Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Are you joking? :lol:

yeah. Corrected. the great majority of blacks will vote for a black candidate of one is available over a white candidate.

Is that because statistically the Black candidate would be a democrat and the White candidate would be a Republican if they are running against each other? Do you think that the overwhelming amount of Blacks would vote for Allen West over Hillary Clinton? How about Herman Cain or Ben Carson vs Biden or Corey Booker?

That, I would suggest, be an interesting study. The educated would not follow the race card, but as the demographics showed in the post I originally posted, the least educated were Obama voters at 60% to 40% for Romney, I believe in the election studied.
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There was a president who was quoted as saying he would have blacks voting for the next 200 years. Sorry. That wasn't our proudest moment in history.

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

20 great moments in liberal bigotry

Jackson, I'm not sure if that is an authentic quote. I don't think it is TBH.
Why do you always have to be such a condescending asswipe?

Dude....you did not outline what liberals want to do. You did not outline what you want to do. You simply stated that liberals are pandering to "blacks". You didn't say how.

I'm weary of "conservatives" claiming that liberals are just fucking with black Americans for votes. It is not the case. The policies that liberals support are aimed at TREATING EVERYONE THE SAME. The problem is that we have treated people differently FOR SO LONG ANd IN SO MANY WAYS----SOME NOT SO OBVIOUS--that some adjustment is needed.

If you want me to treat what you say with some real effort...for fucks sake....say something different.

Excuse me? I told you liberals think they're helping, right?

Liberals pander to blacks and they use the race card every chance they can get. They play the race card in elections, they do it to try and pass legislation, they do it every chance they can get. And of course there's this thing called affirmative action that liberals love. If that's not pandering what is?

Quick question, do you make a conscious effort in being a condescending asshole when you're on the internet or does it come natural?

Oh...I'm and asshole naturally. I thought you knew that already.

Bullshit on the race card pablum. I'm not going to type a dissertation here....but i will point you in the direction of a guy who has done considerable work on the institutionalized manner that we have fucked over minorities in this nation SINCE THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT was passed.

Professor Eric Segall, GSU School of Law.

Particularly interesting is the way that the US Supreme Court has allowed policies that have functionally segregated our education system.....with minorities getting the shaft for decades. This shit is virtually unknown to the average American.

That isn't playing the race card.....that is discussing an issue in detail....considering how one thing leads to another....and how a policy may impact people in ways that are not readily understood.

Do I expect you to spend a couple of hours looking over Professor Segalls work? No. But it is there if you ever decide to really understand what liberals want and why regarding this issue.
Dude....you did not outline what liberals want to do. You did not outline what you want to do. You simply stated that liberals are pandering to "blacks". You didn't say how.

I'm weary of "conservatives" claiming that liberals are just fucking with black Americans for votes. It is not the case. The policies that liberals support are aimed at TREATING EVERYONE THE SAME. The problem is that we have treated people differently FOR SO LONG ANd IN SO MANY WAYS----SOME NOT SO OBVIOUS--that some adjustment is needed.

If you want me to treat what you say with some real effort...for fucks sake....say something different.

Excuse me? I told you liberals think they're helping, right?

Liberals pander to blacks and they use the race card every chance they can get. They play the race card in elections, they do it to try and pass legislation, they do it every chance they can get. And of course there's this thing called affirmative action that liberals love. If that's not pandering what is?

Quick question, do you make a conscious effort in being a condescending asshole when you're on the internet or does it come natural?

Oh...I'm and asshole naturally. I thought you knew that already.

Bullshit on the race card pablum. I'm not going to type a dissertation here....but i will point you in the direction of a guy who has done considerable work on the institutionalized manner that we have fucked over minorities in this nation SINCE THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT was passed.

Professor Eric Segall, GSU School of Law.

Particularly interesting is the way that the US Supreme Court has allowed policies that have functionally segregated our education system.....with minorities getting the shaft for decades. This shit is virtually unknown to the average American.

That isn't playing the race card.....that is discussing an issue in detail....considering how one thing leads to another....and how a policy may impact people in ways that are not readily understood.

Do I expect you to spend a couple of hours looking over Professor Segalls work? No. But it is there if you ever decide to really understand what liberals want and why regarding this issue.

I'll check it out, thanks. Find it hard to believe you're this much of an asshole in RL though. :badgrin:
I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.

Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.

Honest debate? You have got to be shitting me, there is only two sides to any argument with them, their side and the dirty commie nazi's who are plotting our utter destruction. Honest debates must include the ability to see the other side of the argument in practical terms, there is not even a hint of that with them. You cannot debate people who are that ideologically blind.

I have been talking about my impression of the tea party and possible involvement with them in the future. Do I sound like the pit bull you are describing? If you have followed this thread, you would have seen how I twice admitted my error in thinking and followed my 'adversary.' Hardly a person who cannot see two sides of a debate or blind to another's words. Have I lashed out, exhibited any angry or fearful position? Have I proven to be a reactionary? I believe you may fit that last description more than I. (cough)
Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.

Honest debate? You have got to be shitting me, there is only two sides to any argument with them, their side and the dirty commie nazi's who are plotting our utter destruction. Honest debates must include the ability to see the other side of the argument in practical terms, there is not even a hint of that with them. You cannot debate people who are that ideologically blind.

I have been talking about my impression of the tea party and possible involvement with them in the future. Do I sound like the pit bull you are describing? If you have followed this thread, you would have seen how I twice admitted my error in thinking and followed my 'adversary.' Hardly a person who cannot see two sides of a debate or blind to another's words. Have I lashed out, exhibited any angry or fearful position? Have I proven to be a reactionary? I believe you may fit that last description more than I. (cough)

All I can say is to ask why you feel an attraction to such angry people? Don't pay any attention to what they say they believe, it's just high sounding bullshit, listen to their tone. I despise people who let their fears rule them because they will let anyone who confirms their phantom fears tell them how to think and feel about issues. When they started out as a reaction to the TARP bailouts I was behind them 100% but due to lobbyist buyouts in return for national exposure they have become so stupidly corporatist that it kind of makes me sick how easily they sold out to the very people they were against at the beginning. That alone should indicate easily corrupted they are when the money men come around.
Actually, they were all Democrats who did those things to black people. It's called "history." You can't change it.

And that is not a life that black Americans are faced with today, so pointing to atrocities committed 50 years ago is not an excuse for their current cultural rot.
Who have turned the South from Blue to Red

Yeah, two generations later. These aren't the same people that were there 50 years ago.

Oh Really? The defection of Southern Democrats to the Republican party began in 1960s and gained momentum in 70's and 80's with such noted segregationist as:
David Duke, Grand Wizard of KKK
Strom Thurmond, US Senator from South Carolina
Harry F. Byrd, Senator from Virginia
Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr, US Senator from North Carolina
James F. Byrnes, Governor of South Carolina
Trent Lott, US Senator from Mississippi

Yes, conversion of the South did take generations. Even with Eisenhower's milk toast support of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, William H. Buckley Jr's out right support for southern segregationist, and Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1965 Civil Rights's Act and the Voter's Right Act of 1965, Democrats in the South were slow to abandon the party they had solidly supported for a hundred year. However, when Kennedy and Johnson crammed integration down the throat of southerns, there was no doubt, Democrat control of the South was over.

The coup de gras came with the great communicator Ronald Reagan. Reagan had openly opposed the Civil Rights and the Voter's Rights Act and gave the legislation credit for instigating the urban riots. When he declared war on the big bad federal government which had destroyed segregation in the South, it was music to ears to southern segregationist. Southern whites hated Johnson's welfare programs that were pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of poor blacks, so when Reagan attacked Welfare programs, Republicans made even more gains in the South.
Who have turned the South from Blue to Red

Yeah, two generations later. These aren't the same people that were there 50 years ago.

Oh Really? The defection of Southern Democrats to the Republican party began in 1960s and gained momentum in 70's and 80's with such noted segregationist as:
David Duke, Grand Wizard of KKK
Strom Thurmond, US Senator from South Carolina
Harry F. Byrd, Senator from Virginia
Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr, US Senator from North Carolina
James F. Byrnes, Governor of South Carolina
Trent Lott, US Senator from Mississippi

Yes, conversion of the South did take generations. Even with Eisenhower's milk toast support of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, William H. Buckley Jr's out right support for southern segregationist, and Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1965 Civil Rights's Act and the Voter's Right Act of 1965, Democrats in the South were slow to abandon the party they had solidly supported for a hundred year. However, when Kennedy and Johnson crammed integration down the throat of southerns, there was no doubt, Democrat control of the South was over.

The coup de gras came with the great communicator Ronald Reagan. Reagan had openly opposed the Civil Rights and the Voter's Rights Act and gave the legislation credit for instigating the urban riots. When he declared war on the big bad federal government which had destroyed segregation in the South, it was music to ears to southern segregationist. Southern whites hated Johnson's welfare programs that were pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of poor blacks, so when Reagan attacked Welfare programs, Republicans made even more gains in the South.

You are absolutely right! Also, Reagan himself was a Democrat turned Republican.
I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat so I'm not going to waste my time with a stupid partisan pissing match with you. The facts are, regardless of how badly you would like them to change, blacks were oppressed and brutalized by Democrats through most of American history. Your party owns it, period, no matter how much you guys attempt to rewrite history. Some of them did eventually become Republicans; most did not. The south stayed pretty firmly in the Democratic Party's hands until the turn of this past century. If you want to wallow in ignorance, be my guest. It doesn't affect me at all. You display just as much hatred and bigotry as the people you are accusing so quite frankly, you are in no place to point fingers.

Since so many self-righteous right wingers want to pretend there has been no shift in Democrat and Republican political platforms, here is a graphic to help you understand…THINGS CHANGED!


Now that you have read the chart, I would love to hear how you can explain how all those southern states, loaded with Blacks, came to be republican states? Hey, tell ya what… some of you idiots may be borderline illiterate so I’ll give you a map with COLORS, OK? Hopefully you can identify the southern states…you know, those ol’ former Democrat haunts you keep bringing up? WELLLL LOOK AT EM” NOW!

How does that contradict anything I said? I think you're the one who has a problem understanding. Why don't you butt out of the conversation until you catch up.

Obviously you don't remember what you said or you would see the basis for my premise. Look carefully at the emboldened text in your rant above. It is that BS that I am addressing.
BTW the old Southern Democrats started to dissolve into new Republicans during the Truman administration because they felt betrayed by the old KKKer; partially because he desegregated the armed forces.. You can say that the Democrats of yesteryear formed the KKK and they were anti-civil right all you want to... the people, or their descendants, who did those things reside in the same geographical locations and still hold the same segregationist views. Only now they call themselves Republicans. Democrats don't own that legacy; the White people of the South who claim to be Republicans or Conservatives do!
Those southern Democrats of the past were their ancestors, their fathers, their uncles their mentors... They own the atrocities and no surrogate party affiliation will change that!
White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing.
Neither did you.
But more than one American did, for no other reason than the color of their skin. It wasn't leftist liberals ordering the police to attack black people. It was stupid white trash right-wing neo-Confederate red state "Christian" Conservative Republican racists.

Proven by photography, video, and the memories of the people who lived through it. It's called "history." You can't change it.

It was democrats and they are still pissed off about losing their slaves.
Since so many self-righteous right wingers want to pretend there has been no shift in Democrat and Republican political platforms, here is a graphic to help you understand…THINGS CHANGED!


Now that you have read the chart, I would love to hear how you can explain how all those southern states, loaded with Blacks, came to be republican states? Hey, tell ya what… some of you idiots may be borderline illiterate so I’ll give you a map with COLORS, OK? Hopefully you can identify the southern states…you know, those ol’ former Democrat haunts you keep bringing up? WELLLL LOOK AT EM” NOW!

How does that contradict anything I said? I think you're the one who has a problem understanding. Why don't you butt out of the conversation until you catch up.

Obviously you don't remember what you said or you would see the basis for my premise. Look carefully at the emboldened text in your rant above. It is that BS that I am addressing.
BTW the old Southern Democrats started to dissolve into new Republicans during the Truman administration because they felt betrayed by the old KKKer; partially because he desegregated the armed forces.. You can say that the Democrats of yesteryear formed the KKK and they were anti-civil right all you want to... the people, or their descendants, who did those things reside in the same geographical locations and still hold the same segregationist views. Only now they call themselves Republicans. Democrats don't own that legacy; the White people of the South who claim to be Republicans or Conservatives do!
Those southern Democrats of the past were their ancestors, their fathers, their uncles their mentors... They own the atrocities and no surrogate party affiliation will change that!
Most southern republicans today in congress and state legislatures were raised in the era of desegregation, busing, and the mass migration of whites to private schools. They grew up in a time in the South that saw the rise of the black consumer who in many areas literally took over retail establishments that were once all white. They saw increasing numbers of government and private sector jobs going to blacks thanks to civil rights legislation and equal opportunity. What they saw happening in the South in 60's, 70's, & 80''s, they didn't like. They certainly couldn't turn for help to the democrats who were becoming increasing black. The obvious alternative was the lily white Republican party in the South whose goal was to shrink the large powerful federal government that destroyed the southern way of life.
While the entire town of Cleveland, OH goes nuts over LeBron James's return to Cleveland, can anyone name a white athlete celebrated by large groups of blacks? Entire sections of the stadium populated almost exclusively by whites at Friday night's Indians game were chanting 'L-B-J' (LeBron James) during the Indians baseball game.
Meanwhile, blacks have abandoned baseball while MLB goes out of its way to pander to attracting black athletes and obsesses with the legacy of Jackie Robinson.
I think that illustrates where the problem of racial division lies. Blacks mostly self-identifying by skin color and refusing to assimilate while non-blacks tend to transcend race.
Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





It is a bygone era, but I understand the mileage liberals try to get out of this. Supreme Court has even thrown out Voting Rights Act of 1965 as unnecessary in today's society. Blacks and Whites in the South get along well in the America of 2014. You post photo's from Birmingham, Alabama circa 1962. The type of violence was the exception, not the rule. Also you negated the fact that this was not occurring in the other parts of the United States. So original post was about how White conservatives are branded as "racist" when they vote GOP, but when 90% of Blacks vote Democrat, they are voting in their "best interest." Actually both are voting in their best interest. Conservatives want less government and lower taxes. Democrats want more federal programs that funnel $$$ to inner city areas that are primarily minority or Black. The catch is that Blacks are hurt by government dependency the acts as an enabler for 70% of Black babies to be born out of wedlock. That's a tragedy. We live in the United States of America, a nation of tremendous opportunity for economic mobility. You can look back and focus on the past, or step forward into the future. Liberal's have a tendency to want to live in suspended animation in the 1960's for eternity. Why? Because they like the narrative that the United States is an evil nation and that there must be protest against ________________ (insert cause here) in order to create change.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7Q1I6PIIuY]Biden on Romney/Ryan: "They're Going to Put Y'all Back in Chains" - YouTube[/ame]

Why was Biden allowed to condescend in this manner to a Black audience?
Families can go back generations and makes excuses why they have to be given a free ride. Great grandma was whipped by a horse thief!!!! Give me welfare! Sorry. Great Grandma would get welfare but she is not here. YOU get off your butt and finish school and get job. Get married before starting a family. If you want birth control, pay for it, just as you pay for penicillin. Life is a bitch. Be strong. Teach your children not to depend on the government but on themselves. You cannot trust the government to be there for you, but you can trust in yourself.

That has nothing to do with just blacks but all people. Poor people are generally poor by choice. Just ask them what their decision was about finishing school and having children out of wedlock and how many children they have.
if the OP is asking why most black people vote for democrats, the above post is your answer. Republicans consider all black people to be lazy welfare leeches.
Families can go back generations and makes excuses why they have to be given a free ride. Great grandma was whipped by a horse thief!!!! Give me welfare! Sorry. Great Grandma would get welfare but she is not here. YOU get off your butt and finish school and get job. Get married before starting a family. If you want birth control, pay for it, just as you pay for penicillin. Life is a bitch. Be strong. Teach your children not to depend on the government but on themselves. You cannot trust the government to be there for you, but you can trust in yourself.

That has nothing to do with just blacks but all people. Poor people are generally poor by choice. Just ask them what their decision was about finishing school and having children out of wedlock and how many children they have.
if the OP is asking why most black people vote for democrats, the above post is your answer. Republicans consider all black people to be lazy welfare leeches.

Well so do Democrats, so what's your point?:eusa_angel:

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