Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Flopper said:
Most southern republicans today in congress and state legislatures were raised in the era of desegregation, busing, and the mass migration of whites to private schools. They grew up in a time in the South that saw the rise of the black consumer who in many areas literally took over retail establishments that were once all white.
In 1954, Brown vs the Topeka, KS Board of Education was unanimous decision by the Warren Court. That decision was the key that unshackled Blacks from the restrictive burden of American apartheid. But the decision had a negative effect on Black enterprise and businesses that had flourished under segregation. Black consumers, instead of continuing to support their local Black entrepreneur businessmen , took their dollars to white owned establishments. Blacks were no longer semi-autonomous when segregation was struck down. With their business base in shambles, their only recourse was to go work for the "man." That didnt go so well, for years. White folks, in general, did not welcome black competition in jobs education or anything else worthwhile. Often Black job seekers were underpaid, cheated and abused. When we see the dire statistics used to define Afro-American life as being more prone to crime disease and poverty one has to take pause and wonder was integration really worth it for Blacks? Truthfully, I don't know!

They saw increasing numbers of government and private sector jobs going to blacks thanks to civil rights legislation and equal opportunity. What they saw happening in the South in 60's, 70's, & 80''s, they didn't like. They certainly couldn't turn for help to the democrats who were becoming increasing black. The obvious alternative was the lily white Republican party in the South whose goal was to shrink the large powerful federal government that destroyed the southern way of life.

Prior to the 1954, how do you think Blacks were surviving? google Rosewood, Fla and Greenwood, OK. There you will find a clue! Segregation forced Blacks to trade and barter among themselves and because of it, they thrived. It is often said that in those days a dollar spent in the Black community was circulated and stayed there for a year before going somewhere else! Now, some experts say a dollar is spent and leaves the Black community in less than a day! The only people benefitting the most as a group from Black labor or incarceration are the business owners, sports team owners and private prison owners.
Pondering that, I again wonder if the whole integration apparatus was an auld tyme Republican strategy all along.
And this tripe is precisely what I was referring to. Appealing to ignorance, like this poster is doing, can be a powerful tool for a desperate population.

When repubs speak on the subject of race they cannot stop framing issues as us-vs-them.

You mean like you just did?

LOL..its the playbook of the right

I love these threads.

An unapologetic racist makes a racist thread.

Right wingers trip over themselves attacking liberals, without ever calling the OP out on being a racist.

Liberals call right wingers racist.

Right wingers say "Quit playing the race card."


Ignore that OP!!
Flopper said:
Most southern republicans today in congress and state legislatures were raised in the era of desegregation, busing, and the mass migration of whites to private schools. They grew up in a time in the South that saw the rise of the black consumer who in many areas literally took over retail establishments that were once all white.
In 1954, Brown vs the Topeka, KS Board of Education was unanimous decision by the Warren Court. That decision was the key that unshackled Blacks from the restrictive burden of American apartheid. But the decision had a negative effect on Black enterprise and businesses that had flourished under segregation. Black consumers, instead of continuing to support their local Black entrepreneur businessmen , took their dollars to white owned establishments. Blacks were no longer semi-autonomous when segregation was struck down. With their business base in shambles, their only recourse was to go work for the "man." That didnt go so well, for years. White folks, in general, did not welcome black competition in jobs education or anything else worthwhile. Often Black job seekers were underpaid, cheated and abused. When we see the dire statistics used to define Afro-American life as being more prone to crime disease and poverty one has to take pause and wonder was integration really worth it for Blacks? Truthfully, I don't know!

They saw increasing numbers of government and private sector jobs going to blacks thanks to civil rights legislation and equal opportunity. What they saw happening in the South in 60's, 70's, & 80''s, they didn't like. They certainly couldn't turn for help to the democrats who were becoming increasing black. The obvious alternative was the lily white Republican party in the South whose goal was to shrink the large powerful federal government that destroyed the southern way of life.

Prior to the 1954, how do you think Blacks were surviving? google Rosewood, Fla and Greenwood, OK. There you will find a clue! Segregation forced Blacks to trade and barter among themselves and because of it, they thrived. It is often said that in those days a dollar spent in the Black community was circulated and stayed there for a year before going somewhere else! Now, some experts say a dollar is spent and leaves the Black community in less than a day! The only people benefitting the most as a group from Black labor or incarceration are the business owners, sports team owners and private prison owners.
Pondering that, I again wonder if the whole integration apparatus was an auld tyme Republican strategy all along.

I have been to Rosewood, eerie is the only word for that area.
The first...isn't a felony. The rest...depends what state you live in; nonetheless, each one of those offenses alone don't land you in prison...especially if you are white.

Felons that go to the penitentiary deserve it.

Oh...and I bet he has German ancestry!

Take your black/white dichotomy thinking and cram it up your ass. The OP may be a dick, may even be a racist. But his legal history is irrelevant here. There but for fortune go you or I.

The OP is a convict. A felon who spews racist nonsense. He is a convict...had to go to the pen for crimes against the American people. He has no right to spew hate when he is the guilty one.

He wants diversity in the way blacks vote...yet he is a racist convict that attacks blacks no matter what he does. The fact that he is a convict and probably sucked cock for protection from the evil blackie is certainly relevant to any race baiting thread he chooses to compose.

You should ask him what hate group he shacked up with in prison for protection.


Congratulations on single handedly creating one of the dumbest most ill informed posts I've ever seen on usmb.

My felony status has NOTHING to do with this thread.
Also of note is the fact that you think the shit you see in the movies about prison is real again shows how ignorant you are.
This thread is about voting blocks and why they exist. The fact that YOU boil it down to a race issue says far more about you than it ever will me.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.

Name the politicians on the conservative side in DC who "clearly" hate. Please also provide evidence of that hate.
Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner? All races, all minorities, LGBT, men and women -- all vote for all kinds of political parties.

Please place the OP in the badlands.
Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.

Name the politicians on the conservative side in DC who "clearly" hate. Please also provide evidence of that hate.

It isn't necessarily the politicians...it is asshole pundits like you who spew racist nonsense and wonder why blacks stay away from the GOP. You are the conservatives biggest enemy. Asshole.

I'm not a pundit. I have no audience. You have no clue.
Congratulations on single handedly creating one of the dumbest most ill informed posts I've ever seen on usmb.

My felony status has NOTHING to do with this thread.
Also of note is the fact that you think the shit you see in the movies about prison is real again shows how ignorant you are.
This thread is about voting blocks and why they exist. The fact that YOU boil it down to a race issue says far more about you than it ever will me.

Nonsense OP by a bitter convict screaming about how blackie is horrible because they won't vote your way. Fuck you, convict.

You got nuthin. Acting like a child, stomping your feet & calling names only further proves your ignorance.

By the way, I'm an ex convict with a six figure income. Stew on that son

You either robbed someone for that income, appreciated white privilege with a little convict sympathy...or you are lying. Either way, I am not impressed. You are a racist and a convict...your opinion means nothing.
Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner? All races, all minorities, LGBT, men and women -- all vote for all kinds of political parties.

Please place the OP in the badlands.

Of course. Please hide the threads that expose the truth about liberals. Can't have any threads in public that expose the irregularities in voting. Must hide it
Name the politicians on the conservative side in DC who "clearly" hate. Please also provide evidence of that hate.

It isn't necessarily the politicians...it is asshole pundits like you who spew racist nonsense and wonder why blacks stay away from the GOP. You are the conservatives biggest enemy. Asshole.

I'm not a pundit. I have no audience. You have no clue.
As if no one is reading your opinion on this very forum...convict. You represent your fucked up vision of conservatism. People see that and run away because you are a racist pussy and convict.
The new bs/hate/discrimination GOP, where all the racists are, have given blacks little choice, and now the same thing with hispanics, gays, women. Duh. They have nothing for the non rich but bs and hate, which you swallow 90%...
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Gentlemen. Keep it civil and addressing the OP!
Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner? All races, all minorities, LGBT, men and women -- all vote for all kinds of political parties.

Please place the OP in the badlands.

Of course. Please hide the threads that expose the truth about liberals. Can't have any threads in public that expose the irregularities in voting. Must hide it

Your OP is flawed, you know that. All Americans of all kinds vote for various parties.

Unless you are making a racist call for whites to vote all one way. And I don't think you mean that.
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Jackson, I'm not sure if that is an authentic quote. I don't think it is TBH.
Liberals caught with their asses hanging out so they change historical records.

vs Repubs. The same stupid arguments round and round.

Meanwhile, Reagan called black women welfare queens. Racist idiots vs idiots
Show us the quote where he said black women and welfare queen in the same sentence. It must be audio.
Liberals caught with their asses hanging out so they change historical records.

vs Repubs. The same stupid arguments round and round.

Meanwhile, Reagan called black women welfare queens. Racist idiots vs idiots
Show us the quote where he said black women and welfare queen in the same sentence. It must be audio.

Yeah, Reagan never referred to black women as welfare queens. That is nothing but liberal propaganda. Besides, Reagan was NOT a racist teaper - he didn't destroy the GOP with all Teaper hate and anti-Government nonsense.
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Isn't it amusing that this is the second time today we had to point out that the alleged quote is unsubstantiated.

But it's not like facts matter to rightwingnuts.

You can lie all you want but it doesn't change what he said.

I'm not. But you are. The sad part, of course, is you can't tell the difference.
We show you people You Tube videos of your leaders saying things and still you won't admit to it. Johnson said it. Case closed.
Oh Really? The defection of Southern Democrats to the Republican party began in 1960s and gained momentum in 70's and 80's with such noted segregationist as:
David Duke, Grand Wizard of KKK
Strom Thurmond, US Senator from South Carolina
Harry F. Byrd, Senator from Virginia
Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr, US Senator from North Carolina
James F. Byrnes, Governor of South Carolina
Trent Lott, US Senator from Mississippi

Yes, conversion of the South did take generations. Even with Eisenhower's milk toast support of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, William H. Buckley Jr's out right support for southern segregationist, and Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1965 Civil Rights's Act and the Voter's Right Act of 1965, Democrats in the South were slow to abandon the party they had solidly supported for a hundred year. However, when Kennedy and Johnson crammed integration down the throat of southerns, there was no doubt, Democrat control of the South was over.

The coup de gras came with the great communicator Ronald Reagan. Reagan had openly opposed the Civil Rights and the Voter's Rights Act and gave the legislation credit for instigating the urban riots. When he declared war on the big bad federal government which had destroyed segregation in the South, it was music to ears to southern segregationist. Southern whites hated Johnson's welfare programs that were pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of poor blacks, so when Reagan attacked Welfare programs, Republicans made even more gains in the South.
Once more a liberal pushing a lie. The Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died, except Strom Thurmond who became a republican. And as a republican he wasn't an enemy of blacks. Bigotry against minorities started and remains with the Democrat Party to this day.

The reason he bolted (for the second time, the first being '48) was because the Democrats wouldn't play ball with his bullshit any more. Which was the same reason he bolted in '48. That he came back to the DP for 16 more years is testament to the power of tradition.

He was the first (1964, following the CRA) but it wasn't easy; to even utter the word "Republican" in the South for the century up to that time was tantamount to a vulgarity -- let alone actually joining that party. His fellow racists followed, though it took a few years. The RP was ready willing and able to court them, and did so brazenly, thus crawling into the same hole -- pandering to racists for the sake of votes -- that the DP occupied, however nervously, for so long.

Political parties are invented to acquire power. As Ronald Reagan used to note, they are the politics equivalent of prostitution. Simple ethical dilemmas like racism aren't going to hold them back from their Prime Directive.
The Republican Party wasn't founded on racism. It never was racist and no amount of calling them racist is going to change that.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.
Do you have proof of that statement or are you projecting again. Remember, your party started the KKK.
vs Repubs. The same stupid arguments round and round.

Meanwhile, Reagan called black women welfare queens. Racist idiots vs idiots
Show us the quote where he said black women and welfare queen in the same sentence. It must be audio.

Yeah, Reagan never referred to black women as welfare queens. That is nothing but liberal propaganda. Besides, Reagan was NOT a racist teaper - he didn't destroy the GOP with all Teaper hate and anti-Government nonsense.
Where did you get the idea that the TEA party is anti-government? Talk shit and you'll soon be irrelevant to the political conversation.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

The Republican party treats everyone equally as long as they are willing to accept white, male, Christian values

The democrats treat everyone everyone as their floor mat.

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