I suppose.)

You belong to such an overwhelming majority that you could -- and none of us could -- elect to spend your whole lives immersed in the culture of christianity. Why isn't that enough for you?
the light
Atheism has it's church. It is called the school system. And just to think... Attendance is mandatory. Talk about brain washing.
Bullshit - school is separate from religion but it does not teach atheism. Just because it does not teach your faith does not make it atheist.
It teaches evolutionism and the big bang. Both of which are contrary to the Bible.
Would you rather Islamic creation theory taught?
No, I would rather none of them taught.
So, you would rather not teach valid theories within science because they do not match the bible? You seem to be under the impression that the bible has any barring on science at all when in fact it does not. Science does not look to the bible for verifacation, instead it uses facts and observation.

This coupled with the fact that the big bang and evolution are not contrary to the bible whatsoever leads me to believe you do not understand the issues here. YOUR interpretation of the bible may not allow for evolution or the big bang but just because you interpret the bible that way does not make it the correct interpretation.
You belong to such an overwhelming majority that you could -- and none of us could -- elect to spend your whole lives immersed in the culture of christianity. Why isn't that enough for you?
Because our very presence threatens his glass microcosm of faith.

In his ideal world, every human fully believes his particular brand of Christianity, and he will never encounter a troubling or contradictory statement in his life.
If it is so terrible for a child of your family to be exposed to a public school science class, why is it that you see eliminating that circuluum for all students as the answer? Why not just send that child to a religious school of your choosing?
"SO" you think that after making a statement that begins with "so" and putting a "?" at the end that covers your ass? :lol:

And I'm sure there are many morons stupid enough to parrot LimpTard just like you did.

If you could pay attention to what your MessiahRushie said, he ended up contradicting himself. That "tiny little speck of ALMOST nothing" was only ALL THE ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE, which is definitely SOMETHING and not nothing!!!!!!!

You listen to Rush not me jack Ass. I have never once tuned in to his radio show because I happen to be too busy working.

The big bang theory is just a theory. There is no proof. It is pure speculation as to what the singularity was and where it came from. If it existed at all.

Princeton - Physics - New Theory Provides Alternative to Big Bang
this is what I love about CON$. Whenever they are caught lying they always change the subject and pretend they didn't say what they said.

I said creation violated the FLoT and you parroted your MessiahRushie and said the Big Bang violates the FLoT ALSO.

Nowhere in your link or in M-Theory, which I'm sure you know nothing about, does it say that the Big Bang violated the FLoT.

Just because there are alternate theories to the Big Bang does not mean that the Big Bang violates the FLoT, moron! Sheeesh.

Originally Posted by Skull Pilot:

So the big bang theory also violates the first law of thermodynamics?

But where did I ever say the big bang violated FLoT???

Nowhere. Asking a question is not the same as making a statement. And once again since you seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I do not nor have i ever once listened to Rush Limbaugh's show, unlike you who seem to listen constantly.

And since i never said the big bang violates the flot and you didn't adequately answer the question, I will tell you that the BBT doesn't violate the flot. Since you couldn't seem to articulate why I'll give you the answer.

The reason it does not violate flot is that the net energy of the universe is zero and always has been.

But there are parts of the theory of the universe that do indeed violate the flot. One of those being the idea that the universe began as a quantum fluctuation of the vacuum. Such a fluctuation does violate the flot but it is allowed by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.((The Inflationary Universe, Alan Guth, 1997, p. 272)

So the next time someone asks you a question, you might want to actually answer it before having a little hissy fit about your favorite radio host.
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It took a short philosophy tutorial for me to realize that we can't totally prove anything, and that we could all well be a brain in a vat or in the matrix.

But for reasons of sanity and common sense, it would be a total waste of time and do nothing for you if you believed the world was out to get you or there was some vast global conspiracy, which you have no hope of exposing even if you tried.

Thus when a Christian or anyone with an idea comes across me and says their idea is 100% right and can't be proved wrong, I will listen to them, hear what they have to say. Then close the door and forget everything they just said. Works wonders. :)
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You listen to Rush not me jack Ass. I have never once tuned in to his radio show because I happen to be too busy working.

The big bang theory is just a theory. There is no proof. It is pure speculation as to what the singularity was and where it came from. If it existed at all.

Princeton - Physics - New Theory Provides Alternative to Big Bang
this is what I love about CON$. Whenever they are caught lying they always change the subject and pretend they didn't say what they said.

I said creation violated the FLoT and you parroted your MessiahRushie and said the Big Bang violates the FLoT ALSO.

Nowhere in your link or in M-Theory, which I'm sure you know nothing about, does it say that the Big Bang violated the FLoT.

Just because there are alternate theories to the Big Bang does not mean that the Big Bang violates the FLoT, moron! Sheeesh.

Originally Posted by Skull Pilot:

So the big bang theory also violates the first law of thermodynamics?

But where did I ever say the big bang violated FLoT???

Nowhere. Asking a question is not the same as making a statement. And once again since you seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I do not nor have i ever once listened to Rush Limbaugh's show, unlike you who seem to listen constantly.

And since i never said the big bang violates the flot and you didn't adequately answer the question, I will tell you that the BBT doesn't violate the flot. Since you couldn't seem to articulate why I'll give you the answer.

The reason it does not violate flot is that the net energy of the universe is zero and always has been.

But there are parts of the theory of the universe that do indeed violate the flot. One of those being the idea that the universe began as a quantum fluctuation of the vacuum. Such a fluctuation does violate the flot but it is allowed by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.((The Inflationary Universe, Alan Guth, 1997, p. 272)

So the next time someone asks you a question, you might want to actually answer it before having a little hissy fit about your favorite radio host.
There's that patented CON$ervative dumb act.

To recap:
The poster claimed there was a double standard in schools because they teach scientific theories and not equally valid religious theories. I pointed out that there was no double standard because creation was not a valid theory because it violated the FLoT. You then chimed in with a STATEMENT that the BBT violated the FLoT also. You didn't ask, DOES the BBT violate the FLoT, you stated SO the BBT also violates the BBT. You were STATING that the BBT violated the FLoT and questioning the lack of a double standard.

You fool no one but yourself!
Once again, ther question: if you want or need a seemless culture in which all things are as you wish, from a religion standpoint, christians everywhere in the US can have it. Why is it a problem then to coexist with us non-christians respectfully?
Why is it necessary for anyone to proselytize? Either your faith is attractive to others or it isn't.

Because you don't know if the religion is attractive unless someone tells you about it.

If you were about to walk off a cliff and someone else knew it. Would you expect them to keep silent about it?
Couldn't Atheists use that same argument?

They see you are brainwashed and want you to think for yourselves. It seems believers on this thread think they should they keep quiet.
this is what I love about CON$. Whenever they are caught lying they always change the subject and pretend they didn't say what they said.

I said creation violated the FLoT and you parroted your MessiahRushie and said the Big Bang violates the FLoT ALSO.

Nowhere in your link or in M-Theory, which I'm sure you know nothing about, does it say that the Big Bang violated the FLoT.

Just because there are alternate theories to the Big Bang does not mean that the Big Bang violates the FLoT, moron! Sheeesh.

But where did I ever say the big bang violated FLoT???

Nowhere. Asking a question is not the same as making a statement. And once again since you seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I do not nor have i ever once listened to Rush Limbaugh's show, unlike you who seem to listen constantly.

And since i never said the big bang violates the flot and you didn't adequately answer the question, I will tell you that the BBT doesn't violate the flot. Since you couldn't seem to articulate why I'll give you the answer.

The reason it does not violate flot is that the net energy of the universe is zero and always has been.

But there are parts of the theory of the universe that do indeed violate the flot. One of those being the idea that the universe began as a quantum fluctuation of the vacuum. Such a fluctuation does violate the flot but it is allowed by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.((The Inflationary Universe, Alan Guth, 1997, p. 272)

So the next time someone asks you a question, you might want to actually answer it before having a little hissy fit about your favorite radio host.
There's that patented CON$ervative dumb act.

To recap:
The poster claimed there was a double standard in schools because they teach scientific theories and not equally valid religious theories. I pointed out that there was no double standard because creation was not a valid theory because it violated the FLoT. You then chimed in with a STATEMENT that the BBT violated the FLoT also. You didn't ask, DOES the BBT violate the FLoT, you stated SO the BBT also violates the BBT. You were STATING that the BBT violated the FLoT and questioning the lack of a double standard.

You fool no one but yourself!

My god, you are so fucking easy it's pathetic.

All anyone has to do is disagree with you or ask you to explain yourself and this is what we get:




In fact it's so easy it's not even fun anymore.

PS Have you ever thought how empty your life would be if you didn't have Rush Limbaugh to complain about?
Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Most athiests are better people than most christians or muslims. We don't like being lied to and hate seeing others lied to. I for one feel like organized religion degrades humans, misinforms and plays on that misinformation to make it appear that there is some kind of justfication for what otherwise would be considered a criminal fraud.

No one of sound mind choses to fall for religious bullshit. Children are indoctrinated before they have enough sense to reject doctrine for the fantasys they are. The humorous "converts" are the ones that turn to jesus when they are at a low point in their lives.. Ya that's a valid sell. HMMMmm....??? Let's see...suicide or Jesus??? You people kill me. I could start a better religion with monkeys.

It seems you get very emotional about something you don't even believe in. It is too funny all the energy non-believers waste on insulting Christians. The fact of the matter is, there is nothing in your insults or simple minded statements that will turn a Christian from their beliefs. But you keep on wasting energy and getting emotional about the evil Christians:lol:

A decent human tries to help others. I'll decide what a waste of my time is.

Putting down another's faith in an effort to "help" them is anything but help.
Once again, ther question: if you want or need a seemless culture in which all things are as you wish, from a religion standpoint, christians everywhere in the US can have it. Why is it a problem then to coexist with us non-christians respectfully?

Because your terms "coexist" and "respectfully" are defined differently by you and I.

You define coexist as "shut up Christians while we say whatever we want" and my definition is "you say what you have to say and I'll say what I have to say."

And respect is only respect if I listen to you tear me apart and then praise you for it and then shut up once again.
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Why is it necessary for anyone to proselytize? Either your faith is attractive to others or it isn't.

Because you don't know if the religion is attractive unless someone tells you about it.

If you were about to walk off a cliff and someone else knew it. Would you expect them to keep silent about it?
Couldn't Atheists use that same argument?

They see you are brainwashed and want you to think for yourselves. It seems believers on this thread think they should they keep quiet.

No. What are you saving me from. And don't give me brainwashed because everyone has been brainwashed. Every time you pick up a book you are washing your brain with information. And upon what basis do you determine what is the correct information. Why YOUR brain of course. ;)
It seems you get very emotional about something you don't even believe in. It is too funny all the energy non-believers waste on insulting Christians. The fact of the matter is, there is nothing in your insults or simple minded statements that will turn a Christian from their beliefs. But you keep on wasting energy and getting emotional about the evil Christians:lol:

A decent human tries to help others. I'll decide what a waste of my time is.

Putting down another's faith in an effort to "help" them is anything but help.

Not true.. I once talked a preist down..I helped him come to his senses....he quit religion and thanked me for the help.
Because you don't know if the religion is attractive unless someone tells you about it.

If you were about to walk off a cliff and someone else knew it. Would you expect them to keep silent about it?
Couldn't Atheists use that same argument?

They see you are brainwashed and want you to think for yourselves. It seems believers on this thread think they should they keep quiet.

No. What are you saving me from. And don't give me brainwashed because everyone has been brainwashed.Every time you pick up a book you are washing your brain with information. And upon what basis do you determine what is the correct information. Why YOUR brain of course. ;)
So you admit you've been brainwashed by a book called the bible.

And the Atheist would say they were saving you from delusion.

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