Why is it?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
That . . .

The modern Left here in America in particular, but also globally, is all about giving people ways out of seriously FUBAR personal behavior. Think carefully about it, provided you're able to think independently at all. Take abortion for instance. Having sex is about personal, adult responsibility. Getting pregnant can be a result of having sex, no matter how many precautions one takes ahead of that midnight rendezvous. Thus, becoming a parent is all about taking personal responsibility for having had sex (as an adult) in the first place. Abortion then, the issue in its entirety, becomes nearly foremost about having a "get out of jail free card" rather than taking responsibility for the creation of a new human life.

Modern Leftism allows for many other "outs" or reprieves from many other extremely bad behaviors which ought to be "owned" or faced up to or in many cases, punished by law. However, the modern postmodern strain or plague, more like, of liberalism preaches, specifically to our youngest minds, how they need not feel bad at all or even guilty in the least for their retched behavior. Modern liberalism seeks instead to reward barbarism in exchange for absolute loyalty to its cause, which of course, is the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

Want to don a mask and attack people on the street while calling yourself an "anti" fascist? Modern liberalism allows for that. Want to call your developing child a disease, a scourge, a life ruining mistake? The Democrats got you covered. What about claiming to be the opposite sex so you can "see" inside the ladies' changing room? No worries old chap, have at it! Hate your parents? Come aboard! Hate the nation, culture, history and religion of your birth? Hell yeah, the lefties want you! Despise having been born a certain "color" or creed? The modern Left loves self-hatred but loves it even more when you hate yourself so much you want to destroy yourself for who and how you were born.

Starting to get sight of the "big-picture" of the modern Left? Modern liberalism encourages our young minds to be bad, so long as they benefit from it, and to never ever apologize for being as rotten as they can be. Why is that?
Hard left politics appeals to dirty, dirty people. Immoral elitists pandering to criminals and lowlifes, the dregs of society for votes and power.
Because liberals are natural enablers of the scummiest, revolting behavior imaginable. Because they're so arrogant, they think it somehow makes them virtuous to glorify the lowest, most felon reprobate crime waves who are lucky enough to wander into a liberal's criminal-defending orbit. It's one of the most contrived examples of "fake compassion" I've ever seen in my life.
Because liberals are natural enablers of the scummiest, revolting behavior imaginable. Because they're so arrogant, they think it somehow makes them virtuous to glorify the lowest, most felon reprobate crime waves who are lucky enough to wander into a liberal's criminal-defending orbit. It's one of the most contrived examples of "fake compassion" I've ever seen in my life.

Agreed. It is the antithesis of all that is good and positive about being alive in this modern world. What could be more overtly evil than wailing to the sky because unborn children cannot be murdered in a given state of this Union?
That . . .

The modern Left here in America in particular, but also globally, is all about giving people ways out of seriously FUBAR personal behavior. Think carefully about it, provided you're able to think independently at all. Take abortion for instance. Having sex is about personal, adult responsibility. Getting pregnant can be a result of having sex, no matter how many precautions one takes ahead of that midnight rendezvous. Thus, becoming a parent is all about taking personal responsibility for having had sex (as an adult) in the first place. Abortion then, the issue in its entirety, becomes nearly foremost about having a "get out of jail free card" rather than taking responsibility for the creation of a new human life.

Modern Leftism allows for many other "outs" or reprieves from many other extremely bad behaviors which ought to be "owned" or faced up to or in many cases, punished by law. However, the modern postmodern strain or plague, more like, of liberalism preaches, specifically to our youngest minds, how they need not feel bad at all or even guilty in the least for their retched behavior. Modern liberalism seeks instead to reward barbarism in exchange for absolute loyalty to its cause, which of course, is the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

Want to don a mask and attack people on the street while calling yourself an "anti" fascist? Modern liberalism allows for that. Want to call your developing child a disease, a scourge, a life ruining mistake? The Democrats got you covered. What about claiming to be the opposite sex so you can "see" inside the ladies' changing room? No worries old chap, have at it! Hate your parents? Come aboard! Hate the nation, culture, history and religion of your birth? Hell yeah, the lefties want you! Despise having been born a certain "color" or creed? The modern Left loves self-hatred but loves it even more when you hate yourself so much you want to destroy yourself for who and how you were born.

Starting to get sight of the "big-picture" of the modern Left? Modern liberalism encourages our young minds to be bad, so long as they benefit from it, and to never ever apologize for being as rotten as they can be. Why is that?
What a screed

Nothing worthy of a response
That . . .

The modern Left here in America in particular, but also globally, is all about giving people ways out of seriously FUBAR personal behavior. Think carefully about it, provided you're able to think independently at all. Take abortion for instance. Having sex is about personal, adult responsibility. Getting pregnant can be a result of having sex, no matter how many precautions one takes ahead of that midnight rendezvous. Thus, becoming a parent is all about taking personal responsibility for having had sex (as an adult) in the first place. Abortion then, the issue in its entirety, becomes nearly foremost about having a "get out of jail free card" rather than taking responsibility for the creation of a new human life.

Modern Leftism allows for many other "outs" or reprieves from many other extremely bad behaviors which ought to be "owned" or faced up to or in many cases, punished by law. However, the modern postmodern strain or plague, more like, of liberalism preaches, specifically to our youngest minds, how they need not feel bad at all or even guilty in the least for their retched behavior. Modern liberalism seeks instead to reward barbarism in exchange for absolute loyalty to its cause, which of course, is the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

Want to don a mask and attack people on the street while calling yourself an "anti" fascist? Modern liberalism allows for that. Want to call your developing child a disease, a scourge, a life ruining mistake? The Democrats got you covered. What about claiming to be the opposite sex so you can "see" inside the ladies' changing room? No worries old chap, have at it! Hate your parents? Come aboard! Hate the nation, culture, history and religion of your birth? Hell yeah, the lefties want you! Despise having been born a certain "color" or creed? The modern Left loves self-hatred but loves it even more when you hate yourself so much you want to destroy yourself for who and how you were born.

Starting to get sight of the "big-picture" of the modern Left? Modern liberalism encourages our young minds to be bad, so long as they benefit from it, and to never ever apologize for being as rotten as they can be. Why is that?
What a screed

Nothing worthy of a response

My words + are now in your brain = small victory. Thanks for playing!
Because liberals are natural enablers of the scummiest, revolting behavior imaginable. Because they're so arrogant, they think it somehow makes them virtuous to glorify the lowest, most felon reprobate crime waves who are lucky enough to wander into a liberal's criminal-defending orbit. It's one of the most contrived examples of "fake compassion" I've ever seen in my life.

Agreed. It is the antithesis of all that is good and positive about being alive in this modern world. What could be more overtly evil than wailing to the sky because unborn children cannot be murdered in a given state of this Union?

While I don't care in the slightest about abortion (I have no personal stake in other people's human larvae), my problem with liberal toilet-bowl-floaties is their whoring out this country to the most demonstrably VIOLENT, sadistic, praised-by-Hitler, rape-epidemic, beheading-fetish, child-suicide-bomber hate ideology of all time, Pisslam. In 1400 years the liberals' favorite homicidal hate ideology has had a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere it has gone. The Islam disease has never peacefully co-existed with anyone, it has never had the slightest benefit to any society whatsoever. Yet liberals insist of flooding this country with Pisslam's nonstop, massive-cousin-inbreeding savagery (on our taxpayer dime) even though there is ZERO benefit to our society from doing so.
Modern liberalism encourages our young minds to be bad, so long as they benefit from it, and to never ever apologize for being as rotten as they can be. Why is that?

Yeah, "spoiling the youth" has been the rallying cry of decrepit, reactionary geezers since about forever. They killed Socrates for it, some 2500 years ago, and not a single real insight dawned on the geezers since. For them, during all this time, there was never humiliating enough a punishment meted out to those whose vitality they can't match, whose joy of life they resent, and whose long future they hate with a vengeance. So they had an idea: "Why not create, and leave behind, a system of quasi-legal oppression that makes their life as miserable and joyless as ours has been, and still is?"

They've been screeching for harsher punishment ever since. So, why is it? Why not shut up, waddle into your sunset, and leave alone those with a life to live?
Because liberals are natural enablers of the scummiest, revolting behavior imaginable. Because they're so arrogant, they think it somehow makes them virtuous to glorify the lowest, most felon reprobate crime waves who are lucky enough to wander into a liberal's criminal-defending orbit. It's one of the most contrived examples of "fake compassion" I've ever seen in my life.

Agreed. It is the antithesis of all that is good and positive about being alive in this modern world. What could be more overtly evil than wailing to the sky because unborn children cannot be murdered in a given state of this Union?

While I don't care in the slightest about abortion (I have no personal stake in other people's human larvae), my problem with liberal toilet-bowl-floaties is their whoring out this country to the most demonstrably VIOLENT, sadistic, praised-by-Hitler, rape-epidemic, beheading-fetish, child-suicide-bomber hate ideology of all time, Pisslam. In 1400 years the liberals' favorite homicidal hate ideology has had a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere it has gone. The Islam disease has never peacefully co-existed with anyone, it has never had the slightest benefit to any society whatsoever. Yet liberals insist of flooding this country with Pisslam's nonstop, massive-cousin-inbreeding savagery (on our taxpayer dime) even though there is ZERO benefit to our society from doing so.

Thanks. I somewhat agree, minus the abortion bit. Appreciate the response.
That . . .

The modern Left here in America in particular, but also globally, is all about giving people ways out of seriously FUBAR personal behavior. Think carefully about it, provided you're able to think independently at all. Take abortion for instance. Having sex is about personal, adult responsibility. Getting pregnant can be a result of having sex, no matter how many precautions one takes ahead of that midnight rendezvous. Thus, becoming a parent is all about taking personal responsibility for having had sex (as an adult) in the first place. Abortion then, the issue in its entirety, becomes nearly foremost about having a "get out of jail free card" rather than taking responsibility for the creation of a new human life.

Modern Leftism allows for many other "outs" or reprieves from many other extremely bad behaviors which ought to be "owned" or faced up to or in many cases, punished by law. However, the modern postmodern strain or plague, more like, of liberalism preaches, specifically to our youngest minds, how they need not feel bad at all or even guilty in the least for their retched behavior. Modern liberalism seeks instead to reward barbarism in exchange for absolute loyalty to its cause, which of course, is the destruction of America and Western Civilization.

Want to don a mask and attack people on the street while calling yourself an "anti" fascist? Modern liberalism allows for that. Want to call your developing child a disease, a scourge, a life ruining mistake? The Democrats got you covered. What about claiming to be the opposite sex so you can "see" inside the ladies' changing room? No worries old chap, have at it! Hate your parents? Come aboard! Hate the nation, culture, history and religion of your birth? Hell yeah, the lefties want you! Despise having been born a certain "color" or creed? The modern Left loves self-hatred but loves it even more when you hate yourself so much you want to destroy yourself for who and how you were born.

Starting to get sight of the "big-picture" of the modern Left? Modern liberalism encourages our young minds to be bad, so long as they benefit from it, and to never ever apologize for being as rotten as they can be. Why is that?
the right wing is worse.

I smoked lots of joints in my late teens and 20s yet here I am, a far right extremist and virulent racist. Weird.

LOL, I've smoked enough weed in my life to fill an Olypmic swimming pool and still do....but still I'm apparently a "far right extremist" according to liberals, simply because I don't have a muslim penis in my mouth. And that's what their "far right" epithetic really means to these liberal Islamic human condoms.
Why is it.......that guilty white liberals allow the most violent, 3rd-world dregs of humanity to cornhole their oh-so-enlightened assholes, yet don't even have enough pride to ask for a reach-around?? Is that just one of those progressive leftist secrets mankind will never figure out?

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