Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Pictures of planets forming


Pictures of mars and the moon.


Hmm, mars and the moon are as old as the earth what happened ? why is there no life on them ?

Mars must have more disorder...........

I wonder why.

It's the will of the gods.

You're not allowed to question it.
Your God of naturalism poofed it in to existence right ? now that isn't creepy, that is weird. Ironic you believe in miraculous events and I believe in a creator that used his natural ability.

Here is what characterizes your rants as pseudoscience as a front to nothing more than religious belief :

You display an indifference to facts;

Your "research" is invariably sloppy;

You are indifferent to criteria of valid evidence;

You rely heavily on subjective validation;

Your arguments always achieve a reduction to absurdity if pursued far enough;

Your creation science has produced no practical real world applications;

You attempt to persuade with rhetoric, propaganda, and misrepresentation rather than valid evidence;

You argue from ignorance, an elementary fallacy;

You make extraordinary claims and advance fantastic theories that contradict what is known about nature;

You often appeal to the ancient human habit of magical thinking;

Now that you know what your problems are, what are you going to do about them? My suggestion is for you to put your bible down and takes some real college courses.
Here is what characterizes your rants as pseudoscience as a front to nothing more than religious belief :

You display an indifference to facts;

Your "research" is invariably sloppy;

You are indifferent to criteria of valid evidence;

You rely heavily on subjective validation;

Your arguments always achieve a reduction to absurdity if pursued far enough;

Your creation science has produced no practical real world applications;

You attempt to persuade with rhetoric, propaganda, and misrepresentation rather than valid evidence;

You argue from ignorance, an elementary fallacy;

You make extraordinary claims and advance fantastic theories that contradict what is known about nature;

You often appeal to the ancient human habit of magical thinking;

Now that you know what your problems are, what are you going to do about them? My suggestion is for you to put your bible down and takes some real college courses.

One more time and let it sink in.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcF75h4BHk8]How Great Thou Art by Alan Jackson - YouTube[/ame]
Your God of naturalism poofed it in to existence right ? now that isn't creepy, that is weird. Ironic you believe in miraculous events and I believe in a creator that used his natural ability.

What god of naturalism? That doesn't make sense.

There are no miraculous events that I'm aware of in the natural world. Nature appears to consistently adhere to principles we largely understand. Can you identify a single example of something in the natural world we live in that demonstrates supernaturalism?

So, you seem to be suggesting that your alleged supernatural creator gods have natural abilities. How quaint that your configuration of supernatural gods are no different (except in body count) than the Greek gods.
Here is what characterizes your rants as pseudoscience as a front to nothing more than religious belief :

You display an indifference to facts;

Your "research" is invariably sloppy;

You are indifferent to criteria of valid evidence;

You rely heavily on subjective validation;

Your arguments always achieve a reduction to absurdity if pursued far enough;

Your creation science has produced no practical real world applications;

You attempt to persuade with rhetoric, propaganda, and misrepresentation rather than valid evidence;

You argue from ignorance, an elementary fallacy;

You make extraordinary claims and advance fantastic theories that contradict what is known about nature;

You often appeal to the ancient human habit of magical thinking;

Now that you know what your problems are, what are you going to do about them? My suggestion is for you to put your bible down and takes some real college courses.

There is no evidence that contradicts the works of the creator,only a bunch of so called intelligent people with vivid imaginations. You make to much of the little we know Vs the many unknowns.

Only a fool will not ponder why this planet is so uniquely set up compared to other planets. Only a fool will think it just happened and all this life just sprang into existence.

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

You know the cell and it's complexity is a working machine just like this planet is a living organism.

This wonderful planet no matter what man throws at it just keeps repairing itself. Wow what a coincidence most living organisms have that same ability but there are limits to us repairing our broken and worn out bodies. Just like there are limits to organisms adapting to their environment.
There is no evidence that contradicts the works of the creator,only a bunch of so called intelligent people with vivid imaginations. You make to much of the little we know Vs the many unknowns.

Only a fool will not ponder why this planet is so uniquely set up compared to other planets. Only a fool will think it just happened and all this life just sprang into existence.

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

You know the cell and it's complexity is a working machine just like this planet is a living organism.

This wonderful planet no matter what man throws at it just keeps repairing itself. Wow what a coincidence most living organisms have that same ability but there are limits to us repairing our broken and worn out bodies. Just like there are limits to organisms adapting to their environment.

Wow, that one post of yours demonstrated nearly every one of the items in my critique. That's just sad.

Your video shows the Thermodynamic laws at work. It also reaffirms the points I am making. It shows that the creator is what holds it all together. It shows that perfection was lost and we are seeing the results of adam and eves choice. It shows that this planet was designed for life.

Imagine a giant explosion and all that matter being scattered throughout the universe but only the necessary elements and conditions found their way to this planet. Random chance is your explanation that only reveals the absurdity in the minds of men and women.
There is no evidence that contradicts the works of the creator,only a bunch of so called intelligent people with vivid imaginations. You make to much of the little we know Vs the many unknowns.

Only a fool will not ponder why this planet is so uniquely set up compared to other planets. Only a fool will think it just happened and all this life just sprang into existence.

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

You know the cell and it's complexity is a working machine just like this planet is a living organism.

This wonderful planet no matter what man throws at it just keeps repairing itself. Wow what a coincidence most living organisms have that same ability but there are limits to us repairing our broken and worn out bodies. Just like there are limits to organisms adapting to their environment.

Wow, that one post of yours demonstrated nearly every one of the items in my critique. That's just sad.

Why is that sad I am a realist with a background in science and yet do not lack the ability to reason.
More to ponder.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVkdQhNdzHU]Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbluTDb1Nfs]Centre for Intelligent Design Lecture 2011 by Stephen Meyer on 'Signature in the Cell'. - YouTube[/ame]
There is no evidence that contradicts the works of the creator,only a bunch of so called intelligent people with vivid imaginations. You make to much of the little we know Vs the many unknowns.

Only a fool will not ponder why this planet is so uniquely set up compared to other planets. Only a fool will think it just happened and all this life just sprang into existence.

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

You know the cell and it's complexity is a working machine just like this planet is a living organism.

This wonderful planet no matter what man throws at it just keeps repairing itself. Wow what a coincidence most living organisms have that same ability but there are limits to us repairing our broken and worn out bodies. Just like there are limits to organisms adapting to their environment.

We have no evidence of any "creator", thus no mechanism to connect any "works" to a "creator". Your inventions of supernatural agents calls into question your ability to function in the rational world.

Only a fool (or a religious zealot), would make the claim that the planet is "uniquely set up", when "set up" is intended to presume supermagical intervention. When you consistently fail to provide support for your claims, they are dismissed as specious.

The fool has cut and pasted far too often from Harun Yahya.

The cell is a biological organism. You can ascribe all the magical, supernatural attributes you wish. Add all the flowery language you find on Harun Yahya describing cell structure ad you wish. But as someone with a limited science background and vocabulary, you do come across as wholly incompetent.

Do you have any clue that your comments self-contradict?
There is no evidence that contradicts the works of the creator,only a bunch of so called intelligent people with vivid imaginations. You make to much of the little we know Vs the many unknowns.

Only a fool will not ponder why this planet is so uniquely set up compared to other planets. Only a fool will think it just happened and all this life just sprang into existence.

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

You know the cell and it's complexity is a working machine just like this planet is a living organism.

This wonderful planet no matter what man throws at it just keeps repairing itself. Wow what a coincidence most living organisms have that same ability but there are limits to us repairing our broken and worn out bodies. Just like there are limits to organisms adapting to their environment.

Wow, that one post of yours demonstrated nearly every one of the items in my critique. That's just sad.

Why is that sad I am a realist with a background in science and yet do not lack the ability to reason.
A "realist" who believes in magic, supernaturalism and mythical gawds.

It's a bit of a stretch to suggest that copying and pasting from Harun Yahya denotes a science background.
Your video shows the Thermodynamic laws at work. It also reaffirms the points I am making. It shows that the creator is what holds it all together. It shows that perfection was lost and we are seeing the results of adam and eves choice. It shows that this planet was designed for life.

Imagine a giant explosion and all that matter being scattered throughout the universe but only the necessary elements and conditions found their way to this planet. Random chance is your explanation that only reveals the absurdity in the minds of men and women.

You display an indifference to facts;

Your "research" is invariably sloppy;

You are indifferent to criteria of valid evidence;

You rely heavily on subjective validation;

Your arguments always achieve a reduction to absurdity if pursued far enough;

Your creation science has produced no practical real world applications;

You attempt to persuade with rhetoric, propaganda, and misrepresentation rather than valid evidence;

You argue from ignorance, an elementary fallacy;

You make extraordinary claims and advance fantastic theories that contradict what is known about nature;

You often appeal to the ancient human habit of magical thinking;

Shall I continue?
There is no evidence that contradicts the works of the creator,only a bunch of so called intelligent people with vivid imaginations. You make to much of the little we know Vs the many unknowns.

Only a fool will not ponder why this planet is so uniquely set up compared to other planets. Only a fool will think it just happened and all this life just sprang into existence.

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

You know the cell and it's complexity is a working machine just like this planet is a living organism.

This wonderful planet no matter what man throws at it just keeps repairing itself. Wow what a coincidence most living organisms have that same ability but there are limits to us repairing our broken and worn out bodies. Just like there are limits to organisms adapting to their environment.

Wow, that one post of yours demonstrated nearly every one of the items in my critique. That's just sad.

Why is that sad I am a realist with a background in science and yet do not lack the ability to reason.

You need to contact your teachers and ask for a refund, because, damn.
Wow, that one post of yours demonstrated nearly every one of the items in my critique. That's just sad.

Why is that sad I am a realist with a background in science and yet do not lack the ability to reason.

You need to contact your teachers and ask for a refund, because, damn.

You are right I should get a refund for the B.S. I was taught as a fact, yet saw through all that when I matured.
Wow, that one post of yours demonstrated nearly every one of the items in my critique. That's just sad.

Why is that sad I am a realist with a background in science and yet do not lack the ability to reason.

You need to contact your teachers and ask for a refund, because, damn.

There is some really good science being taught out there, but there is also a lot of Ideological science being taught as well, if you want to call it science.
Interesting what fully formed planets look like compared to earth. Not to many comments concerning this issue.

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