Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

It is on topic.....as much as Jeremiah Wright is.

You won't call him reverend? Is that a feel good move? He's a reverend.

First sentence, you are right again. Last sentence, I cannot in good conscience call that man a Man of God. He is a divisive, judgmental man who spouts ugliness opposite from what we learn from the Bible.

I'm guessing that if you spent a little time ltalking with the guy, you'd have a diffemt opinion of him. You probably wouldn't like his politics.....but you'd likely come away trusting his faith in your god. You are judging him, I expect, from a few moments of sound bites.

From the excerpts we heard, he was not a teacher of the Bible, but a serious critic of the USA. Now, if you were attending church often I plea with you to collect one tenth of the oppositional discussions, especially using the term "God Damn America" historically stating that America was the scurdge of the earth in politics, humanitarian terms and foreign affairs. Never did you hear the word Jesus, Abraham, John or any one from Biblical days. Judgmental?...hard not to be..
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?
I consider them all to be Obamabots and Romneytods. Then you also got your Palinistas, now THAT is diversity!
First sentence, you are right again. Last sentence, I cannot in good conscience call that man a Man of God. He is a divisive, judgmental man who spouts ugliness opposite from what we learn from the Bible.

I'm guessing that if you spent a little time ltalking with the guy, you'd have a diffemt opinion of him. You probably wouldn't like his politics.....but you'd likely come away trusting his faith in your god. You are judging him, I expect, from a few moments of sound bites.

From the excerpts we heard, he was not a teacher of the Bible, but a serious critic of the USA. Now, if you were attending church often I plea with you to collect one tenth of the oppositional discussions, especially using the term "God Damn America" historically stating that America was the scurdge of the earth in politics, humanitarian terms and foreign affairs. Never did you hear the word Jesus, Abraham, John or any one from Biblical days. Judgmental?...hard not to be..


You heard comments taken out of context and have formed a LASTING opinion. This is why it is incumbent upon each of us to take the time to research. The man is a veteran and a Christian. You are judging him unfairly.

Now...understand this. I don't know the guy....nor am I a Christian. But. I read the entirety of his comments in which he uttered the words "god damn America". He was not asking god to damn America. He was making a point. It is very easy to research.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.


Why don't you just stfu already with your stupid repetitive nonsense. If you are not capable of posting on topic hand the keyboard to your dog. At least then you'd have an excuse for the tripe you post.


Repetitive nonsense? Lol...look in the mirror. Then search your race baiting nonsense threads...convict
We really can't go into the Tea Party because that is going off topic. Would you like to start a thread?
It's not at all off topic if you are wondering why people of any race vote against such naked fear and loathing as they openly represent.

Alright, the message from the Tea Party is that the government is too big, taxes are too high and too many are issued. Why do you feel they are obstructionists?

I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.
It's not at all off topic if you are wondering why people of any race vote against such naked fear and loathing as they openly represent.

Alright, the message from the Tea Party is that the government is too big, taxes are too high and too many are issued. Why do you feel they are obstructionists?

I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.

Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.


Why don't you just stfu already with your stupid repetitive nonsense. If you are not capable of posting on topic hand the keyboard to your dog. At least then you'd have an excuse for the tripe you post.


Repetitive nonsense? Lol...look in the mirror. Then search your race baiting nonsense threads...convict

This thread is about group think you moron. My personal opinions of race, despite your idiotic view of them, is not part of the discussion. If you want to deny voting blocks based on ethnicity thats your right. It just proves my point that you're posting nothing but drivel.
Alright, the message from the Tea Party is that the government is too big, taxes are too high and too many are issued. Why do you feel they are obstructionists?

I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.

Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.

The tea party does not want to come to any table. Man....how can you suggest that they do? It is beyond clear that they want no such thing.

Why don't you just stfu already with your stupid repetitive nonsense. If you are not capable of posting on topic hand the keyboard to your dog. At least then you'd have an excuse for the tripe you post.


Repetitive nonsense? Lol...look in the mirror. Then search your race baiting nonsense threads...convict

This thread is about group think you moron. My personal opinions of race, despite your idiotic view of them, is not part of the discussion. If you want to deny voting blocks based on ethnicity thats your right. It just proves my point that you're posting nothing but drivel.


I submit that a greater percentage of black voters have pulled the lever for white candidates than the other way around. There are more white people....per capita...who will NEVER vote for a black person because of race than there are black people who will NEVER vote for a white person because of race.

Fortunately, that number is getting lower. The racists are dying off.
But more than one American did, for no other reason than the color of their skin. It wasn't leftist liberals ordering the police to attack black people. It was stupid white trash right-wing neo-Confederate red state "Christian" Conservative Republican racists.

Proven by photography, video, and the memories of the people who lived through it. It's called "history." You can't change it.
Actually, they were all Democrats who did those things to black people. It's called "history." You can't change it.

And that is not a life that black Americans are faced with today, so pointing to atrocities committed 50 years ago is not an excuse for their current cultural rot.
Yes, it's called "History" and you can't change it.

The Southern red states today are the racist Southern Dixiecrat slave states that fought against America and wouldn't let black people vote. You can't change the fact that the white southern racist power structure that owned slaves, financed a civil war, kept black people from voting for 100 years, ordered cops to attack students and voters, and today finances the overt Southern racist red state Republican obstructionism that we have suffered since the very moment that Obama was elected, is still very much in a position of power to influence national politics. Obama was not elected because he's black. Obama was elected because Republican candidates are shit and We the People know that we do NOT need anything like George W. Bush as US President ever again.

Rich people are richer than ever before just like under every other white President, but suddenly we're living in a black President's oppressive Socialist tyranny? Obama killed an American teenager without any court or charges or trial or anything, just because. That is the most unconstitutional thing that any President can do, and stupid white American racists don't care because that teenager wasn't white.

Stupid Southern red state Dixiecrat Republican "Christian" Conservatives can't even make a rational argument against Obama because their hatred of him is based on irrational racism.

I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat so I'm not going to waste my time with a stupid partisan pissing match with you. The facts are, regardless of how badly you would like them to change, blacks were oppressed and brutalized by Democrats through most of American history. Your party owns it, period, no matter how much you guys attempt to rewrite history. Some of them did eventually become Republicans; most did not. The south stayed pretty firmly in the Democratic Party's hands until the turn of this past century. If you want to wallow in ignorance, be my guest. It doesn't affect me at all. You display just as much hatred and bigotry as the people you are accusing so quite frankly, you are in no place to point fingers.
Alright, the message from the Tea Party is that the government is too big, taxes are too high and too many are issued. Why do you feel they are obstructionists?

I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.

Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.

Honest debate? You have got to be shitting me, there is only two sides to any argument with them, their side and the dirty commie nazi's who are plotting our utter destruction. Honest debates must include the ability to see the other side of the argument in practical terms, there is not even a hint of that with them. You cannot debate people who are that ideologically blind.
Actually, they were all Democrats who did those things to black people. It's called "history." You can't change it.

And that is not a life that black Americans are faced with today, so pointing to atrocities committed 50 years ago is not an excuse for their current cultural rot.
Who have turned the South from Blue to Red

Yeah, two generations later. These aren't the same people that were there 50 years ago.
Many of those from India, and areas of the Middle East, and Asia, vote both parties.

It mainly comes down to socio-economic reasons. We almost have an unofficial caste system in this country with whites at the top, blacks at the bottom, and other groups at various levels in between.
That's 20th century thinking, pal. Put your political vehicle in drive (D) and move into the 21st century where things are starting to even out.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

And you once again make my earlier point. Thank you.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

The Republican party treats everyone equally as long as they are willing to accept white, male, Christian values

Would you care to espouse on those values?
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That is one of the stupidest things that you nutters believe. Just stupid.

It's the truth. What I believe has nothing to do with it.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That is one of the stupidest things that you nutters believe. Just stupid.

It's the truth. What I believe has nothing to do with it.

It is not the truth. There are no factions of people.....in positions of power or otherwise...who WANT TO KEEP AMERICANS IMPOVERISHED.

That is stupid. You cannot prove it and you likely can't even speak to it and still sound sane.

Get another meme. That one is too far off.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

The left has targeted minorities for decades. They started with a plan to use the freed slaves and they are still at it.

Why do poor minorities support the Dem party? It really doesn't make sense unless some people are brainwashed. Liberals push the notion that minorities are unable to contribute to society in any meaningful manner. They believe that minorities are here to be taken care of with government programs. If minorities want to succeed, liberals tell them that they cannot do anything without the assistance of government programs that tilt the playing field in their favor. It's all about lowering standards by giving them the edge with affirmative action and lowering the bar. Liberals simply do not believe that minorities can survive on their own ability.

When minorities reject nanny government and succeed the same way non-minorities do, the liberals are quick to attack and hold the achievers up as exceptions to the rule. They preach that the only way minorities succeed without nanny government is by betraying their race and becoming a puppet to the wealthy. In other words, they don't believe it is possible for any minority to succeed without someone else allowing them to or helping them. That is why Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell and other successful minorities are viciously attacked by the left. They paint them as traitors and it's to prevent other minorities from getting any big ideas about leaving the liberal plantation. The nerve of some to prove that they are free Americans with equal opportunities is unforgivable to liberals. They don't know their place and the party that voted against freeing the slaves and later against equal rights will have none of it. From the start, they fought against minorities being equal and chasing the American dream. They sought to keep them down and dependent on government. It's well documented that when they lost the effort to keep them down, they quickly devised a plan to use the newly freed slaves to their advantage. Today, they have re-written history to erase their sinful past and now claim that they have always been the party of equal rights.

They didn't believe minorities were equal then and they don't believe it now. Why else would they constantly encourage people to be idle and turn to government for every need? It's sad that so many believe it. So many of our youth, particularly minorities from poor neighborhoods, are uneducated, have no role models, often turn to gangs and drugs and believe that they have no hope without liberal politicians coming to their rescue. They blame their lot in life on the wealthy, though none can explain why. The notion is that the wealthy somehow gobbled up the pie and left none for anyone else. Minorities don't try because they've been convinced that no one will allow them to succeed because the world is so full of racists that they have no chance of making it on their own.

The intelligent people who know that the secret is simply staying in school, working hard and staying out of trouble will result in more pies being made. The left teaches that wealth is finite. Today's far left liberal Democrat party would become irrelevant if people learned that they've been lied to and that anyone can create wealth. The left's policies have encouraged kids to drop out of school and have babies to qualify for welfare. The minority families especially have been broken down and this has gone on for decades. Government assumed the role of father years ago, yet is nothing but a deadbeat dad. However, their power to steal from the tax payers to keep the idle fed has earned enough trust that people continue to vote for them. Of course, it's the constant promise of more welfare that keeps them going. For years, we've heard that the liberals will go after the wealthy and make them pay. Of course, it hasn't happened and never will. The freebies do increase, but it's the middle class that gets soaked to pay for the big promises.

They ramp up efforts each passing year to keep the status quo. Fanning the flames of race and class warfare are the favored methods of keeping people riled and angry. They separate people into groups, then pit each group against the other. Divide and conquer.

With the race card wearing thin, they've come up with a new tactic. White privilege is now the new talking point. Even those who don't have a racist bone in their body must still be held accountable for past wrongs simply because they were born white. The left says you are advantaged, genetically better, if you are born white. It's another clue as to how they really view minorities. If you are born black, you are just not as good as someone born white. And because you're not as good by virtue of your race, the whites should feel guilty about that. Instead of being honest about the fact that we are all truly equal and it's a matter of making good choices, they prefer to tell minorities that they truly are inferior and, therefore, there is no use in trying to keep up with the whites. Instead, the whites owe them since they are lucky enough to be naturally better. It's the healthy ones in the litters charged with taking care of the sickly runts. That is how liberals see things. The saddest part is that this view has become so institutionalized that too many take it as fact. When children are taught from the start that they will never be treated equally or fairly because they weren't lucky enough to have light skin, they grow up believing that they have no chance. They give up before they even try and are doomed to a life of dependency under the cruel hand of liberal government.

True benevolence is encouraging everyone to fly, not keeping them in a cage with the promise of making the prison bigger and better. Intelligent people know that. Indoctrinated people fear true freedom.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

because the rest of us don't vote like old white men. so it's an age/gender thing.

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