why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.

If it wouldn't stop illegal immigration, you wouldn't oppose it.

The wall disenfranchises a critical bloc of democrat voters, hence your opposition.

It does seem kind of strange that the democratic party will oppose spending money on something that they think doesn't work because that has never stopped them from spending money before. The stats are pretty evident that increased spending on public education has never produced increased test scores or smarter American kids yet they want us to spend more money on it. I think if we are going to waste money then we should waste it on a wall that way we can have shovel ready jobs for Americans.
Why are they like this? Please, give us the specific reasons why you leftists are against a wall being built and why you are so for illegal immigration.
The bottom line is payback.

That's what drives them on multiple issues.

Just listen to, and read, their words.
A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.

If it wouldn't stop illegal immigration, you wouldn't oppose it.

The wall disenfranchises a critical bloc of democrat voters, hence your opposition.
Swing and a miss.


This is actually true because illegal population is something many political forces are fighting for. The communist see it as an opportunity to undo American culture, corporations see it as a chance to maintain cheap labor, politicians see it as a huge voting block. No one really gives a shit what the average American happens to think since all of those forces involve the demand for more power and money.
why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

Ummm.. yeah... being against a "wall" that we can't afford and that won't work isn't the same as being "PRO-ILLEGAL immigration".

... but thanks for the demonstration on what false equivalence looks like in practice.
why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

Ummm.. yeah... being against a "wall" that we can't afford and that won't work isn't the same as being "PRO-ILLEGAL immigration".

... but thanks for the demonstration on what false equivalence looks like in practice.
I did not equate the two. They were two independent questions.

Mexico would pay for it after significant aid dollars would he withheld.

You are not smart.
why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

Ummm.. yeah... being against a "wall" that we can't afford and that won't work isn't the same as being "PRO-ILLEGAL immigration".

... but thanks for the demonstration on what false equivalence looks like in practice.

The same people who oppose a wall also oppose states enforcing federal immigration laws. They also oppose not allowing companies to hire illegals and they never ever pose a solution of their own to the problem. Do you see a pattern here?
How about a wall is the least effective and most expensive method of resolving the problem. How about if we enforce laws against hiring illegals and make it easier for business's such as agriculture to bring in registered and vetted workers temporarily when they are unable to get Americans to do the specific work.

The reason why we don't enforce laws about hiring illegals is that some 'liberal' will cry racism or just say you can't stop all of them from being hired so why even try....blah blah blah. The democratic party likes to say they are for the working man but the fact that illegal immigration is wonderful source of cheap labor and waters down the labor pool in this country would make me question that.
The reasons for not enforcing the laws that hold employers accountable are varied. The toughest one is that many businesses can not operate without the foreign workers. That means the owner of an apple orchid just can not find the workers who will pick apples during the harvest season and the dairy farmer can not find workers to milk and care for the cows at wages that enable them to make a profit. Often they are in rural areas where help is just not available. Plus, they need the semi-skilled hard workers to do jobs at relatively low wages that Americans are simply not interested in. An expanded temporary workers program with tight controls and a vetting process would bring lines of applicants at Embassies all over the world. It is a pragmatic solution that would pay for itself with application fees and guaranteed taxing of the workers and guarantees that the workers would be ineligible for government subsidies and benefits. You could require a date specific return ticket home and a health insurance policy to qualify. Again, no cost to the taxpayers.
I actually think we should annex mexico that way the illegal immigration problem would be solved because they would no longer be illegal immigrants.
Why are they like this? Please, give us the specific reasons why you leftists are against a wall being built and why you are so for illegal immigration.

Ok folks. Get ready for a lot of.......

White people are to blame and it is not their land to begin with......


Changing the subject with irrational insults....

Either way all of their ridiculous responses will be hypocritical, ignorant and almost entirely about how evil America is.

Get ready for a lot of BS from those who are even willing to answer my questions.
Here's what you need to understand:

Being against a wall does not mean being for illegal immigration.

A wall won't work. Show me a twenty foot high wall, I'll show you a twenty one foot tall ladder.

The vast majority of undocumented workers are not criminals. They are not murderers, rapists and drug dealers some idioms would have you believe. That rhetoric is designed to separate them from you, making you see them as dangerous 'others'. They came to work and raise a family.

And those families have, by in large, enriched our society a thousand fold compared to the benefits they draw.
Why are they like this? Please, give us the specific reasons why you leftists are against a wall being built and why you are so for illegal immigration.

Ok folks. Get ready for a lot of.......

White people are to blame and it is not their land to begin with......


Changing the subject with irrational insults....

Either way all of their ridiculous responses will be hypocritical, ignorant and almost entirely about how evil America is.

Get ready for a lot of BS from those who are even willing to answer my questions.
Nothing wrong with a wall...it always works so well...let's add minefields and guard towers with machine guns too. And the hell with the property owners on the border who may object to the government taking their land....their patriotism is suspect if they don't just hand it over, eh?
Democrats won't do anything about illegal immigration because they want these people to eventually become citizens and vote for Democrats. At the end of the day that's the bottom line.
How about a wall is the least effective and most expensive method of resolving the problem. How about if we enforce laws against hiring illegals and make it easier for business's such as agriculture to bring in registered and vetted workers temporarily when they are unable to get Americans to do the specific work.

The reason why we don't enforce laws about hiring illegals is that some 'liberal' will cry racism or just say you can't stop all of them from being hired so why even try....blah blah blah. The democratic party likes to say they are for the working man but the fact that illegal immigration is wonderful source of cheap labor and waters down the labor pool in this country would make me question that.
The reasons for not enforcing the laws that hold employers accountable are varied. The toughest one is that many businesses can not operate without the foreign workers. That means the owner of an apple orchid just can not find the workers who will pick apples during the harvest season and the dairy farmer can not find workers to milk and care for the cows at wages that enable them to make a profit. Often they are in rural areas where help is just not available. Plus, they need the semi-skilled hard workers to do jobs at relatively low wages that Americans are simply not interested in. An expanded temporary workers program with tight controls and a vetting process would bring lines of applicants at Embassies all over the world. It is a pragmatic solution that would pay for itself with application fees and guaranteed taxing of the workers and guarantees that the workers would be ineligible for government subsidies and benefits. You could require a date specific return ticket home and a health insurance policy to qualify. Again, no cost to the taxpayers.

I think if they can't find people to work at the wages they want to pay people then they should try to simply pay people more. That might actually get more Americans to pick the cotten that is needed. I think if we are going to say that an industry is justified in paying people dirt low wages because it can't maintain a healthy profit then we should apply it to all. Why stop at farming? Why not auto industry? Should we all have to sacrifice so Ford and Chevy can continue to make billions. I just don't buy into that argument that we should have to except artificially low wages simply because that industry as a whole won't survive without them. It is tough shit if they can't.
Why are they like this? Please, give us the specific reasons why you leftists are against a wall being built and why you are so for illegal immigration.

Ok folks. Get ready for a lot of.......

White people are to blame and it is not their land to begin with......


Changing the subject with irrational insults....

Either way all of their ridiculous responses will be hypocritical, ignorant and almost entirely about how evil America is.

Get ready for a lot of BS from those who are even willing to answer my questions.
Nothing wrong with a wall...it always works so well...let's add minefields and guard towers with machine guns too. And the hell with the property owners on the border who may object to the government taking their land....their patriotism is suspect if they don't just hand it over, eh?

I think if we are going to do that we should place a bounty on ever dead illegal crossing the border. That would be just as much fun as your idea and would cost a lot less money. It would also provide opportunity for a lot of out of work bounty hunters.
A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.
Mexico is going to pay for it.

It will put a huge dent in the smuggling.
No it won't. You know what would? Doing something about the cartels.

So invade mexico and clean out the cartels and the corrupt politicians?
Seems kind of expensive but I'm good with it.
Why are they like this? Please, give us the specific reasons why you leftists are against a wall being built and why you are so for illegal immigration.

Ok folks. Get ready for a lot of.......

White people are to blame and it is not their land to begin with......


Changing the subject with irrational insults....

Either way all of their ridiculous responses will be hypocritical, ignorant and almost entirely about how evil America is.

Get ready for a lot of BS from those who are even willing to answer my questions.
Nothing wrong with a wall...it always works so well...let's add minefields and guard towers with machine guns too. And the hell with the property owners on the border who may object to the government taking their land....their patriotism is suspect if they don't just hand it over, eh?

U.S. Ranchers on Border Plead for Help Amid Onslaught
40% of illegalz enter legally . Your stupid wall does nothing about that other than divert ins funds .

If u really want to fight illegal immigration you would add money to ins . Double immigration courts and add Ins agents .

But conservatives are racist and only want to hassle Hispanics . That and it's a money grab for the southwest .
Why is the left equating the wall and against illegal immigration?

Are they even capable of answering why they are so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration with out their claims that I am equating the two?

You knew they would not be able to answer the questions adequtely. Cognitive dissonance is the condition.
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Over 3,000 American citizens killed each year by illegals, more than were killed on 9-11. I challenge anyone to defend not building the wall and deporting illegals.

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