Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

That is not true. True conservatism sees no race. The big issue these days is the infestation of the Tea Party confusing the issue.

You have no idea about what the Tea Party stands for.

Sure I do. They have many noble ideals...regretfully, Teapers destroy whats on paper with their anti-Government zealotry and race based hate.

Nah. Your just a piece of shit. I don't care what color you skin is.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.

The way I see it is there are factions in both parties that dislike minorities. The Republican Party may have a larger faction that dislikes blacks than the democrats, but I do believe that the majority of the party is not racist. The false perception of the Republican Party, created by democrats, is what I think is the problem. How this is going to change? I'm not sure. The democrats continue to interject race into every discussion and quite frankly it's benefited them tremendusly.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.

The way I see it is there are factions in both parties that dislike minorities. The Republican Party may have a larger faction that dislikes blacks than the democrats, but I do believe that the majority of the party is not racist. The false perception of the Republican Party, created by democrats, is what I think is the problem. How this is going to change? I'm not sure. The democrats continue to interject race into every discussion and quite frankly it's benefited them tremendusly.

Hey Rocko, I think that you are pretty reasonable. If you look at the people who are posting the majority of threads about "race", what political persuasion do you think they are? If you look at my stats and the threads I respond to about race, just take a look at who started them. In fact this actual thread is a prime example. :)
Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.

The way I see it is there are factions in both parties that dislike minorities. The Republican Party may have a larger faction that dislikes blacks than the democrats, but I do believe that the majority of the party is not racist. The false perception of the Republican Party, created by democrats, is what I think is the problem. How this is going to change? I'm not sure. The democrats continue to interject race into every discussion and quite frankly it's benefited them tremendusly.

Hey Rocko, I think that you are pretty reasonable. If you look at the people who are posting the majority of threads about "race", what political persuasion do you think they are? If you look at my stats and the threads I respond to about race, just take a look at who started them. In fact this actual thread is a prime example. :)

Your logic is severely flawed. Why the hell is it the only people allowed to discuss race issues are liberals? Your damn politicians bring it up ALL THE TIME yet they don't get the same treatment.
Reagan is DEAD

Ya know, current events & all that jazz

Reagan still lives in the hearts and minds of millions of White males; and.., apparently in the heart and mind of my friend, Pogo! That IS a HUGE surprise.

Current events??? If we are discussing politics, Reagan is still relevant.
Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.

The way I see it is there are factions in both parties that dislike minorities. The Republican Party may have a larger faction that dislikes blacks than the democrats, but I do believe that the majority of the party is not racist. The false perception of the Republican Party, created by democrats, is what I think is the problem. How this is going to change? I'm not sure. The democrats continue to interject race into every discussion and quite frankly it's benefited them tremendusly.

Hey Rocko, I think that you are pretty reasonable. If you look at the people who are posting the majority of threads about "race", what political persuasion do you think they are? If you look at my stats and the threads I respond to about race, just take a look at who started them. In fact this actual thread is a prime example. :)

You know what though, I don't think this board is really a perfect microcosm of people on both sides of the aisle in this country. I believe this board, for the most part, is representative of the fringe in both parties. Maybe you're correct in that posters on the right here are more obsessed with the topic of racism. I honestly am not sure. I see race baiting from both sides on here.
Reagan is DEAD

Ya know, current events & all that jazz

Reagan still lives in the hearts and minds of millions of White males; and.., apparently in the heart and mind of my friend, Pogo! That IS a HUGE surprise.

Current events??? If we are discussing politics, Reagan is still relevant.

He's the only good leader we've had in this country for many decades.
The way I see it is there are factions in both parties that dislike minorities. The Republican Party may have a larger faction that dislikes blacks than the democrats, but I do believe that the majority of the party is not racist. The false perception of the Republican Party, created by democrats, is what I think is the problem. How this is going to change? I'm not sure. The democrats continue to interject race into every discussion and quite frankly it's benefited them tremendusly.

Hey Rocko, I think that you are pretty reasonable. If you look at the people who are posting the majority of threads about "race", what political persuasion do you think they are? If you look at my stats and the threads I respond to about race, just take a look at who started them. In fact this actual thread is a prime example. :)

Your logic is severely flawed. Why the hell is it the only people allowed to discuss race issues are liberals? Your damn politicians bring it up ALL THE TIME yet they don't get the same treatment.

The difference, when non-racists bring up a race issue, they aren't disingenuous like a felon claiming innocence. If you wanted an honest discussion about any race issue...you would try a little harder instead of spewing racist nonsense, ad hominem attacks, and BS arguments that have nothing to do with the premise at hand.

In short, you are full of shit. You are not looking for honest debate...you simply want to debase a race.
Off to the land of ignore with you Nutz

You may continue trolling & insulting but at this point you'll be talking to yourself.

Later loser
Reagan is DEAD

Ya know, current events & all that jazz

Reagan still lives in the hearts and minds of millions of White males; and.., apparently in the heart and mind of my friend, Pogo! That IS a HUGE surprise.

Current events??? If we are discussing politics, Reagan is still relevant.

He's the only good leader we've had in this country for many decades.[/QUOTE

A grade "Z" actor who skipped WWII but won the hearts of the TV generation.
The way I see it is there are factions in both parties that dislike minorities. The Republican Party may have a larger faction that dislikes blacks than the democrats, but I do believe that the majority of the party is not racist. The false perception of the Republican Party, created by democrats, is what I think is the problem. How this is going to change? I'm not sure. The democrats continue to interject race into every discussion and quite frankly it's benefited them tremendusly.

Hey Rocko, I think that you are pretty reasonable. If you look at the people who are posting the majority of threads about "race", what political persuasion do you think they are? If you look at my stats and the threads I respond to about race, just take a look at who started them. In fact this actual thread is a prime example. :)

Your logic is severely flawed. Why the hell is it the only people allowed to discuss race issues are liberals? Your damn politicians bring it up ALL THE TIME yet they don't get the same treatment.

LOL, where did I ever state that "the only people allowed to discuss race issues are liberals"? I believe in the First Amendment, people have a right to express their opinions and other people have a right to express their agreement or disagreement with those opinions.

Who are my "damn politicians", Corey Booker, Tim Scott, Gary Johnson? How do they allegedly "bring it up all of the time"?
That's bullshit anyway. The KKK (original) was started by six Confederate soldiers in 1865, half a year after the Civil War ended. It was one of several such vigilante groups operating in denial of the result of the war (the "Knights of the White Camellia" was another) that died out. That KKK died out by 1880, partly thanks to Grant's crusading against them. Then it was revived (second KKK) in 1915 by a Georgia doctor named William Simmons. None of those people were politicians.

What's bullshit? I am not disputing your history review at all. The fact IS that Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 when he switched parties. He was 50 years old. During those years, the KKK, who then identified with the Southern White Democrats was still lynching Blacks, bombing and raping. Reagan knew that and, yet, his sympathies rested with them. even though he has never been tied to the organization. Further, when he became the Republican president he publicly expressed sentiments in that regard.

JQPublic1 said:
] Human Events is a right-wing political journal that Reagan called his "favorite reading for years." Human Events recently had a special offer to subscribers for the historically revisionist book The Politically Correct Guide to the Civil War. The cover of the book has a picture of notorious war criminal and Ku Klux Klan founder Nathan Bedford Forrest. The book glosses over Forrest's atrocities at the Fort Pillow Massacre and is an apologia for antebellum Southern policies.

"Bullshit" refers to the previous post by AvgGuyIA, claiming that the Klan was started by a political party. That is what's bullshit.

The fact is the KKK didn't dabble in politics until its second incarnation, and when they did (1920s mostly, a couple of Senators/Governors and the Anaheim City Council) they propped up whatever candidate worked in that time and place.
I respectfully disagree. Besides people who work clandestinely and wear hoods could be anybody. just because there was no public political affiliation with the KKK in any if it's 3 manifestations (yes there were three origination periods) doesn't mean there were none.
I do believe old Southern Democrats had a hand in originating the 2nd and third manifestations of the KKK... Who else could produce the finances to expand a local southern fledgling hate group into a national entity during the '40s, '50' and mid '60s.
And don't be fooled in the reported major reduction in size during those eras... it was large enough. Reported numbers ain't everything.

The ones elected I know of were Republicans in fact.
Well, good for you...the ones i know of were both Democrats AND Republicans!

But this revisionista bullshit that a political party started the Klan is just that -- more history rewrite by the Eliminationists.

Thats a rather subjective approach and, to some extent it is viable. Even if the people who started it were Democrats doesn't mean the KKK was sanctioned nationally by most Democrats...just the southern ones! But the truth be told, there were some Republicans involved too!

The Klan values were on race and, in the second incarnation, anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-loose women and public debauchery, pro-Christian values and anti-Communist. Their causes were (pervertedly) social and moral, not political except in the anti-Communism, and that would be a pseudo-political manifestation from the 'red scare' daze.

Unh unh! That was the pretense. They were not only anti-Black or minority, they were anti-Republican too. They lynched White Republicans almost as readily as they lynched and murdered Blacks. Murderers don't have pro-Christian values!

I'm aware Reagan was a Democrat, but that's got nothing to do with the Klan, nor do I believe he was a racist.

Oh, yes it does! Reagan might not have openly been a Klansman, but his public rhetoric dripped with Klan like propaganda. And, although he was raised in Dixon Ill. and not the South, his evident dislike of Blacks must have been inspired by something of someone. He admitted , as I have shown, an affinity for heroes of the Confederacy. And his code words for Blacks, such as "Welfare Queens and "Bucks" shows where his heart lay! He was a racist.
Off to the land of ignore with you Nutz

You may continue trolling & insulting but at this point you'll be talking to yourself.

Later loser

A racist felon put me on ignore...and he thinks it bothers me...


Convict teapers are funny!
Nope, flat fact, Redfish. TeaPs have lost 3/4 of the seats they won in just four years.

You have not been able to distance yourselves from the racists in your movement.

You have made no case that the immigration laws are not enforced equally. BHO is completely within his constitutional rights with his executive orders because our Republican obstructionist Congress won't act.

What other countries do? Son, no one cares.

We will see what happens in november. The tea party is not a political party, it is a grass roots movement back to constitutionally limited government. It is not a radical "far right" movement, sure, there are some idiots and zealots that claim to be TP, but they are not.

Do you libs claim ownership of the far left agenda and the far left loons on your side? well, maybe you do based on who you keep electing.

The congress has acted, the house that is, Reid has not let a single piece of meaningful legislation reach the floor of the senate for a vote--------is he afraid one might pass?

My dad was calling me son, before your dad was capable or reproducing, so get off that juvenile bullshit.

My point on other countries and immigration laws was that others are not stupidly surrendering their soverienty by opening their borders to all who want to come in. Even Canada and Mexico, our neighbors, do not do what we do. our border policy is lunacy

Son, my children are older than your dad. Now be respectful to your elders. :lol:

November will show that more TP candidates lose, continuing a proven track record since last fall when you guys fucked yourselves over debt and budget.

No one is surrendering American sovereignty to illegals: that is stupid stuff.

What thoughtful Americans, including white ones like me, are doing is breaking the far right social con white entitlement to dictate laws. That is over for good.

Yes, some TPs are idiots, and you must distance yourselves every time they speak out.
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Hey Rocko, I think that you are pretty reasonable. If you look at the people who are posting the majority of threads about "race", what political persuasion do you think they are? If you look at my stats and the threads I respond to about race, just take a look at who started them. In fact this actual thread is a prime example. :)

Your logic is severely flawed. Why the hell is it the only people allowed to discuss race issues are liberals? Your damn politicians bring it up ALL THE TIME yet they don't get the same treatment.

LOL, where did I ever state that "the only people allowed to discuss race issues are liberals"? I believe in the First Amendment, people have a right to express their opinions and other people have a right to express their agreement or disagreement with those opinions.

Who are my "damn politicians", Corey Booker, Tim Scott, Gary Johnson? How do they allegedly "bring it up all of the time"?

Fair enough
Just 10 years ago, Bush did better among white voters (58-41) than Kerry did among Hispanic voters (53-44). Bush did pretty well with Hispanic voters in both of his victories. Since then the GOP has done everything they could to drive Hispanic voters away.
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