Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Whether the group is organized or not has nothing to do with the heinousness of a murder. Why is organization necessary to murder?

3K3 was (is) operating on the basis of past stories. There is no central network, no hierarchy on a national level, that we know of. That's what I'm differentiating from 3K1 and 3K2, which did have that hierarchy. In other words where some historians give us three Ku Klux Klans, I disagree and hold that there were two, plus a postwar resurgence of individual copycats here and there -- but the latter were not organized. When Simmons did his 3K2 in 1915, he officially chartered the group with the state of Georgia. When the civil war vets started 3K1 in 1865, they elected a civil war general (Nathan Bedford Forrest) as a national head. Nothing like that happened with the postwar splinter copycats. They simply sprang up spontaneously.

In other words it's simply not accurate to call some splinter copycat groups the same thing as the organized group. That has nothing to do with how repulsive their acts may be.

The Klan existed, whether nationally, regionally, or locally is unimportant. They were not worried about whether they met your business standard. I saw them march when I was a teenager, we knew they had infiltrated law enforcement from west Florida to East Texas.

They beat and tortured and killed people.

Captain Obvious strikes again

I know that you did not know the obvious, so I posted it for you. Thanks for the thanks.
The obstructionists in Congress on t he far right only want to tear down not build up.

But most them are gone now via the primaries, thank heavens.
Reagan still lives in the hearts and minds of millions of White males; and.., apparently in the heart and mind of my friend, Pogo! That IS a HUGE surprise.

Current events??? If we are discussing politics, Reagan is still relevant.

He's the only good leader we've had in this country for many decades.

A grade "Z" actor who skipped WWII but won the hearts of the TV generation.

Bet it pisses you off when people become wildly successful. What do you have against the TV generation?
Yeah, two generations later. These aren't the same people that were there 50 years ago.

Oh Really? The defection of Southern Democrats to the Republican party began in 1960s and gained momentum in 70's and 80's with such noted segregationist as:
David Duke, Grand Wizard of KKK
Strom Thurmond, US Senator from South Carolina
Harry F. Byrd, Senator from Virginia
Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr, US Senator from North Carolina
James F. Byrnes, Governor of South Carolina
Trent Lott, US Senator from Mississippi

Yes, conversion of the South did take generations. Even with Eisenhower's milk toast support of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, William H. Buckley Jr's out right support for southern segregationist, and Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1965 Civil Rights's Act and the Voter's Right Act of 1965, Democrats in the South were slow to abandon the party they had solidly supported for a hundred year. However, when Kennedy and Johnson crammed integration down the throat of southerns, there was no doubt, Democrat control of the South was over.

The coup de gras came with the great communicator Ronald Reagan. Reagan had openly opposed the Civil Rights and the Voter's Rights Act and gave the legislation credit for instigating the urban riots. When he declared war on the big bad federal government which had destroyed segregation in the South, it was music to ears to southern segregationist. Southern whites hated Johnson's welfare programs that were pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of poor blacks, so when Reagan attacked Welfare programs, Republicans made even more gains in the South.
Once more a liberal pushing a lie. The Dixiecrats remained Democrats to the day they died, except Strom Thurmond who became a republican. And as a republican he wasn't an enemy of blacks. Bigotry against minorities started and remains with the Democrat Party to this day.
Yes, most Dixiecrats returned to the Democrat Party in hopes of reversing the civil rights movement in the party which started with Truman's integration of the military and Hubert Humphrey's call for a civil rights plank in 1948. The Republican Party in the South was not an option for Dixiecrats because in most of the South, it exists in name only. Unlike today, liberals had a strong voice in the Republican party. Dewey actually supported civil rights legislation.

Over the years the Dixecrats remained nominal Democrats at best. Ultimately, the Dixiecrat movement paved the way for the rise of the modern Republican Party in the South. Many former Dixiecrat supporters eventually became Republicans, as was highlighted by Strom Thurmond's conversion in the 1960s. As Republicans began to embrace states rights, marginalize liberals in the party, and criticize civil rights legislation, segregationists found a home in GOP.

http://books.google.com/books?id=EW...MQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=noted dixiecrats&f=false
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Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





"Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth."

Not a single racist that fought in the civil war is still alive. I abhor slavery, but the average southerner of the time did not own a slave and only fought because they were being invaded.

"stupid southern Confederate racists"
You left out Democrat.

And for good cause, there were no Republicans or Democrats in the Confederacy.
The obstructionists in Congress on t he far right only want to tear down not build up.

But most them are gone now via the primaries, thank heavens.

Why would any sane person want to "build up" the government, Fakey? That's the only kind of building you are referring to.
Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





Not a single racist that fought in the civil war is still alive. I abhor slavery, but the average southerner of the time did not own a slave and only fought because they were being invaded.

"stupid southern Confederate racists"
You left out Democrat.

And for good cause, there were no Republicans or Democrats in the Confederacy.

That's news to me.
The obstructionists in Congress on t he far right only want to tear down not build up.

But most them are gone now via the primaries, thank heavens.

Why would any sane person want to "build up" the government, Fakey? That's the only kind of building you are referring to.

You only as an anarcho commie want to tear down the American constitutionalism and destroy the Republic.

Step along.
The obstructionists in Congress on t he far right only want to tear down not build up.

But most them are gone now via the primaries, thank heavens.

Why would any sane person want to "build up" the government, Fakey? That's the only kind of building you are referring to.

You only as an anarcho commie want to tear down the American constitutionalism and destroy the Republic.

Step along.

Abolishing the Dept of Education does not "tear down the American constitutionalism and destroy the Republic.." Neither does repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. As a matter of fact, that would enhance American constitutionalism.
As an anarcho commie, wukfit, you would to destroy American republican constitutionalism.

You want to overthrow our laws and government: that's what anarcho commies want to do.
it is a sad day in America when a campaign depends on whether or not they have the minority vote, instead of on the quality of the candidate.

Monorities couldn't care less who the president is so long as they are not white.

There is no point reaching out to them because they will not understand. They will vote for whatever furthers their own people's goals, ultimately working against the white race.

Whatever they vote for, all it does is bring the USA closer to a third world country.
Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves,

That's not why the war of northern aggression occurred.
Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

I see..it's all white people's fault....

Son, humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures. When left alone without government interference all humans self segregate according to race. When you grow up and have some life experience you'll understand...

...but you had fun typing all those insults, lies and smears...and really, that's what's important. Feel better now? :lol:

Translation: Rotagila has offered nothing worthwhile about race in this discussion.

Bub, we are not going back to white entitlement, not going to happen.
Translation: Rotagila has offered nothing worthwhile about race in this discussion.

Sure I have. You don't like it, so it isn't "worthwhile".. :lol:

Bub, we are not going back to white entitlement, not going to happen.

There is no such thing as "white entitlement" and we aren't talking about "going back" to anything..more distractions.

Rotagilla...you haven't been around for a while. Just get out of jail?
Translation: Rotagila has offered nothing worthwhile about race in this discussion.

Sure I have. You don't like it, so it isn't "worthwhile".. :lol:

Bub, we are not going back to white entitlement, not going to happen.

There is no such thing as "white entitlement" and we aren't talking about "going back" to anything..more distractions.

Yeah, there is, and, yes, we are not going back to it, and your distractions are transparent.

Why are you so concerned about "race"? It's just a thang and unimportant.

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