Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

Not only is this a wide sweeping generalization, it's actually a mis-generalization.

Sure, some atheists might fit your description, but I'd say it's a very small percentage and they no more represent atheists in general than Fred Phelps represents people of faith in general.

And even evangelical atheists still haven't asked me for any money. :D

damn---don't give them any ideas !!
Atheists don't evangelize. To evangelize means to preach the gospel. Christians evangelize.
In the US bible belt Atheists do not dare evangelize in a non anonymous manner.

Retaliation by those loving christians sucks.
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

I've never understood that either....:cuckoo:
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?


there are ORGANIZATIONS of religious zealots who are ACTIVELY waging "culture war" on everyone who isn't one of them

as long as they exercise their freedom of speech to wage culture war on people like me then I will use MY Freedom of speech to try and save my life from these wackos

it is merely self defense
Athiests don't argue with fairy tales. They don't find fault with god.

I don't know. I find that a little to hard to swallow, as there are many atheist forums on the net solely devoted to blasting God and "fairy tales." People alot of times argue against fictional characters. There are Superman forums that bash Superman's enemies. People seem to hate Lex Luthor, and sometimes the venom is so thick you can cut it with a knife. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that they're speaking about a real person.

But OTOH, if Christians took DC comics as literally as they do the bible, they'd jump off of buildings with a cape and think that they can fly. There's way too much brainwashing going on with Christianity. If it is so bullet-proof, why does it need all the cheerleading? For example, I was driving the other day and I seen a bumper sticker that read, "Jesus: still saving lives!" I thought that was a big time insult to firemen, police, and surgeons who actively save lives for a living everyday.
Athiests don't argue with fairy tales. They don't find fault with god.

I don't know. I find that a little to hard to swallow, as there are many atheist forums on the net solely devoted to blasting God and "fairy tales." People alot of times argue against fictional characters. There are Superman forums that bash Superman's enemies. People seem to hate Lex Luthor, and sometimes the venom is so thick you can cut it with a knife. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that they're speaking about a real person.

But OTOH, if Christians took DC comics as literally as they do the bible, they'd jump off of buildings with a cape and think that they can fly. There's way too much brainwashing going on with Christianity. If it is so bullet-proof, why does it need all the cheerleading? For example, I was driving the other day and I seen a bumper sticker that read, "Jesus: still saving lives!" I thought that was a big time insult to firemen, police, and surgeons who actively save lives for a living everyday.

You are entitled to your "beliefs". ;)
Athiests don't argue with fairy tales. They don't find fault with god.

I don't know. I find that a little to hard to swallow, as there are many atheist forums on the net solely devoted to blasting God and "fairy tales." People alot of times argue against fictional characters. There are Superman forums that bash Superman's enemies. People seem to hate Lex Luthor, and sometimes the venom is so thick you can cut it with a knife. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that they're speaking about a real person.

But OTOH, if Christians took DC comics as literally as they do the bible, they'd jump off of buildings with a cape and think that they can fly. There's way too much brainwashing going on with Christianity. If it is so bullet-proof, why does it need all the cheerleading? For example, I was driving the other day and I seen a bumper sticker that read, "Jesus: still saving lives!" I thought that was a big time insult to firemen, police, and surgeons who actively save lives for a living everyday.

If you believe in superman or his enemies you are an idiot. You comic book hero was never presented as a real entity. Your imagination running away doesn't constitute religion.

Atheists don't care about your comic books. Your little fantasy doesn't get millions of people killed.. or their lives destroyed.

You are just bored..Christians are seriously dangerous social psychopaths.
Really, why?

If G-d doesn't exist then why do you spend soooo much time and resources writing books and movies, posting on message boards, etc... to slander a god that doesn't exist.

I mean really, why not divide your time between G-d and Santa Clause?

I don't see the harm in writing books or posting on message boards, The Light. No atheist has ever banged on my front door or leafleted my car. You aren't interested in a topic, don't read the book (or thread).

Maybe atheists just have questions, or want to reach out to other like-minded people. Maybe the subject interests them.

Why should people who do not believe in God have to hide that?
Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Most athiests are better people than most christians or muslims. We don't like being lied to and hate seeing others lied to. I for one feel like organized religion degrades humans, misinforms and plays on that misinformation to make it appear that there is some kind of justfication for what otherwise would be considered a criminal fraud.

No one of sound mind choses to fall for religious bullshit. Children are indoctrinated before they have enough sense to reject doctrine for the fantasys they are. The humorous "converts" are the ones that turn to jesus when they are at a low point in their lives.. Ya that's a valid sell. HMMMmm....??? Let's see...suicide or Jesus??? You people kill me. I could start a better religion with monkeys.
Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Most athiests are better people than most christians or muslims. We don't like being lied to and hate seeing others lied to. I for one feel like organized religion degrades humans, misinforms and plays on that misinformation to make it appear that there is some kind of justfication for what otherwise would be considered a criminal fraud.

No one of sound mind choses to fall for religious bullshit. Children are indoctrinated before they have enough sense to reject doctrine for the fantasys they are. The humorous "converts" are the ones that turn to jesus when they are at a low point in their lives.. Ya that's a valid sell. HMMMmm....??? Let's see...suicide or Jesus??? You people kill me. I could start a better religion with monkeys.

If we wanted monkey religion, we'd listen to you

Thank you for making it painfully obvious that atheists are malicious zealots in their own right.
Why is it so important to atheists to evangelize?

Most athiests are better people than most christians or muslims. We don't like being lied to and hate seeing others lied to. I for one feel like organized religion degrades humans, misinforms and plays on that misinformation to make it appear that there is some kind of justification for what otherwise would be considered a criminal fraud.

No one of sound mind chooses to fall for religious bullshit. Children are indoctrinated before they have enough sense to reject doctrine for the fantasies they are. The humorous "converts" are the ones that turn to jesus when they are at a low point in their lives.. Ya that's a valid sell. HMMMmm....??? Let's see...suicide or Jesus??? You people kill me. I could start a better religion with monkeys.

If we wanted monkey religion, we'd listen to you

Thank you for making it painfully obvious that atheists are malicious zealots in their own right.

I don't speak for "atheists". I have never read a book or pamphlet on atheism. I was fortunate enough to have been given a brain that is not easily tricked.

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