Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

What distinguishes blacks from Caucasians?
Take care in your response.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

A low blow, I know of few adults in the USA that at sometime in their lives have not committed some act that could be construed as a crime for which they could be incarcerated. Example: a rent to own microwave is abandoned in the rental housing you left. One payment remains due, you do not pay. FELONY.

Possess twenty grams or more marijuna, FELONY. Get a prescription pain pill from your sister, not presrcibed for you, FELONY.

Do you carry a book of lame excuses with you all the time? Or just keep it on your desk?
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Because whites remain in a position of power. Those fighting against the power structure must maintain some level of political unity

Ah! That didn't take long...
Thanks for revealing what is already known. it IS the 'us vs them' issue which you lefties are compelled to perpetuate in order to maintain your relevance.
Liberalism is divide and conquer.
You place people into groups and then pit them against each other. While you slither off into the darkness and feel uninhibited to do as you wish without consequences.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

A low blow, I know of few adults in the USA that at sometime in their lives have not committed some act that could be construed as a crime for which they could be incarcerated. Example: a rent to own microwave is abandoned in the rental housing you left. One payment remains due, you do not pay. FELONY.

Possess twenty grams or more marijuna, FELONY. Get a prescription pain pill from your sister, not presrcibed for you, FELONY.

Do you carry a book of lame excuses with you all the time? Or just keep it on your desk?

Without a doubt I deserved my time. Without a doubt I'm not the same person. Without a doubt Nuts is a dick who in the old days wouldn't have been able to finish his first sentence of insults before eating his words along with a bit of gravel. But this is today, here & now. She really doesn't have a clue but she's a bit more clued in than him.
It's easy to talk when you haven't been down trodden and at your lowest point. To her credit she has a good spirit. He's just a dick
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

What distinguishes blacks from Caucasians?
Take care in your response.

Dick size? :dunno:

;) :D:rofl:
What the tea party supposedly has on paper as their core beliefs are fine...regretfully their message of hate and obstruction trumps any validity of their core beliefs.

We really can't go into the Tea Party because that is going off topic. Would you like to start a thread?
It's not at all off topic if you are wondering why people of any race vote against such naked fear and loathing as they openly represent.

You are good at one thing...Creating your own reality.
That's done out of fear. Fear comes from ignorance. Ignorance begets hate.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

WOW! Great point, Grampa! In the 2008 election, Obama would not have been elected if it had not been for the white vote along with the black. Yet, it's a tiny minority of blacks that will vote for a white candidate in a given election. And do I dare say it? If there was such a study, I would say that tiny majority were the most educated.

Okay libs, have at it. but I expect to see links.

What do you mean a tiny minority of blacks vote for a white candidate in a given election?

Until 2008, every black voter participating in a presidential election voted for a white candidate.

And you vote for minority candidates why? Guilt? Popularity among your friends?
I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.

Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.

Honest debate? You have got to be shitting me, there is only two sides to any argument with them, their side and the dirty commie nazi's who are plotting our utter destruction. Honest debates must include the ability to see the other side of the argument in practical terms, there is not even a hint of that with them. You cannot debate people who are that ideologically blind.

Ideologically blind? Do you read your own posts?
Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves,

That's not why the war of northern aggression occurred.
Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

I see..it's all white people's fault....

Son, humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures. When left alone without government interference all humans self segregate according to race. When you grow up and have some life experience you'll understand...

...but you had fun typing all those insults, lies and smears...and really, that's what's important. Feel better now? :lol:

Humans segregate, but not necessary according to race. Over the thousands of years of existence of the species, it's become not just about race. It's about ideas and beliefs.
A low blow, I know of few adults in the USA that at sometime in their lives have not committed some act that could be construed as a crime for which they could be incarcerated. Example: a rent to own microwave is abandoned in the rental housing you left. One payment remains due, you do not pay. FELONY.

Possess twenty grams or more marijuna, FELONY. Get a prescription pain pill from your sister, not presrcibed for you, FELONY.

Do you carry a book of lame excuses with you all the time? Or just keep it on your desk?

Without a doubt I deserved my time. Without a doubt I'm not the same person. Without a doubt Nuts is a dick who in the old days wouldn't have been able to finish his first sentence of insults before eating his words along with a bit of gravel. But this is today, here & now. She really doesn't have a clue but she's a bit more clued in than him.
It's easy to talk when you haven't been down trodden and at your lowest point. To her credit she has a good spirit. He's just a dick

I have been downtrodden and hit extreme low points. So have many others. There is a difference...but I will let you figure that out for yourself. I tried to offer you a truce today...I guess your racism prevents you from accepting the peace offering...asshole.
Do you carry a book of lame excuses with you all the time? Or just keep it on your desk?

Without a doubt I deserved my time. Without a doubt I'm not the same person. Without a doubt Nuts is a dick who in the old days wouldn't have been able to finish his first sentence of insults before eating his words along with a bit of gravel. But this is today, here & now. She really doesn't have a clue but she's a bit more clued in than him.
It's easy to talk when you haven't been down trodden and at your lowest point. To her credit she has a good spirit. He's just a dick

I have been downtrodden and hit extreme low points. So have many others. There is a difference...but I will let you figure that out for yourself. I tried to offer you a truce today...I guess your racism prevents you from accepting the peace offering...asshole.

Dunno wtf you're talking about. I have no messages from you. And I don't follow you around in threads reading your every post so I can insult you.
Without a doubt I deserved my time. Without a doubt I'm not the same person. Without a doubt Nuts is a dick who in the old days wouldn't have been able to finish his first sentence of insults before eating his words along with a bit of gravel. But this is today, here & now. She really doesn't have a clue but she's a bit more clued in than him.
It's easy to talk when you haven't been down trodden and at your lowest point. To her credit she has a good spirit. He's just a dick

I have been downtrodden and hit extreme low points. So have many others. There is a difference...but I will let you figure that out for yourself. I tried to offer you a truce today...I guess your racism prevents you from accepting the peace offering...asshole.

Dunno wtf you're talking about. I have no messages from you. And I don't follow you around in threads reading your every post so I can insult you.

You should. I sent you a PM today.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

because the rest of us don't vote like old white men. so it's an age/gender thing.

That is an unintelligent racist and sexist response.
You liberals have become the very same people as those your predecessors hated in the 60's
Yes, it's called "History" and you can't change it.

The Southern red states today are the racist Southern Dixiecrat slave states that fought against America and wouldn't let black people vote. You can't change the fact that the white southern racist power structure that owned slaves, financed a civil war, kept black people from voting for 100 years, ordered cops to attack students and voters, and today finances the overt Southern racist red state Republican obstructionism that we have suffered since the very moment that Obama was elected, is still very much in a position of power to influence national politics. Obama was not elected because he's black. Obama was elected because Republican candidates are shit and We the People know that we do NOT need anything like George W. Bush as US President ever again.

Rich people are richer than ever before just like under every other white President, but suddenly we're living in a black President's oppressive Socialist tyranny? Obama killed an American teenager without any court or charges or trial or anything, just because. That is the most unconstitutional thing that any President can do, and stupid white American racists don't care because that teenager wasn't white.

Stupid Southern red state Dixiecrat Republican "Christian" Conservatives can't even make a rational argument against Obama because their hatred of him is based on irrational racism.

I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat so I'm not going to waste my time with a stupid partisan pissing match with you. The facts are, regardless of how badly you would like them to change, blacks were oppressed and brutalized by Democrats through most of American history. Your party owns it, period, no matter how much you guys attempt to rewrite history. Some of them did eventually become Republicans; most did not. The south stayed pretty firmly in the Democratic Party's hands until the turn of this past century. If you want to wallow in ignorance, be my guest. It doesn't affect me at all. You display just as much hatred and bigotry as the people you are accusing so quite frankly, you are in no place to point fingers.

Since so many self-righteous right wingers want to pretend there has been no shift in Democrat and Republican political platforms, here is a graphic to help you understand…THINGS CHANGED!


Now that you have read the chart, I would love to hear how you can explain how all those southern states, loaded with Blacks, came to be republican states? Hey, tell ya what… some of you idiots may be borderline illiterate so I’ll give you a map with COLORS, OK? Hopefully you can identify the southern states…you know, those ol’ former Democrat haunts you keep bringing up? WELLLL LOOK AT EM” NOW!

And your point is?
But more than one American did, for no other reason than the color of their skin. It wasn't leftist liberals ordering the police to attack black people. It was stupid white trash right-wing neo-Confederate red state "Christian" Conservative Republican racists.

Proven by photography, video, and the memories of the people who lived through it. It's called "history." You can't change it.

And your point is?
Look sunshine, most of the adult age people who went through the times depicted in your carefully selected images are now worm food.

No, sunshine...those were our parents and grandparents.
Way to miss the point.
Ignorance is not your friend.
I feel that they are extraordinarily fearful, reactionary and angry people who only know how to lash out at stuff that various pundits and politicians direct them to. How can such an angry mob be trusted to act rationally in their approach to governance? I said nothing about obstructionism which they are clearly and proudly engaging in.

Wow. fearful...reactionary...angry...lashing out....Sounds like these people need to be caged immediately. I think I could be involved with the tea party because they are constitutionalists and expect both democrats and republicans to come to the table with an honest debate for what is best for the country. In other words, dropping your party hats at the door. Integrity is what counts and an honest discussion without "what's in it for me." A utopian suggestion, but hardly fearful, angry or reactionary. A true Statesman.

Honest debate? You have got to be shitting me, there is only two sides to any argument with them, their side and the dirty commie nazi's who are plotting our utter destruction. Honest debates must include the ability to see the other side of the argument in practical terms, there is not even a hint of that with them. You cannot debate people who are that ideologically blind.

Firstly, you would need to produce a practical, intellectual argument. You cannot debate people who are that intellectually bereft.
Debating from a purely emotional position leaves nothing to argue. The Right doesn't FEEL like you do, so we must be wrong.
I used to think that it was simply a matter of the Left doesn't think like I do, but since joining up here several years ago, I've come to the realization that the left doesn't think at all.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

Therein lies the problem. ALL Americans need to abandon everything that sets them apart and become unhyphenated Americans. If you insist on airing 150 year old grievances and insisting on being treated special, you will be treated specially. Some will buy into the oppression bullshit and some will resent what they see as unfair treatment.

I see people as people. Of course, I notice skin color, but I view my dark skinned brothers as Americans, not rivals. My rivals are Liberals, racists and the spineless pseudo Conservatives that claim to be "main stream Republicans" but are in reality closet progressives that want everyone to think they're as smart as they like to think they are.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

Therein lies the problem. ALL Americans need to abandon everything that sets them apart and become unhyphenated Americans. If you insist on airing 150 year old grievances and insisting on being treated special, you will be treated specially. Some will buy into the oppression bullshit and some will resent what they see as unfair treatment.

I agree...hyphenations need to be eliminated and there needs to be an understanding among races. For example...you say 150 year old grievances...I say some of those 'grievances' are not nearly that old. I would start out just by pointing at the Jim Crow era and go on to say that some of those grievances are legitimate today. If you can't get beyond that point...there can never be communication or the beginning of an understanding - because you think racism ended with slavery and I believe it did not.
I see people as people. Of course, I notice skin color, but I view my dark skinned brothers as Americans, not rivals. My rivals are Liberals, racists and the spineless pseudo Conservatives that claim to be "main stream Republicans" but are in reality closet progressives that want everyone to think they're as smart as they like to think they are.

Your rivals are liberals....that is fine...they shouldn't be rivals though - they are fellow Americans with different ideals and despite what you may think, they love this country too! But if you see liberals and everyone who doesn't think like you as rivals - then you will never be able to communicate with blacks who are - as you put it - your rivals!

Basically what you just said in your communication is that racism ended with slavery, quit crying about it. Think like me or you are my rival...and to top if off, if you are black - then you must be looking for special treatment.

Therein lies the problem...you are incapable of appreciating opposing opinion. You don't have to agree, but you have to, at the very least, show a little respect and listen and TRY to understand the opposing view before you say something like racism ended 150 years ago.
For all of our innovative abilities, we're a very native people. We will learn this very well as the gun will be in the other hand.

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