Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Race doesn't exist according to scientists. We're one species, homo sapiens. Appearences don't indicate different species, just different evolutionary adaptations.

"Genetically Speaking, Race Doesn't Exist In Humans

Race doesn't matter. In fact, it doesn't even exist in humans. While that may sound like the idealistic decree of a minister or rabbi, it's actually the conclusion of an evolutionary and population biologist at Washington University in St. Louis. "
Genetically Speaking, Race Doesn't Exist In Humans

There is a difference between genetics and politics. In fact, science has proven to be fairly inconsequential when it comes to politics.

In a perfect world .....
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

I suppose to call this post and you an example of racism will bring a call of denial from all the racists and self defined conservatives as well as the usual personal attacks on my character. Frankly, I don't give a damn.

People of all races, ethnicity and creeds vote in their own self interests. That is, most people; there are many white Americans so brainwashed they do not. That includes the average and below average wage earner who votes for Republican candidates usually because of one issue.

Examples abound: those opposed to a women's right to choose; gun lovers; workers whose line of work is threatened by environmental concerns; religious fundamentalists; the very stupid, easily fooled; and of course racists, bigots and others who believe fundamental rights are theirs alone.
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Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.
Do you have proof of that statement or are you projecting again. Remember, your party started the KKK.
Minorities are not going to vote for a party overflowing with people who so clearly hate them.
Do you have proof of that statement or are you projecting again. Remember, your party started the KKK.

That's bullshit anyway. The KKK (original) was started by six Confederate soldiers in 1865, half a year after the Civil War ended. It was one of several such vigilante groups operating in denial of the result of the war (the "Knights of the White Camellia" was another) that died out. That KKK died out by 1880, partly thanks to Grant's crusading against them. Then it was revived (second KKK) in 1915 by a Georgia doctor named William Simmons. None of those people were politicians.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

I suppose to call this post and you an example of racism will bring a call of denial from all the racists and self defined conservatives as well as the usual personal attacks on my character. Frankly, I don't give a damn.

People of all races, ethnicity and creeds vote in their own self interests. That is, most people; there are many white Americans so brainwashed they do not. That includes the average and below average wage earner who votes for Republican candidates usually because of one issue.

Examples abound: those opposed to a women's right to choose; gun lovers; workers whose line of work is threatened by environmental concerns; religious fundamentalists; the very stupid, easily fooled; and of course racists, bigots and others who believe fundamental rights are theirs alone.

Lol wut? My post is racism? Yet your claim that white voters are brainwashed isn't?
How the fuck does that conundrum work?


Your dodging is not acceptable, Redfish.

You get no special treatment as a racist blockhead.

Seal the border, regulate business, reform our immigration law, and carefully inspect, detect, select, and correct by law the illegal racist behavior in the TP and other far right movements.

once again you refuse to answer a simple question:

why do our current immigration laws need changing?

you keep calling this racist, so I ask you again, when did hispanic become a race?

The question is simple and it is not the one you suggest.

Your language is racist, your posting is racist, thus you are racist in your approach.

When did hispanic not be a race? Go check the history of census forms, blockhead.

Once again, you resort to insults rather than answering a very simple question. We have hundreds of statutes on our books on the immigration process and how it applies to those who wish to become citizens of the USA.

Currently we have millions of people living in the USA who are not citizens, have not applied for entry or citizenship in accordance with our laws.

Why do you want the country to ignore our laws for these people while applying them to those who have applied lawfully?

Now, tell me what is racist about wanting our laws to be enforced. It would be racist to want them enforced for some "races" and not for others. You want the laws enforced for Swedes who want to come here but not for mexicans----------how do you justify that?

The blocks on census forms refer to ethnicity and/or race.

Races--------caucasian, negro, asian
ethnicity----------hispanic, pacific islander, etc.

The truth is that we are all of the same race---------the human race. Why must we divide ourselves in order to derive some benefit from the government?

Answer: Divide and conquer.
Redfish, you accuse me of your tactics. Go insult someone else and stand by it if you are a man.

I want the laws to be applied equally to everyone in the country, as the Constitution dictates, not as you want.

Yes, Hispanic can be identified as either race or ethnicity or both. Look more closely.

Glenn Beck is right, the far right is generally wrong, and Obama is in a hell of a situation, and I think Bush would be handling it no differently than Obama.

Returning to the values of white America does not hold the keys to the future.
Do you have proof of that statement or are you projecting again. Remember, your party started the KKK.

That's bullshit anyway. The KKK (original) was started by six Confederate soldiers in 1865, half a year after the Civil War ended. It was one of several such vigilante groups operating in denial of the result of the war (the "Knights of the White Camellia" was another) that died out. That KKK died out by 1880, partly thanks to Grant's crusading against them. Then it was revived (second KKK) in 1915 by a Georgia doctor named William Simmons. None of those people were politicians.

What's bullshit? I am not disputing your history review at all. The fact IS that Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 when he switched parties. He was 50 years old. During those years, the KKK, who then identified with the Southern White Democrats was still lynching Blacks, bombing and raping. Reagan knew that and, yet, his sympathies rested with them. even though he has never been tied to the organization. Further, when he became the Republican president he publicly expressed sentiments in that regard.

Human Events is a right-wing political journal that Reagan called his "favorite reading for years." Human Events recently had a special offer to subscribers for the historically revisionist book The Politically Correct Guide to the Civil War. The cover of the book has a picture of notorious war criminal and Ku Klux Klan founder Nathan Bedford Forrest. The book glosses over Forrest's atrocities at the Fort Pillow Massacre and is an apologia for antebellum Southern policies.

That's bullshit anyway. The KKK (original) was started by six Confederate soldiers in 1865, half a year after the Civil War ended. It was one of several such vigilante groups operating in denial of the result of the war (the "Knights of the White Camellia" was another) that died out. That KKK died out by 1880, partly thanks to Grant's crusading against them. Then it was revived (second KKK) in 1915 by a Georgia doctor named William Simmons. None of those people were politicians.

What's bullshit? I am not disputing your history review at all. The fact IS that Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 when he switched parties. He was 50 years old. During those years, the KKK, who then identified with the Southern White Democrats was still lynching Blacks, bombing and raping. Reagan knew that and, yet, his sympathies rested with them. even though he has never been tied to the organization. Further, when he became the Republican president he publicly expressed sentiments in that regard.

Human Events is a right-wing political journal that Reagan called his "favorite reading for years." Human Events recently had a special offer to subscribers for the historically revisionist book The Politically Correct Guide to the Civil War. The cover of the book has a picture of notorious war criminal and Ku Klux Klan founder Nathan Bedford Forrest. The book glosses over Forrest's atrocities at the Fort Pillow Massacre and is an apologia for antebellum Southern policies.

"Bullshit" refers to the previous post by AvgGuyIA, claiming that the Klan was started by a political party. That is what's bullshit.

The fact is the KKK didn't dabble in politics until its second incarnation, and when they did (1920s mostly, a couple of Senators/Governors and the Anaheim City Council) they propped up whatever candidate worked in that time and place. The ones elected I know of were Republicans in fact. But this revisionista bullshit that a political party started the Klan is just that -- more history rewrite by the Eliminationists. The Klan values were on race and, in the second incarnation, anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-loose women and public debauchery, pro-Christian values and anti-Communist. Their causes were (pervertedly) social and moral, not political except in the anti-Communism, and that would be a pseudo-political manifestation from the 'red scare' daze.

I'm aware Reagan was a Democrat, but that's got nothing to do with the Klan, nor do I believe he was a racist.
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The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

That is not true. True conservatism sees no race. The big issue these days is the infestation of the Tea Party confusing the issue.

You have no idea about what the Tea Party stands for.
Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

That is not true. True conservatism sees no race. The big issue these days is the infestation of the Tea Party confusing the issue.

You have no idea about what the Tea Party stands for.

Sure I do. They have many noble ideals...regretfully, Teapers destroy whats on paper with their anti-Government zealotry and race based hate.
Redfish, you accuse me of your tactics. Go insult someone else and stand by it if you are a man.

I want the laws to be applied equally to everyone in the country, as the Constitution dictates, not as you want.

Yes, Hispanic can be identified as either race or ethnicity or both. Look more closely.

Glenn Beck is right, the far right is generally wrong, and Obama is in a hell of a situation, and I think Bush would be handling it no differently than Obama.

Returning to the values of white America does not hold the keys to the future.

See, there you go again--------"white america" ? what the fuck is that?

If you want the laws applied equally to everyone, why don't you want the immigration laws applied equally to everyone who wants to enter the country?

Have you ever tried to enter Russia, Japan, the UK, France, Germany, Mexico, or Germany? I have, those countries enforce their immigration laws--------------what is the moronic train of thought that the USA does not have to?
Nope, flat fact, Redfish. TeaPs have lost 3/4 of the seats they won in just four years.

You have not been able to distance yourselves from the racists in your movement.

You have made no case that the immigration laws are not enforced equally. BHO is completely within his constitutional rights with his executive orders because our Republican obstructionist Congress won't act.

What other countries do? Son, no one cares.
The Hispanic vote is split about 70-30, which is somewhat diverse. The Asian vote is about the same. But your point is well taken.

For the last several elections, at least 90 percent of black voters have voted Democrat.

On the other hand, the GOP has not done a good job reaching out to minority voters. There have been cases where local GOP candidates have reached out to minority voters and have received a sizable chunk of their votes. So it can be done.
Nope, flat fact, Redfish. TeaPs have lost 3/4 of the seats they won in just four years.

You have not been able to distance yourselves from the racists in your movement.

You have made no case that the immigration laws are not enforced equally. BHO is completely within his constitutional rights with his executive orders because our Republican obstructionist Congress won't act.

What other countries do? Son, no one cares.

We will see what happens in november. The tea party is not a political party, it is a grass roots movement back to constitutionally limited government. It is not a radical "far right" movement, sure, there are some idiots and zealots that claim to be TP, but they are not.

Do you libs claim ownership of the far left agenda and the far left loons on your side? well, maybe you do based on who you keep electing.

The congress has acted, the house that is, Reid has not let a single piece of meaningful legislation reach the floor of the senate for a vote--------is he afraid one might pass?

My dad was calling me son, before your dad was capable or reproducing, so get off that juvenile bullshit.

My point on other countries and immigration laws was that others are not stupidly surrendering their soverienty by opening their borders to all who want to come in. Even Canada and Mexico, our neighbors, do not do what we do. our border policy is lunacy
The Hispanic vote is split about 70-30, which is somewhat diverse. The Asian vote is about the same. But your point is well taken.

For the last several elections, at least 90 percent of black voters have voted Democrat.

On the other hand, the GOP has not done a good job reaching out to minority voters. There have been cases where local GOP candidates have reached out to minority voters and have received a sizable chunk of their votes. So it can be done.

I don't think its 70-30 anymore. I read the gop's even lost the Cuban vote. They've got two more years and may sink below 20, though this send your kid to the US stuff is probably unpopular with a good many latinos too. Which is why the racist bs is just dumb white trash.

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