Why is it, that ANY criticism of Israel....

The problem is that American establishment (as well than European establishment) is ruled by Jews.
Hollywood is Jewish; the most important TV networks are Jewish; they control almost all the media O.O
That's why you can't say anything against Palestinian genocide.
The problem is that American establishment (as well than European establishment) is ruled by Jews.
Hollywood is Jewish; the most important TV networks are Jewish; they control almost all the media O.O
That's why you can't say anything against Palestinian genocide.
What are the statistics on this here Palestinian genocide? Got any?
The problem with the left is that they lost the ability to argue.When they post anti-Semitic junk they are confused when their opinions are debunked. They consider every response as a slur and they usually lash out with profanity. The world still runs on oil even if left wing idiots think it runs on solar and wind energy. WW2 was about oil so isn't it legitimate for the greatest Country in the world to punish bullies who would shut off the supply? Only a bigot and a neo-Nazi would be still blaming the Jew for "every war and skirmish".
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In just reviewing some of the threads, one will notice that ANY....I repeat ANY, criticism of Israel is quickly met with anti-Semitics retorts. Our biggest allies, a good chunk of Europe, are ready and easy targets when they mess up or do something that displease us....but NOT Israel.

Only a moron would deny that since Vietnam, our wars and skirmishes can be easily traced down to 2 factors: Our thirst for oil and our unqualified and virtually unilateral support of Israel....even when that country's often right-wing regime sinks our ship, spies on us and disrespects our protocols (like their PM addressing our congress and gives his middle finger to the WH.)

So, again, I ask, should ANY criticism of Israel be met with slurs of "Nazi", "holocaust deniers" and "anti-Semite"?

The Law requires that when confronted with the following HISTORICAL FACTS that the individual look the other way and holler antisemitism, anti antisemitism.

The reason being is that those FACTS are Irrefutable and Irrebuttable.

1- The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

2- In 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey - he accepted a 2 million dollar donation from Ben Gurion and assurances that he would get the Jewish vote - subsequently he made 2 million Palestinians foreigners in their own homeland

3- The US has been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949

4- in 1990 the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses and remained there for 18 years - the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis

5- The US invaded the Afpak region where it has slaughtered thousand of Muslims

6- The US invaded Syria where it completely destroyed the country . According to recently disclosed emails , Ms Clinton stated that Syria was invaded in order to defend Israel
Most of these criticism of Israel are founded on anti-semitism. Do you really think that our support for Israel is what is causing our problems or the fuckin fact that half of the middle-eastern countries are inhabited with crazy people who don't mind crashing two airplanes into a building?

Infantile response. NO ONE is condoning what those bastards did on 9-11 but if you "think" that those crazy people just woke up on day and decided to kill thousands and themselves, then debating this issue with you is a waste of time.
In just reviewing some of the threads, one will notice that ANY....I repeat ANY, criticism of Israel is quickly met with anti-Semitics retorts. Our biggest allies, a good chunk of Europe, are ready and easy targets when they mess up or do something that displease us....but NOT Israel.

Only a moron would deny that since Vietnam, our wars and skirmishes can be easily traced down to 2 factors: Our thirst for oil and our unqualified and virtually unilateral support of Israel....even when that country's often right-wing regime sinks our ship, spies on us and disrespects our protocols (like their PM addressing our congress and gives his middle finger to the WH.)

So, again, I ask, should ANY criticism of Israel be met with slurs of "Nazi", "holocaust deniers" and "anti-Semite"?

The Law requires that when confronted with the following HISTORICAL FACTS that the individual look the other way and holler antisemitism, anti antisemitism.

The reason being is that those FACTS are Irrefutable and Irrebuttable.

1- The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

2- In 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey - he accepted a 2 million dollar donation from Ben Gurion and assurances that he would get the Jewish vote - subsequently he made 2 million Palestinians foreigners in their own homeland

3- The US has been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949

4- in 1990 the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses and remained there for 18 years - the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis

5- The US invaded the Afpak region where it has slaughtered thousand of Muslims

6- The US invaded Syria where it completely destroyed the country . According to recently disclosed emails , Ms Clinton stated that Syria was invaded in order to defend Israel

It is both ironic and terrifying just how easily and quickly the victims become victimizers.....the oppressed, oppressors, and the slaughtered, the slaughterers.
In just reviewing some of the threads, one will notice that ANY....I repeat ANY, criticism of Israel is quickly met with anti-Semitics retorts. Our biggest allies, a good chunk of Europe, are ready and easy targets when they mess up or do something that displease us....but NOT Israel.

Only a moron would deny that since Vietnam, our wars and skirmishes can be easily traced down to 2 factors: Our thirst for oil and our unqualified and virtually unilateral support of Israel....even when that country's often right-wing regime sinks our ship, spies on us and disrespects our protocols (like their PM addressing our congress and gives his middle finger to the WH.)

So, again, I ask, should ANY criticism of Israel be met with slurs of "Nazi", "holocaust deniers" and "anti-Semite"?
It shouldn't, and it's ridiculous.

Those who blindly support Israel know the criticism is accurate and appropriate – and absent any facts to counter the accurate, appropriate criticism, they resort to the ‘anti-Semite’ red herring fallacy.
Most of these criticism of Israel are founded on anti-semitism. Do you really think that our support for Israel is what is causing our problems or the fuckin fact that half of the middle-eastern countries are inhabited with crazy people who don't mind crashing two airplanes into a building?

Infantile response. NO ONE is condoning what those bastards did on 9-11 but if you "think" that those crazy people just woke up on day and decided to kill thousands and themselves, then debating this issue with you is a waste of time.
"Debating the issue is a waste of time" translation ..."I ain't smart enough to defend the stuff I blamed on Jews so I pretend it's a waste of time".
"Debating the issue is a waste of time" translation ..."I ain't smart enough to defend the stuff I blamed on Jews so I pretend it's a waste of time".

No, nitwit...when one of your ilk, actually "asks" if we ever had wars over oil, then that fellow idiot is NOT worth the time and space to respond to.
Takeva look on map Israel location, who surrounded by.....they have to error in their favor to survive. Case closed. They can do no wrong, savages all around.
In just reviewing some of the threads, one will notice that ANY....I repeat ANY, criticism of Israel is quickly met with anti-Semitics retorts. Our biggest allies, a good chunk of Europe, are ready and easy targets when they mess up or do something that displease us....but NOT Israel.

Only a moron would deny that since Vietnam, our wars and skirmishes can be easily traced down to 2 factors: Our thirst for oil and our unqualified and virtually unilateral support of Israel....even when that country's often right-wing regime sinks our ship, spies on us and disrespects our protocols (like their PM addressing our congress and gives his middle finger to the WH.)

So, again, I ask, should ANY criticism of Israel be met with slurs of "Nazi", "holocaust deniers" and "anti-Semite"?
It shouldn't, and it's ridiculous.

Those who blindly support Israel know the criticism is accurate and appropriate – and absent any facts to counter the accurate, appropriate criticism, they resort to the ‘anti-Semite’ red herring fallacy.

A lot of other countries who are our allies also deserve criticism. I don't agree with France but that doesn't mean I am willing to feed them to the wolves like so many people are willing to do with Israel. Why single out Israel when so many other of our allies deserve criticism as well.
Takeva look on map Israel location, who surrounded by.....they have to error in their favor to survive. Case closed. They can do no wrong, savages all around.

Stupid remark.....Israel was built on land occupied by Arabs for centuries....A bunch of European Jews came, took and EXPAND their land holdings, treating the previous owners to apartheid conditions and, morons, like you, label those uprooted populations as "savages".........and then you wonder why Israel hasn't had a day of peace in 70 years?
Why single out Israel when so many other of our allies deserve criticism as well.

Another silly retort.....The O/P addresses the real fact that ANY....I repeat ANY criticism of Israel is quickly squashed by the label of anti-Semitic ..quieting the critic with guilt....BTW, did you know that the Palestinians are ALSO Semitic?
The old WASP isolationist Republican Party was anti-semitic.

Then came anti-Communism, which ushered in an era of globalization whereby the USA used the Soviet Threat to intervene in the 3rd world and open-up all the world's resources to the flow of capital - energy being the most important resource for capital accumulation.

More pointedly, oil is the most profitable substance on earth, and Israel is a necessary asset in the world's primary oil producing region.

Which is to say...

When the WASP isolationist Republican Party was taken over by big money and the forces of global capital . . . Israel became a strategic asset, and anti-Semitism, despite its populist allure amongst pre-60s WASPS, was no longer, shall we say, profitable.
Takeva look on map Israel location, who surrounded by.....they have to error in their favor to survive. Case closed. They can do no wrong, savages all around.

Stupid remark.....Israel was built on land occupied by Arabs for centuries....A bunch of European Jews came, took and EXPAND their land holdings, treating the previous owners to apartheid conditions and, morons, like you, label those uprooted populations as "savages".........and then you wonder why Israel hasn't had a day of peace in 70 years?
Koran Says Land Belongs To Israel

Oh by the way, fuck all you jew haters...:fu:

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