why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.

If it wouldn't stop illegal immigration, you wouldn't oppose it.

The wall disenfranchises a critical bloc of democrat voters, hence your opposition.
Swing and a miss.


That's a funny way to spell "hit the nail on the head."
A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.
Mexico is going to pay for it.

It will put a huge dent in the smuggling.
No it won't. You know what would? Doing something about the cartels.

So invade mexico and clean out the cartels and the corrupt politicians?
Seems kind of expensive but I'm good with it.
I'm thinking large scale military cooperation to wipe out the
A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.

If it wouldn't stop illegal immigration, you wouldn't oppose it.

The wall disenfranchises a critical bloc of democrat voters, hence your opposition.
Swing and a miss.


That's a funny way to spell "hit the nail on the head."
Figures you don't know how to read
Why is the left equating the wall and against illegal immigration?

Are they even capable of answering why they are so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration with out their claims that I am equating the two?

You knew they would not be able to answer the questions adequtely. Cognitive dissonance is the condition.

Your question is based on a fallacy . Liberals aren't for open borders and unchecked immigration .

Just because someone is not for the extreme doesn't mean they are against the issue .

People have brought up points on why they are against a wall . U don't even address them . You aren't even interested in the premis of your thread .
Why are they like this? Please, give us the specific reasons why you leftists are against a wall being built and why you are so for illegal immigration.

Ok folks. Get ready for a lot of.......

White people are to blame and it is not their land to begin with......


Changing the subject with irrational insults....

Either way all of their ridiculous responses will be hypocritical, ignorant and almost entirely about how evil America is.

Get ready for a lot of BS from those who are even willing to answer my questions.
Nothing wrong with a wall...it always works so well...let's add minefields and guard towers with machine guns too. And the hell with the property owners on the border who may object to the government taking their land....their patriotism is suspect if they don't just hand it over, eh?

I think if we are going to do that we should place a bounty on ever dead illegal crossing the border. That would be just as much fun as your idea and would cost a lot less money. It would also provide opportunity for a lot of out of work bounty hunters.
I have a novel idea....scalps!
why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

Mexicans are only doing jobs that Americans are to lazy to do, like picking crops.
The REAL problem is the LEGAL immigrants that are allowed to come here and take the good jobs that Americans are too stupid to do, because the republicans are destroying education.

Raygun said, "tear down this wall" and now you want to build one a hundred times longer, and ten times taller that they will only dig under. Real stupid.
why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

Ummm.. yeah... being against a "wall" that we can't afford and that won't work isn't the same as being "PRO-ILLEGAL immigration".

... but thanks for the demonstration on what false equivalence looks like in practice.

The same people who oppose a wall also oppose states enforcing federal immigration laws. They also oppose not allowing companies to hire illegals and they never ever pose a solution of their own to the problem.
STRAW meet MAN ..... I oppose the idiotic idea of wasting money we don't have building a "wall" that won't work yet believe the states should have every right to enforce immigration laws if/when the federal government fails to do so or fails to do so effectively (after all the Constitution is not a suicide pact). As far as the "solution" to the problem, it lies with addressing the root causes and that isn't the ease of crossing the border, the root causes are economic and social and that's where "the solution" needs to begin.

Do you see a pattern here?
Yeah I do see a pattern here, those that think building a "wall" is a good idea rely on straw men and false equivalence as a substitute for reason and evidence.
The favorite safety net BS response to any facts presented by any of us......

Strawman strawman strawman strawman
A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.

Yet the wall works in Austria, Israel, it worked in China centuries ago.

Here is the bottomline build a wall is the start. Other steps:
(1) eVerify
(2) Hit employer and HR people who hire them
(3) Prosecute VISA violators
(4) Have a national ID card (Obama's proposal)
(5) Secure the ports

Yes any one of these ways people will find a way to get around. But fewer and fewer people will be able to get around them.

With technology everything is harder to do. I remember watching Cocaine a Cowboys and the smugglers in that movie states with satellite, phone tables, sonar and all the other technologies they said it is too difficult to smuggle now.
why is it that the left is against a wall? why are they all so PRO-ILLEGAL immigration?

Mexicans are only doing jobs that Americans are to lazy to do, like picking crops.
The REAL problem is the LEGAL immigrants that are allowed to come here and take the good jobs that Americans are too stupid to do, because the republicans are destroying education.

Raygun said, "tear down this wall" and now you want to build one a hundred times longer, and ten times taller that they will only dig under. Real stupid.

The favorite safety net BS response to any facts presented by any of us......

Strawman strawman strawman strawman

A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.

Yet the wall works in Austria, Israel, it worked in China centuries ago.

Here is the bottomline build a wall is the start. Other steps:
(1) eVerify
(2) Hit employer and HR people who hire them
(3) Prosecute VISA violators
(4) Have a national ID card (Obama's proposal)
(5) Secure the ports

Yes any one of these ways people will find a way to get around. But fewer and fewer people will be able to get around them.

With technology everything is harder to do. I remember watching Cocaine a Cowboys and the smugglers in that movie states with satellite, phone tables, sonar and all the other technologies they said it is too difficult to smuggle now.

1.Wall will work. Why? Because wall has to have pylons if wall is tall, so tunneling underneath would be very difficult.

2. Wall won't have sensors in pylons? Sure thing, lol.

3. Not as much to cover as you think! Tell me how many invaders have tunneled under the Rio Grande.

4. Nobody said the wall had to be EXACTLY on the border if someone doesn't give up their land. If they want to be invaded, we can put it 2mls off the border around their land.

5. I suggest someone look at a map-) How many roads/highways come in from border? How much open land is around those roads-) So now, moving checks for cars and trucks on those roads before they reach population centers away from border. Any movement in wasteland away from roads tells us what? It isn't rocket science.

The main reason that all of these things are useless, is the LAW!!!! Once an illegal is over the border, he/she gets a hearing. That means that even if we decided to throw all of them out, it would take YEARS..............unless the law is changed. All left leaning judges would just drag their feet, while everyone who thought it would work would become frustrated.

The longer someone has been doing things illegally, the better chance they have to stay here. Does that make any sense? I am aware of a factory 20mls from my home that builds cabinetry for large chain department stores. Before Obama, they would raid it 3 or 4 times a year, and since it is almost surrounded by cornfields, the illegals..........which are 60% of the workforce, would run out the overhead doors and hide. Those that got caught, were just replaced by more within a week. It was sooooo bad that Indiana brought suit against the company, because it was shown that there were red spinning lights on the factory floor, and when the officials came through the front door with a warrant or whatever was required, someone in salary hit the switch and the lights went off, telling everyone to flee. The suit has been dropped because of the NEW way things are handled by the feds. Who woulda thunk it, lol. And guess what! The pay actually DROPPED now because it is more stable. 15 bucks an hour? Hell no! They were paying 10.50 back in 2010. After the change in ATTITUDE from the administration and the suit being dropped, the pay is now 8.75 to start!

The point is obvious, and quite simple for all to understand-----------> Many, many, many people are complaining like hell as blue collar jobs are spirited away to other countries. Those that remain here, just import LOW WAGE people who will accept it. What is the difference if a factory moves to Mexico or anywhere else, or rather, hires people here in the United States for slave wages? Americans still don't have the jobs, do they?

And suppose this factory couldn't get enough Americans to work for them, because the pay was to low? Well, isn't that what green cards are for? And what if that company decided to pick up shop and leave because it couldn't afford American labor going up to say.........11.50 an hour? Well then, wouldn't the workers stay wherever the factory was moved to instead of coming here?

The lefts logic is no logic at all on this matter. They insist (wrongly) that rich corporate people are spiriting jobs away to other countries. When they keep them here, they still get foreign workers, so how does that help Americans? How much does it cost to send a child to school on average in tax dollars? What do you think, 4, 5, 6, 10,000 dollars a year? Now you explain to all of us, how someone illegal making 8.50 to 12.50 an hour pays enough taxes in to send 1 child to your school district! Not 2 mind you, just 1!!

We are running a net loss here by a substantial amount. Someone will post numbers about how much they put into the economy, but who will dare post what the government services they take out cost?!

And so I ask the final question----------> For a family of 3, at what point do you think that family actually pays a dollar into federal income tax? I am not an accountant, so I have to guess............how about 45,000, think that is a fair number? It might be higher, or maybe lower, but I will go with 45,000. Who here wants to take a shot at how many illegal aliens actually DECLARE an income of 45,000 to our federal government, and in fact actually make 45,000 a year? So then explain how it is GOOD for the Federal government to give even 1 dollar to illegalls for any benefit, when surely 95% of them make less than 45,000, and even if they DO pay income taxes, never reach the threshold of paying 1 dollar in!
Most people on the left have been against this idea from the beginning which is we should be able to control who comes into this country in some form or the other. I really believe they are taking a page right out of the communist handbook in that the best way to destroy a culture is to override with foreigners overnight. Think what would happen if the entire population of Mexico moved to Texas overnight. Would it still retain its Texan mystic? Would people care who stood at the alamo. The biggest proof of this strategy is telling European countries that they have to except immigrants. European countries never advertised as being a place for immigrants to immigrate so why tell them to do that now. America has always been a place of immigrants from the beginning so it makes sense but why do that for European countries?
Because Neo-Liberalism is fundamentally the political expression of hatred of white people and their civilizations.
A wall is a waste of money. Billions to build, billions to patrol, and countless billions to maintain over the decades. And it won't stop illegal immigration or drug smuggling.
Mexico is going to pay for it.

It will put a huge dent in the smuggling.
No it won't. You know what would? Doing something about the cartels.

Then we get accused of meddling in some other countries business. Build the wall!
Meddling in other countries business is what we do. Except we do it on the opposite side of the planet with religious nutjobs that we keep funding and empowering.

It would be nice if we worried about our own backyard for a change.

Build a wall... good grief. How about a moat? And we can even put alligators in it! Wouldn't that be swell?
Oh, so you are for drilling for oil here? What side of the isle were you on in regards to ANWR?

How about drilling in the GULF?

For all of that icky oil that is just destroying everything on the planet.

You still drive a car? Yeah? Huh.

You people are so annoying.

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