Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Show us the quote where he said black women and welfare queen in the same sentence. It must be audio.

Yeah, Reagan never referred to black women as welfare queens. That is nothing but liberal propaganda. Besides, Reagan was NOT a racist teaper - he didn't destroy the GOP with all Teaper hate and anti-Government nonsense.
Where did you get the idea that the TEA party is anti-government? Talk shit and you'll soon be irrelevant to the political conversation.

It has a lot to do with supporting a dead beat rancher in NV who refused to pay his bills. It has to do with the teapers supporting militiamen pointing guns at the feds and threatening to use women as human shields.
Yeah, Reagan never referred to black women as welfare queens. That is nothing but liberal propaganda. Besides, Reagan was NOT a racist teaper - he didn't destroy the GOP with all Teaper hate and anti-Government nonsense.
Where did you get the idea that the TEA party is anti-government? Talk shit and you'll soon be irrelevant to the political conversation.

It has a lot to do with supporting a dead beat rancher in NV who refused to pay his bills. It has to do with the teapers supporting militiamen pointing guns at the feds and threatening to use women as human shields.

Once more a liberal pushing a lie. The Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died, except Strom Thurmond who became a republican. And as a republican he wasn't an enemy of blacks. Bigotry against minorities started and remains with the Democrat Party to this day.

The reason he bolted (for the second time, the first being '48) was because the Democrats wouldn't play ball with his bullshit any more. Which was the same reason he bolted in '48. That he came back to the DP for 16 more years is testament to the power of tradition.

He was the first (1964, following the CRA) but it wasn't easy; to even utter the word "Republican" in the South for the century up to that time was tantamount to a vulgarity -- let alone actually joining that party. His fellow racists followed, though it took a few years. The RP was ready willing and able to court them, and did so brazenly, thus crawling into the same hole -- pandering to racists for the sake of votes -- that the DP occupied, however nervously, for so long.

Political parties are invented to acquire power. As Ronald Reagan used to note, they are the politics equivalent of prostitution. Simple ethical dilemmas like racism aren't going to hold them back from their Prime Directive.
The Republican Party wasn't founded on racism. It never was racist and no amount of calling them racist is going to change that.

That's not what the post says at all, dumbass. Couldn't be bothered to read it?
Where did you get the idea that the TEA party is anti-government? Talk shit and you'll soon be irrelevant to the political conversation.

It has a lot to do with supporting a dead beat rancher in NV who refused to pay his bills. It has to do with the teapers supporting militiamen pointing guns at the feds and threatening to use women as human shields.


:lol: ^^^^^^ Teaper anger and their version of civil debate ^^^^^
It has a lot to do with supporting a dead beat rancher in NV who refused to pay his bills. It has to do with the teapers supporting militiamen pointing guns at the feds and threatening to use women as human shields.


:lol: ^^^^^^ Teaper anger and their version of civil debate ^^^^^

Let me get this straight: you actually believe you're entitled to be treated with respect?
You can lie all you want but it doesn't change what he said.

I'm not. But you are. The sad part, of course, is you can't tell the difference.
We show you people You Tube videos of your leaders saying things and still you won't admit to it. Johnson said it. Case closed.

Only in a phan's mind is the case closed.

Johnson did not say, there is no conclusive evidence for it.

TPers and Dems say stupid things all the time, yes.

Youtube vids are altered all the time.

People say things mistakenly all the time.

Grow up.
I'm not. But you are. The sad part, of course, is you can't tell the difference.
We show you people You Tube videos of your leaders saying things and still you won't admit to it. Johnson said it. Case closed.

Only in a phan's mind is the case closed.

Johnson did not say, there is no conclusive evidence for it.

TPers and Dems say stupid things all the time, yes.

Youtube vids are altered all the time.

People say things mistakenly all the time.

Grow up.

the premise of the OP is accurate. Historically blacks have block voted for dems even though it was the dems who kept them in poverty and oppressed and the GOP that gave them Lincoln and the civil rights act.

I blame the biased media and our incompetent education system run by the left wing teachers union.

The good thing is that the current border mess has awakened many blacks and minorities to the reality that our liberal govt cares more about illegals than about them.
The premise of the OP is false.

The second sentence above, Redfish, is false

The media is biased, yes, for one side or the others.

The final sentence above means nothing and cannot be proved.

The wonderful thing of the whole event is Glenn Beck is calling out the far right for its inhumane stance on the border mess and he is helping the children. Beck says it is beyond politics.
The premise of the OP is false.

The second sentence above, Redfish, is false

The media is biased, yes, for one side or the others.

The final sentence above means nothing and cannot be proved.

The wonderful thing of the whole event is Glenn Beck is calling out the far right for its inhumane stance on the border mess and he is helping the children. Beck says it is beyond politics.

Nope, what I said is true. What Beck is doing is wonderful. But, the problem would not exist at all if our borders were secure.

Tell me, why does obama have the border patrol 40 miles inland from the border? Why is he allowing illegals and child smugglers to cross the rio grande and deposit sick kids in the USA? What is his real motive for allowing this?
Nope, what you said is false, Redfish.

Tell me, why do you tell lies.

We have a problem with the border because the GOP obstructs a complete reform immigration bill.

The people know our GOP obstructionism is the problem.
Nope, what you said is false, Redfish.

Tell me, why do you tell lies.

We have a problem with the border because the GOP obstructs a complete reform immigration bill.

The people know our GOP obstructionism is the problem.

Horseshit. Sealing the border must be done BEFORE any kind of "immigration reform" can be discussed. That mistake was made by Reagan, it will not be repeated.

Now, tell me, why do our immigration laws need reforming? Why should special treatment be given to people who have violated our laws and why should they receive preferential treatment over people who have immigrated here legally?

third question: what the fuck is it in the liberal brain that makes you incapable of logical thinking?
No, sealing the border and business regulation and immigration reform must be done together.

We will give no special treatment to the far right racist blockheads on this isue.
No, sealing the border and business regulation and immigration reform must be done together.

We will give no special treatment to the far right racist blockheads on this isue.

Nice dodge. Lets try again, why do our immigration laws need changing?

second question: when did hispanic become a race?
No, sealing the border and business regulation and immigration reform must be done together.

We will give no special treatment to the far right racist blockheads on this isue.

Nice dodge. Lets try again, why do our immigration laws need changing?

second question: when did hispanic become a race?

Your dodging is not acceptable, Redfish.

You get no special treatment as a racist blockhead.

Seal the border, regulate business, reform our immigration law, and carefully inspect, detect, select, and correct by law the illegal racist behavior in the TP and other far right movements.
No, sealing the border and business regulation and immigration reform must be done together.

We will give no special treatment to the far right racist blockheads on this isue.

Nice dodge. Lets try again, why do our immigration laws need changing?

second question: when did hispanic become a race?

Your dodging is not acceptable, Redfish.

You get no special treatment as a racist blockhead.

Seal the border, regulate business, reform our immigration law, and carefully inspect, detect, select, and correct by law the illegal racist behavior in the TP and other far right movements.

once again you refuse to answer a simple question:

why do our current immigration laws need changing?

you keep calling this racist, so I ask you again, when did hispanic become a race?
Nice dodge. Lets try again, why do our immigration laws need changing?

second question: when did hispanic become a race?

Your dodging is not acceptable, Redfish.

You get no special treatment as a racist blockhead.

Seal the border, regulate business, reform our immigration law, and carefully inspect, detect, select, and correct by law the illegal racist behavior in the TP and other far right movements.

once again you refuse to answer a simple question:

why do our current immigration laws need changing?

you keep calling this racist, so I ask you again, when did hispanic become a race?

The question is simple and it is not the one you suggest.

Your language is racist, your posting is racist, thus you are racist in your approach.

When did hispanic not be a race? Go check the history of census forms, blockhead.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Race doesn't exist according to scientists. We're one species, homo sapiens. Appearences don't indicate different species, just different evolutionary adaptations.

"Genetically Speaking, Race Doesn't Exist In Humans

Race doesn't matter. In fact, it doesn't even exist in humans. While that may sound like the idealistic decree of a minister or rabbi, it's actually the conclusion of an evolutionary and population biologist at Washington University in St. Louis. "
Genetically Speaking, Race Doesn't Exist In Humans
The fact remains that bloviates like Redfish have very little influence now in politics except in very limited areas.

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